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Posts posted by Statto

  1. 2 hours ago, Vamp said:

    I'd quite like to have seen Regal vs. Boogeyman. I mean, I think it'd be amazing just for Regal's physical comedy but I think it'd probably review badly with a lot of other people. 

    Here you go:

    I assumed they must have worked on TV at least once as on the podcast Regal talked about them working house shows together and Boogey busting his mouth up pretty badly cos Regal told him to just hit him rather than have his worked stuff look like shit.

  2. I don't think there's a wrestler on the planet I enjoy watching more right now than Takeshita (and that's saying something as there are some very good wrestlers in very good form at the moment).

    Ive never heard the guy speak a word & I root for him like crazy.

    I dunno if he's interested in staying beyond his excursion but TK should cough up whatever it takes to make that happen, he's a proper megastar in the making IMO. If he wants to go home, at very least bring him back for (major) one-offs as often as possible.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Version1.0 said:

    Random open challenges being answered by challengers in their gear. Why are you in your gear?

    I don't mind this one so much. Raw has been booked on the fly (at least in part) for well over 2 decades now, so why wouldn't you be ready to wrestle at the drop of a hat? Also, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to assume that WWE requires you, as a contracted wrestler, to be at the show dressed and ready in case you are needed -someone hurts themself warming up and needs replacing (either kayfabe or real), a scheduled match only lasts 20 seconds so another match needs adding to the show (kayfabe) etc.

    Of course, they then contradict themselves slightly by having Miz come out to host Miz TV in a suit (and it's subset, the times he comes out to do it in his gear and an impromptu match mysteriously ensues).

    People just declaring Rumble entry can indeed fuck off though. If anyone can just say they are going in, why are there still spaces free on the Monday before (or indeed the day itself)??

  4. 3 hours ago, DCW said:

    Bruce being sent back to planet Conrad, hopefully. No way back this time either.

    I think that's inevitable, and I'd not be surprised if he jumps even in the seemingly unlikely event he doesn't get pushed. He's so closely tied to Vince, it feels to me like he only went back as a favour in the first place.

    The fact they've kept the podcast alive throughout everything suggests how lucrative it must be, and with Vince gone I see no reason why he'd keep working any kind of schedule when you can make a pretty damn good living listening to Conrad read from the Observer for 90 minutes a week.

    On the Kevin Dunn replacement - I seem to recall reading somewhere a couple of years ago that people expected Michael Cole to get that job if/when Hunter (who allegedly despises Dunn) ascended?

  5. I went to Peterborough on that tour, which was (apparently) the same card as Raid had at Telford. While I vividly remember MoM vs Quebecers, Bret vs Owen and (for some reason) Quake vs IRS, the rest of this card didn't stick with me in the same way.

    I remember Doink being there mostly because he carried Dink out over his shoulder after the match (guess Jarrett attacked Dink to get some heat, but I wouldn't have been able to tell you who Doink's opponent was let alone the circumstances) and smacked the poor bastard's head on the door being used for the entrance on the way out.

    I also remember waiting for the wrestlers to come out onto the buses post show and some kid (who must have been a midget wrestling aficionado) pointing out to everyone that Dink was Tiger Jackson. Someone also got the keepsake of a lifetime when Mo handed them his empty crisp packet out of the bus window.

    Beyond that, though - I'd never had remembered I'd seen Diesel etc.

  6. On 8/23/2018 at 11:38 PM, Maikeru said:

    - The same narrator from the opening disclaimer analysing a Rockers VS jobbers match move by move

    I was going to correct you here by saying that it definitely wasn't the same guy as I'm 100% sure it was Lord Alfred Hayes doing the "punditry" here.

    But... I'm now reasonably sure that this tape had a non-standard version of the classic Silvervision intro that had Hayes narrating instead of the usual guy... I also watched this short tape A LOT and have a vague memory of noticing that Hayes also 'got it wrong' by saying "side suplexes" over footage of armdrags (and then Dino Bravo's finish which they did refer to as a side suplex at the time, now generally referred to as a sidewalk slam).

    Hayes was definitely the regular guy for the don't try this at home disclaimer.

  7. I have been getting that feeling too, although Taz did accompany Starks & Hobbs to the ring on either Dark or Elevation just a couple of weeks ago (which is actually rare anyhow as he tended to go on commentary for their matches anyway).

  8. 1 hour ago, air_raid said:

    Mr Perfect vs Lex Luger, Yokozuna vs Hacksaw Duggan, Crush vs Doink, The Nasty Boys vs Headshrinkers, Shawn Michaels vs Bob Backlund for the Intercontinental belt, and Typhoon and Kamala respectively squashing Damien Demento and Kimchee.

    My first ever live WWF show was indeed exactly this. Went to Birmingham on an organised coach trip from Norwich which took about a million years to get there and even longer to get back, going via every conceivable town & city in between the two.

    Dad picked me & mum up in Norwich (we lived about half an hour away from the city at the time) at what must have been 2 or 3 in the morning, if not later. He was not a happy man.

    My other abiding memory was talking to another kid on the bus who had only ever seen one wrestling show before in his life in any capacity - Wrestlemania IV on video. Had never watched another minute of professional wresting, live or televised.

  9. 9 hours ago, Jesse said:

    I can't tell you why, but apparently it's "Amadou" and is sampled from M.O.P's song Ante Up. My best guess after some googling is it's a tribute to Ligue 1 footballer Ibrahim Amadou

    Norwich City legend!

  10. 14 hours ago, Supremo said:

    They keep doing these slightly wonky Battle Royales, with a sprinkle of TNA over-complication, yet still manage to make it work. 

    I think of all the battle royals they've done, this was the one that really didn't need the Rumble-esque staggered entrances which they seem to incorporate every time. They were pretty much constant and just made it feel extra messy trying to keep up with everything going on (of which their was clearly a bit too much - in the beatdown on the floor you could catch a quick glimpse of Andrade & Rush taking Penta's mask which the announcers missed/didn't acknowledge. I assume they'll refer back to it this coming week but it must have been felt it was too busy to edit in anything about it here, or perhaps there was just so much going on the camera crew didn't get any clear shots of it?)

    I think it'd have been preferable in this format to have everyone in from the start which would have allowed for more participants perhaps, for the spectacle of loads of guys in 2 rings. Maybe not to WW3 proportions but two rings of 20 seems fine for a company that employs about 800 wrestlers.

    On a bit of a tangent, the classic WWE concept I'd most like to see them rip-off/resurrect is proper Survivor Series - probably across a week of Dynamite & Rampage, nothing but elimination tags, every team with a nominated captain, every team given a name even if they have no formal prior/regular allegiance. Do some teams of 4, some teams of 5 to hit both nostalgia points. "Elite Eliminator"...?

  11. The annual set piece interview with all the MitB competitors standing near the top of ladders is one of the silliest things in wresting.

    And "OMG we forgot about this bloke who has spent 5 minutes laying on the floor who has just got back in the ring and won the battle royal" is one of the most played out things in wrestling. WWE only knows two battle royal finishes - that one and "the last 2 people both go over and fight on the apron until one falls off."

    I assume "Good Old-Fashioned Battle Royal" was a sly dig at the Royal Rampage.

  12. I found it kind of odd that having presented this show as a collaborative dream card (on which AEW wrestlers are challenging for NJPW titles, nonetheless) they suddenly started talking about Moxley having to defend AEW against Tanahashi winning the interim title like it was some kind of invasion.

    Otherwise, top work on zooming right in on the 9 year old kid chanting "shut the fuck up" at Christian.

  13. Regal was far better with the "AMA" style I thought. Allows him to go off on tangents and tell half a dozen little stories per answer. They should stick to that format, would be ages before they run out of questions.

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