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Mr Butternut Squash

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Posts posted by Mr Butternut Squash

  1. I dunno bout that. Sure it's one of the biggest matches of the era and was epic on first viewing but I'm sure there are matches that have aged better? Off the top of my head from the little I've seen I remember liking Cena/Umaga at the Rumble more and I'm guessing there's some great Eddy/Rey matches?

  2. Just re-watched the first Taker/HBK Mania match for the first time since it happened. Shawn's entrance is hilariously bad. Fuck, I forgot about that Taker dive. HBK's missed moonsalt looked nasty enough but Undertaker's lucky he's still walking. An enjoyable match but there's a bit too much finisher-finisher-lay about-finisher stuff for me for it to really hold up. The transitions into both the tombstone spots were cool.


    I tuned out for a few years and I'm trying to get a feel of it. What were the best WWE matches from about 04-09?

  3. Think I've got a bit of a man crush on this Corey fella. The crowd are already into him cos he's the only guy on the entire roster that seems in tune with the real world. I meet dirty hipster types all the time that look just like him. I don't know much about Cassius Ohno and didn't follow him on the indies but he already comes across like a future big time player. He's like a lovechild of Cactus Jack and Richard Kuklinski.


    It's a shame nobody watches this, it's so fresh compared to the rest of WWE.

  4. I'd never even taken notice of this whole 'moveset' thing until I came here. It is kind of annoying but blah . . It's a word that doesn't feel so derogatory when applied to WWE's current style. I mean it's always been pretty formulaic but it feels like it's been regressing for the last several years.

  5. Like everything it's a matter of perception and all that stuff. The only way Hogan vs Andre was objectively the best match at mania three is from a purely business standpoint. After that it's all a matter of opinion.


    I'd disagree with that. It inspired a reaction, the biggest reactions, and had the standout iconic moments required in order to make it a truly great match. Wrestling is about inspiring reactions and emotions and making them come back next time for more of the same, and that match delivered that way in spades.


    It certainly did at the time and I agree that its all about inspiring emotions and that. But to say on this cold day in 2012 that it's objectively the best match on the card? Sure it helped business for several years but I'm guessing that as many people would want to watch Steamboat/Savage as the ME if they revisited this PPV.

  6. You lot are a right bunch of angry weirdos ain't ya?


    Been watching some Raws from 1997 lately. For me it's wwes single greatest year, in terms of raw at least. The transition to gimmicks that were less goofy was complete and it all felt in tune with the culture at the time and it had yet to become the disposable trash that is the Attiude era. There's so much going on just in the space of a couple of episodes, most of it focused around the Hart Foundation. Bret alone was feuding with Austin, HBK, Taker, not to mention the rising tension between him and Vince. You also see the rising stars of Austin, Foley and his faces, HHH, the seeds for HBK's turn and the formation of DX, the story of Kane, tag feuds and stables, LOTS OF FUCKING STABLES. Fuck DX. It's all about the Nation. what an awesome idea for a stable, goading whitey and his underlying fears. And it made the Rock.

  7. A Randy Orton interview from about a year ago. He's a right airhead and a bit of a dickhead, but he's more interesting than he is on TV, and there's some nice stuff in there about recording voices for the dolls and computer games.


    First interview I've seen of Randy. Seems like an alright bloke to be fair, certainly less of a dick than Punk. Liked him giving anger management tips to the kid.



    Been watching a lot of joshi recently. I suppose seeing decent female wrestling is still a novelty to me. Akira Hokuto is one of my favourites. Although she wasn't a monster like Aja she just comes across like such a badass. Love this little vid but it's a shame it didn't include her brilliantly cheesy entrance music instead.



  8. Ha bloody hell, the 'Cena hates him' was tongue in cheek you fucking nutters.


    The pack-mentality piles-on around here are really grating. Someone will have to point me in the direction of a Squash post that marks him out as a potential neckbeard because I've not seen anything of the kind. Only thing the poor fucker is guilty of is being new and grouped in with a cohort of fellow new arrivals who aren't particularly good.


    You're right of course but don't worry about it mate, I know the drill.

  9. With the Miz thing at least they had something there to work on. Who else are they pushing as a potential babyface star?






    Oh yeah, forgot about him. They kind of fucked that up too though didn't they. Too much too soon. Hopefully he's not as short term as it seems.

  10. Riley did show in his run with the Miz that people were willing to cheer someone showing a little fire standing up to the Miz, who was coming off a world title reign and WrestleMania main event as company top heel. It's a world of difference between shoing potential as a top face. It's a good 18 months now, if that potential existed surely they'd be doing something with him by now. I think people just wanted him to succeed because he was new and they liked his music, not because he was anything special.


    With the Miz thing at least they had something there to work on. Who else are they pushing as a potential babyface star? Kofi? Miz? I actually think a turn would do wonders for Ziggler.


    Don't use your Cena hard on as a flaccid stick to project some smarky arse views onto my post.


    How does that work?



    I don't know, ask him.

  11. Oh, this Mr Butternut Squash is good value, isn't he? Anyone want to start a book on how long until we get "Cena doesn't do the STF properly" and "HHH stopped CM Punk from doing the Pepsi Plunge"?


    Hehe, be quite you bint. No he can't do an STF properly but that doesn't really matter.


    Alright, who had 36 minutes?


    Mate, I said it's not important. You're the one that brought it up. Don't use your Cena hard on as a flaccid stick to project some smarky arse views onto my post.

  12. Oh, this Mr Butternut Squash is good value, isn't he? Anyone want to start a book on how long until we get "Cena doesn't do the STF properly" and "HHH stopped CM Punk from doing the Pepsi Plunge"?


    Hehe, be quite you bint. No he can't do an STF properly but that doesn't really matter. The point is that WWE have long needed some new big time babyfaces. And yes, Riley showed potential during that turn on Miz, the crowd were willing to get behind him, he's got the look and he has that relatable good guy presence certainly more than anybody else on the roster at the minute.

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