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Posts posted by Sphinx

  1. I'm reading The Body by Bill Bryson. It took a little to get into it but it's good fun. The chapters are broken up by parts of the body and has lots of facts but easily digestible and it's easy to dip in and out of for a quick read on a lunch break or a train journey.

  2. Just to recap, Modric has been integral to sides that have won 5 Champions Leagues along with La Ligas, domestic cups, and Club World Cups and has been a part of a Croatia team that have got to the World Cup final and the World Cup semis this year (at least). He's still smashing it now at 37 years old. I think he's in the discussion.

  3. 4 hours ago, 2Xtreme_lives said:

    Could you make an Eddie Kingston promo from Robbie Williams Lyrics

    Imagine Eddie shouting the lyrics to Angel and it strangely works 

    "Come and have a go if you think you are hard enough" is the best I've got.

    Though I'd be all up for him giving the rap from Kids a go.

  4. 23 hours ago, TildeGuy~! said:

    I’d loved it too but I think this match happens in Japan now once Danielson is cleared.


    I've not seen Zack Sabre Jr wrestle in a fair few years but remember him as the one who goes through the motions between a repertoire of holds and reversals he's learnt and is overall unconvincing.

    People have continued to big him up a lot so I thought I'd check this out to see if he's added anything character wise at least. Same thing - unconvincing and absolutely no natural flow into the next thing he's saying. The swearing is so unrealistic and unnecessary, just seems like he's trying to make up for shortfalls by throwing them in.

  5. I check out The Guardian's football section and, out of habit, sometimes go to their home page. I find the opinion piece headlines so dull.

    Today: "The lesson politicians refuse to learn? People are crying out for a leader who is honest about what they stand for".

    Great. Groundbreaking stuff that people want an honest leader and our leaders are shit. What am I likely to get out of that article?

  6. I've started to use 'Best', as in a shortening of 'best wishes', as an alternative to 'thanks' for the times where I've nothing to thank the recipient for and die a little inside each time. I saw someone use it and nicked it but haven't conjured a better alternative.

  7. I'm in the process of renewing mine whilst living in the UK and it was also 2 weeks or so before they sent a message saying they'd received. I got a message saying they hadn't received it too. They've printed it now, waiting on tracking reference and for it to be delivered.

  8. Me and a mate watched some of Mania the other weekend and he loves the silliness and backstage stories. He's caught viral bits before and wanted to learn more about it. I know he's not had the easiest time the last year or so and it's been good bonding to watch daft shit.

    My question is if there's a good YouTube/Instagram/Twitter for clips.

    He likes Vince, Santino, Savage, and anything that's a politically incorrect fuck up (like Sheikh Abdul Bashir coming out to the sound of a plane crashing).

    Of course, any suggestions for clips from yourselves are more than welcome. My memory's not the best and some of it's so part of the furniture I forget how silly it is through fresher eyes.

  9. 1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

    And because they’re entitled wrestling fans, you just know that if WWE were putting out a product they loved watching, Vince would be considered ace as well. 


    You're usually a good poster but you've become boring with this negativity lately. We get it. You've said it a thousand times. It's the same negativity that starts bleeding into other topics and it just comes off as smug superiority.

  10. 56 minutes ago, Ironic Indie Lad said:

    I quite enjoyed Tunic but I still think Deaths Door is a better game. I preferred the art style and thought the combat was a bit more satisfying. There was also some pretty good humour in it.

    I would also recommend giving Young Souls a look if you have Game Pass. Despite the word 'Souls' in the title its thankfully not yet another Dark Souls clone. Its more of a side scrolling beat em up meets action RPG in a somewhat-open world. Like the above, it has a nice art style and is really well written. It can be played cooperatively too. 

    Ah, I didn't know about those so thanks for the heads up. I'll give Deaths Door a go after Tunic.

  11. 2 hours ago, StrongStyle said:

    I'd certainly welcome any recommendations of games that you can play in short, quickfire bursts. All while I wait with my lad in hand for God of War: Ragnarok.

    I've really enjoyed Tunic so far. It's basically like old SNES Zeldas but with more difficulty. It looks great with a nice soundtrack and it's great to explore with little in the way of guidance and you work out the world for yourself. Though you can play in relatively short bursts, I find myself hooked until I can finish whichever section I'm in.

  12. 9 hours ago, Chili said:

    Can you expand? Genuinely interested as I've found his work in superb so far. We've not got much of him yet. 

    I find him distracting. I know wrestling's theatrical but all his over the top movements in promos take me out of it. Look at Mox and Bryan sell Yuta after the Mox vs. Yuta match - Mox just has a face like 'wtf?', Bryan's on guard, then Regal comes in cooking his head to a side doing this big ol' grimace and a silly walk. After that match it took some credibility they'd built up away for me.

    I'm fine with the exaggerated movements in a match as you're in a fight situation and reaching the audience in the back seats, or in comedy - and he's one of the funniest of all time in wrestling - but outside of that he comes across as an old timer play acting the role of hardnut boss.

  13. Just seen the Mox vs. Yuta match - great stuff. Regal isn't half hammy though. I guess that might seem obvious but it worked for me in his comedy character - less so when he's meant to be the head of this violent group. I find him pretty cringey so far.

  14. 45 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    Really minor but the rebranding to “plant-based” strikes me as wholly unnecessary as the words “vegetarian” and “vegan” were fine for succinctly describing the content of the product. I suspect this is part of the “save the world” agenda to try and sell more meat free products to omnivores. Probably because they think vegans have a stereotype as self-righteous wankers, so “vegan burger” isn’t much of a sales pitch.

    Speaking of the conversion bollocks, that “can we leave my kebab out of it” advert is/was the worst yet. Making all of us that aren’t interested in swapping t-bone for tofu sound like simpletons. After all, meat production is killing the planet. Just ask any of the hipsters, I’m sure there’s no carbon footprint importing all their avocados from Peru.

    That's so fuddy duddy. My mum gets avocados - she's hardly a 'hipster'. It's pretty established as a mainstream food choice.

    There are issues with importing avocados, including drug cartels taking over the farming, but there's a growing amount of people who don't buy avocados for these reasons and alternatives to avocados being used in recipes like for guacamole. And either way, it's still less of a carbon footprint and water footprint than meat.

    If you want to eat meat then it's your choice but let's not make out you're the victim if meat free products are advertised to you.

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