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Posts posted by Green

  1. Death Proof


    The first half is absolutely fantastic. It stumbles quite a lot after Rosario Dawson et all show up, although I did like Mary Elizabeth Winstead's ditzy character even if she was only in it for a few minutes. Kurt was awesome, of course. Overall, not anywhere near as bad as people say it is.


    Good soundtrack too.

  2. Besides for Dark Knight Returns, has Frank Miller done anything that isn't shite? I enjoy Sin City, the film, but that's far more to do with the cast and the sense of style above anything else. I saw a big poster for his new book, Holy Terror, in hmv but haven't heard a single good thing about it.



    He's a bit mental tbh, but I loved his Batman and Robin book. And the Sin City books are good.

    Is that the All-Star Batman and Robin series where Batman kidnaps Robin and generally acts like a mentally unstable arsehole?


    I liked that too. I like to think it was a parody because it was so funny.

  3. Has anyone here seen Grave Encounters? It's a really enjoyable horror in the same vein as Blair Witch, Paranormal Activity, et all...only that it's much better than the majority of them.


    The Perfect Host is also great fun, even if the ending's a little weird. David Hyde Pearce steals the show.

    Iv'e seen the trailer for the perfect host but I can't look at DHP without thinking Niles, same as the way I see Kelsey Grammer I guess. He's never done much in the way of films, does he play the part suitably different to watch it as a whole new character? Everything about him, especially his voice screams Niles to me.

    I get exactly what you mean but, in this instance, imagining him as being psychotic Niles turned up to 11 actually makes the film all the better.

  4. No that's right, because they're scum incapable of communicating with other people. Silly me, I'll get back in line.

    What sort of work do you do, Whiskey? Out of curiosity.

  5. I'm not upset, just being honest and saying that sometimes the whole "you shouldn't say "this" when "that" is the correct term" posts sometimes come across as a bit know-it-all. I'm not like sat fuming or anything, just saying.

    I guess it's just a matter of opinion. Personally I'd rather be corrected than continue believing what I said was correct.

  6. You're talking about general usage; by this token, people who correct anyone who uses "would of", "could of", "should of" is being a bell-end. Why is it OK to correct one and not the other? And I wasn't doing it to be a bell-end or show off, by the way. There's nothing wrong with correcting grammar or vocab usage if you're not doing it specifically to belittle somebody, and I wasn't.

    You're not wrong to do it Carbomb, TripleA's just a bit embarrassed is all.

  7. has maria ever done anything to warrant a shoot though? it seems they interview any former wwe personality who will take the payday these days.


    i rarely bother with shoots, unless it has the words ''heenan'', ''cornette'' or ''raven'' then they are usually a lot of fun. ive watched the punk/joe one too and im about to watch punk/cabana.


    i remember being excited for the rey shoot years ago and was totally let down. sometimes i guess its the person you never suspect who will gave a great shoot. but im guessing that maria is not that person.

    I'd personally rather listen to Maria over the majority of personalities that get shoot interviews these days.


    I'd love to see a Brian Kendrick Youshoot.

  8. Just saw the latest X-Men film the other night..


    It was the shit! Really fucking good! Best X-men film easily, and generally one of the best superhero films I've seen.


    Only negatives I can think of off hand - Beast looked like Jim Carrey from the live action Cat in the Hat film but he put on a decent American accent. Angel's wings looked shit, but then she was a shit character and they didn't really bother wasting any time developing her so that's fine. Generic hottie with lame power who goes evil. The bad guys always got bitches like that hanging off their arms that I know nothing about in the comics, too.

    You either mean Mike Myers in the live action Cat In The Hat or Jim Carey in the live action Grinch. Which is it, Chest? Eh? Eh!?

  9. Yeah that cable has been on my to-get list for a while but I've been iffy about it since I'm no computer expert and I'm running on Mac so don't want to fork out a lot for something that's a piece of shit which doesn't work.


    Thanks for the advice though.

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