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Posts posted by DJM

  1. On ‎10‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 6:19 PM, SuperBacon said:

    People that have seen Thor Ragnarok, is it suitable for a fairly robust Thor obsessed 4 year old? She hasn't seen the others but she was bloody smitten with the trailer and the video of Hemsworth playing with toys and tonally it sounds a bit more suitable...

    I wouldn't say that it is suitable for a 4 year old. There is some swearing and (fantasy) violence in it.

    For anyone else who has seen Thor Ragnarok, where is the song The Lonely Man used in it?

  2. 3 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    So is Leatherface an origin story then? Because I thought they did that already in that 2006 film (TCM:The Beginning I think it was called). Unless this is an attempted reboot and they're just going to ignore that previous one

    They are ignoring the 2003 remake and 2006 prequel to the remake; both are in their own universe.

    Leatherface is a prequel to the 1973 original. The 2013 Texas Chainsaw 3D is a sequel to the 1973 original, ignoring anything that was made after it (TCM2, TCM III and Next Generation).

  3. I watched the new Chucky and Texas Chainsaw films over the weekend.

    Cult of Chucky is a good sequel in the Child's Play series, and like Curse of Chucky has a more serious style like the first two films, rather than the comedy approach in Bride (which I still liked and is a fun film) and Seed (which while not awful, the less said about it the better).

    Leatherface is a different approach to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but it ends up being a disappointing and unnecessary prequel to the original 1973 film, that tries to explain the background of Leatherface but for the most part does not really have the feel of a TCM film (the first 10-minutes and the last 10-minutes feel like TCM, but the rest not so much). The directing is fine from Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury (who made Inside which I think is a great little horror film), as is the acting from a pretty good cast (including Stephen Dorff, Finn Jones, Lili Taylor and young Hodor from Game of Thrones), and it has the expected blood, gore and the nasty deaths, but there is little of interest in the film really, it has a lackluster and predictable attempt at making you guess who from the group of people becomes Leatherface, and if we are honest no one really wanted to know how Leatherface became Leatherface (and even if we did, this film does not do a very good job of showing us; the Leatherface at the end of the film does not really feel like the same Leatherface we will end up seeing in the 1973 TCM). It's better than TCM III, TCM Next Generation and the Texas Chainsaw film from 2013, but the original two films and the two films from 2003 and 2006 are much better.


  4. 5 minutes ago, Ambulance Chaser said:

    Oh great Kane is back.

    Jesus it's one notch above Kalisto in terms of an anti climax that, the bloody mayor of Knoxville, does this mean we are seeing Reigns vs Kane matches for about 3 months. Kill me.

    Could this not have been SOMEBODY else, they have every bastard talent under some contract or another, be it legends or whatever. Val Venis, The one that isn't injured from the Revival, Vader. ANYBODY BUT KANE

    Maybe they have soured on the idea of Lesnar/Mahal and we will be seeing Lesnar/Kane for the title at Survivor Series after he beats the Shield at TLC.

  5. Who do we see as the next few challengers for AJ if he keeps winning? Wilder sometime next year and then Parker to collect all the belts? Who is he defending them against then? Tyson Fury if he sorts himself out?

  6. Has there been any mention of where Lesnar is? I FFWD most of Raw at the moment, so I might have missed them saying something.

    Is it a case where they have said that he is waiting for the next challenger to emerge, or have they just not bothered saying anything about him?

  7. 42 minutes ago, King Pitcos said:

    Most of his NXT run wasn't much cop either, but that fantastic debut against Sami Zayn bought him a lot of goodwill. I see him now as a guy with a great entrance, who will put on a spectacular performance about once every fifty matches.

    From his time in NXT I liked his matches with Joe. HIs matches with Roode were fine as well, but nobody is going to have great or spectacular matches with Bobby Roode.

    On the main roster his matches with Orton and Cena were good. His matches with Ziggler and Jinder haven't been all that good, but then again no one else is having great or spectacular matches with them either.

  8. 13 minutes ago, wooly said:

    Otherwise whats to point in getting involved with Braun. 

    Because WWE do not have anything else for Braun to do since he lost to Lesnar last month and no one else for him to fight at TLC. They will continue the (seemingly endless, but fun) feud he is having with Reigns, and he has fought and beat Rollin and Ambrose the last two weeks as well, so it sort of makes sense he is in the match with the Shield.

  9. 3 hours ago, PunkStep said:


      Reveal hidden contents

    Big rumours suggesting Sage Beckett from the Mae Young Classic, Rosie Lottalove in TNA, will be portraying Sister Abigail


    Sister Abigail Spoilers


    She also posted this during Raw:


  10. 1 hour ago, mim731 said:

    So hang on, if Sister Abigail is supposedly alive (if I took from that Wyatt promo what I was supposed to take), whose remains did Randy Orton torch in that hut when he did a bit of arson earlier in the year?

    I would guess it is just going to be Wyatt painting his face to match Demon Balor, with the spirit of Sister Abigail running through Wyatt.

    I do hope it is someone new debuting as Sister Abigail though. It would make Wyatt slightly more interesting.

  11. 11 hours ago, Rosler28 said:

    it makes sense they are aiming for reigns vs lesnar at wrestlemania with the way the two have been booked. unbeatable champion vs unstoppable challenger

    I get the unbeatable champion in Lesnar but where is the unstoppable challenger? I know WWE like to think that the fans have very short memories and will forget anything that happened previous to their current plans for someone, but Reigns has looked anything but unstoppable, losing every time he has fought Samoa Joe and losing most encounters with Strowman.

    He will obviously be built up to look strong for the next 6 months or so leading up to 'Mania, and he did look laughably unstoppable against Cena on Sunday, but at the moment he does not really feel like someone who can give Lesnar much of a challenge for the title. That said, Lesnar's next opponent at the Survivor Series or Rumble is rumoured to be Finn Balor, who looks even less like a realistic challenge for Lesnar than Reigns does.

  12. 9 minutes ago, BomberPat said:


    And as for what monstrous threat could finally bring The Shield back together after all this time? Miz, Dallas and Axel, who I'm surprised Roman Reigns hasn't already beaten in a handicap match three weeks running. I can see it working purely as giving them an expendable trio to steamroll through en route to facing someone bigger and badder - but then they're throwing the Intercontinental Champion under a bus in the process, it raises the question as to why The Shield would need to reform to beat these scrubs, and there would need to be someone bigger and badder, and who is there? Fantasy booking, I'd say it'd be pretty awesome if they have a match at Survivor Series, and get jumped by Sanity in their debut, in an echo of how The Shield debuted in the first place. But I don't see it happening.

    After Reigns wins the IC title next week I guess they could do The Shield vs. Miz/Cesaro/Sheamus. Feels more like a Raw 2nd hour main event though.

  13. On 9/25/2017 at 11:42 AM, Bohan said:

    8.99 each in Smyths.  Can't beats them for prices, always a heap load of elites reduced down to a fiver.  The Entertainer has always been pricey on wwe figures.

    Smyths have got a £10 off for every £50 spent offer on until 2nd October, to save you all a bit more money.

  14. 3 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

    The rest of the show looked alright but lacking massively in star power.

    This is a serious problem in WWE at the moment and has been a problem for a while.

    Watching Rollins/Ambrose vs. Sheamus/Cersaro at No Mercy, I was thinking that these four should be main event stars but have lacked momentum or good booking for a long time. Most of the roster have the same problem.

    Everyone is pretty much at the same level and treated the same, so that a win for Wrestler A over Wrestler B does nothing for Wrestler A. Even a win over Cena doesn't really mean as much as it should anymore.

    Lesnar is the only protected wrestler at the moment and the only person with "star power", which is no use then he will not wrestle again until around the Rumble. Strowman is the only other person with a little momentum behind him, but I expect that they will manage to screw that up really soon.


    8 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

    Are you kidding me? They had the Miztourage stand in the middle of the ring doing the frigging Shield fist pose! Even Ray Charles can see where they're going with this! Of course they are.

    Ok, I should probably have said are they really thinking of doing Shield vs. Miz, Axel and Dallas? Are we at the stage where that is the best they could come up with for The Shield?

  15. Do we think that WWE are building towards Rollins and Ambrose helping Reigns against Miz, Axel and Dallas?

    The Shield vs. Miz/Axel/Dallas at TLC doesn't really sound all that great as the first match for a reformed Shield. It's five years since they debuted at TLC 2012 as well.

  16. I watched Ana Lily Amirpour's two films (A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night and The Bad Batch) over the last couple of days.

    A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night is a good low budget vampire drama, that just about manages to stay on the right side of being pretentious and boring. It is a mix of different genres and ideas, and takes influences from many films and directors, but it lacks focus, and the story and characters just did not really impress me. Maybe I expected more from it given the overwhelming praise it has been given, but there was just nothing great to be found in the film. Excuse the pun, but there was nothing to sink your teeth into; it just felt like an empty film with no reason to care about any of the characters or what they were doing.

    The Bad Batch is a pretty good romantic-comedy-horror-thriller film with a good cast (including Jason Momoa, Keanu Reeves, Jim Carrey and Giovanni Ribisi), but again the director fails to delve into and develop the world she has created. She has a good ear for music and eye for visuals, so the film does sound and look pretty good, but it is too long at nearly 2-hours, the characters are underdeveloped (and so again there is very little reason to care about any of them) and there is very little story.

  17. I watched four films by Nacho Vigalondo over the last couple of weeks.

    Timecrimes, which is a very good sci-fi thriller that has a basic but interesting plot.

    Extraterrestrial, which is a really dull sci-fi romantic-comedy, that is not as funny as it thinks it is and that goes nowhere.

    Open Windows, which is an entertaining and pretty interesting thriller, but implausible and totally unbelievable.

    Colossal; an entertaining sci-fi romantic-comedy with a good cast that includes Anne Hathaway, Jason Sudeikis, Dan Stevens and Tim Blake Nelson. Has a really basic plot though, there is minimal explanation for what is happening, and the characters motivations and reactions are all over the place, but it is still good and well acted.

  18. A really good show from start to finish and Summerslam is going to have to exceed all expectations if it is going to be anywhere near as good.

    I can see Johnny Gargano being a great main event face for NXT in the near future and a solid addition to the main roster if they ever put him on Raw or Smackdown. Andrade Almas has improved as well as a heel and would be a solid mid carder on the main roster.

    They could have something special in Aleister Black if they continue to treat him as a star. His finisher looks and sounds good and like a few others on the show he is continuing to improve.

    Surprised but happy to see Asuka win. The winner of the Mae Young Classic is probably taking the title off her (given the hype probably Kairi Hojo). I can them running open challenge title defences for Asuka in the meantime over the next couple of months, with her beating Ember Moon, Riot and Cross again. I guess she will be promoted to the main roster after Survivor Series now, but sadly I can see her trading wins/losses with everyone on Raw/Smackdown when she ends up there.

  19. 38 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Are all the bad reviews for The Dark Tower due to fans of the books moaning? I thought it was alright.

    I would guess that it is going to be a mix, with some of the poor reviews from fans who were disappointed by the film (I wouldn't go so far as to say moaning about it), but some are also going to be people who were just not at all impressed by what was a pretty poor film. I have not read any of the books and I just found it to be a really underwhelming and forgettable film that tried to cram too much into its short 90-minute runtime. It is not awful or anything, but it's also not good either really.

  20. The Dark Tower

    Passable but underwhelming if it's the start of a series of films and TV shows, but poor and instantly forgettable if it ends up being a stand-alone film. It is lackluster, lifeless, feels rushed and is too short at 90-minutes. The characters and the story are both weak and underdeveloped, the film lacks thrills or excitement, and the likes of Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey are really wasted. Given the source material it has to work with (7 books, all of which have some element of them crammed into the film) and the amount of time it has taken for the film to be made, it should be been much, much better.

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