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Mr Butternut Squash

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Posts posted by Mr Butternut Squash

  1. Yeah Christian already pinned Del Rio the other day. I hate this lazy shit way they set up title matches with non title matches. The challenger will pin the champ and earn himself a title shot rather than the belt itself. Then the champ will win the proper match and keep his belt anyway. That's shit and makes everything stagnant and devalues everyone.


    Kaitlyn just lost her title match on Smackdown, so she'll receive and win another non title match on Raw to set up ANOTHER REMATCH for the title at Summerslam. Which she'll lose.


    Random thought. . has any wrestler looked sexier in a rob than 80's Lex Luger?

  2. I hated the pointless 'Look! Big men like to dance and have fun too!' segment and Shite CM Punk vs Shite Arn Anderson was shite, but all else was good as ever. They've started adding smart little spots and touches to the diva's matches which is promising. Paige is pretty bland in her current role though. Once the division's a bit more established I hope they can turn her into the hard bumping goofy heel character she thrives at.


    Tyler Breeze was even better this week although I could have done without that berk in the background. Who was that? Can't wait to see more of Tyler and his tasselled boots. The thought of Ambrose/Neville is getting me moist, not to mention the Cesaro vs Zanyn 2 out 3 falls match they've apparently taped down the line.

  3. I know it's old news but I just watched this weeks NXT and, wow, Bray Wyatt could and should be a star. An actual proper money making star. I hope he makes it through WWE booking in one piece.


    It'd be great if the 'Wyatt wave' that the crowd does to his music translates onto the main shows. The sight of thousands of people doing that in their glow in the dark sheep masks would be an amazing visual.

  4. I love the Tyler Breeze gimmick, it's a nice 'modern' take on a wrestling touchstone. The Zoolander poses are a cracking idea too.


    The hiring and subsequent influence of Sara Del Rey (whose presence was felt in the women's match) gives me tiny hope that we might more stuff like Paige vs Emma in the future of WWE.


    Harper vs Sheamus was also quality. It was nice to see Harper get a biggish spot by himself for once. Some awesome bombs were thrown. Bray's clearly got evil intentions for next week. Can't wait.

  5. I think if you put anybody from the roster into the Wyatt's it will turn the angle into a joke. I just don't see a 'brainwashed' type thing working, even though that was my first instinct in what they were going to do with Kane. Just keep it simple with Bray vs Kane at summerslam. If they are gonna add to the stable it should be unknowns. It could be a way to get Kasius Ohno on there. Ian's idea of Daizee Haze was inspired, she'd be perfect as the forlorn blue eyed girl led astray from her abusive backwards home. Sami Callihan maybe. Basically any new person that fits the look and can work a match whilst they slowly fade Rowan away from the TV. The Briscoes can fuck off, mind.


    The beatdown on Main Event was pretty good. Poor 3MB bump like champs. I really want to cheer those guys.

  6. Bloody hell, full sail hate Bo don't they! You can see people turning their back to the ring or heading to the concessions as soon as his music hits. It was stupid putting the belt on him, even if they were turning him heel (which they're not it seems). I've no idea if Kruger's a face now after that beatdown and his glorious cheerleading of the 'Kru- ger!' chant. He's hilarious. He's not someone I ever see doing anything on the main roster but he's perfect for a show like this. Cesaro's much better for this setting too actually. Kruger vs Sami vs Cesaro was like one of them Xdivinsion triples at times. But good. Can't wait till Sami gets on the proper telly, I would love a flying baby team of him and Pac.


    It's always nice to see Naitch. I can't stand that acrobat shit his daughter was doing but at least she was tidy and precise with it. I hope Bayley is just 'starstruck' and not full on retard. She's a talented girl and you can tell the crowd are already into her. I wish all the lady wrestlers could stay put on NXT where they're actually given time to wrestle and get their character over. The division will be pretty damn good once The Rebecca Knox turns up.


    The main was decent. I disagree with you up there pits, I thought Corey was a terrible face in peril. Harper and Neville looked good in that but the other Wyatt bloke is really boring. I don't feel he projects the kind of presence that a big man should. Regal was gold on commentary during this match, especially when he was getting all hot and bothered for the hot tag ("Come on Corey, dig your fingernails into the mat if you have to! Claw you way to the tag!")


    Who the fuck's Tyler Breeze? He was only on for 15 seconds and I already love him. 2013 'model' Martel? Yes please!


    This was the best show in a while, really love the old school format to it. I wish the main shows had a Dusty Rhodes and not boring power struggles that make no sense and ego head GMs that treat the wrestlers like idiots.

  7. I don't know what their money and that's like but it would be cool to see some of the indie girls signed up by TNA, especially now WWE are swallowing up all the decent male talent. LuFisto, Courtney Rush, Portia Perez and the like would instantly brighten up the place. What's happened to Tessmacher, they let her go?

  8. The threads for the weekly wrestling shows on there (the only thing I read) are terrible now too. Barely any discussion and everyone trying to out smart themselves with shit one - liners. The fat waiter bloke can be funny and on point (cos he's a Brit?) but the others are shite.


    How's there no Raw thread yet? Raw was SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read



  9. Brad Maddox is bloody terrible on commentary. He was pretty weird and funny when he was hi-jacking the commentary booth on Main Event, now he has an 'official' job he's as uninteresting (and annoying) as the rest of them. He should be doing squashes. He was great when he was the overconfident guy doing goofy muscle poses and getting flattened by Big E.


    I suppose I have Enzo now though. I'm guessing he can't really wrestle but he's as fun as fuck.

  10. Ugh. . WWE feels pretty fresh at the minute, the last thing I want to see is an Orton push. I don't get it myself - dull, contrived matches, boring character whether heel or face, totally wooden on the stick - honestly, the most I've liked Orton was recently as a tag wrestler with Sheamus, that was fun. His role should be the guy the rising star goes through before they move onto Cena like they did with Bryan.

  11. After seeing some of her stuff recently I must say I'm looking forward to Rebecca Knox getting on to NXT telly. She's got the lot - 'Diva' material looks, mega charismatic, Irish, great promo, funny as fuck, excellent in the ring - they now have a couple of women decent enough to hang with her as well. She's been out of the business for a few years so it'll be interesting to see what kind of condition she's in. She could be as big a star as a diva can be in WWE.


    Unmasking Generico is looking like it was a good idea too. He's charm and personality is doing wonders in making him shine. It helps that NXT don't script the fuck out their promos but he come across as more natural and likeable than any other babyface in WWE.

  12. They had started getting a nice feel for the pace and flow of storylines when they were in the Impact Zone. That seems to have gone to shit since the PPVs dropped and they went on the road. There's also too many guys on the roster that pop up one week only to disappear for ages and you don't get to know or relate to many of the blokes that fill the screen.


    The main problem for me personally though is that they have no 'draw' on the roster that I look forward to seeing. None of the interesting guys are doing anything interesting. There was a brief period last year where Aries went heel and was proper sleazy winding up Brooke and it looked like he was on the cusp of having a star making feud with Hulk. He was somebody I would want to tune in to watch but they slowly pulled him into the background. Same with Bully Ray when he was feuding with Joseph Park, long before he got neutered by the Aces and 8s rubbish. Sting/Joe/Hulk/Angle and the like take up too much time, are stale beyond belief and have nothing compelling left to do. If guys like Aries, Roode, Jessie and Kenny King were getting more mic/story time I might give a shit about TNA. Jay Bradley is somebody who I'm interested in but they'll fuck him up as well. Most of them guys only seem to appear once a month. Where the fuck has Robbie T gone? They're doing alright by Magnus I guess but he's not exactly somebody that inspires excitement.


    Anyways, whilst I'm moaning, for fucks sake . .


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    What do they see in Chris Sabin anyway? What are his positives? Looks bored, wrestles boring, can't talk, looks like shit. Why is he pinning Aries in a match that involves bloody Manic or whatever his silly name is now? The crowd couldn't give a shit about him and his sob story either


    [close spoiler]

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