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Posts posted by Statto

  1. Bizarre question here guys.


    Does anyone know who wrote the final entrance theme for the 4 Horsemen? And if so, did it have a track name?


    If you mean this theme, it has a striking resemblence to

    so I would imagine it's a traditional WCW rip-off.
  2. How far in advance to WWE PPV tickets go on sale usually? Or, even better, does anyone know when tickets for Night of Champions 2010 go on sale?


    It would appear to vary a little - a quick scan over my emails has just shown I bought my ticket for last year's Extreme Rules on 2nd May (which was the on-sale date), the event was June 7th, so just over a month.


    However, this week on Raw they announced the on-sale for Money in the Bank (18th July) as this Saturday, so that's pretty much 8 weeks.


    The event calendar on WWE.com currently goes up until the end of August, so in a couple of weeks' time Night of Champions should appear - my best advice is to just keep checking there - they do tend to give at least a week's notice of on-sale dates via the website.

  3. In my opinion, the Botchamania videos have pretty much reached the point where he's used all the old funny stuff, and now it's just a collection of clips from the last few weeks where stuff isn't 100% smooth - however, the 30 seconds from 5m 36 onwards of this are a work of genius that's had me repeatedly pissing myself all day.

  4. Anyone fancy proving me really wrong, as I can't be bothered to research it, and I probably am well wrong. But was Shelton Benjamin the only wrestler to leave WWE ECW and then go back? I suddenly thought it earlier when watching Superstars.


    Datz bcoz hez held bak by da WWE, he'z da best wrestla out dere, just watch him run up dat ladder 1ce a yr, he shud be WWE champion 4 da next 4t yrz.


    Or maybe it's because he's so horrendously dull when he's not falling off a ladder even the pre-tape promos they did to get over the Gold Standard gimmick when they moved him up to Smackdown bored people to tears and were pulled. Kane vs Benjamin was just about my own personal nightmare match of boredom.


    Other than Ryder, Matt Striker was drafted away as a wrestler and then went back as the commentator. Don't believe there's anyone else.

  5. Was there a steelbook edition of the Wrestlemania 25 DVD? If so, I sure can't find it, and it seems odd that there isn't...


    Im sure only 24 has had a tin edition/steelbook release of the Mania shows.


    23 did as well.


    The 25 special edition was just a fancier blue cardboard box surrounding the dvd and a mini WWE encyclopedia. Shit compared to the last two, but it looks nice at least.


    Cheers for your answers guys. I usually buy the previous year's Mania DVD about this time, and got 23 & 24 as steelbooks, and it seemed very odd they wouldn't bother for the 25th one. Particularly as there's a Summerslam steelbook, for example.

  6. Why does an atomic drop not count as an illegal low blow?


    I have no idea where, but somewhere I read a semi-kayfabed explanation that both the Atomic Drop and the Inverted Atomic Drop (although now I can't remember which way round they are - isn't the Inverted with the guy facing you, that looks more like it's a blow to the nuts?) are in fact blows to the base of the spine, not the nads.

  7. I'm currently running behind a bit and am catching up on all WWE TV via Sky+, so I only just got around to watching the Raw from a few weeks back which was guest hosted by Johnny Damon... Halfway through his opening in-ring promo, a woman invaded the ring chasing someone in a tiger costume? Theyshowed up again later in a backstage skit featuring the Bellas. My question is, what the fuck was that all about?!


    It was an oh-so-topical Tiger Woods reference, hence the jilted woman going after "Tiger" with a golf club.

  8. Why does the FWA comment on the piledriver being banned. Have I missed a bit of a story or is there something planned with it.


    If they really don't want any one to use it they just wouldn't mention it, as no one would walk home and say "hold on, by jove there was no piledrivers on that show", so I assume its involved some where, is there a story or something I've missed?

    First show I went to I waited all night for some dastardly person to hit one as it seemed the logical thing after being told I wouldn't see one, but it never occurred and didn't on the next show. It got a boo both times and like I say no one would really notice if nothing was said.


    If it's of any help, I remember them making a pretty big deal out of it when it happened in the old FWA. The ban followed shortly after WWE's, and IIRC there was no storyline reason for it at the time, but a while later the payoff to the Nikita 'bounty' angle was Sweet Saraya killing her dead with a Tombstone, which was treated as ultimately heelish as piledrivers were banned.


    I would imagine they will probably use a similar thing at some point down the road - I think it's worked really well with Eric Young in TNA, particularly as TNA present it as breaking an unwritten code. For all the things wrestlers do to each other, Young comes across as a real nasty bastard using that as a finish, despite it being a move you routinely see effective jobbers stagger up from if you watch Vintage Collection.

  9. During Stone Cold's HOF induction video, what is the name of the artist/song that is played?


    If you're referring to the video I think you are, it's "Cult of Personality" by Living Colour - a fantastic song from a fantastic album, that used to be CM Punk's ROH entrance theme.

  10. Does anyone have any idea why Kofi Kingston is suddenly no longer Jamaican? Expansion into Africa planned?

    No doubt, but isn't somewhere in Africa, where Kingston is actually from?


    Yeah, he's from Ghana, where they've suddenly begun announcing him from. The Jamaican flag is gone from his titantron set-up too.


    Just wondered why the call was made to suddenly change, particularly as being Jamaican has pretty been much his whole gimmick.

  11. Why do ROH fans throw toilet rolls at Jimmy Rave? And when/why did this start?

    Is it not a Japanese thing? Maybe he came back from Japan?


    They use streamers though.


    Yeah, it's clearly a spoof on the Japanese streamers thing (which was quite heavily adopted by ROH fans for guys they liked), but with a touch of old-school British football fan, throwing toilet roll at people you think are shit.

  12. Why is Mark Henry always called "Mizark"? Cheers!


    Mizark is the carny version of Mark, obviously, mark as in gullible punter.


    When DX did their Nation of Domination impersonation segment, X-Pac played "Mizark" Henry, and it's kind of stuck since then.


    I don't know if there was supposed to be any sort of inside joke with that, however. I don't know whether the 'veterans' thought Henry was a bit of a mark, still being (relatively) new to the wrestling business at the time.

  13. Does anybody know the backstory to the DiBiase - Jake Roberts match at Wrestlemania 6? Was it just a match, or was there some sort of angle attached to it? Thanks.


    In a nutshell, Jake had stolen the Million Dollar Belt, which, as it was unsanctioned, gave him as much right to claim the championship as Dibiase. Therefore the title match was set, with DiBiase winning the belt back by count-out - which was acceptable as it was an unsanctioned title.


    EDIT: According 411's WM6 report, the feud began the previous May, when Dibiase injured Jake:


    So Dibiase put Roberts out of action in May of
  14. It's between Wales, Ireland and France, and there is going to be some fucking great rugby, especially people putting their hands up for the Lions tour.

    Was on about this with a mate yesterday, can you see any England players making the Lions team?


    Although he's hardly been in sparkling form, I can still think there's a chance of Andrew Sheridan slipping into the number 1 shirt.


    Can't see many of his countrymen joining him, though.

  15. the black box i believe is a speaker

    What purpose does it serve though? My mate says it's so they can hear themselves speak in the ring, but that doesn't make much sense to me...
    Yep, it's a monitor so you can hear yourself (and, probably more importantly, someone else in the ring with you) clearly. Same principle as using monitors so a band can hear themselves on stage.
  16. Just watching an old Nitro from 1998. Raven/Kanyon botch a powerbomb & neck breaker combo on one of the Villano's. He's down for ages after buggering his neck, Patrick calls for the bell and Raven breaks character to make sure he's ok. He's flat out in the ring motionless for three or four minutes. Anyone know if he wrestled again after it?

    OWW lists a match result from a Dr. Wagner tribute show in October 2005 that has Villanos III, IV & V winning a trios match, so it would seem he did.
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