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Posts posted by Lord-Mountevans

  1. On 4/7/2020 at 10:04 AM, patiirc said:

    Does anyone have a good place to start as I havent had the time to delve into wrestling properly for years.

    I would start at the beginning because his Fuji Yamada stuff was good. There is WOS, Satellite Wrestling & Stampede footage on YouTube.  

  2. 13 hours ago, SaitoRyo said:

    Has anyone read Stan Hansen: The Last Outlaw?

    I'd love to get a copy but they seem hard to come by. It's almost 600 pages long, too, but it has some good reviews online. 

    Also never quite got around to getting a copy of Terry Funk's book but I hope to track it down for a reasonable price sooner than later.

    Yeah i have it. You can't go wrong with Scott Teal over at Crowbar Press, all of their books are of the highest quality :)

  3. 21 minutes ago, CAREBEAR LUVVA said:

    the lass in the flat upstairs had her fella round for an almighty floor/ceiling shaking shag this afternoon

    Perhaps you should suggest the old "Dildo gaffer taped to a clothes prop, through the letter box" routine? 

    Mrs. Mountevans never complains & i simply tell the neighbours it's "Social Isolation Snooker" (the tuxedo always fools them ;))

  4. 3 hours ago, Loki said:

    Mad Lord Bath has also died of CV-19.  Longleat was a top local destination as a kid, really eccentric much of big cats

    I assume the current flight restrictions has afforded that Bitch Carole Baskin another bogus alibi?

  5. 34 minutes ago, Sphinx said:

    That sounds like an urban myth to me. They'd have to spend money on fireworks to let people know when they could do what everyone else does and send WhatsApp messages or texts.

    Even if they were concerned about those messages being traced, checking out where the firework came from is surely a giveaway.

    It's not an urban myth. I associate it with deprived areas where drug abuse is rife. It's a very simple & quick way of letting your druggy community know it is "party time".

    With regards to the location of the mini bomb, it can be done almost anywhere locally because the customers already know where to go, it's not like they have to look for the smoke, crack open some sparklers & pretend it's Guy Fawkes Night.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Sphinx said:

    That actually happens? Don't most dealers drop off? I was thinking there could be confusion over which dealer has stuff in unless it's just one person.

    It happens near me. It's like a small bomb going off, rather that fireworks. I am guessing that it sparks the local druggy industry & benefits the main dealer or dealers in the area?

  7. 3 minutes ago, Shy Dad said:

    Came into this chat seeing a number of pages had gone by thinking that last nights New Jack episode must have been great. 

    Instead it's still Lord Mount having a moan about Triple H. 

    Point taken & Apologies for rattling on.

    I watched the latest episode with New Jack. A proper good watch, as all the episodes are, not that i learned very much because i have followed his career & recently bought his book.

    What became apparent to me was that New Jack commanded respect & if you were perhaps a rookie or a bit of a fool, things could get very nasty, very quickly. Vic Grimes got a harsh one though! Seemed like a legit attempt at murder off the back of being fearful of his own safety the year before.

    More Sandman insanity too, by adding extra colour to his match to take heat off the Mass Transit incident. There is a Jerome Young out there somewhere. I saw a documentary when he was trying to get into acting & apparently his was very professional & a pleasure to be around.


  8. 2 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

    He isn't my mate though, I don't know him at all apart from the performer on television and the man who does interviews for his company. This is why I don't have an opinion of him either way.

    I tend to make my own judgement on people as I will never likely meet HHH (and if I do I will hide my best pen) I doubt I will ever for much of an opinion either way. I will however break that rule for Jamie Oliver. 

    You swerved my question though. Is Triple H a superior heel to the likes of 1980's Haystacks/Finlay etc or a bit of a cunt by comparison? (adult or child would get the autograph if the fan showed respect & was sensitive of the situation).

  9. 41 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

    If he was heel and he did it to a fully grown adult then no I probably would not think he was a cunt. If it was to a kid then yes. 

    Over in the UK in the 1980's when kayfabe was alive & well, you could politely approach the likes of Giant Haystacks or Fit Finlay (who were hated heels) & get an autograph. They would not tolerate rudeness or crowds, but if you approached them in a similar way to your mate Triple H, you would not get the snapped pen treatment.

    Haystacks/Finlay etc were not hurting the business by breaking kayfabe. There is a time & a place. Or is it a case of Triple H being a superior heel? 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

    Ahhhh right, so you have a overwhelming hatred of him because he snapped your mates pen. It all makes sense now, thank you. 

    Not that it matters, but if that happened to you or a friend, would you think that it was the act of a cunt?

  11. 5 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

    If you could just tell us all why he is such a cunt then this would all be sorted.

    I can give you a first account that you will still dismiss, here goes (i have previously posted this on here ages ago, somewhere?):

    A guy i know went to a WWE UK event & on his return, bumped into me. After talking about the show, he hinted about Triple H being a cunt, so i pushed him into telling me why.

    Triple H & Flair were sat in a public area, having a chat. My friend said that he patiently waited at a distance, when it was apparent the they were on the move, he approached Triple H for an autograph on his programme. Triple H proceeded to snap his pen & say "Sorry i can't because your pen is broke", Flair just laughed in his face.

  12. 42 minutes ago, CavemanLynn said:

    To be honest, she's the one who comes off like more of a cunt in that relationship.

    Can i just bring you up to date with the rules around here?

    You now have to explain why Stephanie is a "cunt" with actual evidence/rumours/hearsay & gather the same from others. Then you wait while the opposition say you are wrong & have proved nothing. The same people do not have to give any evidence of your chosen victim being a non-cunt. It then gets a bit nasty, before everyone backs off a little because it really is not that important in today's climate. We then all regroup & go through the process again.

    Good luck & can i say that i agree that Stephanie is a cunt, but not as bigger cunt as Trips or the murdery, rapey ones.


  13. 33 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

    Deciding he is a cunt based on nothing but your own personal experiences of people you think he is similar to is ridiculous though. 

    I'm not trying to change your mind I just find it baffling the amount of hatred you have for him based on minimal evidence. 

    I find it baffling the lengths you go to defend him? Have you got any more than minimal evidence he is not a cunt?

    I guess we are back to the point of the circle that we wish each other well regarding the virus? Stay safe Mr. Blog :)

  14. 24 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

    Still waiting on evidence he is a cunt other than not putting people over. 

    Maybe this is a poor example because of the mental & unique nature of wrestling. But i have worked with people (not the wrestling industry) who were completely void of  integrity & would do or say almost anything to get on. The same people would kiss the arse of everyone above them & shit on all of those beneath them. These people are HORRIBLE to deal with on almost any kind of level.

    I see those traits in my "mate" Trips. Yes i have never worked with him, but i am going with the old saying "You don't need to be a weatherman to know when it's pissing down".

    I respect you have a different opinion to me. That's another problem with the WWE, Vince & his top boys seem to be the only ones who's opinions count for anything or are even asked for?

  15. 41 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

    Triple H who chimed in with "Look I know I may be out of line, here, but maybe we should do business for this guy"

    There is footage of Triple H admitting as much. Being the cunt he is, he could be lying of course.

  16. 46 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    I usually wander out on the morning that they're working and get a bit of chit-chat while they're on their break.

    At the risk of sounding unfriendly, anyone who interrupts my break would have their nose interrupted with a punch!

  17. 1 minute ago, wandshogun09 said:

    What was he meant to do there though? Give her a load of abuse back? Then you’d be calling him a cunt for that. 

    He could have politely explained what happened or why it happened or just maybe not hung his head down like a naughty schoolboy & "swear to God he knew nothing about it" When he clearly did.

  18. 27 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

    I've read through the last few pages, and maybe I'm completely missing something here, but you haven't given any reasons for why you think he's a cunt

    1, He allegedly came up with the idea of screwing Bret Hart.
    2, The cowardly way he took the Julie Hart bollocking (wrestling with shadows).
    3, Continually being rude to fans (circa Attitude era). 
    4, His "Friends" (you hang around shit, you turn into shit).
    5, His selfishness (especially at Wrestlemania).
    6, The predatory nature in a lot of dealings with NXT UK.
    7, The multitude of lies he has spoken about regarding contracts/bookings/promotions etc etc within the UK .

    I typed those off the top of my head, there are more. It was way too easy.

  19. 2 hours ago, Joe Blog said:

    Which lends more to the argument that he genuinely loved and loves her. 

    What has perhaps got lost in this debate is that the marriage is only the tip of the iceberg with regards to Triple H's Cuntishness.

    Yes he has not murdered anyone or raped etc. But he is a cunt! There are loads of examples of him being a cunt outside of his marriage. Plenty of stuff that has been documented. Granted it is different people's opinions. But even recently he came across as a massive lying cunt. Quite a few things within NXT UK suggest to me that it is easy to play the modest "Legend" & be a cunt behind the smile.

    One thing we can agree on Joe, is that i will not change my mind (at least until he proves otherwise) because he really is a cunt

  20. 9 minutes ago, FUM said:

    Never got the Triple H marrying Stephanie for the power thing. I'd be shit scared to tell Vince I was shagging his daughter.

    He'd already seen what happened to Macho Man.

    If he was that shit scared, he could have shagged someone else?

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