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Posts posted by DEF

  1. Watched Turkey Shoot aka Blood Camp Thatcher last night. A great little old Sci-fi Horror. I'm sure a number of you have seen it. Can anyone else think of an earlier example of the 'group of innocents are hunted down for amusement' films? It had a little bit of hype going in to it as I had been told that it was an uber gory must see movie. Now its not particularly gory by today

  2. Wall Street


    I seem to have missed this one up until today. I'm sure its old news to most of you but if you haven't seen it you could do worse things than see it if the opportunity comes your way. Charlie Sheen is fantastic as the low level trader trying to get ahead. Its a great bit of acting/character design. His character genuinely seems grow from a kid with a drive to a slimy ruthless yuppie. Even physically he seems to transform right before your eyes, quite a impressive performance if I do say so. Of course Martin Sheen, John C McGinley and Michael Douglas are great too but Charlie is literally in every scene and he nails it. Loved the reality and slight ambiguity of the ending too. Oliver Stone as good a job of making me not want to work on Wall Street as he did make me not want to war in Platoon.

  3. Beowulf 3D - AWESOME! Its the first time I've seen a feature in 3D and wow does it suite animation. The first 20 minutes really plays up to the 3D aspect with tons of action and 3D camera tricks. After that the film settles into a slower pace and concentrates on plot development rather than constantly playing to the 3D. During this period the 3D aspect gives a great depth of field to the image which I would liken too watching a Blue Ray or HD-DVD disc on a HD TV except a bloody huge one. The ending is just as impressive as the beginning so if the action grabs you but you get a fidgety in the narrative portion know that you

  4. Watched The Wickerman (original) o Friday, thats a messed up film. Christopher Lee singing will haunt me forever

    Its so fucking haunging. Everything about that film scarred me mentally. Plus I think the ending is possibly one of the most horrorfic in British cinema history.
    An awesome film. I saw it not so long ago at the cinema. Freaking great on the big screen. Those masks are really freaky. Its a shame they screwed up the remake so much. Now that film blows. Your right about how damn haunting and horrific the ending is. I can hear his screams as clearly now as you do watching the film. I've got the older 2 disc by Warner does anyone know if its worth getting the new version?
  5. To be fair Saw isn't really a horror though is it? It's no more than a thriller thats tries to be as gory as possible. I would call it a Gorno but there isn't really a porno aspect to it. I guess yr response to the film depends on how you perceive it, I watched it purely to see how innovative the deaths would be and from that aspect I was relatively satisfied.

    I know I'm opening a can of worms here but how exactly do you define a genre so specifically. I can see your logic that it
  6. To be fair Saw isn't really a horror though is it? It's no more than a thriller thats tries to be as gory as possible. I would call it a Gorno but there isn't really a porno aspect to it. I guess yr response to the film depends on how you perceive it, I watched it purely to see how innovative the deaths would be and from that aspect I was relatively satisfied.

    I know I'm opening a can of worms here but how exactly do you define a genre so specifically. I can see your logic that its a Thriller but its just as valid to say its a Horror because of all the convention it uses from the genre. Personally I thought SAW 4 was ok, heavy on the plot this time round which was nice as it meant it wasn't just 'how do I get out of this room' every fifteen minutes with no explanation for why. The ending was a little weak simply because with Jigsaw dead they have to jump start the narrative for further sequels.On the Gorno thing I hate the term, there
  7. I watched Sunshine on Sunday and found it to be an incredibly convulted mess of a movie that had lots of big ideas and themes it wanted to get across but had no idea how to actually pull it off. I'd recommend you avoid it.

    Definitely one of those movies that loses ** in the final third.
    Yeah I couldn't agree more. It's like Danny Boyle has no idea how to end a film. 28 Days Later seems to have a tacked on ending just like Sunshine. Also Trainspotting doesn't end particularly strong either. I really like Sunshine right up to the end where as you say 2 stars fell right off.
  8. Just got back from the cinema and saw the bone chilling Hammer classic;


    Dracula In my opinion the greatest of the Dracula's Christoper Lee bites his way through a host of English aristocrats and Peter Cushing stalks him to his grave. Both men are awesome in this, Lee has to be my favourite Dracula. With a all new 12a raing this has rereleased for Halloween digitally remastered. Which is awesome because the greatest thing about the film is the production design. If the new Hammer films can come to even closely to the old gothic asthetic then it will be awesome. The lighting really is the highlight though, thats where the true Horror comes from in this. Shadow is used to grotesquely dement there frightened and tortured evil faces. Brilliant!

  9. Is there any chance we could get the page number of the review list up in the title of the thread? Its on page 200 but every other time look in here I forget and have to trawl though it. Cheers.


    Streetfighter 2 the Animated Movie - I have a mate who spent his youth doing stupid things like being outside and exercising. Because of this the poor chap has seen remarkably few films, (not even the Indiana Jones films). I have taken to educating in the ways of films I can't work out how/highly recommend he sees. We have done 5 but this is the only one not already reviewed.


    Simply put this is the way the Van Damme film should have been! Quite a western feel to the simple but at least not ridiculous plot of the film. Basically taking the game and fleshing it out into a way to get the characters to have one on one action sequences whilst retaining the back stories but not just having them in a organised street fighting tournament. Don't watch this if you want depth to your anime but if you want well animated action and a love for the game this is easily the way to go.


    The Chun-li vs Vega scene stands out as a highlight. Vega comes off as a genuinely dangerous man, which is nice because it gives a character more personality than just looking cool and the move set of the game. Not all the characters are given this luxury but it would be hard to get them all in, at least they have cool fights.


    The version I have is the previous Manga Entertainment DVD release which includes the old VHS Manga Entertainment trailer montage which as a kid use to be on every tape. If anyone has the new version with card slip case I wouldn't mind knowing if its worth getting? Does it have any worth while features?

  10. Cool Runnings,Hadn't heard of it before Tuesday night, But It's good, I would give it 7/10 at least."Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Get on up, its bobsled time! COOL RUNNINGS!""Nuff people say, you know they can't believe, Jamaica, we have a bobsled team":thumbsup:

    :omg: You hadn't heard of Cool Runnings! I am legit gob smacked. I thought everyone was made to watch it at least five times since its release. I know folk that hate it but I've always thought it was very funny and heart warming in equal measures.Here
  11. TMNT - i watched this for nostalgic reasons, i had no idea this was an animated movie, i thought it was a movie ala Hulk with real actors but with a CGI set of turtles. I was really fucked watching this so i didnt really appreciate the story, it seemed kinda decent, animation was mint. I may check this again at some point...but where the fuck was Shredder & Krang?Jack The Ripper - made for TV movie starring Michael Caine, i picked this badboy up for a measly

  12. Yeah cheers for that. Its always worth being able to look up reviews.Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas - Criterion edition. I'm sure many have seen this and no doubt love it as do I so its more the actual DVD that I think is worth talking about. What I would like to say is that the first 60 minutes are amazing. Really engrossing and very funny with countless quotable lines. For some reason once Dr Gonzo leaves on the plane at around 60 mins in I always seem to detach from the film slightly when compared to how engrossed I am to start with. That is not to say that the latter half is not great, because it is also funny and inventive but I really feel like its running out of steam. I

  13. Watched Groundhog day again the other night just because my friend tried to convince me that the reason for him waking up in the same day everyday is explained by a man in a weather tower that Bill Murray goes to see, clueless twat. Im pretty sure this is the same mate who believes theres a Dutch version of Leon where he has a go on Natalie Portman. Anyway Groundhog day is awesome and Bill Murray is the man.

    I'm sure i read somewhere that there was a scene that was removed from the thetrical release of Leon, in which Leon is seen sleeping in the same bed as Matilda.There's stuff aboot it up on Wiki Here
    Yep you can see the scene reinstated in the region 1 dvd deluxe edition I believe. Though you friend is a tit for the Ground Hog thing
  14. I normally have more to say about a movie, but Shrek the Third can be summed up in one word. Rubbish.Seeing Die Hard 4.0 tonight despite having never seen a previous Die Hard movie. Always wanted to but never got round to it. But the trailer for 4.0 makes it seem like it'll work as a stand alone.

    :cry: Stop doing what ever you are doing and immediately watch the original. Until you do I will cry myself to sleep every single day.
  15. Basically if you liked the first movie, you'll like the 2nd. If you hated the first movie, you'll hate the 2nd.

    Hooray for ridiculous sweeping statements. My friend loved the first one and absolutely despised the sequel.

    i think he's awesome.

    You should be ashamed.
    Now now Seven calm down, your not exactly well known for shying away from ridiculous sweeping statements when it comes to films and the people who watch said films.
  16. Fucking hell those observer notes are frightening. If someone in WWE knew he had killed them before went to air then why the fuck didn't they pull it. Thats mad. The only logical thing I can think of is that they didn't want to have to explain it to the locker room. But its still fucking mad.Benoit using the crossface on Daniel is sickening. It chills me to think about it. It was bad enough when we thought he had smothered him in his sleep but that is fucking sick. The media will have a field day with this stuff if they do some accurate reporting for once, lets hope they do so that there is no chance WWE can continue to let a environment be created where this could happen again. I really hope someone steps up to try and regulate WWE asap. I don't blame anyone but Benoit for the murders but WWE definately has more responsibilty for wrestling deaths than the laughable '5 under contract'.

  17. I have actually been reading this thread on and off since it started and hadn't read anything relating to wikipedia - i obviously missed whatever else was posted.I would post something sarcastic - but why bother - you quit clearly have enough wit and cynicism for both of us.

    Seriously, nobody is having a go for no reason, but the Wiki thing has been covered a lot, on the last few pages no less. People are just trying to stop this thread getting bogged down with repeats of the same thing. OK?
    Well then, Mods, let's just call it a day and Gold this thread so that any genuine news can be posted unhindered.
    This is not even remotely over now is it. All we would get is a new thread five minutes later when something else is posted. I for one want to know everything I can about this because wrestling is my passion and this is the biggest news story and could have the greatest effect on the history of wrestling.When the observer is released could anyone that gets a copy post anything that hasn't been covered? Thanks
  18. I will always remember Chris Benoit's matches fondly. How could you not? But I'll never be able to enjoy one ever again. The mention of Chris Benoit's name will never again bring a smile to my face. And many other fans feel the same. The thought of a once-heralded and celebrated hero falling so far from grace is sickening enough. But the full details having emerged about this man has made me lose all respect I had for him, and all grief over his death.

    This is more or less the way I feel. Its the same as the way I've viewed Snuka ever since I read Muchnicks article on him. A loss of respect that makes you sick for a man that I once thought great. I think its harsh to blame this on wrestling, WWE or Vince McMahon. The only person to blame (if you need to) is Benoit, hundreds of other wrestlers endure the hardship of the WWE life style and none of them have taken it upon themselves to end the life of there own 7 year old child. It is inexcusable and tragic. Benoit betrayed the trust of everyone from his fans to the people he worked with but most importantly he betrayed the trust a father has with his family. Whether he was of sound mind whilst he did this or not is irrelevant, he still did it and that for me is why every time I look at the man I will feel the same sinking betrayal in my stomach I get when Snuka is on TV except this time its even more personal because he was a man I had great respect for. This is not to say that I don
  19. Fuck, this is so sad. He was one of the greatest wrestlers theres ever likely to be and I can't believe that he has died. I thought that he was just off the PPV for a simple reason but this is fucked. His poor family too, its terrible. Is that quote genuine about him phoning up and saying Nancy and his kid were throwing up blood? THIS IS FUCKED UP! I hope they handle RAW well I guess we will know soon enough.Benoit was the greatestRIP

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