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Undefeated Steak

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Posts posted by Undefeated Steak

  1. Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere but I've just seen this trailer for a new documentary film focusing on the classic Illmatic album.


    Description taken from Youtube: "Twenty years after the release of Nass groundbreaking debut album Illmatic, NAS: TIME IS ILLMATIC takes us into the heart of his creative process. Returning to his childhood home in Queensbridge, Nas shares stories of his upbringing, his influences from the music of his jazz musician father Olu Dara to the burgeoning hip-hop scene in New York City and the obstacles he faced before his major label signing at age 20. Featuring interviews with his Illmatic producers Large Professor, Pete Rock, Q-Tip, L.E.S., and DJ Premier and musical peers including Pharrell Williams and Alicia Keys, NAS: TIME IS ILLMATIC is a thrilling account of Nass evolution from a young street poet to a visionary MC"


  2. The biggest problem with wrestling now is not that it's PG, that John Cena is on top or there are no chair shots to the head, but just how few things of note happen. Case in point: I just watched a Youtube video and there was a clip of Wrestlemania 25 and for a good 10+ seconds after the clip I had it in my head that Wrestlemania 25 was two or three years ago. There is no way that there's been 5 year's worth of wrestling (read: entertaining, gripping angles and storylines) since then. That was the best thing about WCW, WWF and ECW in the late 90's - one month was a lifetime back then, so much happened on a constant basis that you had to keep watching otherwise you were missing out. Look at how much happened and changed between 96 and 97, 97 and 98, 98 and 99 and so on. Sorry for coming across like a gimmick junkie here. Rant over. 

  3. I was thinking about the early days of TNA recently and wondered what would have happened if Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles would have formed a faction once Angle beat Joe. I've got the same intrigue for Sheamus, Ziggler, Miz and Cesaro (I would have said Del Rio instead of Cesaro a few weeks ago). They all have potential but like King Pitcos said, not one of them has any direction. Have Heyman manage them for a few months. Does anybody else think that as a unit they could be greater than the sum of their parts?


    Quick heads up that Heyman's podcast with Austin dropped today.


    When did people start saying that word in that context? It has to be around the same time that "having a blast" came into British verbiage.



    I've only just started using it really. Instead of saying a YouTube video or podcast has been broadcast or whatever, it just seems to fit the context a bit better.





  5. Yeah, I'm not trying to come across as having a Cena sux/can't sell attitude here but it annoyed me to see him like that too. He'd been taken apart in the most convincingly destructive fashion perhaps ever the night before. I know the superman act is part of his gimmick and I can accept that but it'd have been nice to see him selling the Lesnar beating more on Raw.

  6. Ok, having just watched the Lesnar vignette where he says it'll be John Cena's last night in this universe, I'm going to guess that Lesnar's going to put him out of action until the road to Wrestlemania. It'll be Cena taking the belt off Lesnar at Wrestlemania. 

  7. Oh. I don't follow those shows unfortunately.


    Edit - What are Superstars and Main Event about? I get that NXT is for the newer guys and has essentially become the new feeder system, but what about the other two? Are they like Smackdown Lite's?

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