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Posts posted by BrodyGraham

  1. 21 minutes ago, Nick James said:

    Just a thought that popped in to my head and I'm not getting at anything in particular other than interest, but what do Fulham FC fans think of AEW and Tony Khans involvement? I presume he will have stepped away from a lot of the day to day running of Fulham, but is there any resentment towards AEW etc., especially due to the relegation? Admittedly, I'm not fully aware of the backroom setup at Fulham and whether they have a CEO etc., but I have seen a few videos from Tony addressing things directly with their fans.


    They fucking hate him. It's not far off Newcastle fans and Mike Ashley.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    The wrestler FKA Darren Young has signed and exclusive contract with the company, seems an odd choice but that may be because I just haven't seen him in what feels like forever. Was he in NWA or something?

    He's been pretty regular on New Japan Strong, hasn't he? I know he showed up there a few months ago and he got some rave reviews. I'm not surprised, I always thought he was a good fiery baby-face and he looks like he's proven himself to New Japan management.

  3. 1 hour ago, Vamp said:

    The llave stuff is bollocks to be honest. You can't really wrestle that style unless you're wrestling someone else who knows it, it's not really a style that suits a TV match and Angelico doesn't really wrestle it anyway. It's just a term Excalibur likes. 


    I feel like they're trying to force Angelico into a box a little bit with the llave tag. He always seemed to be a more rounded and dynamic guy elsewhere, but because they don't really have a submission/grappling specialist they're really pushing that part of Angelico's game, largely so they can say how versatile ex WWE guy X is when they beat him on Dynamite.

  4. 9 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

    That Angelico lad is fucking useless isn't he? Even Christian couldn't get a good showing out of him.

    I actually really enjoyed that match and felt like the only thing I'd fault it for was Christian completely no selling the arm in the finish. When the whole story of the match is whether or not Christian can hit the killswitch after having had his arm worked the whole time, they couldn't have cut the balls off the match much more than to not only have Christian hit it comfortably, but to hold it for an extra few seconds to mug at Matt Hardy. That's supposed to be the kind of shit that Christian's supposed to be trying to iron out of the young guys. Gave me 'Lol TNA' vibes to be honest.


  5. 2 minutes ago, CavemanLynn said:

    That's an amusing insight into the conditioning of wrestling fans, that a tag team not pairing must have officially split. The DO is big enough to have members swap in and out while still making clear there are set pairings that perform and work better. I think, if anything, Stu could do with doing his own thing for a bit, as, apart from being one of the originals, he's probably the most nondescript of the bunch. Even Angels has adopted the gimmick of being the bullied runt of the bunch well; Stu is stuck as the kind of straight man in a troop of much more interesting personalities and looks. JR trotting out the 'best athlete in <insert promotion>' mantle recently is a warning sign that Grayson currently doesn't have much more going for him. And annoyingly, if he did smarten up his look to the same style but with a bit more colour and visual flair, he'd probably just look like Brandon Cutler. Hopefully, Uno getting steamrolled by Miro has knock-on effects for Stu, in terms of angle and on-screen character development.

    I love the idea of Uno getting absolutely murdered as the catalyst for a Stu Vs Miro, mad bastards lumping the fuck out of each other match.

  6. 1 hour ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    Mark Hamill is a really good choice to play Skeletor. It looks pretty cool. I'll probably give it a look. There's a YouTube channel/network that has a lot of the old He-Man and She-Ra episodes on there. I wonder whether they'd try and reinvent She-Ra again in this style, or tie this show into the Princesses Of Power Netflix series if things went that far. 

    This looks cool, but they'd better not fuck around with Princesses of Power. I watched it all with my little one and it's brilliant. Honestly so far beyond the old shows in terms of storytelling that it's silly, but like everything else it got caught up in 40 year old men whining that a kid's show had been developed for y'know, kids and that She-Ra wasn't slutty enough.

  7. I've uniformly enjoyed pretty much all of AEW's PPV's. I thought this year's Revolution was 90% excellent apart from the world's most boring multi-man ladder match and the final gimmick marring an otherwise excellent mainevent.

    It is becoming a theme now though that Cody is a good bet to be on the worst match of the card. It feels like his entire repertoire has been over exposed now and he's burned through the residual goodwill he'd gained on that run between the Aldiss match to the MJF feud. He needs to fuck off for a while, and a good while at that.

  8. Haven't had a chance to watch the last 2 matches but fuck me, Cody and Ogogo killed that crowd stone dead for Miro/Archer and Baker/Shida. It's a shame as both matches were good and deserved a crowd that hadn't just been put to sleep.

    As an aside, if you didn't watch the Buy-In, remedy that asap. Deeb Vs Riho was excellent and Heel Deeb is wonderful. It's been said a bunch of times but it's criminal that WWE had Deeb for so long and kept her backstage.


  9. Ok. So I had my first Pfizer a couple of hours ago and I can feel the muscle tightening around it. I can also feel the same muscle tightening on the opposite arm. Otherwise fine for the moment.

  10. 40 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Not familiar with his work. Anyone know much about him? Will he be a better fit?

    I really like Jimmy and have done since he was on Fight Quest absolutely donkeys ages ago, but I'll be very surprised if he works out in the WWE environment.

    For starters, even in MMA he was never the lead/play by play guy but more like the color/ technical analyst guy. Think of him as being like Joe Rogan but without the obvious biases. I'd be very surprised if he can fill the Cole spot.

    Hope he does well. He probably won't.

  11. 15 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Apparently there’s a bunch of office/network related releases ongoing. Only name that’s been mentioned so far is Jaylar Donlan, who was Vice President of WWE’s Advanced Media Group

    Yeah, Wrestlenomics have reported that it's largely down to a power struggle between Digital and TV production. It looks like this has been remedied by jibbing off a large section of digital and folding that into the jurisdiction of Kevin Dunn.

    Remember all that lovely digital content you loved? It's gonna change!

  12. 5 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

    I quite enjoyed this, particularly on Miro's end. He comes across as completely unhinged. Outside of Shida/Baker, this is the match I'm most excited for at the PPV. 

    After weeks of talking really well, I thought Archer, in particular sounded awful. It felt like a bad promo duel from Raw,  like he was simultaneously struggling to remember his lines and force them in. Dunno, just not my cup of tea.

  13. Griff Garrison feels like he's just stepped out of an episode of Worldwide, and it's class. I like the introduction of the jackets and Julia Hart into the gimmick. Having a female member/valet really leans into the general vibe of "midcard act from 25 years ago" that comes flying off The Blondes.

    Good, functional episode of wrestling TV this week, I thought. Good matches, nothing blow away and the only thing that I thought was a bit ropy was that Miro/Archer promo. Just awkward as fuck.


  14. 27 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    If the show doesn't start with Luchasaurus, one of Bear Country and some fucker in a wolf outfit in a three-way smashing up miniature buildings it's a waste of a name.

    Now I just want a big budget cross between Lucha Underground and Kaiju Big Battel.


  15. I've been watching some documentaries on Amazon Prime and stumbled on 'Don't Break Down: A film about Jawbreaker".

    It's basically about an effort to get the members of 90's Punk/Emo trailblazers Jawbreaker to get together in a studio and listen to old master recordings and heal old wounds. 

    I'm a big fan of their singer, Blake Schwarzenbach from his subsequent band, Jets to Brazil, but he comes across as a proper mardy prick, full of his own self importance.

    It's an interesting film though and a tragically typical story of a band imploding because the mainstream wasn't ready for them and the punk scene wouldn't forgive them for trying to break big.

  16. 2 hours ago, The King Of Swing said:

    Probably an unpopular opinion but I actually like Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky, just a pair of total dick heads. 

    Sure I wasn't a fan of how they were just thrown together but I'm enjoying their work.

    Shame it's never been properly addressed by SCU that I'm aware of.

    And yes Eddie Kingston is the fucking man. 

    I'm a fan of Page, not so much Sky. Sky still talks like he's pretending to be wrestler, Page just comes off as a proper prick.

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