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Posts posted by Green

  1. <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    Punk as new leader of Nexus.


    [close spoiler]


    The Nexus debut.

    The face-off between Team WWE and Nexus on the Raw before Summerslam.

    Miz cashing in and becoming WWE Champion.

    Kane cashing in and becoming World Champion (saving us from Rey fucking Mysterio).

    Jack Swagger cashing in and becoming World Champion.

    Scott Hall wrestling...in TIGHTS!

    Jim Ross returns to Raw.

    Punk goes a bit crazy in his match with Rey and recklessly throws him about the place.

  2. I'll second "I hate you Batista", "I hate you too!" along with:


    Cole/Matthews commentary on NXT (specifically the gong).

    A Miz Christmas Carol.

    The Swagger Soaring Eagle.

    Cody Rhodes' first "Dashing" promo ("I can literally HEAR you getting fatter!").

    Cody Rhodes' grooming tips.

    Titus O'Neil - "make it a win".

    Flair vs Lethal in a Flair-Off.

    Jeff Jarrett's MMA gimmick (specifically making kids tap to the ankle lock).

    The Outsiders winning the TNA tag titles and their reaction to the "strenuous" match they'd had.

  3. Not seen Scott Pilgram yet but anything with Micheal Cera in is a turn off for me since he can't play any character apart from the awkward/bumbling/geeky/shy teenager he's been playing since Superbad and that got old really fast. Same goes for Jesse Eisenberg(who's basically his clone) but at least he had the good fortune of starring in the awesome Zombie Land.

    Someone hasn't seen The Social Network...

  4. Spare a thought for a mate of mine who spent his teenage years sharing a bedroom with his grandmother.

    There must be people here who shared rooms with siblings as well. What's the deal in that situation, do you just do it in the shower (and thus only have imagination wanks)?

    I can't speak up about sharing a room with siblings but as I'm not a massive porno fan a LOT of my wanks tend to be imagination wanks. Thankfully my imagination is fairly vivid and, over a lot of practice, has only gotten better.

  5. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World - Loved every second. Fast paced and hysterical. Never boring. Not just the best film I've seen this year but one of the best films I've ever seen(and I'm not one of those knobs who said that about Inception so I think I deserve a pass there).

    I can't really be bothered searching for replys but out of interest what before watching Pilgram was the best?


    I've been meaning to ask the question "What have been your Favourite films of the year so far" in this thread so...


    Favourite Films of the Year So far? top 5's, top 10s


    Link to what's been released in 2010


    Oh 2010 has been SUCH a fucking great year for films. A rough list of the great ones below, I'll probably list them near the end of the year if that blog I planned on ever gets up and running.


    Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll - Big on Ian Dury and thought the tone/style of the film was really fun.

    The Princess And The Frog - Have a huge hard on for the Disney animated classics. Keith David's song is the best thing Disney have ever done.

    The Crazies - Better than the original and most modern horrors.

    Crazy Heart - I'm gay for Jeff Bridges and this was basically his show. It was good to see Colin Farrell get some good work too and the soundtrack was great.

    Shutter Island - My second favorite (and previously first favorite) film of the year so far. Yeah the twist was predictable or whatever, blah blah blah, those who argue that tend to have missed the point a bit.

    Exam - Thinks it's smarter than it is but the concept is really interesting and the build up to the end is very thrilling. Especially considering how low budget it was.

    A Single Man - Hate to sound like a media student but I fucking loved the use of colour in this. You can tell the director was a former fashion designer with how beautiful it looks. Other than that great cast and very interesting lead character (if it wasn't for Bridges being owed, Firth should've got the Oscar here).

    The Road - Very unusual and a difficult watch but still enjoyable. Viggo is a beast here. The ending made me get something in my eye too. Damn dusty cinema.

    How To Train Your Dragon - The 3D was great (and this is coming from someone who isn't a fan) and it was a breath of fresh air compared to all the other CGI animations where they are loads of dated pop culture references and such. Just a great story with likable characters. Very ambitious ending too.

    Whip It - It could be considered a chick flick but I'll be damned if I didn't love every minute of this. I don't think there is a single member of the cast I wouldn't have fucked. Also, though nothing groundbreaking, I really liked the story.

    [Rec] 2 - While not on par with the original, and lets face it that would've been impossible anyway, still another case of a genuinely scary and enjoyable modern horror. I think a reason I may have liked this year for films more is that most of the horrors out have been great and, overall, the horror genre in the 2000s sucked.

    Inception - Like Seven, I'm not a big Nolan fan, but even I'll give the devil his due. This was really good. Not as good as people say but still very good. Refreshing change from a lot of mainstream stuff too and could/has arguably helped originality in mainstream cinema out quite a bit.

    Toy Story 3 - I'm aware I just followed a statement about originality being great by mentioning this but how could you ignore it? I think I enjoyed it more because I'm almost Andy's age so I've been sort of growing up with the story and the characters and it was just a perfect send off.

    The A-Team - Loads of mindless fun, much like the Expendables, just more ridiculous.


    And obviously the three films I mentioned earlier. Plus the year isn't even over yet! PLUS I have some films I still haven't watched and must go check out again. Keep in mind above is just the films I really enjoyed, there are a few more I thought positively of. There are three notable shit ones though in Percy Jackson, The Wolfman and Alice In Wonderland but compared to previous years that's nothing.


    I'm also going to back Seven up (I know, right?) and concur that Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang is indeed wonderful.

  6. I didn't know the guy but it sounds like a real shame. I think if his parents could read this thread though, they'd be happy that so many of the forum have given him/them these wishes. Hate to be a soppy nerd here but it's great that that's the case.


    RIP man.

  7. Had one of the best cinema outings ever today as I saw three brilliant films:


    The Expendables - It's everything it's supposed to be basically. Terry Crewes' character's weapon is badass.


    Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World - Loved every second. Fast paced and hysterical. Never boring. Not just the best film I've seen this year but one of the best films I've ever seen (and I'm not one of those knobs who said that about Inception so I think I deserve a pass there).


    Piranha 3D - Like has been said, knew exactly what its fanbase were going to be and just went with it. Completely embraced what it is and, as a result, actually became much better than it had any right to be.

  8. The sex scene is pretty funny in the film but I can absolutely see why someone who was a fan wouldnt see it that way, or rather that it shouldnt be that way. If they didnt interpret it the same in there reading of the novel it could totally put a nose or two out of joint.

    I'm amazed anyone (watchmen fan or newcomer) who watched that scene found it anything but cringeworthy, and that it should have been done differently.


    To me its as good as Watchmen film was ever going to be

    We'll have to agree to disagree. A better Watchmen film could certainly be made correcting my previous critiques such as the rushed/choppy feeling of the whole film and inclusion of some poor scenes.


    But due to it looking so good, it'll be decades at least before someone has another crack at it. If at all.


    Edit - Just noticed in my first post I called the film "poor", which isnt true. Thats just my disappointment seeping through. I thought it was a fine 6/10 film (a lot of that is the great look of the film.) But I was disappointed and didnt think it was anything special. Niether did most people, the hype died quickly for that film.


    Fair enough. Agree'd on the hype but I think to the casual audience it was a different film to what they wanted altogether (Dark Knight 2). I've had non fans comment to me how funny they thought the sex scene was hence my thoughts that its taken differently depending on point of view.


    Which scenes do you consider poor incidently? Other than the sex scene.

    Hello Darkness, my old friend. I am the villain incase you didn't guess... :music:

  9. The Deer Hunter...I just didn't get it. It was way too long. Pointlessly long. One of the same problems I have with 2001 is that it seems that the motives behind making it so drawn out would've still been effective enough if they were a tad shorter. There are some great scenes in there, for sure, but I had it hyped up as something amazing and was greatly let down. I almost considered turning it off after the first hour because I was so bored.


    I think The Deer Hunter's problem is that so many people know about the Russian roulette bits that they expect it to be one ride along those lines. It is for the most part a relationship drama and I think that you need to be really in the mood to watch it and enjoy it. I think it is amazing, personally. I will agree about 2001 though, I hated it.

    Yeah that's certainly a big part of it I think. Problem is if I gave it a second watch I'd probably still struggle to get into it as I'd be trying to get over my initial disappointment. I think it's a case of the hype ruining it for me (like with A Clockwork Orange too).

  10. Dunno if you two are still searching, i just found it.


    Part 1 http://www.novamov.com/video/r1d8yrocbffim

    2 http://www.novamov.com/video/mm6owwy92nzyr

    3 http://www.novamov.com/video/pybraj41kon6v


    Looking forward to watching it when i get a chance.


    Cheers for that. As people have said, she comes across really well - weirdly, I never found her attractive as a diva, but I fancy the arse off her after watching that. Seems a lot more articulate and clued-up than a lot of male wrestlers I've seen interviewed, and she's got it bang on about the problem with the divas division these days, especially the 'smart, sexy and powerful' bollocks they have to spout.


    Cheers for the link Cleets. Had ended up seeing it already but appreciate it. Although I'm going to sound like I'm just repeating everyone elses sentiments here its worth commenting on to recommened others to watch as it is an enjoyable watch for the reasons Magnums mentioned here. I totally echo his opinion.


    She really does come across incredibly well, like really, really well. Seems intelligent, to actually, surprisingly have passion for and be a fan of wrestling and very much seems a good mind for todays WWE. Doesn't at all seem bitter about how things went down for her in the company or her failed relationships and she doesn't at all seem like the gutterslut I suspected she may be. Quality sense of humour too. Seems like an all-round cracking chick really.


    Actually makes me think WWE could have lost someone quite valuable in ways they refused to notice. And in a similar way to Mickie, the majority of the audience seemed to genuinely like her and give a bit of a shit about her. Also interesting to know her part in the Piggy James angle as that was easily the best, most interesting divas based angle and tv in ages.

    Cheers for the link Cleetus. I echo that she comes across very well but then I was always a bit of a fan of hers while she was in the WWE anyway.


    That fucking Prime Scratch Card advert needs to burn in hell though.

  11. Watchmen should never have been a movie at all. Alan Moore wrote it specifically as something that would only work in the medium of comic books, and the movie ended up being almost a frame for frame interpretation which just emphasized that and exacerbated that problem. Well, that a despite it being an almost word for word remake it still managed to completely miss the point and stripped away and semblance of 'character motivation'.

    At least with V For Vendetta they at least tried to make it work in a more cinematic sense.


    Jesus, I feel like Mr. Seven after that, I need a shower....

    You're almost exactly right with your argument. You'd be even more correct if you were arguing it in regards to Sin City than Watchmen though. A great comic does not a great film make (although I did enjoy both, they're just far from great movies). I also thought Watchmen had other problems too when it came to the distracting soundtrack and, although this is my personal opinion, the fucking terrible opening where they play that ENTIRE Bob Dylan song. Also SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    the funeral part where the camera focuses on Adrian may as well have had an arrow pointing to him saying "I'm the villain". The song they played in the scene was incredibly cliche too.



    So yesterday I watched The Departed and The Deer Hunter. The Departed was genuinely one of the best films I've ever seen. I absolutely loved it and thought that Matt Damon was brilliant in it, which is strange as I'm normally not a big fan of his. Nicholson and DiCaprio were great as always too and even Mark Wahlberg managed to be decent. The Deer Hunter...I just didn't get it. It was way too long. Pointlessly long. One of the same problems I have with 2001 is that it seems that the motives behind making it so drawn out would've still been effective enough if they were a tad shorter. There are some great scenes in there, for sure, but I had it hyped up as something amazing and was greatly let down. I almost considered turning it off after the first hour because I was so bored.

  12. Anyone else partake in wank therapy, usually following a night out on the town. Whenever I'm hungover I seem to get incredibly horny and can be turned on by the most simple of things. Many a time I've had to pause a film I was watching because I caught a slight glimpse of flesh that set me off. I've probably wanked five or six times today all thanks to being completely pissed the night before. It's the same for when I'm ill too.

  13. My Bloody Valentine - The original, not the 3D remake. Starts off pretty good but gets a bit dull as it reaches its whimper of a climax. I'm going to watch the remake at some point to see if it improves on the original in any way. The heart-shaped candy boxes were cool mind...and the washing machine bit.


    The original My Bloody Valentine is quite good but nothing in it suggested it needed a remake, to be honest.

    Yeah it was a bizarre choice but still I've heard mostly good things and it could end up being a surprise. Also I'm a sucker for gimmicky horror 3D.

  14. Other endings? I never knew that.


    I'll have to check them out at some point, as I quite enjoyed the movie.

    There are supposedly three different endings, one (which sounds like the best one) was only played like once and test audiences hated it so they didn't go with it. Then there's the cinema version and the alternate one included on the DVD.


    I've had quite a busy couple of days in regards to watching films. Here is a nifty list for your viewing pleasure:


    The A-Team - Brilliant fun. Exactly what I expected from it and the new cast was pretty perfect. The only negative is that seeing Rampage as BA was just weird and it really didn't fit at all. Patrick Wilson shines here, good to see him getting more work.


    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - It's not perfect but if there had been a little more effort put in other than "Nic Cage wants to be a wizard, so lets give it a go" it could've been really good. Alfred Molina is outstanding and Cage himself continues his good performance run (and this is coming from someone who usually hates his performances). The lead is a bit annoying at times but as the film goes on he becomes a bit more sympathetic. If this had received some of the marketing that Prince of Persia did, this could've easily been Disney's next POTC franchise.


    My Bloody Valentine - The original, not the 3D remake. Starts off pretty good but gets a bit dull as it reaches its whimper of a climax. I'm going to watch the remake at some point to see if it improves on the original in any way. The heart-shaped candy boxes were cool mind...and the washing machine bit.


    The Burning - I remember Seven telling me about this film when I was doing my media essay on the horror genre. Only just got around to seeing it. It was good but I sort had the main reveal (the killer's burnt face) spoiled for me due to the limited colour print inside the DVD case. Nice extra I'm sure but it did really hurt the shock factor. Also the actual accident scene ended up being hilarious.


    Scream 2 - Man, when you watch this you really realise how badly Wes Craven dropped the ball with the third movie. This is one of the best sequels ever, let alone best horror sequels. Not quite as good as the original but still incredibly witty and genuinely scary at the same time. Really looking forward to the fourth installment now. Hopefully Wes doesn't make the same mistakes.


    Currently watching the first of the House quadrilogy of horror films. Not much has happened so far but the spooky house premise (hello Poltergeist) is always a lot of fun.

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