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Hugh Thesz

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Posts posted by Hugh Thesz

  1. 5 hours ago, Frankie Crisp said:

    It was someone shagging their cousin at a family funeral, wasn’t it? I know I’ve got sweet tin and vomit history on here, but we’ve had some proper bad ones come up. The Gatso confession being at the top, the vile piece of shit.

    Was that the cunt who admitted to raping someone?

  2. This is against a work colleague but I hope you allow it.

    I spent 1997 to 2007 in the MOD in Brown Street, Glasgow.

    In my last position which was within a regimental Manning and Career Management office my military direct manager was a man called Patrick, Major Patrick.

    It is important to state here that Patrick is married to Mary and that we had had issues with unnamounced visits by various Colonels and Lt Colonels.  This led to an angry message to all saying that these would no longer be tolerated.  Finally Patrick had recently bumped into his first Regimental Sergeant Major whose knickname was the Bastard

    So. I sent a Christmas card to Patrick which read something like:

    Hi Patrick.

    Hope you, Mary and the family are well.  Sorry for the unnamounced visit.  Wrist slapped and this won't happen again.

    Just to let you know Jemmima turned twelve and we bought her another pony, that's two of them now.

    Rory broke his arm playing rugby but it recovering quickly - he's a tough old sid just like his Uncle Patrick.  Good news is that Val is pregnant and with twins.

    Hope to see you soon.

    PS I just heard that old shit The Bastard is still alive.

    Harvey Anderson-Smythe

    So Patrck gets this and within five minutes had the two MOD computer systems open, as was his laptop, his written contact book, his mobile, his MOD mobile.  In one hand he had the envelope and the other hand the card.  All whilst looking from one thing to another whilst angrily muttering.

    This wouldn't have been that funny to me until I bid him goodnight and asked if he had a good day.

    His reply was "not really, I came back from lunch to find this Christmas card and I've no idea who this is".

    When I owned up his (furious) was "You're an Arsehole. A fucking arsehole .......... I had a massive row with Mary because of this"!

    Was a hero to my colleagues afterwards



  3. Heads up here folks.

    The Facebook site Jarret Parsons Entertainment has some fantastic old matches from various promotions.

    The strap match between Jay Strongbow (God rest his soul) and the (not the real one) Destroyer is fantastic as is some of their The Sheik and Abdullah the Butcher posts.

  4. 14 minutes ago, LSM said:

    I still remember Arthur's breakdown even now. Man that scared the living daylights out of me as a kid.

    Spot on LSM. he was a tremendous actor.

    Mid eighties there was not many spoilers and during his characters breakdown he is putting his two youngest kids to bed (or maybe Martin and Vivki) with his remarks to the second one being "right, your turn".  This made a lot of folk think the story line was to be he'd offed them.

    Due to social media that is unlikely to happen now unless there was an insanely short gap between filming and broadcast.

    Either way those scenes cement how good a character actor the man was.

  5. 1 hour ago, The Masked Poster said:

    Did Andre have small teeth or was it just due to the size of his gums? 

    I remember reading, somewhere, sometime that Andre had twice as many teeth as most humans so maybe this is a reason.

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