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Posts posted by Lord-Mountevans

  1. 1 hour ago, Mr_Danger said:

    Aye, personally I'd take the many many racist things he said and did over the anonymous work he was rumoured to have done to form the opinion that he was indeed racist. It's definitely an unpopular opinion though!

    I know he admitted to being a "racist" on The Mrs. Merton show, but i always felt like he said that to get a reaction & it went horribly wrong for him. 

    Did he ever actually do anything bad other than tell jokes? Was there intent behind his comedy or was it his "act" because i believe he was acting. For me the real offence behind words is the intent. For me, a joke is a joke & said to make people laugh. Granted it can be at the expense of others, but Bernard Manning also used to take the piss out of himself, his mother, the quality of the beer in his own club, the football club he supported etc.etc.

    I saw him perform at the end of his career & he hardly did any controversial material. But nobody ever mentions things like this, i guess he had his reputation & everyone had already made their minds up about him by then. It's a shame really because his publicist was adamant that the person behind the "act" was the polar opposite of his public persona.


    56 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Just a xenophobic, homophobic misogynist. Well that's ok then.


  2. 1 hour ago, Mr_Danger said:

    I hate Formula One like but isn't the FA Cup one of the best examples of weaker teams with lesser players and facilities overcoming the odds to better a stronger team? Surely a great driver makes as much difference as a great car in F1?

    Also, Mountevans, try not caring as much about the opinions of a bunch of mostly strangers on the Internet. It's what you make it dude.

    Cheers. It was more a case of staying on topic & posting an unpopular opinion. It does wind me up at times, but not to the point of crying myself to sleep at night 😉

    Here's another one! Bernard Manning was not a racist.

    I spoke to his publicist after BM passed away. She described him as a lovely man, who did loads of stuff for charities supporting ethnic minorities on the understanding that it was not to be made public.

  3. 16 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

    That's not an unpopular opinion, that's accepted fact.

    Says the "No.1 Cool Kid" who then gets the upvotes off his toady mates! 

    You lot hunt in packs around here, i find it hard to read at times. Those down votes were the worst thing ever! Just blasting people out of the water for no good reason, half of the time. Shameless petty little cunts (is that a more unpopular opinion for you?).

  4. 1 hour ago, deadmaninc said:

    I remember my first ever wrestling event was the first ever Fratton Wrestling Alliance in Landport, Portsmouth 

    I credit the original FWA (Fratton Wrestling Alliance) with almost single handedly saving British Wrestling from extinction. Back when the FWA was formed the industry (if you could call it that?) was at an all time low. Most of the WOS wrestlers were retiring & those left were really struggling to survive with Dixon just doing Croydon & Bristol once a month.

    Looking back at all the young talent that went through the FWA, it really was ground breaking at the time. When you look at the shear volume of shows currently & the amazing talent, compounded by the current WOS Wrestling TV taping & the heavy involvement of the WWE in the UK.

    I take my hat off to those guys in Fratton who dared to dream & paved the way for what looks like a really great time to be a British Wrestling fan. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:



    So strictly moaning then? OK...

    I fucking hate flies! Also bees are a pain in the arse when you try rescue them from being trapped indoors.

    In other "weather moaning news"... i live in quite a rough area, so as much as i love to have the doors & windows open, you always run the risk of being turned over by dodgy little scroats if you forget about security for one second.

  6. 37 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    You aren't a football fan, are you.

    I actually am!
    I was of course a meaning purely optimistic weather, as per thread.

    Regarding the football, i can't see us progressing much further. We are not "street smart" enough IMO, also who have we played so far? Let's hope i am wrong & they get past Columbia on Tuesday, just can't see it myself :(

  7. I was actually shocked by what i believe was the most upbeat weather forecast i have ever heard on the radio, early this week! 

    It went something like this " Today ( Monday ) will be a very hot day throughout the entire UK , with no change in sight until at least a week on Tuesday" !!!!! That's 8 solid days of nationwide optimism, followed by a now updated forecast of more nice weather to carry on from that Tuesday onwards! I have next week off work, so don't even have to worry about my bollocks sticking to my legs :)

  8. 1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Regal’s book is one I’ve wanted to read for ducking ages, but it’s slways going for stupid money on eBay.

    Im sure he said on Austin’s podcast that he had a tryout with WWF in 1991, so I would imagine it was the Albert Hall show. Also seems to recall him saying on that podcast about selling dodgy VCRs

    Really good book for a WWE release.
    Probably one of the last books they published that was a "warts n all" affair, very drug heavy & brutally honest. I must have 300+ books in my wrestling collection & Regal's book resides somewhere in my top 10 :)

  9. 3 hours ago, Porkchopcash said:

    As far as im aware, of the top of my head, its the oldest belt in boxing history and one of the most prestigious.

     It’s now also known as a stepping stone to bigger things. Whereas some fighters may win it and then say be offered a European title shot or a big money match against a higher ranked opponent and then take it, they will vacate and move on and the next person gets it, or if they smashed defending it, they lose it.  However, if they stay on and defend the belt 3 times, as far as im aware they will get to keep that belt then a new one made, or they get a new one made and the old belt gets passed on. 

    Henry Cooper is known as having 3 of them, i think thats the record.  Many British fighters want to defend the belt 3 times to get one, even though it may temporarily hold back their career by keeping them at small hall shows when they could have gone on to bigger things. 

    Think thats it. May be talking shite. 

    It would probably be easier to google the facts nowadays, but as i recall if a British Title is successfully defend 3 times the holder owns the belt (& what a beautiful old school belt it is) maybe in today's climate it is not such a big deal? But the Lonsdale Belt is steeped in history & what a real student of the game would dearly love to own. 

  10. On 5/18/2018 at 5:52 PM, chokeout said:

    Could do without Joseph Connors, James Drake, Tucker and Devlin being in again. Apart from that it's a cracking line up. 

    Maybe i am in the minority, but i really like Joseph Connors. Never seen him have a bad match, right back to the days when he had two ears & tagged with Paul Malen as "The Predators".

    His physique has improved & so have his matches. He works his arse off, no matter where he wrestles & looked great at the WWE Smackdown show in Sheffield on Friday... Proper love Joe Connors, i do! ❤️

  11. 40 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

    I have no doubt both Bellew fights were purely cash grabs...albeit one's he likely thought he could win. Bellew himself send countless times in the build up that Haye was only fighting him for the money. Bellew said that if Haye's real intentions were belts he would have contacted Al Haymon and setup a fight with Deontay Wilder. The whole comeback was a bit of a con (which was fun to watch, not knocking it).

    Haye's a bit like Tito Ortiz in MMA. Lived off past glories but would do just enough or have enough of an excuse to convince fans fans that he had one run left in him.

    I suppose it depends on what you class as a "cash grab"? So Haye had two high profile fights in big arenas for big money in fights he was expected to win. Surely that is what all professional boxers hope to achieve?

    If i was to give an example of a "cash grab" it would be Mayweather multi million dollar cardio session with Conor McGregor :(

  12. On 5/5/2018 at 5:12 AM, Porkchopcash said:

    Fuck knows tbh! while i agree with everything Wandshogun has said, theres just something in the back of my mind that thinks Bellew may do it again. I think the fight will be similiar to last time in Haye winning the early rounds and Bellew coming back into it. I see it ending around 10-12 in Bellews favour. 

    While Haye is the superior fighter i just dont see any momentum going in. Even in his last big fight before Bellew (Chisora 2012), he was blowing outer his arse when he got the knockout. Will be interesting.

    Jamie Cox v Ryder should be a good toe to toe battle. 

    You have to favour Joyce over Lenroy. Should be a good card. I heard Paul Butler didnt make weight first time, not sure if he did second.

    To be fair to you, you pretty much called it here. I have not read any comments or seen any replays, as i have not been home since watching the fight live. It just seemed like Haye lacked real stamina? Bellew played it cool with a game of cat & mouse in the last few minutes of the fight because although Haye was totally there for the taking, he was still throwing the odd bomb.

    I turned a £56 profit & really enjoyed the fight. Surely that is the end of Haye? Who would pay to see him now? 

  13. 10 minutes ago, Porkchopcash said:

    I cant see Bellew coming out swinging, especially against Haye. Bellew, despite all his talk, is willing to fight the most boring of fights to get the job done. I imagine Bellew, much like last time will try to keep outer harms way for 4 or 5 rounds. The first fight was actually quite boring for the first five rounds, with Bellew only countering when he had to. People only seem to remember the drama from round 6 onwards. 

    Fair enough. So how do you see the fight ending? :)

  14. I have had a couple of bets on tomorrow night's big Maint Event. I am thinking that they will both come out swinging & that it is unlikely to go the distance, So...
    1, At least on fighter to take a count in the 1st Round.
    2, Bellew inside the distance.
    Given the outcome of the first fight, i was surprised to see Haye as such a strong favourite at 1/2. Really up for this bout, nobody is saying it will be boring! :)

  15. Any predictions for Haye-Bellew 2?

    A tough one to call. I am going for another Bellew win in the 2nd half of the fight.

    I would love to see Haye get beat without the excuse of another injury. Not that i like Bellew much more than Haye, a couple of really dislikable characters IMO.

  16. 1 hour ago, JNLister said:

    There's an album of pics a fan took from the crowd at WrestleMania III  at https://imgur.com/gallery/eUre9. They're very much 1987 camera quality, but this was lovely bit of timing:


    This is a great link if you like historical stuff.

    The 5th photo down looks like a fan in the ring? I saw this show live on Cable TV & do not remember it happening? It must have been off camera or i am wrong. Does anyone else have any idea what is going on?

  17. 21 minutes ago, NoUseforaUsername said:

    It's amazing how ingrained attitudes like these ones are about women.

    I'm not preaching from the pulpit, I'm guilty of it myself, but here we are in 2018, female wrestling has never been in a better place, to the extent where there is talk of Ronda and Charlotte main eventing WM next year, yet when the chips fall they are still basically judged on their appearance.

    I mean, have Steve Austin, The Rock, HHH or Undertaker ever been mocked because of their appearance? 

    It shouldn't have anything to do with anything.

    I think she's a pretty girl and doesn't need all that make up, but it's her choice, and it doesn't have any relevance to her work.


    In wrestling your appearance is VERY important.

    I can't think of a single industry that "perception is reality" is more relevant. Not just from the performers, but from almost everyone involved in the product.

  18. 1 hour ago, mim731 said:

    Nothing creepy about that statement at all. Nope. Nothing. 

     Perhaps it could have been worded  better. You highlighted the age bit & left out the bit about Sweet Saraya ALSO being "Stunning to look at", who is considerably older than "Britney".The reason i used both of them in the same sentence was because i meant stunning as performers!

    Thanks for implying i am some sort of nonce or something? Was i wrong for fearing for someone's well being & hoping there could be a happy ending to what is an amazing story (from the point of view of the film)?

    You've gotta love the internet. I was not expecting everyone to bow down to my literary genius, but go get four down votes (& counting)  plus a dig from the "Head of Operation Yew Tree" has definitely made me wonder why i bothered? :unsure:

  19. Sadly the most shocking thing about this years whole Mania weekend for me was the appearance of WWE Diva Paige.

    I only watch WM & maybe the Rumble, so am not familiar when a wrestler's appearance changes on a week to week basis & could not believe what i saw when Paige popped up on the screen. Yes she had too much makeup on, but also looked bloated & appeared to be slurring her words. The first thing i thought was that she was a cross between Anna Nicole Smith & Amy Winehouse, which obviously is not a great image to portray.

    The first time i saw Paige work (then Britney Knight) she must have only been about 16 years old & wrestled her mother for ASW. Like her mother, she was stunning to look at & already a competent worker.

    Fast forward a few years & we have failed relationships, drugs, sex tapes, serious injuries, being on suicide watch,domestic abuse, hair loss due to stress & probably lots of other stuff going on.

    I just hope she has saved her money & gets a tonne of money off the back of this film. She should then move back to Norwich to be with her family that clearly all love each other very much. The longer she stays in The States, the more i fear for her. Banger Walsh once said that every British Wrestler he knew that moved to America would eventually come back in a coffin or return as a drug addict. 

    Here's wishing Paige & all her family well for the future & i genuinely hope this horrible eerie feeling i have is wrong & whatever path she chooses in life, from now on, is the right one for her  & all the people that are close to her.

  20. On 4/5/2018 at 10:03 PM, TildeGuy~! said:

    I’d recommend watching Bloodsport... 2 matches in and its absolutely bonkers. 

    I watched the first three matches & had to turn it off! I thought it was awful.

    Pro Wrestling should not pretend to be MMA, it just looks bad. I assume they took the ropes off to give it a "legit" feel? Which is weird because a lot of MMA is done within a ring (with ropes).

    The referee stopped a couple of matches for virtually nothing, then let Nick Gage fight around ringside!!!!
    Just a rotten idea for a show. I thought they would put the ropes back on after a couple of matches & do a show, but no...It was the whole show & nobody seemed to know how to throw a decent "worked punch" :(

  21. 7 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

    I wonder if it delves into his sexuality. I'm a gossip whore in books as much as anyone else

    Well that's one aspect. Then you have his childhood & the period from his teenage years, to his introduction into 1960's British Wrestling. Then 40 years of wrestling stories, including trips to Japan & Canada. Also quite a bit of scandal already covered by various tabloids over the years.
    The only hope i currently have for an epic read is the "Peter Thornley" credit on the front of the book. Kendo normally hates the use of his name, despite it being common knowledge. So at least there is a hint that he will at least flirt with the truth.

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