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Posts posted by Lord-Mountevans

  1. Well i have stuck £30 on a Lomachenko KO in each of the first 3 rounds of his title defense against Luke Campbell.

    Which will net me between £330-£660 if my prediction is right (depending on which round it is).

  2. Outside work we always have had a lot of crows nesting and i have to go outside to talk to drivers. If one flies over my head and caws, i immediately stop the conversation and shout loudly "Fuck off, keep your beak out!", which generally gets a laugh, as it is a massive contrast to the normal friendly conversation.

  3. 15 hours ago, scratchdj said:

    I had become bunged, if you will.

    Perhaps i have watched too much wrestling over the years, but i read the above quote  in the style of Dusty Rhodes (going for a shit!).

  4. Does anyone on here give Luke Campbell a hope in hell against Lomachenko?

    I fancy betting on Lomachenko taking out Campbell inside the first 3 rounds, but the bookies seem to be favoring rounds 4-6?

  5. 11 hours ago, Yakashi said:

    I like wrestletalk magazine. Mainly because it’s basically powerslam. And I hated fsm. Utter shite. So I’m not overly ecstatic they’ve announced the mags are “combining”. 

    I thought the historical pieces on British Wrestling & Jim Cornette's articles were always good. It might not have been perfect, but "Utter Shite" is very harsh imo.

    I don't think they are "combining" as such, it's more a case of "Ming the Merciless" grabbing hold of subscribers before they vanish forever.

  6. 3 hours ago, rihan007 said:

    Just got a letter as I'm a FSM subscriber with an option to move remaining issues to WrestleTalk magazine, any views if its a worthy substitute?

    Well i have considered FSM to be a very good magazine for years now & anything associated with Wrestle Talk to be total shite!

    I will let the remainder of my FSM subscription roll on, hope for the best & fear the worst. At least when it all turns to shit, i can once again slag off Alex "Emperor Ming" Shane for delivering yet another substandard product.

  7. 39 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

    I'm afraid I've not a scooby. I would hazard a guess at Dick The Bruiser, or maybe even Dick Slater. 

    Incorrect. I consider this a really difficult trivia question (unless someone cheats & Googles it).

    If nobody gets the answer i will put you out of your misery tomorrow night.

    He helped get the Hardy Boys their first TV exposure & then proceeded to take most of their appearance money off them!

  8. 12 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

    Andre was Giant machine, Bill Eadie was another and I forget the other main one now. I think Hogan did a Mr America thing where he was a machine on a couple of occasions where it was blatantly obvious it was him.

    Giant Machine – Andrè The Giant
    Big Machine – Blackjack Mulligan
    Super Machine – Bill Eadie (Demolition Ax)
    Hulk Machine – Hulk Hogan
    Piper Machine – Roddy Piper
    Animal Machine – George Steele

  9. 1 hour ago, Carbomb said:

    That was the one! The Midnight Rider.

    Trivia Question!

    On World Wide Wrestling TV the "Midnight Rider" came out for a match as the conclusion of the angle. During the match Dusty Rhodes came to ringside to supposedly prove it was never him (it obviously was), but who was unmasked as the "Midnight Rider" in his one & only appearance in this role?


  10. 5 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    Perhaps the only person who could box on anywhere near the level of Fury is Usyk. It remains to be seen though if he can take a punch at Heavyweight though. 

    Yeah but Fury (as good as he is technically) is vulnerable.

    Let's not forget he was one second off being yesterday's news, granted he is as hard as nails though.

  11. 5 minutes ago, David said:

    I've long held the opinion, even back when Fury was still out of boxing, that AJ would be handed a boxing lesson by Tyson Fury. I'd double down on that now with Fury looking as good as we've ever seen him. I'd even go as far as to say it would potentially be embarrassing in the end.

    And there's no way AJ gets through a fight without Wilder clipping him. I'd fancy him to get stopped inside five rounds. 

    Hopefully we will all find out in the future. AJ's loss has added spice to the heavyweight division IMO.

    i can see AJ bouncing back. I don't rate Wilder & he very nearly KO'ed The Gypsy (who i rate higher than Wilder). I think one thing we can all agree on is that when any of the "Big Four" meet (you have to include Ruiz Jr) it makes for numerous exciting bouts.

  12. 38 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    I don't disagree with your assessment of AJ right at this point in time. The Bruno comparisons are always going to come because of his physique. It could be that Ruiz is is AJ's Bonecrusher Smith. Both AJ and Bruno had a similar amount of fights when they lost for the first time as well.

    For me AJ is Bruno with more ability.

    Nobody would really fancy Bruno to turn over Tyson in their two encounters, but surely AJ could beat any of today's champions if he avoids getting clipped?

  13. 5 hours ago, simonworden said:

    Take a normal shit, put it in a kettle. Fill it with piss and boil while that is going on find those yoghurts you left out in the sun last weekend. Mix in copious amounts of Vietnamese fish sauce. Mix it around in a dirty gymbag and add a little lynx Africa and I'd say you've got it. Another description would be eat a pizza hut pizza go for a run then times the smell of your sweat by 1000. 

    Very Good! 😁 😁😁

               Not only have you totally nailed your experience with eloquent splendour, but have also added the ingredients and mechanics to reproduce what appears to be an incredibly vulgar stench!

          Just off now to the shops to invest in some Vietnamese fish sauce, whilst the kettle is boiling.

  14. 11 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    Just a normal Sunday on the UKFF with someone outing themselves as a scat fetishist

    Not really😃

    I found the post quite funny & thought he could add to the humour with one final push! (pun intended)

  15. 6 hours ago, simonworden said:

    Went with the wife to the beach last week, she insists on eating at least one meal consisting of a mountain of seafood costing about 30 quid in total which is a massive amount for dinner here. Beautiful meal but tends to disagree with me and caused an 80 minute shit to be had in the hours before checkout at the hotel. Solid fucker it was too, biggest issue was this bathroom had no window or extractor fan. After having to go out for a bit we came back 15 minutes before checkout time and it hadn't died down at all. Considering the filthy state the room was in when we arrived I do wonder if you young lad in charge knew what to do about my creation. Reading that back I want to make it clear the mass had been flushed away at this point.  

    Call me gross, but i would be interested in your most accurate & eloquent description of what an "80 minute, Solid fucker of a £30 seafood shit" actually smells like?

  16. Really sad news. 

    I met him two months ago and thanked him for all the great matches.

    The Honky Tonk Man is not known for kind words towards his peers, but did describe Harley Race as the most versatile World Champion ever in one of his Shoot Interviews. Rich praise when you consider the talent on offer when choosing that accolade.

    RIP Handsome Harley.

  17. 9 hours ago, Carbomb said:

    Do chemists still do that these days? Most of the ones I've been to in the past fifteen years or so just tend to ask the customer name or give a number, then call that out, for that very reason.

    Interesting you call them "Nobby Stiles" - I've heard "Farmer Giles" before, and once heard "Billies" (apparently for "Billy Boyds"), but not Nobbies.

    Well in Viz Magazine you "Nobby's Piles" about a bloke called Nobby, who suffers with Piles and that obviously rhymes with Nobby Stiles.

    My other point was that if you call it "Anusol" you might as well call it "Rectum Relief" or "Anal Agony"? Why not call it something a little less crude or obviously "arse related". Any decent product should not necessarily have a link to its use, within its name

  18. 17 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    When I'm buying my crisps that I'm supposed to have with my dinner in the week I usually get a multipack of Beastly Bites which is Asda's proprietary Monster Munch equivalent. Only 85p for 6, which isn't much more than the cost of a single bag of Monster Munch normally. They normally end up getting eaten in a single sitting either after work one afternoon, before work one lunchtime or if I'm particularly peckish and wasn't hungry at the supermarket they won't even last the weekend. 

    I did not enjoy these rip off Monster Munch imposters! They tasted the same as the original, until a few seconds after swallowing and then you get hit with a nasty aftertaste.

    Perhaps i am boring, but i really enjoy opening a huge family bag of ready salted (any brand) and proceed to gorge myself until the roof of my mouth is in ribbons.

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