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Posts posted by Jas

  1. The Island


    Where the hell was i when this film came out? I remeber seeing trailors for it , but i cant actually remember it coming out.......was it straight to dvd? And if so.....WHY? I've heard good things about it and cant believe its taken me this long to watch it.


    This film is beyond awesome, (insanely over the top still), and is a great sci-fi movie! if you dont want to know the plot (in a brief paragraph) look away now (Apologies my spoiler tags wont "insert"):


    Basically Ewan Mcgregor lives in this futuristic tower bloc, where everybody wears the same colour clothes, eats the same food, etc etc. It even goes so far as to analyze your wee......and tell you what dietry additions you need in your system! The people who live are are told that a huge contamination has happened outside and thus they have to live in these huge towers, (although they can see outside to a nice landscape). Every now and again a "Survivour" will be brought it and because of the contamination they are like infants, hardly walking and with learning problems. The only Plus side to this life is that every week a "Lottery" is played to find somebody to move to "The Island". T his is aparently the only natural place on earth with no radiation effects, and looks quite nice also! This is where the problems begin as whilst snooping around, Mr Mcgregor finds that the tower block is actual all underground and that the island, is just a cover up for what really happens to the people that win!


    I wont spoil it any further, as that is about the first 15-20 mins in a nutsell......and it gets much better!


    A film that again i cant understand why not that many people have seen, and that i wil be buying on DVD to watch again in the future!




    This is Bays best movie by far. Plus ITV2/3/4 show it non stop if there's anyone wanting to catch it.

  2. ...... so we settled for Toy Story 3....


    The ending was perfect and right despite what fucking Harry Knowles thinks.


    Personally i wouldn`t have done that ending. I would have Sold them on eBay!



    :laugh: yeah Harry Knowles nearly had a heart attack cos of that ending and suggested didnt Andy know the collectible value of Woody etc and started going off about where the hell is Andy's dad.. jeez..

  3. Be afraid, be very afraid...


    "An alleged plot description for the next Indiana Jones movie has been revealed.


    The untitled adventure film will reportedly be Harrison Ford's last in the series and also see Shia LaBeouf return as the archaeologist's son Mutt Williams.


    An insider allegedly told New Zealand website Stuff that George Lucas and Steven Spielberg have been "working on a script and it's almost there" for Indiana Jones V. The story is said to involve the Bermuda Triangle, a location over the North Atlantic Ocean where aircraft have vanished under mysterious circumstances.


    The source said: "Harrison is on stand-by for filming next year. This looks like being an emotional and exciting conclusion to the franchise, with Indy facing his biggest challenge yet.


    "Shia LaBeouf has a central role again as Indy's son but this will be a blockbuster made in the old fashioned way rather than the CGI efforts of the last movie."


    2008's Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull grossed more than $780m (

  4. So sorry for the long winded rant but I needed to get this off my chest for some sort of closure.

    I was truly dragged through the mire this past weekend by being practically forced to watch Streetdance 3D and Sex in the City 2. :(


    Saturday was Streetdance and I kid you not this was truly awful, I understood the main cast were dancers first and actors twentieth but the acting so awful I was sat there in disbelief throughout

  5. Clue also has one of my favourite comedic murders of all time:


    :music:"I...am... the singing telegram!" :music:




    If ever there was a favourite cinematic moment poll on here, that would be my number 1 and has been since the first time I viewed it!


    Also the manner in which the door was shut afterwards as if to say fuck off :laugh:

  6. Avatar: I didn't buy into the hype when a lot of people did, it was never on my 'to watch' list but I hadn't disregarded it although now I wish I had. Apart from some nice visuals here and there, it was shite, absolute gushing shite. Switched it off after an hour. Big fat 0/infinity.



    I absolutely HATED Avatar as well - some of visuals were nice but it was so cheesy and corny beyond belief it made me sick. Dumb dumb dumb. :angry::angry:

  7. Watched Bad Santa after a long time and it still is my favourite comedy ever.

    The characters are superb from Willie to Chipeska and the lines/abuse are delivered with perfect timing. 10/10


    I read that Billy Bob Thornton confirmed a Bad Santa 2 for Xmas 2011 :thumbsup::thumbsup:


    Some funny quotes


    Willie: Why don't you go take a shower?

    Dancer girlfriend [unrated Cut]: I'm a dancer, I sweat.

    Willie: Well, you smell like a bum's nut sack.

    Dancer girlfriend [unrated Cut]: Fuck you.




    Bob Chipeska: I just can't help it. There's something about the guy that makes me uneasy.

    Gin: Well sure. Santa fucking someone in the ass...




    Sue: Fuck me, Santa! Fuck me, Santa! Fuck me, Santa!




    Kid: Your beard's not real.

    Willie: No Shit!It was real, but I got sick and all the hair fell out.

    Kid: How come?

    Willie: I loved a woman who wasn't clean.

    Kid: Mrs. Santa?

    Willie: No it was her sister



    Marcus: If I call you next December, IF I call you next December, you're gonna be so happy to hear from me, you're gonna do a goddamn back flip. You're gonna put that Santa hat on so fast that you're gonna get fucking hat-burn



    And the best...


    [Willie has just passed out]

    Gin: Look here, get himy outta here and I'll go smooth things over with Chipeska, Tell him it was food poisoning or something.

    Marcus: What do you mean, get him outta here?

    Gin: Take him to the car.

    Marcus: In case you didn't notice I'm a motherfucking dwarf, so unless you got a forklift handy, maybe you should lend a hand hmm?

    Gin: That figures. You want all kind of set-asides. Special treatment 'cause you're handicapped. You're all the same.

    Marcus: Special treatment? I'm 3-foot-fucking-tall you asshole! It's a matter of physics. Draw me a sketch of how I get him to the car, huh?

    Gin: Bitch, Bitch, Bitch!

    Marcus: Sketch it up, you fucking moron. Fucking Leonardo da Vinci.

    Gin: What'd you call me thigh-high?

    Marcus: I called you a fucking guinea homo from the 15th-fucking-century, you dickhead!

    Gin: I could stick you up my ass, small fry.

    Marcus: Yeah? You sure it ain't too sore from last night?

    Gin: You got some lip on you midget.

    Marcus: yeah? Well these lips were on your wife's pussy last night. Why don't you dust that thing off once in a while? Asshole! :laugh:

  8. Clash of the Titans 2D version - left the cinema feeling very under whelmed and disappointed. The trailers made it look great.


    Also the Medusa CGI is just as bad as Scorpion King CGI at the end of the The Mummy Returns and apparently the 3D version is a big mess and was done on the cheap, no doubt to jump on 3D bandwagon.


    Ralph Fiennes as Hades was pretty fun though. 6/10


    Kick Ass next for me.

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