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Hugh Thesz

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Posts posted by Hugh Thesz

  1. Fucking hell.

    If the excuse of "I didn't know it was a party" is the best Boris Johnson can muster then surely the games a bogey.

    I work with children who have Additional Support Needs.  Last year this mans Government released a report where, in an attempt to reason immigration cuts, it said certain jobs were "menial".

    No one who should have their job called that, never mind from their own Government.  I carry all the medical training possible and have a commendation of file from parents of a child who, in their words, "I saved his life".

    It is difficult to imagine any politician, other than Trump, who is so detached from either reality or consequence.

    Menial is it, fucking cunt.

    Apologies for the self centred post.

  2. Hass is displaying the se breathing pattern that Perry Saturn did in a shoot interview group discussion with some ECW originals.  It is the one where Saturn seems to be struggling so Shane Douglas has his hand on his shoulder throughout.

  3. 10 hours ago, mim731 said:

    Wow, he does not look well. I wouldn't like to speculate, but I hope if he's in need of help he gets it, either from the WWE or elsewhere. 

    I am beginning to dislike Hannibal.

    Firstly this doesn't seem a work.

    This is following  the  Dark Side of the Ring Episode when Hannibal conducted a 'do you think Kanyon and James Mitchell were more than just freinds'. survey on YouTube.  Thankfully most responses said something to the tune of so fucking what.

    Both instances are in really poor taste.



  4. 2 hours ago, quote the raven said:

    That Eps was utterly heart breaking. 

    Who would have thought James Mitchell would have been the best friend a guy could ever have . All the beatings he took from him and he still stuck by him till the end. 



    Did Kanyon become physical with Mitchell?

    The shoot with Raven and James Mitchell where they had just returned from Kanyons funeral was very sad.

  5. A few years ago I was out with a mate when I let one go. The smell was beyond fucking description and I am pretty confident that for the only time in history a single fart stopped play on five seperate pool tables.

    This necessitated a pair of fire doors to be opened and a deodorant to be liberally sprayed.

    As the clean up operation was in place my mate said:

    "Fuck sake Shuggy, even the Japs had mercy"

    which is now our go to comment whenever something smells off.

  6. On Tue Jul 13 2021 at 6:22 AM, bAzTNM#1 said:

    Hi. Having watched Mick Foley at "Hell in a Cell 1998" , it's unfortunately lead me down the rabbit hole of "hard-core wrestling" again. Is there anywhere, subscription or just Youtube, with those mental FMW and IWA matches from the middle 90s? Thank you.

    I followed Victor Quinones' W*ING promotion via Powerslam, fanzones and Glen Radford

    If you watch it chronologically then it makes sense, even if it just through such releases as Best of 91, 92 or 93. Doing this means the feuds amd matches make sense as well as spots such as Mr Pogo setting Mitsihiro Matsunaga alight or the revenge baseball bat/barbed wire/standing kick stunt.

    As someone here once said the hard-core matches are about a wrestler trying to avoid the danger rather than all participants building up to a crazy fall.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    U wot m8?

    Maybe I should not have posted the paragraph about education but I was trying to highlight how the Kennedy curse is a myth and is engineered to include this poor woman's death


  8. As it the anniversary of her death

    Her name was Mary Jo Kopechne, not the women who died at Chappaquiddick.

    As stated this article she had barely started her life whereas Ted Kennedy was given another chance.

    He was voted into office after this. Repeatedly.

    Both he and his supporters courted sympathy for this incident with his acolytes continuing to do so long after his death.

    Kennedy curse may apply to the tragic assassinations, cot death or illnesses.

    It does not apply to this lying fuck or choosing to settle two federal sexual harrassment claims or choosing to kill yourself and two innocents by flying in conditions with no relevant qualifications or choosing to lobotomise your fucking kid or choosing to ski in a forrest whist chucking an American football after choosing to ignore multiple warnings or choosing to drink then drive or the conscious choosing of multiple self inflicted due to self entitlement situations.

    Ted Kennedy himself quoted the myth of curse after his actions killed Mary No Kopechne whether his official account or otherwise.

    Then again my education up to and including Modern Studies higher level the JFK was the greatest president opinion was spewed as fact for reasons you would be correct to assume. Even in Primary school this was aggressively pushed with no debate allowed with any alternative perspectives discouraged in Secondary education.

    I am not the only person who experienced this as it seems to have been a common practice.

    Rest In Peace Mary Jo Kopechne, or to placate the Kennedy proctologists, the one died at Chapoquiddick.


  9. Ah; the pishy taste of Scottish International football disappointment. Twenty three long years.

    Seriously though, there were chances in all three games. Scotland have good young players coming through.

    Still, five goals lost at home and a single point from three games is far from good enough.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Divorced Dad said:

    As an Englishman living in Scotland, who's been giving it the billy big bollocks all week, it's gonna be bloody difficult going into work on Monday.

    Where do you live DD?

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