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Posts posted by Statto

  1. 1 hour ago, Nick James said:

    Not when Jericho is on his 5th encore and the main event is already 4 hours delayed. 

    Obviously this is a gag but on a serious note, they'll have to be pretty tight on timing for this as the stadium will have a curfew, I'd imagine?

    They're saying 7pm start and 4hr show, I wouldn't have thought they'll be permitted to go on much beyond 11pm? Going to have to keep to times on this unless they want a repeat of the truncated main event from the first All In.

  2. 5 minutes ago, METAL ON METAL said:

    You could easily get 30k+ in Craven Cottage when you factor in pitch seating and a modest stage set up.

    Wouldn't even need a stage - just have everyone come out the front door of the cottage.

  3. 4 hours ago, Louch said:

    not sure Luchasaurus still fits in aew, a tag team with Archer would give them something fresh in that division 

    This is what I had fantasy booked in my head when Luchasaurus went off TV over the mask copyright issue. Come back with a more snake-like appearance & a new name (Vibora, basically - precisely that if they could get away with it) and a team with Archer managed by Jake.

    When Christian looked like he was headed into the red light, I thought we were going to see him re-emerge next week as "Brood Christian". Exactly the same, just with "Brood Christian" written on the screen.

  4. They really ought to get a mainstream name if they are serious about selling it out. Like a former Premier League striker who has stepped into the ring before.

    Omega vs Grant Holt on top.

  5. This is inviting Sniff jokes, I know, but... he does know this is real life, right? The money is real, the risks are real, all the people in the ever-growing cast of 1000s will want paying?

    I hope it comes off.

  6. On 3/31/2023 at 11:02 PM, westlondonmist said:

    In sixth form? 

    Sixth form is where most of my play wrestling memories come from also. Before that matches seemed to consist mostly of arm wringers.

    My mate Craig gave another lad ligament damage in his ankle applying the Walls of Jericho. Craig is every bit of 6'8" and the angle too extreme for the other lad's ankle to cope with. I had to ring his sister from the payphone in reception and get him picked up as he was totally immobile. He was off for a good six weeks at least.

    There was a chair in the common room of which the backrest broke off, from that point it served as the primary weapon in hardcore matches. It was a padded chair so the intention was always to strike with the padded side, however on one occasion I caught another lad with the wooden side, causing a lump in his forehead akin to the Nigel Mansell one Murray Walker infamously prodded.

    There was also a kid in my year who was quite outspoken about hating wrestling but did love to slap on a surprise Tazzmission from behind during someone else's bouts. He ended up going to the Olympics as a judoka.

  7. As I'm off work this week, had NXT on as background noise whilst cleaning the kitchen.

    Was intrigued by the (debuting on "proper" NXT, I think) Luca Crucifino attorney character.

    Seems like it could be fun on it's own, but don't think it's a coincidence they have given him an Eye-talian name even though I don't think that's his actual heritage (real name Roman Macek, so assume Eastern European ancestry?), hinting then revealing that he's Tom Hagen (also not Italian, I know) to the D'angelo Family could be interesting.

  8. 3 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Oh behave!* Old Man Yells At Cloud as I may sound, they don’t realise how good they’ve got it. Was it a great show? No. Was it even an average show?

    Lots of the griping appears to be about the fact there was so little wrestling on the show, like people haven't watched enough (mostly good to great) wrestling matches over the last few days.

    That and the expectaton that #RawAfterMania is always this wild ride of debuts, returns and title changes, when it actual fact it was probably only that for a span of 3 or 4 years starting a decade ago. If anything, this year's was less of a damp squib than the last 2, from what I recall.

  9. 9 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    The way they went about it though was disappointing. The cleverness in it being Solo who delivered the shot was very, very good, nobody can deny that. That was a side-issue they built up smartly. But having the Usos help Reigns out instead of sowing seeds of dissent is the biggest disappointment. I'm not *as* bothered about Cody losing as I am about this storyline not progressing as it should. That part didn't make sense. However, they've found an answer every step of the way here and I'm sure they will again.

    This was something I pondered whilst doing my traditional re-watch yesterday evening.

    With an 80 yard ramp, you could easily have shown the Usos heading down to the ring (having been beckoned by Heyman) and then had them intercepted by Owens & Zayn from the other side without it seeming overly contrived. That way, there's still the doubt about if they would have come out without being summoned, or what they'd have done when they got there.

    I think the Usos inteference was as much about Sami giving Roman a Helluva Kick in front of the crowd without it seeming in any way heelish. Dunno yet if they've tried to play it as Cody being screwed on Raw, or if this will be referred to if they do,  but when it comes down to it BOTH competitors in the match got hit with two finishers from two interfering parties. 50/50, play on.

  10. 4 hours ago, theringmaster said:

    Does anyone have a link to pre-order the 1000 day champ tshirt?

    In all seriousness, I loved the "Wrestlemania Champions" t-shirts that were worn at that press conferences & that Sami wore for his run-in.


    The mad thing is though, if Cody had won and they'd done the real sports thing and opened boxes of champions tees and started selling them, they'd surely have sold as many as they could print. If they'd got 10,000 made they'd probably still have 65,000 people queuing at the stadium waiting for them to get more done. "3 more days? No bother, I'll wait." 

  11. 1 hour ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Prison Dom entrance and Prime KSI on the table are going in my most played YouTube clips for sure.

    Gable's Chaos Theory on Braun, and Braun getting LIT UP by Dawkins for me.

    I've nothing against Braun, just coincidence.

  12. 2 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Yeah, cubed up some firm tofu, left it to marinade, pat dried it with kitchen paper then add a bit of cornstarch. Gave it a shake every five or so minutes until it’s tough on the outside to touch. It was lovely and crunchy but still soft in the middle!  Definitely added to the dinner roster!

    Air fryer tofu like this is cracking, we've been having it of late with a variety of packet mix sauces/marinades that were in the reduced to clear bit of Sainsbury's for pennies (buffalo wings, sticky bbq etc.)

    Lovely quick cheap dinner.

  13. 4 hours ago, Supremo said:

    Considering the top class robes she normally wears, how the fuck did she end up walking out in Arsène Wenger’s coat?!


    I thought all black gear for a match against a goth was an odd choice too.

    One other major misstep on the night IMO:

    Imagine having Cathy Kelley backstage looking like this and giving the one backstage interview on the actual show to Byron.

  14. Another lapsed NXT fan here who gave this a watch - the thing I liked most about it was the fact absolutely everyone had their own custom chyron/nameplate design that fit their look/gimmick. The main roster should have that.

    Working a ladder match at 9am must be so weird.

  15. That's one of the only things I really remember from the entirety of my education in History, from a year 8 or 9 module called "The History of Medicine".

    And I say that as a man with a Master's degree in Medieval History.

  16. Because of his slight resemblance to Brock Lesnar!

    But yeah, that's the Boudreaux story pretty well summed up. Got a shot in WWE developmental because of his look, people started hyping him as the Next Next Big Thing because he looked a bit like Brock, Heyman did ca "Yeah, he does look a bit like Brock, that's a great look" tweet which people took to mean he was good, then WWE realised he wasn't getting it after a few weeks on TV & sacked him off.

    TK then had the old ex-WWE, must have been hard done by by management blinkers on and took him in, at which point it turned out - yep, he's actually crap.

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