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Ambulance Chaser

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Posts posted by Ambulance Chaser

  1. Oh God. Oh dear god.


    That is it, this signals the end of Vince McMahon surely, that opening segment was one of the most difficult I've ever had to sit through, how many times did he fuck up for Christ sake, I'm actually in shock at how bad this show was, and after some of the tripe of the last few months that is saying something. This show is dead, finished.


  2. Just watched Smackdown, Owens entrance when he took just a couple of seconds to look at the Christmas tree and presents on the stage, shake his head like "what the fuck is this shit" :laugh:


    Also from Smackdown, Michael Cole, his phony stutter makes me wanna punch the screen, "NO NO NO NO NO, OWENS THROWN INTO THE CHRISTMAS TREES", fucking hell steady on.

  3. I'm wondering whether they are done with the Demon gimmick in NXT but may reprise it once he gets moved up so Vince can put a twist on it, re-invent it and claim it as his own.


    He showed no signs of going there this show, no promo maybe saying he will have to go to a darker place to beat Joe who has had the upper hand etc. Either way I like Finn, he has good natural charisma, something a bit extra.


    Few things I liked about the show this week....the absolute focus from all 4 guys on the NXT title, even though they are paired up as partners they are not acting and pretending to be best mates, that is something that bugs me greatly on WWE TV, they pair up a random couple and they are back slapping and hugging as though they are the rock n roll express and lifelong tag partners and friends. No, you happen to be in a team and will hold up your end of the match but you still ultimately want that Belt, Finn wants to keep it, his partner Crews wants another crack, Joe HAS his shot and is focused and you know Corbin is driven towards that also, it's simple but makes a huge difference.


    Liked the serious tone of Enzo and Cass, Cass had some real intensity in that promo after the match, with his look and size, and if he shows that level of focus he could be a player.

  4. More things, sorry about this....but this show has irked me something rotten.


    Why, why are they taking the piss out of their own "stars", what is the meaning of this, the Adam Rose segment where he is bashing Neville and Dreamer etc, they fucking chose to reach out to Dreamer and bring him in hoping to give the Dudley/Wyatt feud a boost and they run him down and make little photoshop images of oompa loompa's or whatever, and draw big fucking ears on Neville. It isn't even like they are heels and Rose is a face trying to get over, WHAT IS THE POINT. To make vince laugh, does Kevin Dunn get a stiffy because if in real life he did this he'd get bashed up, this stuff along with Kofi breaking character the other week and laughing, it just all reeks of corporate inside jokes that are not funny in the slightest and worst of all the audience isn't in on. 


    Last thing on this Raw.....What the hell was the Titus O'Neill thing about, warning Del Rio and helping him out, he is dressed as Santa and wishing happy holidays and then goes and helps Del Rio, was it a cock up, is he turning heel, what the fuck??



  5. JBL aswel, driving me mad now, shamelessly defends Owens for his behaviour, says the old "oh wah wah wah" line whenever Cole actually decides to do his job and berate a heel for heel tactics, then, he will bash the fucking Wyatts when they took out Taker and Kane "LEAVE HIM ALONE DAMN IT". Literally just because he has respect for taker as a locker room veteran.


    I am sick of people breaking character, is Vince on a massive dementia fuelled wind up here.

  6. Can't even be arsed with this show. Few random thoughts....


    Byron fucking Saxton is mess.


    Why don't the League of Nations accompany Rusev to the ring, ya know, like factions do....NWO, DX....I don't know, every fucking faction ever. Yeah, just leave the Bulgarian twat, top crew.


    Why doesn't Lana accompany The League Of Nations. I think it would actually add to there act, maybe it wouldn't, I don't know I'm fucking lost with it all now.


    Bring back Los Boricuas and lets go full on gang wars.


    ROMAN FUCKING REIGNS. I actually don't hate this guy, I think he has a little "something", if I'm pottering about whilst watching Raw and his music starts I stop fussing the dog or whatever and watch, it's my automatic response, maybe it's cos I'm expecting car crash tv I don't know but please god, please someone tell this berk to stop smiling. He looks weird, borderline creepy, it just isn't his character, he needs to be a kick ass type babyface, I dunno I give up. Tata Tots......what a cunt.


    Quite enjoyed Owens/Ziggler, Ziggler has lost his mind though, his wardrobe looks like something out of dawsons creek.

  7. I remember seeing the Road Warriors vs. The Steiners in the early 90s; the Steiners hit a piledriver in the first few minutes, and the RW they hit with it just no-sold it.

    I watched a match from Clash Of The Champions 31 in Aug '95 the other day, Sting and Hawk vs Meng and Kurasawa, they were putting Kurasawa over as a big star and talking him up and fucking Hawk just no sold everything, it was actually hard to watch. One of the worst matches I have ever seen, went for 14 fucking minutes aswel. Sting couldn't be arsed. Hawk only played ball when interacting with Meng because he probably thought if he didn't Meng would flatten him.


    Hawk is a dick.

  8. The issue with the third hour is they seem to stretch a potentially solid 5/10 minute segment to an overcooked 15 minutes or so (or a potentially rubbish 5 to an unbearable 15), or add another filler match with no emotional interest from their viewers.

    Exactly right.


    New Day taking the piss out of country music for 10 minutes should have taken 3, then Heath Slater doing the exact same thing, a segment which had no place at all on any show.


    The issue being they have lots of time, but no stars. Yes they have loads of 6 or 7 out of 10 guys, middle of the range, everything is so wishy washy, they need 3 or 4 guys that are stand out, superstars amongst a sea of mediocrity.

  9. Hopefully they can bring him back hot this time, as opposed to when he left last year to do that film just as he was a red hot babyface and brought him back with the worst return storyline ever

    I just want to see the vicious fucker from the Trips/McMahon feud, nothing else, I don't want corporate controlled Orton, or Babyface Orton high fiving kids and teaming with Cena, the closer to his natural character the better, everybody knows he is a bit of a cunt so just let him go out and be that guy.


    Also, bring back the punt, how is it any more dangerous than the traditional boot to the mush that Harper does, or the Miz, fed up of moves being taken away, piledriver style moves I get, but the curb stomp and the punt??

  10. Great show, the Balor/Joe stuff got me on the edge of my seat, can't recall seeing that before where one guy just walks out, signs the contract and fucks off, was expecting the usual pull apart table flying brawl. Joe really makes the choke look deadly, good selling by Balor also.


    I really like Apollo Crews.


    Bayley has single handedly got me back into Women's Wrestling, is there a more likeable character in Wrestling anywhere?? Fuck it I'm downloading her theme aswel it's stuck in my head constantly.

  11. I mentioned the ratings in a post over a month ago, but someone said they still get all the money from the advertisers etc, but looking at this historically low rating for the modern era surely something has to give.


    Am I right in thinking that is ratings and viewers continue to slide that advertisers, or at least the big name advertisers won't pay the silly money to run an ad on a show that fewer and fewer people are watching, is it as simple as this?? Say Storage Hunters for arguments sake starts gaining in popularity and over takes Raw, or some other new show catches fire would advertisers say "well I want to be featured on that show instead of Raw". It's lost any cool factor or edge and is a sinking ship, would you want to be associated with it?? I may be completely off the mark here I don't know.


    WWE it is about as far removed from must see programming as it's ever been. No quick fix here in my opinion, they need to clearly define that there are different tiers or levels within the system, everybody is the same, Ziggler, Rusev, Cesaro, Sheamus, Ambrose, Owens, Del Rio....they all APPEAR to be on the same level, there must be a clear top tier of talent, you aren't in awe of the main guys because there are no main guys, when Hogan/Warrior/Savage came out I knew business was picking up even as a 6 or 7 year old, I got goosebumps. Later, when Bret/Shawn/Taker came out it was the same, then obviously in the Attitude Era you had Foley/Austin/Rock/Trips/. There is nothing to hang my hat on, nobody gives me those goosebumps anymore, a Daniel Bryan match, or an Impassioned CM Punk promo gave me that feeling. Now I just watch and I watch some more, and I think "oh, ok, great" and wait for next week, nothing memorable, nothing. I have already forgotten 95% of Raw, it's only fucking Wednesday.


    Sorry, don't usually go long with my posts but I'm sick of this company, or more specifically the main roster, this is the same company that produces NXT, which follows a basic linear approach to Wrestling and draws me right in every single week.

  12. Byron fucking Saxton. I'm sorry I can't listen to this twat any more, it reminds me of when there is decent sized group of mates in the boozer or at someone's house, you are having a crack and a joke and everyone is chipping in, but then when the laughter sort of dies you hear one solo voice try to make one last joke but the moment has passed and it falls absolutely dead, you could hear a mouse fart as people look around in awkward silence. He doesn't get it, he is a total goof, he is always the last voice you hear and Cole and JBL just sit in silence trying to work out what the fuck he's on with. He has to go, last week he randomly started defending Tyler Breeze just because he commentated on his matches in NXT, yeah, despite the fact he is an out and out and babyface supporter.


    Ambrose looks ill, he needs to pack on some muscle, or just weight, or something, stop fucking bike riding in the mountains and hit the gym, get some impactful offence, it's all so powder puff, like my 7 year old nephew play fighting.


  13. Most I have enjoyed Raw in ages, amazing what it does when matches mean something, with an end goal in sight.


    Did they explain from a storyline perspective why Lesnar wouldn't be in the running for the fatal 4 way though, I didn't hear them address it and surely logic would have him in a qualifier match.


    But all in all decent show, I'm looking forward to Rusev being a killer again though, the guy has great potential in my opinion.

  14. Raw just felt flat to me, I wouldn't necessarily call it terrible or insulting, it just fell I dunno, tired....a tired format, tired feuds that need settling, tired booking. I am so sick of the Wyatt/Reigns/Ambrose dynamic, I can't sit through any more. Kane wasn't on the show, but how long has he been fucking with Rollins now, it goes back a fair way I think to when The Authority were more prominent on the show, hopefully it all ends Sunday.

  15. What's the crack with Crews now then, is it going to be a straight babyface match with Balor? Are they going to turn Crews heel? He does this over the top smiley act like he can't believe he's there, was he saying to the ref after the Battle Royal "IT'S ME, IT'S ME" or something like that, it all comes across a bit false and I reckon the full sail lot are basically waiting to shit on him, given the opportunity.

  16. How low would ratings have to go before someone at USA Network pulled Vince and said "This aint good enough, sort it out", because the way they are sort of meandering along they are acting like they are pulling comfortable numbers of 3 or above, I don't get it, I don't see how they don't see it. I can't remember being this frustrated by WWE ever to be honest, they literally live in there corporate bubble with no concept of what the outside world is doing or thinking, not everybody can be wrong.


    I mean the Speakerphone angle throughout the show was just insane to me, absolutely bonkers. Are they purposely producing shite TV, but why would they do that?? I am lost.

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