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Posts posted by mim731

  1. Between the Wyatt demon child and Kane being treated like Jason Vorhees, I'm sort of enjoying the crazy cartoonish camp element that is being thrown into the mix. Wrestling should be larger than life, and although I can absolutely see why some people will hate this stuff, I'm really enjoying it.

  2. Does anyone know of any wrestling companies that run in Berlin? I'm going on my stag there in June, and there is a big contingent of wrestling fans, so thought I'd check on the off chance in case there are any shows on on those dates!

  3. So I finally got round to watching Spring Breakers, and who should turn up in the first 5 minutes as a southern preacher? Good old Double J himself! I don't remember this being mentioned when it came out, but I could be wrong. Jarrett was quite good in that role as it goes, unsurprisingly.

  4. I was just finishing my review of his new DVD last night. Might need to re-visit it now.



    Really stunned. Glad he had one more moment in the sun before he passed on though, and he.got to sort.of say goodbye and to make up with Hogan and Vince etc. RIP Warrior, very sad, another great lost far too young.

  5. Slam City on the Network is also on Sky Sports tonight, in the event anyone who would want to watch it doesn't have the Network.

    They're all on youtube as well. Seems various Youtube channels have the rights to them. Cartoonium, Kabillion, there's even at least one on Sky Sports' Youtube.


    Slam city is now being scheduled as a filler around WWE content on Sky sports, much like 'From the Vault'.

  6. Any mid or post credits stuff? Spoiler tags please boss.


    Yes there are, one mid credits and one post. Won't say anymore, but they have leaked online so details are easy to find.



    So I saw Captain America 2 last night. Awesome, really awesome.



    Good to hear. I got tickets to the regional premiere next week, really excited for it.


    You won't regret it. Might be one of my favourite Marvel movies thus far, and quite different in tone, feeling more like a political thriller, or a espionage adventure than a typical action film at times. Also has some fairly big ramerpercussions for the Marvel Universe going forward too.

  7. or Bryan beats him with a roll up then gets a pasting post-match. I hope its the second scenario, but I just think they'll go with the first


    This was my first thought. As Bryan is about to celebrate Triple H takes him out with the sledgehammer, injuring him badly before the main event, even maybe making him a doubt for the title match, but he eventually struggles out and wins against the odds. This then means he's an even bigger underdog going into the main event, AND they can save the huge 'YES' moment with the whole of the Superdome for the title win itself rather than the win over Triple H. I imagine it could be a bit diluted the second time round.

  8. Started watching Great American Bash 1992 last night.


    Fuck me that's some PPV, and what a roster! The tag tourney has Gordy/Williams, Steamboat/Koloff, Hase/Hashimoto, Hayes/Garvin, Liger/Pillman, Rhodes/Windham, and Austin/Rude, plus Vader and Sting for the world title!


    It doesn't appear to be the full broadcast, but most of it is there, really good stuff.

  9. So basically part of undertakers gimmick?


    Not so much, as even in the gimmick's more toned down form, Taker still has a supernatural element to him. I mean in a more real, no-nonsense bad-ass who doesn't have to rant and rave. He's quiet, almost stoic, but his calm and control are what make him intimidating. I feel you could slot Reigns into that role easily enough and he's be fantastic.

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