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Jonny Vegas

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Posts posted by Jonny Vegas

  1. 2 hours ago, Jacko said:

    Whose stories would people like to see if they did a season 2?

    Chris Benoit.

    The Fabulous Moolah and the allegations against her.

    Jimmy Snuka and the murder allegations.

    Vince McMahon 1994 steroid trial.

    The murder of Dino Bravo.


  2. Bit of a dangerous precedent to set in my opinion treating guys like that. No wonder Ambrose left and in the future it may make people reluctant to extend once they've made enough money to set themselves up with a house etc or other reluctant to sign in the first place in the future.

    Someone like Harper was probably unlikely to change the landscape of pro wrestling if he left and went to AEW but treat your roster badly enough and the long term effects could cause damage.

  3. Had a discussion with a couple of folk at work today and we came up with a twist I liked the sound of. After finding out who Jon Snow really is Danaerys asks Jorah to murder Jon during the heat of the battle and the ensuing madness to rid what she see's as the only rightful challenge to her claiming the iron throne. Which he subsequently does. Once the battle is all over Jorah is beckoned into her chambers for what he thinks is finally going to be the night he's been pining for only for her to murder him after explaining that she never forgave him and only allowed him back into her circle knowing he would blindly do anything she asked to avoid being cast aside again and now he's served his purpose she's getting rid of the only person who knows she had Jon killed. She eventually ends up on the iron throne showing that no matter what one's initial intentions are the power and lure of that position corrupts all and she is destined to be just as bad as Cersei was.

    Or alternatively a further twist that Tyrian see's Jorah murder Jon but doesn't let on to anyone to ensure his survival short term but following the death of Jorah at the hands of Dany he realises she has lost it and that his time is numbered as is anyone's once they've served their purpose to her ultimate goal of the iron throne.

    Feeling that everything he believed was different in her from the others who had power is now lost and that she has lost sight of her morals for the eventual goal of ultimate power and control he murders Dany himself as she confronts and is about to murder Cersei to realign an allegiance to his sister in a better the devil you know type scenario.

    Maybe even add in Bronn killing Tyrian with the crossbow as instructed by Cersei previously as he walks in to see Dany dead and Tyrian stood infront of Cersei brandishing a weapon and acting impulsively as he thinks Tyrian is about to murder Cersei before Tyrian dies in Cersei's arms and she has a fleeting slip of emotion towards Tyrian in knowledge that after everything she had done to him he still sided with her in the end.

  4. 34 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    Exactly. My football club, whose gates have fallen off a cliff, did the same thing. A survey of members. Rather than speaking to the people who don't go to find out why.

    Thing is though with football and wrestling the loyal fans who are still going in spite of not being happy with what they're seeing probably are the best to answer those questions. They're aware of all the negatives they're just going anyway in hope of improvement. The casual fans will return once they hear how much better things are.


  5. On 2/1/2019 at 11:21 AM, SpiderJason said:

    I always enjoy Bruce and Conrad. This one was really fun as I knew less about Sid and the relationship he had with Vince. I recommend if you enjoyed this unique talent.

    I listened to this after seeing it in this thread and it was a great listen. Weird to hear how I guy I always looked on as a big star as a kid largely got the majority of his biggest opportunities just because something went wrong with original plans. Conrad's voice and when he say's "chat me up" repeatedly are tough listening however.

  6. On 1/19/2019 at 3:56 AM, PowerButchi said:

    Houchen's mate Piss McGeeney won his outright along with Scott Baker today. Both Floor Warriors to be fair, McGeeney will have no TV game, it's like Mensur.


    ANyway, word around the campfire is that Saturday is Glen Durrant's last chance. He was shit again today, only got one point in the Q School OoM, but he can't play on Sunday as he has an exbo. Now or never as he won't be able to do it on pts. I'm betting he'll bottle it.


    Current OoM. 10 or 11 should be enough for a card. Barrie Bates is playing terrible but just getting just getting to late rounds somehow, and @Keith Houchen's woman on Stars of Darts  he made cry over their Xmas Dinner's fella, Kirk Shepherd, is hanging on like Mab to the Close. If I was a betting man though, which I am, put some money on Dyson Parody to get a card.


    1 Jonathan Worsley WLS 8
    1 Carl Wilkinson ENG 8
    1 Andy Boulton ENG 8
    1 Jim Williams WLS 8
    1 Callan Rydz ENG 8
    6 Darren Johnson ENG 7
    6 Matt Padgett ENG 7
    6 Richie Howson ENG 7
    6 Barrie Bates WLS 7
    6 Jamie Bain SCT 7
    6 Stephen Burton ENG 7
    12 Adrian Gray ENG 6
    12 Christopher Bent ENG 6
    12 Daniel Lauby USA 6
    12 Patrick Lynskey ENG 6
    12 Kevin Thomas WLS 6
    12 Kirk Shepherd ENG 6
    18 John Davey WLS 5
    18 Dyson John Parody GIB 5
    18 Thomas Lovely ENG 5
    18 Cameron Menzies SCT 5
    18 Zak Cross ENG 5
    18 Antony Darlow ENG 5
    18 Mark Hickey IRL 5
    18 Conan Whitehead ENG 5
    18 Dafydd Edwards WLS 5
    18 David Ladley ENG 5
    18 Robert Collins ENG 5
    18 Jarred Cole ENG 5
    30 Ritchie Edhouse ENG 4
    30 Mick  Todd ENG 4
    30 Curtis Hammond ENG 4
    30 Darren Herewini NZL 4
    30 Nick Fullwell ENG 4
    30 Martin Atkins (Wigan) ENG 4
    30 Ash Hilditch ENG 4
    30 Matt Clark ENG 4
    30 Eikichi Nakanishi JPN 4
    30 Ian Lever ENG 4
    30 James Kempster WLS 4



    McGeeney will have no TV game like 1 time major winner, 7 time major semi finalist and former Premier League player Mensur Suljovic?

    I reckon he'll be quite happy with that.


  7. On 8/21/2018 at 1:42 PM, Silky Kisser said:

    By the same token you've had Braun mercilessly bullying Kevin Owens and beating him up for the best part of 2 months for no real reason. 


    Because Wrestling. 

    The differences I would highlight with this though is that there are was that behaviour could be explained. Owens is a clear heel who has spent his entire time in WWE beating people down, cheating, turning on his friends, etc. 

    With Braun he got caught out trying to exploit him and only acting all pally with him so Braun didn't go after him.

    Braun saw through the plan, wasn't going to put himself into vulnerable positions like Jericho or Sami Zayn had so pre-empted it with his actions.

    Anything that Braun subsequently does can be easily explained as a heel getting their comeuppance and the scale of the stuff being down by Braun was comparitive to the scale of his size, strength and power.

    Owens may receive feelings of sympathy but he's still clearly been a heel for a long time. Anything Braun did was also entirely fair...they're both professional wrestlers/fighters. All confrontations were 1 on 1 and Braun can't be expected to be apologetic for being bigger than others or for being able to give heels their comeuppance.

    In contrast his mini feud with Finn he didn't taky any liberties from my memory...he even seemed to have a degree of respect for Finn...because they're both faces.

    My issue is that The Shields actions Monday cannot be explained in any mesns at all as anything other than clear heel behaviour.

    Even if Braun now went and got 2 others to even the numbers...that wouldn't be a heel move...it's another face move. Asking for allies to help you against a group who are attacking you.

    I actually like Reigns. I think he's hugely underrated in the ring and it's forgotten by many just how many really good or really entertaining matches he's had.

    My only issue is frustration at how brilliant of a heel he would make and their apparent total reluctance to turn him. I actually think a heel turn with a turn back way down the line is potentially their only chance of ever getting positive face reactions for him.

  8. Absolutely bizarre booking once again.

    Braun says he wont go behind anyone's back and that he's openly saying he will cash in some point during or following the main event.

    Roman say's he isn't worried he's a fighting champion and he's ready for the challenge.

    Braun makes his way down as promised...Roman looks shocked...despite having been told well in advance that it would happen...and saying he was ready for it.

    Roman pins Balor having dominated the majority of the match and Braun say's he's cashing in...also as promised he doesn't attack anyone from behind and waits for Roman to be face to face with him.

    The SHIELD come out in a clearly pre-meditated plan as they're in full SHIELD regalia and Reigns smirks smugly in the knowledge that he's had had this sneaky plan all along and he's cheated Braun.

    All 3 then take part in a 3 on 1 beatdown of Braun...despite him having done absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever...and all 3 of them having been portrayed as faces for a long time.

    They then put him through a table and walk back laughing.

    If that's the beginning of a slow burn Roman heel turn then fine but we all know it isn't. How anyone could take from that version of events that Braun is a heel and Reigns is a face is absolutely beyond me.

  9. I actually totally disagree. I think Reeves' gimmick is fine and the theme is catchy. A self centred cocky and arrogant heel who believes he deserves all the best things in life. I much prefer people to have a go at a gimmick than be "generic strongstyle black trunks nothing special guy #27". With regards to losing to EC3 regardless of the distraction I see it more of EC3 being so good he managed to still just scrape a kick out rather than Reeves being rubbish so couldn't beat him. 

  10. I'd be shocked in Regal doesn't wrestle Balor in Blackpool.


    You say Doug Williams is too old, but then say you’d be happy with William Regal, who’s older than Doug?


    He's saying Doug might be too old for a full time run in NXT, but he'd be happy to see Doug or Regal work the tour.


    As pointed out by air_raid I'm taking about Doug probably being too old for a full on run in NXT but the potential for a one off match at Blackpool for Regal or a couple of showcase ''farewell'' tour style matches whilst in the UK.

  11. There's already a half decent card shaping up for the next Takeover. I can see something along the lines of


    Balor vs Crews for the title

    Bayley vs Alexa for the women's title

    Joe vs Breeze, maybe with a 'loser leaves' stip

    Vaudevillains vs Rhyno & Corbin for the tag titles

    Maybe Asuka & Jax vs Dana & Emma

    Possibly a UK match with Neville and a special guest

    And since most of them will be in the UK anyway, a four way tag with B&M, Enzo & Cass, Gable & Jordan and Dash & Dawson.


    I'd be quite pleased with a card like that!

    Personally I would really like to see Doug Williams on the UK shows, he's maybe too old and doesn't have enough of a gimmick to ever be given a full run on NXT but I think he could have some really fun matches on the UK tour or even on the Takeover London show. If Regal is in shape and fancies it then even better!!


    The whole point is that the guy could do with a break. A few months ago he looked the healthiest he has ever looked, now, he looks knackered. As others have pointed out, the way he's training his arse off day in day out surely can't be doing him very good, seeing as his body was already on its arse when he left WWE.

    Hes training with one of the best MMA camps on the planet, pretty sure they know what they are doing when it comes to training.


    Is he still training at Roufusport...who had one of their fighters die in a ring within the last year? Then were openly criticized by a good few fighters with regards to what they described as ''abusive training methods''?


    I'm not looking for a bite here this is a genuine question as if he is then I'm not sure whether you're being sarcastic saying they know what they're doing when it comes to training?   :duh:

  13. i don't think Palhares gets a kick out of it, i think it's just that heat of battle/red mist thing. After it happens he almost acts like it didn't happen, he's just fucking crazy.


    I agree with this and in combat sports then being crazy, regularly winning fights by stoppage and having a fearsome and dangerous reputation is something that should be applauded and admired so long as your actions remain within the confounds of the rules, which outwith the PED allegations all of Palhares' absolutely do.


    Wand, with regards to you saying he's ''trying to end people's careers'' and talking about how often he is doing this, can you tell me how many of his repeat victims here have had their careers ended by Palhares' actions!? A 1 second average of holding on past a tap is not ending anyone's career and bear in mind that the second he is told to stop by the ref he is doing so, as in line with the rules.


    If the ref etc are trying to drag him off of someone yet he continues to resist for 3,4,5, seconds or longer that would warrant this sort of treatment but that's not the case. When you ask why would he get all the attention and always be the one under the spotlight rather than others...well that's just society...in any group or industry once people get given a reputation for something it's incredibly hard to shake off whether that reputation was initially justified or not. Then you have the band wagoners and the white knighters who don't know all the facts and statistics in depth like you do as you're obviously a long time fan of the sport. They just see people complaining that Palhares has done something wrong, hear that he's done it before then jump onto the bandwagon without any real understanding.


    There are plenty of examples of similar or worse from fighters in other fights that go unpunished and are rarely mentioned. Take for example BJ Penn vs Jens Pulver. Penn not only intentionally held onto a choke after a tap intentionally but he admitted it afterwards AND publicly stated that he should have held on for longer;


    PENN - “A lot of people actually they’ve asked me about me holding the choke on him and if I felt I held it too long and this and that and my answer has been the same since day one: I didn’t hold it long enough.”


    Now he received absolutely no punishment from the UFC or from the athletic commission, now I have always been a huge fan of BJ Penn but when you talk about the consequences of these things and about causing damage or trying to end people's careers I would argue that the potential risks of intentionally holding onto a choke for too long and for intentionally cutting off the supply of oxygen and or blood to somebodies brain for a prolonged period of time was tremendously more likely to result in severe and serious injury than an arm or leg lock.


    On your Rousey point if you have any means to I would love to see a video showing the timing of the first tap to hold release in the first Rousey vs Tate fight as I always thought that was a little slow on first watch, certainly not any less worse than some of Palhares'.


    Rousey also bit someone's arm to get out of a submission which was totally glossed over from day one because she's such a cash cow for Dana and the UFC.


    Also bear in mind that as you stated there has been controversy before with Palhares stopping during a fight whilst he was in a massively dominant position as he believed he had won to then be told the fight wasnt over and have to resume fighting...would that not again help in his case to justify not releasing holds until the referee, the only person in there who can officially declare the match over, has told him it is?

  14. That's a good video and its a good point that's being made however I would argue that a 1 second average for letting go of submissions still really is not that bad. The comparison with Lauzon and saying its five times his average is undeniable however Lauzon is one of the nicest and most sportsmanlike fighters in the MMA. I would be very interested in seeing what an overall average was or even what the average of fighters who weren't as squeaky clean were.


    I'm afraid your comparison of releasing in a BJJ school and in a fight is worthless though mate, if I'm rolling with someone at a class or a seminar then I'm ready to release the second a feel a tap because we both likely have work the next day, we're both there to learn and neither of us are getting paid. If I was fighting someone then letting go as quickly as possible isn't even a consideration for me unless it's someone I'm friends with or particularly like, I'll let go at any time that's within the realms of the rules that are in place and when I'm 100% sure i'm the winner. Being a nice guy is neither here nor there.


    I don't think anyone is arguing that cranking a sub is wrong but could it not also be possible that as the person in the sub puts up less resistance to it upon beginning to tap, Palhares who is going all out to enact that submission then has a better grasp on it and his natural momentum carries him into the illusion of it being "cranked"? Let's remember that the timescales we're working in here are a second and below as well.


    I'm not saying for one second that cranking a sub or not letting go fractions of a second earlier isn't being "a bit of a dick" but that I am saying is that there is a huge difference between being a bit of a dick and breaking the rules...which he has not done.


    Having your belt stripped for being a bit of a dick is nothing short of scandalous. This is the fight game and doing damage to your oppenents within the realms of the rules of the sport should be rewarded not chastised.


    If people want to watch two people fighting in a completely gentlemanly and sportsmanlike manner then maybe they would be better off watching fencing.

  15. That's not fair, though.


    She's never cranked a submission after a tap, nor has she gouged eyes or any other daft shit.


    She's intense as fuck and a proper murderer, but she's never been anything but professional. She's most likely Dana's idea of the perfect professional Mixed Martial Artist.


    She couldn't be further from Palhares.

    She has bitten an opponent during a fight though....


    For me once again this is an over reaction over Palhares. His ''eye gouging'' was practically non existent and wasn't what has caused the damage in the picture shown by Shields and we are talking fractions of seconds with regards to how long the submission is held on for. Letting go prior to the referee physically stopping you is a courtesy not a rule, else he could and would have been immediately disqualified. If you don't want to get hurt then don't let him catch you in a submission or don't fight him at all.


    The same people white knighting everyone he destroys and chastising him for his actions are the same people who have no issue with incidents like when Dan Henderson completely intentionally landed an outrageously powerful strike onto an already downed and stone cold unconscious Michael Bisping...which Henderson openly admitted was intentionally done...and legitimately could have resulted in brain damage or worse for Bisping.


    Can someone tell me what action is being taken against Shields for an intentional strike to an opponent after the stoppage?


    Absolute bollocks.

  16. I've had a theory ever since the hound was left for dead that he would have been found by the brotherhood without banners who we haven't seen for a long time now and that perhaps the bet victor guy who brought their leader back to life may work some magic on the hound possibly in return for him joining their cause.

  17. Anyone had issues watching via the WWE app on the iPad? It's quite bizarre as it works fine on my iPhone yet on the iPad it just crashes every time I go to load up a video! I have all the latest software updates as far as I'm aware so is there anything else I can do to resolve this?

  18. The thing about Palhares for me as just a fan is that it's really disappointing because he's a bit of a freak talent. If he was mentally all there I think he could be a legit player. He'd always be at a disadvantage in some ways with his short frame but that actually benefits his grappling. It just seems like he's such a loose cannon mentally. He has these lapses where his brain seems to check out - the aforementioned Dan Miller fight where he jumped on the cage while the fight was still underway, the Marquardt fight where he started talking to the ref and got TKO'd, the holding onto leg locks. He's just not at the races sometimes.


    I love watching him fight because, as much as I love the well-roundedness of the likes of a Jon Jones or Anthony Pettis, I've always had a soft spot for the 'specialists' like Palhares (leg locks), Rousey (armbars), Cro Cop (headkicks). The fighters with that one weapon that's so lethal that opponents know it's coming but can do very little to stop it. There's something really savage about Palhares' grappling style that I love. It's unlike any other MMA grappler's style in the sport because it's so physical and has that feeling it can end at any time. Palhares' leg lock is the grapplers equivalent of a Mike Tyson KO punch in that way. You're just waiting for something brutal to happen.


    But he's continually treading that line with the holding on. It might only be a second or two he's holding on but that can be all it takes with a leg lock. Kneebars and heel hooks are maybe the most dangerous and potentially career-altering/ending submissions in the sport. And Palhares is so experienced with them that he knows when he's got it locked in. He'll have felt Fitch tapping like fuck for sure.


    I actually don't think Palhares held on too long really against Fitch. It's not like he held on after the ref touched them or broke any rules. He doesn't have to let go before the ref intervenes. But come on, man. Michael Flatley taps less than Fitch tapped. At that point Palhares could've let go and there's no way Fitch was going to deny he tapped and carry on. There's no way the ref would've missed the tap either. Palhares knew full well Fitch was done. So I get the 'you have to wait for the ref to step in'. Totally. But with heel hooks and shit...damn, you'd like to see a fighter let go ASAP.


    The Pierce case looked pretty bad at the time to me. As did the Tomasz Drwal one. They were the two worst from what I remember. Videos like the above are fine in hindsight but at the time you're making a split second judgement and it seemed like there was pretty much unanimous agreement that the Pierce sub was held a bit too long.


    I do think some of this is just because, with Palhares' track record, he's more under the microscope. People are kind of going into his fights half expecting him to do it now. But I just think he could let go a bit quicker. Once you feel a guy tapping like that, and this wasn't some phantom tap, Fitch was rapid-fire spanking that arse - just let go. Refs need to all over it as well though. If you're a referee in a Palhares fight and you see him even touching the opponents leg, be alert as fuck, get in position and get ready to jump in of need be.

    I agree with a lot of your points Wand and I agree that yes in an ideal world you would like to see fighters stop when they know someone is tapping heavily and the fight is over but I also stand by my comment that stuff like that is a courtesy not a rule...does it make him a bit of a twat for not being more sportsmanlike and letting go...possibly. Does it make him a rule breaker and make him deserving of his reputation or the termination of his contract? Absolutely not.


    Only thing I will say regarding your comments is that things are almost always judged better in hindsight than at the time and in the heat of the moment. If people said to me that Palhares is intentionally trying to hurt people and holding on for far longer than is necessary and then watched that video and read up on comments from the fighters on the receiving end like Drwal and then said ''you know what, fair enough'', then I would see that as a much fairer evaluation of the facts than simply labelling as something that I feel there's plenty of evidence he is not.


    Too many people ready to jump on the bandwagon and cry foul. How many of those people lambasting Palhares for holding on to a leg submission for 1 second after a referee intervenes made such a fuss about Dan Henderson's very late and strike on a clearly unconscious opponent in Michael Bisping, or when Henderson made the following quote on being asked about hitting Bisping once he knew he was unconscious...


    ''Normally, I’m not that way in fights. I know if a guy is out, and I tend to stop. I knew I [knocked] him out. I think that last one was just to shut him up a little bit.”


    A leg submission is not going to kill somebody, a full force strike from a trainer fighter to an unconscious person who's head is touching the ground absolutely can.

  19. What "sort of stunt"? You can't just keep calling something foul no matter how many times somebody offers evidence to the contrary.


    The number of people saying something is good or bad doesn't dictate whether or not it is at all.


    Millions of people think The X Factor is great...does that make it good? No, it makes it popular.


    Just for the sake of the nonsense talkers like yourself Noah who are intent on "white knighting" these poor defenseless fighters who are being mutilated by evil Palhares where referees are having to make several attempts before finally being able to pull off Palhares and break the hold, above is a video of the submission in question in his fight against Pierce with a time code.


    Please feel free to watch it at your convenience and observe first hand and in person that the time between the ref making contact and Palhares releasing the sub is 1.08 seconds....which is in keeping with what I said, that within 1 second (and small change) of the referee intervening, Palhares always releases the sub.


    The video also fails to show these several attempts you speak of? I see one attempt and one release.


    Here is a direct text taken from the unified rules of MMA, section 13, which state;


    "The referee is the sole arbiter of a contest and is the only individual authorized to stop a contest. The referee may take advice from the ringside physician and/or the Commission with respect to the decision to stop a contest."


    The first line states clearly that it is up to the referee to stop a contest, hence stopping strikes or submissions of your own accord is a personal choice and nowhere in the rules of MMA does it say otherwise.


    Please now explain to me what exactly Palhares has done wrong in the terms of the rules and regulations of an MMA fight?

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