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Posts posted by Lord-Mountevans

  1. 8 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Let's just say you won't be getting an AEW contract any time soon.

    OK my "selling" is not great!

    Perhaps i should have cried myself to sleep around Christmas time? 😄 

  2. On 7/26/2018 at 11:18 PM, Lord-Mountevans said:

    The UKFF is very "clicky" so if you are in the cool gang you are always deemed "right" or "funny". Or "shit" if you sit on the other side of the fence.

    Bit of a tip for MPDTT. Don't take anything on here too personally mate.

    I got nominated for "Dolt of the Year" and just "no-sold" it and just carried on with my life (am i selling it now?)

  3. 9 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

    The third series has some of the straight up funniest bits of all three, but the format change did give it a very different feel.



    Does the DVD have the first half of the show?  On TV they only showed the second half in costumes, not the "radio show" first half.

    I think the DVD is the full show, although i have yet to watch it because i have already seen it live. 

    The live DVD was reasonably priced at £7 from HMV straight after it was released.

  4. 23 hours ago, LCJ said:

    I mean only the first series was good (and it was very good to be fair). I remember the series going downhill fast after that and I didn’t like the film at the time either. I also saw the first episode from the latest series and didn’t see any improvement. The series stopped entertaining me and didn’t make me laugh anymore. 

    I really enjoyed the first two series. The third series lost it's way a bit and the film was awful!

    Their return for the mini series about 18 months ago was a nice return to form. LOG live tour was a fun celebration of a mixture of old and new sketches to watch at the venues, but did not translate well on DVD.


  5. 18 hours ago, Rossman said:

    The face of Baranchyk's last opponent.


    I think Taylor will be able to neutralise Baranchyk's power. The Belarusian is a strong dude but Taylor has a height and reach advantage so should be able to keep him on the outside and box from distance.

    It will be the first time Naoya Inoue fights outside of Japan. It will be interesting to see what type of reaction he gets. I would image Inoue will continue onto the final with a stoppage tonight.

    Did Baranchyk's last opponent fight him twice and got both his eyes fucked up over the course of two fights?

  6. 6 hours ago, wandshogun09 said:

    . Of course, even if he knocks Canelo out cold they’ll probably call it a slip and still score the round to Canelo but you know. 

    I think you are exaggerating slightly here!

    If Canelo gets knocked out, i would like to think Jacobs could secure a draw?

  7. 2 hours ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

    Apparently Mighty John Quinn, a regular on World of Sport, has passed away. 

    Arguably the best ever villain to visit these shores. 

    Quinn did many tours of the UK and drew big crowds and big heat. Also held Joint Promotions up for a big pay day before jobbing out to Big Daddy and then took their "World Heavyweight belt" over to the opposition.

    RIP Mighty John 😢

  8. 2 hours ago, Yakashi said:

    Exactly. If you saw it as Paul and Mike being pricks and not as Hunter and Shawn being pricks then that’s your fault for being too far down the rabbit hole. 

    But what if you genuinely believe that "Paul and Mike" are total pricks in real life and have just helped shit all over one of their longest serving colleague in a really sneaky, disrespectful way?

  9. 14 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Bret was a massive mard arse who didn't want to lose in Canada, didn't want to drop the belt in Canada, didn't want to lose or drop the belt to HBK, and didn't want to drop the belt before Montreal because Canadian fans were 'expecting' him to be champion when he turned up. It was an entire shitshow from all angles but Bret was far from blameless and made it as near to impossible as he could for them to do anything with him before he went to WCW.

    Or you could say he had creative control for the duration of his notice.

    I hated the following night on Raw, when Michaels and Triple H mocked Hart by humiliating a midget dressed as The Hitman. You could say it was part of their heel characters, but i just saw it as two total pricks, acting like total pricks.

  10. 6 hours ago, garynysmon said:

    This is very true. I watched Wrestling with Shadows a few months ago and my Mrs happened to be in the same room, half listening. She couldn't see what the fuss was all about and, in reality, she had a point didn't she?

    Not really, if you look at it from a professional point of view.

    I have recently worked with a colleague, who handed his notice in after 15 years of hard work and showed a lot of the qualities that Bret Hart did in his chosen line of work and was royally shat upon, on his way out by the management (at least in the opinion of most of his workmates).

    You can say stuff about Hart's ego and taking himself too seriously and maybe other flaws in his character, but i can't see it in any other way than a massive act of betrayal.

  11. 4 minutes ago, King Pitcos said:

    Didn’t Shawn Michaels say in his book it was Triple H’s idea?

    Triple H admitted it.

    He said that there was a meeting with himself/Vince/Michaels and Vince was talking about the dilemma. He went on to say that "He thought Vince was waiting for one of them to suggest a doublecross" and at that point Triple H piped up "Well if he is not willing to do business, perhaps we should do business for him!"

  12. 5 hours ago, David said:

    To be fair, if we put a stop to posts on here that are neither warranted or funny the place would be a fucking ghost town.

    As for Charlotte, she's obviously a nice looking girl, but it wouldn't have hurt to run a comb through her barnet and stick on a bit of lippy before mugging for the camera.

    Thank you.

  13. 3 hours ago, Yakashi said:

    I went to wrestlemania and I don’t watch any wwe TV. I’d assume I’m the minority though. 

    I only ever watch Wrestlemania (if a can stay awake) and maybe The Royal Rumble if my lad puts it on.

    Nothing has interested me in the WWE for years now and i used to watch it all the time.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

    Put me out my misery then please. 

    It was revealed on a shoot interview about wrestlers suffering with pre-match nerves.

     It stated that Brody would almost be physically sick in the dressing room beforehand and hid it if it carried on during his entrance, by pretending to bark . Which obviously became his trademark, so he carried on doing it, regardless of nerves or not. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Joe Blog said:

    Ah come on now. Don't call a beautiful woman a mess and then claim you were misquoted etc. You are scoffing at someone's appearance, it was neither warranted or funny. 

    I said she looked "Well rough", which was mainly because of her hair. I doubt my observation on the UKFF will get back to Charlotte Flair.

    People do get misquoted on here. I have had sentences swapped around and taken out of context, then twisted into something completely different  (not in this case)

    Anyway... Thanks for your feedback 😊

  16. 4 hours ago, Joe Blog said:

    Imagine posting about Charlotte looking rough when you are likely a disgusting looking fucker yourself. Have a word.

    Well that's another one of my posts blown out of all proportion. It's not like i mean anything bad or are deliberately trying to get a reaction.

    I guess i shall just have to roll with the punches? I assume the only way to avoid comments like this is to leave? 😲

  17. 8 hours ago, Supremo said:


    The Fatal Four Way the Wrestlemania main event could've been!

    Even in the post-kayfabe era it's still weird to see a photo of the the Mania main eventers together at the show, assumedly moments after putting their match together.

    Shout out to Becky for at least refusing to smile.

    Charlotte Flair is looking well rough here!

    Has she just been dragged through a wet bush, backwards?

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