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Posts posted by Lord-Mountevans

  1. 1 minute ago, Steve Justice said:

    Ignorance is not an excuse. 

    It is an excuse though!

    You can be ignorant without being racist. Granted being ignorant is not great, but if you make an ignorant comment that has nothing to do with hatred towards someone of a different nationality or skin colour etc. then you are a non-racist ignorant buffoon, at least in my eyes for what it's worth?

  2. 8 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    And therein is the issue.  Why lump India and Pakistan together when they are totally different?  Why did you call her Indian?  Because of the colour of her skin.

    I did not think Armitage was being racist, but knew other people would jump all over his comment.

    I assume that also makes me a "racist"?

  3. My own laziness!

    If i want to go into the garden for a minute & it's wet outside, i will try & force my already tied trainers onto my feet, rather than undo the laces.

    I know it will be quicker in the long run to undo the damn things, yet can't be arsed with the rigmarole. 😩

  4. 1 hour ago, Astro Hollywood said:

    Caught a glimpse of this when scrolling down FB and thought HBK must be shooting a new straight to DVD movie over here with some big ginger hoss from NXT. Turns out it's just the local bobbies promoting International Men's Day.


    This photo is a great example how mental wrestling is! 

    Try and explain in words to a non-wrestling fan, how the old little dude in the middle is arguably the greatest in ring performer in the history of wrestling.

  5. 11 hours ago, Accident Prone said:

    I'm not defending this at all but here's a couple of key notes about that clip;

    - It's from CZW's Dojo shows, so it's essentially a trainee show. Why on Earth they're letting students perform spots like that on these shows is beyond me, but it's DJ Hyde (CZW owner and trainer) so of course that spot would be A-Okayed. He's a fucking prat by all accounts.

     - In general, CZW crowds at the main shows are small and quiet, and they've have been on the downward slope of both size and noise for the past several years (both in terms of crowds and relevance). So it comes to no surprise that these Dojo shows are held in empty venues to near deathly silence. 



    I attended a couple of Dojo shows earlier in the year. The first one had a paid attendance of 3 !!!! (excluded ourselves). Insane value for money at $5 a ticket though!

    There is a "Deathmatch Power Struggle" of sorts in the New Jersey/Philly area between CZW & GCW of which CGW is winning, which is hardly surprising given the attitudes of both owners. Brett Lauderdale really does seem to care about his product & the fans who support him, DJ Hyde on the other hand comes across as the single most arrogant bloke in the world!

    I really like GCW, but you need to keep an eye on the location of the shows because depending on which Athletic State Commision is in charge, it really does effect the style of the show. I prefer the "Anything goes" style of the New Jersey shows, as opposed to the more comedy style you would get in the New York area.

  6. 3 hours ago, Merzbow said:

    It's amazing to see the resurgence of Nick Gage, it's not on a PCO level but he seems to be pretty in demand on the indy circuit these days. He's really a one of a kind wrestler, there's a sense of realism there you just don't get with many guys and he genuinely seems like a mad 'ard bastard.

    He has a genuine love for his fans too.

    I was lucky enough to be at a big GCW show after he was released from prison & his entrance had to be seen, to be believed. The crowd went nuts & carried on going mental as Gage entered the ring, he hit the ropes & started crying, it really was that emotional. Probably the most unconventional babyface out there, just a fantastic character for that type of wrestling :)

  7. 9 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    Kendo was doing the "it's fake now, but it were real in t'my day" bit on the radio last week. Love these old wrestlers.

    What he said was that the result was predetermined, but how you got there over the course of the bout could be very real.

    When you look at some of the tough characters from the 1960's/70's British Wrestling scene, then you add jealousy & resentment towards a young Kendo who was "winning" from his very first match, i could well believe that some of the wrestling was very real.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Bicurious Dad said:

    You keep ignoring the part where you said you shot out a tirade of personal insults at him. That's not 'arguing' and provoked or not it's a cunts move. 

    It started as an argument, that escalated into insults, then a threat of physical violence. I am not quite sure as to what a "cunts move" is? 

  9. 58 minutes ago, Bicurious Dad said:

    That was after you retaliated verbally, so at that point you're both in the wrong. The fact that you think there's a 'winner' here demonstrates that you do see yourself as the good guy/hero in the narrative when in actual fact you're both at fault, him more so but you definitely so.

    I think the point here is that you are allowed to argue with people at work. You are not allowed to threaten people. He broke the law, i did not.

  10. 11 hours ago, Bicurious Dad said:

    Sorry, but he 'angered' and 'embarrassed' you because he asked you to sign a time sheet then wasn't interested in the reasons why you wouldn't? What a monster. Can I take my assumption a stage further, if you can't sign the sheet then who can? Would it be your boss, giving him reason to go to him to get it signed, then is asked why you didn't sign it he says you aren't a team player. 

    The shouting and pointing later, yes that's out of line but you don't really go into how this starts, and what he is shouting at you. And, again, the minute you fired back you crossed a line. Doesn't matter that he'd already crossed it, this isn't wrestling you aren't the aggrieved baby face making a comeback. You're being abusive to someone and there's no justification for that in the workplace.

    He's clearly a bit of an alpha male bully or at best a strong personality with self awareness issues but you aren't the hero of this story and the both of you clearly trigger each other.

    I never claimed to be a hero.

    How interesting that you never mentioned the part about me getting physically threatened? At no point have i ever threatened anyone at work, it was at the point he threatened me that i believe the argument was won & he should have come clean & faced the consequences of his actions.


  11. 52 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Did the independent contractor have other places to be, or is he always based on your premises?  I wouldn't take it down the court proceedings as there are no witnesses, so you won't be able to prove it happened and it could cost you a lot.  If he is an independent contractor, could you have taken it to his employers?  Mind you, it's all moot if it was 4 years ago.  You're doing the right thing by staying out of his way, no point antagonising the situation.

    He is self employed & works on the premises. He is friends with the owner, which is probably the reason he thought he could get away with what he did.

    I realised it was his word against mine & despite it being obvious he was lying to get himself out of trouble, there was little chance of success without being able to prove it in court.

    The second time he threatened me (he simulated shooting me with a gun) he admitted it the supervisor, but that was deemed a "harmless joke" done in "poor taste".

  12. 1 hour ago, Bicurious Dad said:

    Sounds like you're as bad as each other. You made disparaging personal comments to his face, and this started because he (I assume) asked you to sign a bit of paper while you were on your lunch break; you then saying no and then going on to tell him why you won't, rather than asking him if it could possibly wait until you were back. 

    By the way, you describe it as 'unpaid' like it's the norm to get paid for your lunch break, it isn't.

    I never got the chance to explain why i was unhappy he approached me because the second he realised i was not going entertain his request, he left to inform the owner of the company. I might have even helped him, had i first had the opportunity to point out it was my only chance of a rest during the day. 

    Regarding "disparaging personal to his face" yes i did, but up until this point i had not barely spoken a word to him all day, he in return had:
    1, Angered me in front of my colleges
    2, Then embarrassed me my refusing to listen to the reason i was not happy.
    3, Tried his best to get me into serious trouble with the owner of the company.
    4, Been verbally aggressive towards me.
    5, Physically threatened me.

    Is there not a point when depending on your actions, that a "disparaging personal comment"  is coming, as part of a disagreement when have taken several different actions that could be deemed annoying, then damaging, then illegal?

    Yes i know it is the norm to not get paid for lunch breaks, which should have been rather obvious to the contractor as i was sunbathing at the time. Would you put a job sheet under the door of someone at work, who was on the toilet? Is there no time during a working day when you should respect someone's privacy & return later?

  13. On 10/4/2018 at 8:57 AM, BomberPat said:


    This. Every day at work - "I'm sorry to bother you, I know you're really busy..." or "I'm sorry to bother you, I know you're on lunch...", which is invariably followed by, "but could you just do/help me do this menial task". You're not sorry you're bothering me, and acknowledging that I'm already busy doing make me any less busy or give me any more time to do what you're asking me.

    This one caused a massive shitstorm at work for me, that escalated very quickly & is still rumbling on after it happened over four years ago!

    * i must point out that the only break we have at work is a 30 minute unpaid dinner time*

    So i am sat outside in the sun with my colleges one random dinner time, when this independent contractor approaches me with the "sorry to interrupt your dinner" routine & sticks a job sheet under my nose! My work mates are laughing because they know how annoyed i get about that kind of thing. I politely start to explain to him that i am on my break & not getting paid. He only runs off, not giving me the chance to explain, thus turning my anger into embarrassment.

    Later in the afternoon i find out from the owner of the company that he went straight into his office & grassed me up for "not being a team player". He then returns in the afternoon & gives me a mouthful of abuse, using his big fat sausage fingers to point at me in a very aggressive manner. It is a this point i start to lose it & point out that nobody likes him because he is " very boring & always stopping people working while he forces them to listen to his crap" (he talks at people & never listens or is interested in what you have to say).

    He then approaches me & says "get out of my way or i will put you on the floor" (i was not in his way, he walked towards  me to point out i "was in his way").

    So i report him for using threatening behaviour, but there are no witnesses. He just lies through his back teeth & says "i made it all up" which was clearly a lie as his face was burning up big style! I refused to shake his hand & in front of the owner tell him to "hang his head in shame, you lying bastard".

    I was told by the company that i had to take the matter through the civil courts if i wanted to carry on with my complaint.

    The contractor is still there & has threatened me on one other occasion. I have not spoke to him for over four years now.

  14. 1, People at work who do not acknowledge your existence with a simple "morning" or "hello" when they enter your working area for the first time during the day. I am on about  smaller workplaces that only have members of staff that know each other on first name terms. I just find it rude! 

    2, People with zero self awareness e.g. Customers forcing retail workers on tills into small talk, whilst completely unaware of the massive queue behind them.

    3, Cliff Richard.

    4, The sheer volume of soap operas on TV during the week.


  15. On 9/17/2018 at 10:20 PM, wandshogun09 said:

    Yeah, it doesn't surprise me one bit. He's a complete shitbag. And how utterly pigshit thick do you have to be to film it and post it online? 

    I know it's not going to happen but I'd honestly love it if this somehow blows up and ruins this prick's career. I usually wouldn't wish someone bad like that but there's genuinely something really horrible and nasty about this cretin and it would really please me no end if this was the start of something that escalates and he ends up never getting those really big paydays. 

    But of course that won't happen. As shit as his behaviour is it's not enough to where he'll lose his career obviously. But the way he's going it seems like he really thinks he's untouchable. Wouldn't surprise me if he ballses his career up with increasingly cunty behaviour outside the ring before too long. It's sad but I don't even really expect that much backlash to this because 1) it's boxing and boxing forgives the worst of scumminess and 2) the woman has drug problems so probably won't get much sympathy. 

    Can't stand the cunt. If he disappeared down a well and never boxed again, hand on heart I wouldn't miss him or be a bit sad. It's at the point now where I don't even want to see a Canelo or Golovkin wreck him because I don't want him to get the payday that would come with a beating like that. And I don't find his 'banter' entertaining in the slightest. He's just a horrible, horrible twat.

    Don't sit on the fence! Do you like BJS, Yes or No? :D

  16. I have had £50 on a GGG stoppage at any point during the fight & am thinking in the latter part of the contest.

    Loving the heel/babyface dynamic. GGG won their last encounter IMHO (which robbed Golovkin of his 100% record) , compound that with "contaminated meat" & a heated weigh in, equates to an angry knockout merchant hellbent on revenge! 😈

  17. 7 hours ago, returner82 said:

    I always thought that Doc Dean and Robbie Brookside, as the Liverpool Lads, were basically the British version of the Rockers without any costumes when it came to how good they were in the ring as teen idol good guys. Both nice guys when I had the chance to meet them at a local theatre where they were wrestling.

    Yeah i would say they were every bit as good as The Rockers.

    Out of the two Liverpool Lads, i would say that Doc Dean was the superior worker, very fast & could do the high flying that Brookside tended to avoid. He left the talking to Robby & had a shorter career, but had some cracking singles matches too.

    Genuinely saddened by him passing at such an early age, one of my all time favourites :(

  18. 3 hours ago, The Dart said:

    British wrestler, who appeared for a bit in WCW, Doc Dean has died.

    Very sad news.

    A real talent who i had the pleasure of watching wrestle many times. He never really got the credit he deserved IMO partly because his best years were when British Wrestling was in post TV slump, with most of his matches never being recorded.

    RIP Doc :(

  19. 3 hours ago, Porkchopcash said:

    Without seeming to back the man up, people do get banned to quickly on here? I quite like the musing of trolls like cat crater or not alex shane, makes things interesting. It’s not like everyone doesnt know they are probably trolling, why not leave them be? Anyone who takes the trolls serious need a chill pill.

    should have put that in the unpopular thread i guess.

    He was begging for a ban.

    I have criticised people on here and lived to tell the tale.  I am just glad those down votes are a thing of the past because i felt like you could quite easily get a reputation that was not entirely fair. Can't imagine how many down votes NotAlexShane would have garnered? He deserved them though for being boring & deliberately offensive.

  20. 15 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:


    Well you are one of them. That argument you had with SBA on the "minor news thread" was a classic example of some of the pettiness on here.

    How long before i get a ban for making unpopular comments on an unpopular comments thread? Or some other misdemeanor.

  21. 14 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Easy to laugh at something when the joke's not on you though, isn't it.

    Yeah but if you were in his audience, you were also fair game. So the joke could well have been on you.

  22. 11 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    Best case scenario you're presenting is that he was secretly not racist but too scared to admit it, because he knew is fanbase was racist, so he continued to tell racist jokes and then did some secret charity work to assuage his guilt. So, uhhh. Fuck him.

    Or maybe he was sick & tired of all the haters, but was secretly laughing at them because he knew who he was & who he helped? 
    I never got the vibe of a fanbase of racists when i saw him perform. No nasty undercurrent or anything, just people coming out to have a laugh (at everybody & everything).

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