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Jonny Vegas

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Posts posted by Jonny Vegas

  1. Once again for clarity never once did I say everyone with autism was caused by it. Neither do the studies. The study you quoted found that 81% of the 2 million who took part were believed to have autism due to genetics. That leaves 19% that the condition wasn't attributed to genetics and that's nearly 400,000 of the 2 million. That quite clearly instantly indicates there may be other causes, one of which those studies believe may be early and or over exposure to tablets, TV, video games, etc. It also indicates the "you either have it or you don't" idea is incorrect.

    We could argue back and forth forever and it's only detracting from the topic so I say lets draw a line underneath it.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Who conducted these studies, Andrew Wakefield?

    You either have Autism or you don't/ Staring at an IPad for a few hours a day doesn't give you it.

    First the studies didn't exist, now they weren't conducted by reputable people.

    One was conducted by Cornell University, an Ivy League school. 

    I'm not saying I know better than you or anyone else because I don't. I think dismissing the research and findings from apparently reputable studies is a bit far though.

  3. 6 hours ago, quote the raven said:

    Wow. Ok first off point one mmr seeing as two kids at my sons asd specialist school got measles last year I’d say not having the mmr made no difference to them. 

    Secondly as one of the many people here that have a child with asd that requires 24 hour care I assure you it’s not because I sat him in front of an iPad for 12 hours. There’s a topic just down from this with people really struggling and that comment is way outa line. 

    I'm sorry for your situation but please be clear I didn't say all children with autism were sat infront of on iPad, if you interpeted it that way and it caused offence or upset then again I'm sorry.

    My understanding is that autism is a very wide spectrum ranging from those with relatively minor additional needs to those who require much more support.

    I stand by my point however that there are studies into whether early and/or prolonged exposure to digital screens such as iPad's increase the likelihood of symptoms attributed to autism and those studies do appear to have identified links. 

    I've simplified things by saying iPad when in fact video games, TV, tablets etc have all been linked to symptoms or behaviours.

    I will post some links for Hannibal Scorch seeing as he's asked for them.





  4. Regarding Djokovic and his stance on a possible Covid 19 vaccine, what seemed unclear to me from the article was whether he was not keen on the Covid 19 vaccine or all vaccine's in general.

    When vaccine's were first being discussed most experts seemed to be saying 18 months to 2 years was a realisitic timescale due to the numerous sageguardings in place prior to injecting the worlds population with something.

    Now I'm seeing experts saying they should have 1 million available by September and the only reason they wouldn't have more is because there aren't the facilities here to manufacture more quickly.

    When anti vaxxers talk about the MMR vaccine for example and its supposed links to autism there were many things I took into account when my son was due his. The fact the MMR vaccine had been issued in the UK for over 30 years by then, the numerous studies conducted showing no proven link between the vaccine and autism, the possibility that some of the children with autistic symptoms may be more likely to have developed them from parents sitting them infront of an iPad for 12 hours a day rather than a vaccine.

    When it comes to this though I think if people are going to willingly inject themselves and more importantly their children with something that's been rushed out less than a year from when Covid 19 was first discovered without the usual safety measures and research of side effects etc then its a hell of a gamble.

    Not saying for one second that I'm against it, a vaccine is in my opinion is definitely the safest way to protect against this but I think taking one without the usual safety measures having been adhered to is different.

  5. I read an article previously that Rousey was born with slight brain damage as her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck for a prolonged period of time during her birth. Add that to a career of being punched and kicked in the head including a couple of high profile brutal knockouts and it maybe isn't that wild of a theory that she just often says things others would think was unusual.

    I've previously seen her claim she would comfortably beat 100% of the men in her weight class in MMA, that she believed she had the ability to beat Cain Velasquez, that GSP was only so successful because he was good looking, has went on prolonged rants against domestic abuse before later marrying an (alleged) domestic abuser. In spite of being one of UFC's biggest stars at the time and having been given specialised diva style treatment during her entire time there she also went on paranoid rants about how the TUF season she coached was edited massively to make her look like a bad person. She's not exactly a stranger to doing and saying unusual or poorly thought out things.

  6. Heath Slater is a relatively big guy and was a Golden Gloves champion so he would definitely have been in the running if they went with the quickly adopted premise from the first one of it being a slugfest.

    As mentioned by others, the idea that Steve Williams could have been a main eventer in 1998 WWF is hilarious. 

    Good ol'JR going on about how he thought Dr Death should and would have won what was effectively human rock em sock em robots because he was an all american footballer and amateur rassler is as short sighted as Russo or Vince thinking the thing was a good idea.

  7. Up here in Scotland pictures have surfaced today of Chief Medical Officer, Dr Catherine Calderwood visiting her second home near the coast in Fife with her family.

    This woman is on the television and radio giving instruction on how deadly this virus is and how important it is to abide by the rules she has been involved in setting.

    Now she has been caught doing that. What fucking hope do we have of getting the general public to do what they're told?


    They held a press conference and showed it live on TV. Sturgeon said the CMO is very sorry and she's apologised to her.

    The CMO spoke and said she actually has done it the last two weekends and it best to admit that now. She said she knows she's made the job of her NHS colleague's and Police harder and she is very sorry.

    They had questions from media all of whom asked was it appopriate for the CMO to continue in her roll to which Sturgeon in turn repeated that the CMO was very sorry.

    I can see the point that the CMO here no doubt is very talented and is providing vital advice at the moment however my issues are as such,

    1. What worth is vital advice if the one providing it is publically seen not to be abiding my it

    2. Are we to believe there isnt a single person in Scotland who could offer the same advice or expertise?

    3. We don't seem to be doing anything different than what's suggested by the CMO in England so why not continue to follow their advice?

    4. How are the ones breaking the rules supposed to take them seriously when the First Minister says the one setting them said sorry for breaking them twice in a week so it's ok?

    5. How are the Police supposed to enforce the rules under the same circumstances?

    6. How many people's lives will be put at risk or lost now some people will be taking her advice even less seriously than before?

    7. How are NHS staff who dont have the correct PPE equiptment supposed to feel when the CMO is behaving in such a way?

    I have no time whatsoever for mad Boris but imagine his CMO did the same then they just came out and said they were very sorry and continued on. I have no doubt she's a highly talented woman but it's not a mistake, she wilfully ignored the very advice she's constantly on TV and the radio saying is a matter of life and death to follow. Madness.

  8. On 4/3/2020 at 4:58 PM, DCW said:

    I think the people who are whinging online are those who haven't been out and are relying on facebook and whatsapp for info, which is inevitably incorrect. I still have to go to work every day and the buses I get morning & evening have maybe 2 others at most on them, plus rows of seats are blocked off for social distancing and downstairs is reserved for elderly folk. You have to line up outside shops to get in keeping 2m apart, and when you get in they have staff making sure aisles are one way and checkouts aren't crowded, plus cleaning folks wiping down after each customer.

    City centre and my local village centre are a ghost town, only the homeless and addicts living in hostels that kick them out all day are knocking about cos they've nowhere else to go. Lots of fucking disposable gloves disposed of on the ground and in shopping trolleys instead of in the bins, cos people are stlll lazy pricks!

    City centre's are empty because very few people are having to go to work in them, the vast majority of shops are closed and public transport in and out of most of the cities are running dramaticallt reduced services.

    Yes the majority of supermarkets have a lot of measures in place but there's still a lot of people ignoring them.

    Yesterday all within my time in the shop alone I saw -

    a woman with her kid around 8 both coughing whilst leaning over loose fruit and veg, neither covering their mouths.

    the person directly behind me in the queue ignoring the tape and attempting to stand less than 2 feet behind me.

    someone touch around 10 different melons as they picked which one they wanted.

    A guy wearing a facemask take it down to lick his fingers to open a carrier bag.

    People are still going out, they're just going to different places. I have to do a lot of driving with my job and see an alarming number of groups who don't appear obviously related in all different age groups and assumed social backgrounds wandering around, touching and carrying on as though nothing has changed.

    Yesterday was very moderate weather of about 10 degrees but dry and all the public parks were full of groups of people socialising, playing football, short tennis, sharing bags of crisps and sweets, drinking. 

    In England I see the weather seems to have been nice today and lots of photo's and video's doing the rounds of plenty of people in parks and beaches enjoying themself like nothing is different.

    The vast majority of people are following the rules however it's next to never the majority that fuck things up for everyone else, it's the minority.

    The ones who aren't doing what they're told are the ones who are going go end up far more like to be spreading and/or getting it.

    They're going to end up coughing or sneezing or touching the food we all buy and eat in the same supermarkets we shop in because when they do get sick they wont follow the rules about staying home until they're physically unable to do so as they've already displayed their inability to follow simple instructions.

    Then some of them will end up taking up ventilators that those following the rules aren't going to have available to them.

    Some doctors/nurses will end up having to be the ones to make the decision to take people off of ventilators and leave them to die so the ones who didn't do what they were told can have the chance to live.

    Those doctors/nurses will have to live with that for the rest of their lives and some families are going to lose loved ones without even the dignity of a proper funeral all because there's still far too many people too selfish, arrogant and inconsiderate to do what they're fucking told.



  9. 46 minutes ago, David said:

    Having seen the fallout from all of this, it should be clear to anyone with half a brain that it's entirely unworkable. So many different circumstances that there's no way to legislate for them all.

    An absolute shambles.

    I think what so many people seem to be missing here is that without having a complete list of every business, scenario or workplace with a yes or no applied next to it then it would be near impossible for absolute clarity at this stage. We will end up with everything bar supermarkets, pharmacies, Police, NHS/healthcare/care staff, fire brigade and army pretty much being shut down in the future and likely with all parks and public places shut with only short walks for excercise permitted outwith essential trips for medicine, food or medical/heath treatment. Yes it's pointless to ask people to use their common sense because a) so few people have any b) so many people still don't realise how serious this is c) you're always going to get the "they can't make me" idiots. There's far too many people having to go to work today who shouldn't be and it's not only increasing the risk of spreading the disease but it's unneccessarily putting them and their families at risk. Hopefully bosses make the right decisions where they can and shut down of their own accord but it shouldn't have to come to that. Despite what anyone thinks, nobody in any government in the UK or Ireland wants these type of conditions or to have to enforce them. They are only here because they are needed and that's that. For those with children split between 2 households, keep them split solely between those 2 households wherever possible. Nobody is suggesting an enforced 3 weeks of not seeing your kid if they're currently with the other parent but let's all make a real effort to not be one of the mutants who has been letting their children out to run about with a group of 20 of their mates to all then go home and potentially infect 20 families. This isn't fun for anyone and if it is then shouldn't be. Yes there's a gigantic strain on people in all manners whether it be mental health, financial or anything else however people are dying and it is. Very soon if not already we are going to have no medical care available for those who desperately need it and as with in other first world countries who've been experiencing all this ahead of us people are going to have to start making decisions about who they even try to save and lots of people who could have survived are going to die because we didnt have the people or equiptment to help them. Whose fault that is and all the policial stuff is at this stage entirely irrelevant and a discussion/argument to be had once as many of us as possible get through this. I wish each and everyone one of you, your friends and your families the best of luck and the best of health but we all need to accept how serious this is.

  10. 47 minutes ago, David said:

    How do we define "stupid" though? For me, someone who uses a full-stop to end a question is stupid.

    I think he's telling you to remember it, not asking you whether or not you do.

  11. 17 hours ago, Supremo said:

    So, with it looking extremely unlikely that this is happening in its current form, how do people think they go about it? Would they do all the Wrestlemania matches in an empty Performance Center? I don't know how they could really address a postponement in storylines otherwise. Everyone has all these storylines ready to peak in three weeks. Is Vince just going to suddenly wake up and pretend everything was a dream until things have calmed down? Can they even pause the entire company and not deliver TV shows to USA and Fox for a month or so?

    A friend and I were discussing this at work and if they have a similar thing that 500/1000 was the maximum people permitted then I would just cram that number of people into the PC or an alternative small venue. Even look into the logistics of an outdoor venue if that would allow more leeway. Have the matches as planned, make it as good as you possibly could hopefully with a small very hot crowd then advertise/promote the hell out of it being "free" for new sign ups over the next 3 weeks. The casual eyes who potentially would check it out with pretty much all other sport cancelled at the minute could potentially create a huge audience.

  12. Thinking about the old chippy on Nickson Road in Coventry reminded me of something I've never seen or heard of other than there.

    For 50p they used to do a portion of "scrappies" which was a few scoops of the little scrap fried pieces of batter that had obviously broken off of anything in the fryer.

    Probably equally suited to the #eatclean thread but they were excellent.

  13. Had lunch at Chippy Doon The Lane just off Buchanan Street in Glasgow on Tuesday. Cod supper with mushy peas, bread & butter. 

    We had been a couple of times previously and it was brilliant however this time it was a big let down. The batter on the cod was crispy on the ourside but had a gluggy uncooked texture inside.

    It also tasted more sweet that savoury leaving the cod seeming as though it were coated in a partially cooked donut.

    Back to McMonagles where I'm still yet to have been let down with anything they do. Highly reccomended for anyone in and around Glasgow.

  14. On 1/28/2020 at 12:22 PM, Carbomb said:

    I think he'd be a pretty good asset to the NWA as an active member of the roster. He looks main-event, can talk, not too shabby in the ring either.

    I always thought his initial NXT look with the cape, rose and the bareknuckle boxer backstory was one of the best new gimmicks in a long time.

  15. On 1/25/2020 at 12:34 AM, garynysmon said:

    Dr Britt Baker can't do a promo for shit can she? I know she was a bit out of breath after her match, but the delivery in that attack on Schiavone was appalling.

    Every time I see her entrance or the Dr Britt Baker DMD announcement all I think of is Stu in The Hangover and now shes a heel they need someone to use the Bradley Cooper line "she's a dentist, don’t get too excited and if someone has a heart attack you should still call 911".

  16. 28 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Out of interest, who do you think would have been better options to win?

    I just don't buy into McIntyre at all, I don't think his character works whatsoever unless he's a heal and I'm not a fan of heal vs heal title matches, particularly not ones that require a 2 month long build. I don't see what story can be told between now and Mania that increases my interest.

    If whoever won it was going on to challenge Lesnar at Mania then I think it should have been a face or a tweener with legs of a 2 month build and a future after if he won. 

    I also don't think Lesnar vs McIntyre looks anything like a Wrestlemania main event as opposed to a transitional PPV title match. I think if people are honestly saying that match screams Wrestlemania and not Fastlane then they're at it.

    One option for me, Strowman with a proper build up to the Rumble. Seems a bit pointless to have Lesnar as this near unstoppable monster for 2 years or so bar the loss to Rollins last year only for him to potentially get toppled by Drew McIntrye at the biggest show of the year. Everyone was clamouring for a Kofi title win this time last year. He had a story to tell and it was a great Wrestlemania moment but within 6 weeks or so everyone had lost interest, Kofi went on to lose to title to Lesnar and disappear back into the midcard.

    Lesnar and Strowman have unfinished business and I don't really know why Strowman has been seeming to do the square route of fuck all when he seemed hugely over previously then just seemed to almost disappear. If he beat Lesnar it helps get him over as the new unstoppable monster that he should be and as a tweener/

    Secomd option, Edge coming back after 9 years and the triple fusion to win the Rumble against all the odds then be written off with 2 months of build about how he isn't the man he was, he has a young family and Lesnar could cripple him rather than retire him only for the "ultimate opportunist" to pull it off and dethrone him at Mania would have been a great story. There's legs in Edge then carrying on as a face in interesting matches with guys like Seth Rollins then also in a heel turn going from sympathetic face returning triumphantly after 9 years out to arrogant cocky heel who doesnt need peoples cheers or sympathy because hes came back and proved to himself and everyone that hes as good as he ever was.

    I'm not saying that they were inundated with great options but I feel personally that McIntyre holds zero interest for me. 

  17. I absolutely hate headbutt spots in wrestling. If it's a big massive heel who looks hard as fuck like a Danny Burch then fair enough. The habit for every person on the NXT UK roster to do it and on occasion multiple of them doing it multiple times a match can fuck off though.

  18. On 12/29/2019 at 1:43 AM, Thunderplex said:

    Not really, no.  Not sure what it means myself. She’s Irish, and I think it means something over there.  

    Session = drinking session

    Session moth = someone who's attracted to session's like a moth is to a flame

    Hence "Session Moth", Martina is just a stereotypically chavvy name like Stacey or Chanel.

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