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Posts posted by Statto

  1. For those Overcooked fans among you, I'd heartily recommend Moving Out, which is at £4.99 on Nintendo Store at the moment (75% off).

    It's a physics-based "furniture moving simulator" that shares a lot in common with Overcooked in terms of being significantly better as a co-op experience, crazy characters & similar humour.

    I love Overcooked, but this gets way more play in our house.

  2. 1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

    The only intriguing thing in WWE now is how they still get to Reigns/Lesnar at Wrestlemania.

    I wonder if they do a 3-way with the Rumble winner (likely Lashley, outside chance Big E) with both belts on the line but only the person pinned/submitted losing it to the winner (so if 3rd man pinned/submitted status quo in terms of belts). I'm guessing there is a Saudi Arabia show not long after Mania (based on the pre-pandemic schedule) so you could do the Reigns/Lesnar one on one there and sell that show as bigger than Wrestlemania like they did last time.

    Alternatively, with two nights of Mania they could do Reigns/Lesnar on the first night and winner of that vs Rumble winner on night 2?

  3. They did at one point, but not sure they still do. IIRC it was a separate website from the main wweshop page, where you could pick a design & the colour you wanted it on.

    Pretty much everyone on the roster had at least one design, even those who'd made only a couple of appearances on NXT (and in the case of Chelsea Green, before she had appeared IIRC. I also think there was a design for her "VXT" tag team with Deonna Purazzo that never made TV).

    The designs for the lower reaches of the roster were all logos of the type you used to get shiny stickers of/appeared on the loading screens of Smackdown 2. Pretty sure it was this that begat the highly controversial Jordan Myles design.

  4. Our Worldwide was a different show to Worldwide in the States - over there it was a full-on b-show whereas what we got was select matches from Nitro, Thunder & occasionally Saturday Night which they'd pretend were actually one "live" show despite the set changes etc. Anytime the ringside commentators appeared on camera Hudson & Zybyszko would tell us there were the "internet guys".

    But yeah, it was on a fairly significant delay so I'm pretty sure it kept running on C5 for a month/6 weeks or so after WCW had actually been sold to Vince.

  5. We definitely used to get basically the same show with a different name (and probably different commentary) over & over again in 99/00.

    Sky used to show them in a 5pm weekdays slot on the sports channels and it was the same 4 squash matches & the same highlights from the main shows, just in a different order.

    Metal, Jakked, Livewire & Superstars IIRC. I assume they were syndicated shows for different markets but Sky just took them all. And because I was still in a phase of being very excited to have Sky, I used to sit through all 4 every week.

  6. 1 minute ago, RedRooster said:

    Speaking of Bowens - he impresses me every time I see him. He has bags of potential as a future singles star. 

    Agreed on that. He had a few really good little singles matches while Caster was suspended.

    He also had a cracker of a match with Danielson, but that's to be expected.

  7. 4 hours ago, Supremo said:

    I’m absolutely terrified of the inevitable Undisputed Era reunion though. On paper it’s exciting, Fish and O’Reilly will make a great addition to the tag division and The Elite vs. Undisputed Era 6-man with either Omega or even Hangman is a real dream match, but how do you get there without The Young Bucks turning babyface?

    I'm just terrified of it in general. I thought they overstayed their welcome as a group in NXT & have no desire to see a retread anywhere else.

    Whilst he's still a long way from being a favourite, my attitude to Adam Cole has softened considerably since he's been in AEW & I think it's mostly down to him being associated/interacting with different people and not the tired old UE.

    When they set up that match a month or so ago with Cole teaming with Fish in the main event of Rampage (against Jurassic Express IIRC) I really thought it was going to end with Fish taking the pin and Cole abandoning him to be with his proper mates, and they almost did that - Cole headed off up the ramp with the Bucks leaving Fish in the ring. But then they just teamed together again, and won matches too.

  8. On that line though, we now have the Usos' brother in NXT who looks just like them, is using all the family trademark moves (running arse in the corner, big splash off the top finisher) but has a different name and (to the best of my recollection) it hasn't been noted he's in any way related to them.

  9. 1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

    (in fact, if you're calling a match in Mexico, "suplex" means what anyone else would call an arm drag, for some reason)

    From now on I'm going to assume that whoever put together the classic Silver Vision reel was a lucha mark, hence why they put a clip of Marty Janetty doing an armdrag when the voiceover said "side suplexes".

  10. 9 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

    Thing is it's definitely a look but I'm not sure what he's supposed to be. The best gimmicks you just know what the character is pretty much immediately. I haven't watched any Seth Rollins in ages and looking at him with that outfit and facial expression I have genuinely no fucking idea what his character is other than someone I definitely don't want to watch to find out.

    The gimmick is basically "wears ugly clothes and dances around like a twat" so you're getting most of it there.

  11. I do often wonder if, given they started presenting the belts as equal to the men's ones around the same time as the last brand split (insofar as them being a legitimate PPV main event attraction, even to Wrestlemania level etc) if WWE doesn't wish they'd duplicated the naming convention and had a WWE Women's Champion & a Universal Women's Champion?

    Would avoid shit like that altogether.

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