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Posts posted by Sphinx

  1. 10 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    I'm gonna have to go and listen but this sounds mental as to my recollection  he sounded NOTHING like him.

    I have one: Fulham only signed Collins John, as they'd already had John Collins and they thought it would be funny.

    Is that right? Have I *gags* understood the assignment? *retches* 


    Fulham also had Mousa Dembele and Moussa Dembele on the books at the same time.

  2. On 6/24/2024 at 8:04 PM, FLips said:

    BBC Panorama interview with Adrian Ramsey of the Green Party was quite frankly a disaster from both sides. The party's pie in the sky manifesto was picked apart limb from limb in a lot of good points, especially in regards to it being financially unattainable despite some of it being necessary.
    Adrian Ramsey was like a lamb being slaughtered at points.

    Nick Robinson though couldn't help himself and for every good argument to be made, he threw a nice slice of scaremongering in. "Rapists are saying they're women and being sent to women's prisons" and "you want it so someone who fancies doing some cocaine or ketamine can just buy it legally".

    It was a struggle to be honest as someone who was likely going to vote Green, to have their manifesto essentially outed as being bollocks, their leader give not really any good rebuttals or satisfying answers, and even with the Greens against the ropes still have yet another election host try and billy big bollocks them with stupid fear provoking questions.

    I think Nick Robinson came across as someone who's behind the times. Their manifesto might not be perfect, but we need bold moves like the ones proposed and other parties don't come close to the work that needs doing.

    It might seem fiscally unviable at the moment, but society and politics needs to move in the direction they've proposed for the sake of life on Earth, and some of the proposals might become more viable when politics, society, and business catches up. If we just believe it can't be done, nothing will ever change and we're fucked.

    I'd rather vote a party that falls short when looking to make positive changes to bring equality and making the drastic changes needed to tackle the climate crisis, than vote a party that's going to be business as usual and we're even more fucked down the road. Look at the direction we're heading across the continent.


  3. 4 hours ago, Supremo said:

    Wasn’t there a Benoit TV match at the time, where Austin took ten consecutive German Suplexes? Absolutely mental when you think what a mess his neck would have been that late in his career. At least Cena just watched a couple of PWG DVDs and picked the funniest spots he could just about achieve athletically. Stone Cold workrate perv’d his neck into Choc Lick.

    I see a lot about Germans being dangerous, but I've always thought that's for the one giving it if they're bridging, and for the one taking if they're full on neck bumping it.

    The way someone like Austin takes them is flat, so I'd have thought it's like taking a back bump like what you'd take from a back suplex. Maybe I've misunderstood it.

  4. I turned down watching Limp Bizkit there because the memories of watching my first gig of theirs ten years before was so strong that I didn't want to tarnish it, and I assumed Halifax would be a half-full gig in a small venue on their tour. Thinking maybe I made the wrong decision now.

  5. Really enjoyed that, thanks for the effort and bringing back good memories. Still barely played Red Dead 2 and am currently on the third disc of FFVII having never got that far as a kid so looking forward to those. Already feel I could play FFVII again to make sure I get certain materia and limit breaks.

  6. 1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Thanks for the suggestions a couple of weeks ago guys.

    After a lot of reading about turntables that won’t break the bank but are generally considered very good for beginners I think I’ve settled on what I’m going g to get, that being a Fluance RT81+ (sometimes called the 81 Elite), which comes with a built in pre-amp, and going to get some Q Acoustics M20 (Powered) Speakers. That should be enough for what I’m wanting to do right now, but I can add to it overtime if I decide to.
    Just got to get saving now and focus on getting that first rather than looking on eBay for vinyl first ??‍♂️ 

    Interested to hear how you get on with that as I've had the thought of a record player in the back of my mind for a while. I've got the M20 speakers and think they're decent. I use them for my TV too which has been great for films.

    I got the speakers off eBay and saved about £100-£150 off the price and they were in mint condition so may be worth having a check there if you don't mind buying second hand.

  7. I've been ill the last few days so am almost certainly more grouchy anyway, but I watched this on demand and thought it was mostly naff.

    My friend had suggested inviting non-wrestling fan friends round mine to watch Mania live and I'm glad I didn't. From Becky's shite 3D overlay book intro, to her book themed attire, to Rhea Ripley's shite band, to twenty minutes of nothing until the first match begins, to that god awful comedy attempt for the intro to the ladder match by the two guys English guys, to a load of scrubs coming out for that match (including DIY doing a DX tribute act?), the first hour alone would have been painful.

    It didn't feel that big as a spectacle visually to me either. The rampway was short and nothing to it, the crowd were in the dark for most of it so you couldn't get a feel for how big it was (which may be unavoidable, I dunno, but didn't help) and obviously the weather can't have helped with the crowd either.

    FLips makes a good point - if you've seen one Sami Zayn match, you've seen them all. It was fine. It did the job. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Highlights were R Truth and the main event (where I felt a gulf in class, though I think it went too long).

  8. There's the Y2K fashion trend and music of that era having a bit of a resurgence in influencing today's music. It's pretty common to see house DJs play remixes of late 90s/early 00s pop songs at the moment. I've not seen it but Saltburn was pretty popular and seemed to be set in the early 00s and Murder On The Dancefloor was everywhere at one point.

    It's maybe not as prominent as other revivals and it's definitely harder to pinpoint years and decades now, but there's still some later nostalgia happening.

    The charts has generally shifted away from bands too, maybe because it's easier and more profitable to tour and promote solo artists, so that might be a factor in standard pub bands playing the same songs.

  9. Saw this last night and thought it was ok. I think knowing the story already hindered my enjoyment of it. As mentioned, it showed it as a work at parts and portrayed as real at others which I thought would be confusing for a non-fan. Having said that, I watched with a few non-fans and they seemed to enjoy the film more than I did. One was confused by how much of wrestling is fake/real after though.

    The attention to detail at parts appealed to me. Obviously they didn't include Chris, but I do kind of get that it'd be tough to include another death in the film.

    I'm going back and forwards on this, but I feel like it undersold how big the Von Erichs were too. I guess the focus isn't so much on how famous they were, but it does add to the story of the pressures they were facing and help build their characters in your eyes. The part with Tom Sawyer helped with that and was great.

    Though there's enough of the story to elaborate on to have another hour, I don't think I'd be up for that as it would be a long descent of tragedy after tragedy. The idea mentioned earlier of it as a TV series would have been interesting though.

  10. 21 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Disappointed in my 2003 self for buying her calendar. Think I got it in the New Year Calendar Club sale though, so not too disappointed.

    Imagine how my ex must feel after having a Kanye West poster on her wall.

  11. If someone's said 'who thought this was a good idea?', the person with the opposing viewpoint can decide to chirp up (still generating discussion) or leave it. Doesn't need another party to go 'look at these lot who thought it was'.

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