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Posts posted by NoUseforaUsername

  1. Chin up.

    Christmas, everyone lets themselves down.

    My issue is that I always need to be hAve something in my hands be it cigarette, beer, coffee or bag of crisps when I am watching something on telly.

    My older brother said to eat as little as possible after 6 in the evening, but that's precisely the time I eat too much junk or consume too much coffee etc.

    Before 6 isn't a problem, I can easily preoccupy myself then.

  2. I never understood why the actor who played A.J. got so much shit from people. I like his portrayal of A.J.

    James Gandolfini was a great actor, a great physical actor; especially in the scene where Carmela reveals she fantasises about Furio. I love his mannerisms.

    So many great performances.

    Side note: Edie Falco once went out with Big Brother's Nasty Nick. Couldn't believe it when I heard that.

  3. I watched Hulk Still Rules the other night.

    Towards the end it showed highlights of Hogan's title win over HHH after interference from Jericho and Taker.

    Just a random observation but Chris Jericho epitomized what a midcarder looks like to me with the red highlights in his hair and "rock star" wardrobe.

    He looked like a child next to Hogan and HHH.

    Took him until 2008 where he could be taken seriously as a main eventer IMO.

  4. I'm not sure the Zodiac Killer fits into Fortean or Paranormal or Conspiracy but it's probably the most intriguing mystery I've ever read about.

    The movie by David Fincher was very good.

    Some good documentaries and theories about who it is/was online.

    It's been a while since I read the book, written by the guy Jake Gyllenhaal played in the movie; I remember enjoying it but then reading that a lot of the stuff in the book was discredited.

    Graysmith is his name.

  5. Dreams, eh?

    Had a dream recently where Glen Jacobs (Kane) was found sodomised to death and decapitated in a dank motel room.

    Yeah, I should probably stop drinking coffee after midnight.

    A therapist once told me to write down what happens in my dreams every time I wake up in the morning so I can analyse them and discuss what they mean.

    I'm struggling to comprehend why I would have such an upsetting dream. The trigger may have been a video I saw on YouTube ages ago from when WWE were touring in the UK and a couple of fans videoed Kane staring in awe and taking pictures of a gay nightclub event poster on a building wall while said fans heckled him, but it's quite a jump from that to the snuff dream I had.

  6. Skimming through William Regal's book and get to the part about Sid and Arn's scissorfight. Regal says accounts of it were in all the national papers the next day. Why is it then that I've never found any paper clippings online referring to it and scarcely any other official accounts?

    According to Regal it happened in Blackburn, which seems to be the common consensus but I have also read accounts of it happening in Germany.

    There's a famous headline about one of John Gotti's trials in the 80's, "I FORGOTTI", referring to a victim failing to give testimony about one of Gotti's crimes on the stand, which is another white whale of mine; never saw a pic of said headline, but it did happen.

    LOL at the anecdote about Regal, Austin and Foley unwittingly larking about on a beach full of homosexuals, or "shirtlifters" as Regal calls them.





  7. 16 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Hideo Itami has smashed Brian Kendrick’s face up doing the GTS. Broken orbital bone and broken nose. Itami can’t catch a real, can he?

    Pretty ironic after what he said about CM Punk.

    *Bret Hart smug cloud passes over the horizon*


    Best there is, best there was, best there ever will be. ,never injured anyone in a 22 year career. Triple H couldn't lace my boots.

    *Bret Hart smug cloud disappears over the horizon*


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