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Posts posted by DeanoTheGame


    Not too sure about this. It looks so different from the book. Seems to focus on the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy, whereas the book kept their interactions to a minimum and was much more about the relationship between Gatsby and Nick. From the trailer, it looks like Nicks role has been reduced significantly - he's hardly featured!

  2. Oh, I should mention... fuck the media biz. Not looking to get into anything media related at all.

    Then why do a film degree? Or was it a case of "yeah that looks like a 3 year doss"? I never understand people who do degrees in subjects that they don't want to actually carry on with as a job.


    Why does education have to be associated with career? I'm studying English Literature, simply because I'm interested in it and want to learn as much about it as possible. I've no desire to turn it into a career though.


    In regards to the thread, I finished Uni last week until September. Already mind-numbingly bored, so could do with a job until then.

  3. Captain America: Watched in preparation for The Avengers. I thought it was a lot of fun. Hugo Weaving is magnificently evil, Tommy Lee Jones phones it in but is still great and I find Chris Evans to be quite a likeable chap. CGI reduced mini-Chris Evans was fucking weird though. Took a while to adjust to that.

    I also watched this recently. The Hugo Weaving parts were awful. Everything involving the Red Skull was utter shit. Chris Evans is a likeable presence though, can't argue with that. Fun film overall. Better than Thor.Also, Husk is fucking rubbish and Super is brilliant.
  4. Yeah, shocking news about Tom Gabel. Against Me's new song, Black Me Out, is a great track too and I was having high hopes for the next album to be better than White Crosses, but it's gonna come out in a wave of controversy now. Just hope the news and their often moronic fanbases reaction to it doesnt overshadow the fact that theyre a great band.

  5. What do people think of Frank Carter's new band, Pure Love? They seem like a ton of fun, and as a Gaslight fan they're right up my street.


    There's been some great tracks released over the past few weeks;






    Those two HWM tracks are so good, cannot wait for their album to drop. Also finally listened to a few albums I missed out on. Apologies, I Have None - London, Sharks new album and Fighting Fiction's first album are all worth a listen.


    So does anybody else listen to any of these bands, or just me?

  6. Glengarry was also my favourite film I discovered from the Top 50 Films thread, along with In Bruges. The way the entire second half of the film is set in their office after the robbery, the amount of character and plot developments that happens in that time is incredible. Got quite a few thing on my To Watch list but I cannot wait to watch Glengarry again.

  7. Does anybody remember an LAW - Live Action Wrestling - on the Wrestling Channel around 2003 and is it still running today? It was the only thing I really enjoyed on there - it had a good mix of visiting stars (I'm sure Jeff Hardy made a few appearances), good workers and fun gimmicks. It may have been based in Memphis as Jerry Lawler did commentary.


    EDIT: Actually, 2003 was probably a little early. Maybe 2005?

  8. I completed GTA IV (story-mode only) for the first time earlier today, in preperation for GTAV. I chose the Revenge ending. I actually found the mission on the ship where you have to kill Dimitri harder than the final mission. The hardest part about the final mission was the fucking helicopter section, and thankfully I got through that by ignoring everything the game told me to do (they tell you to get down low and shoot at Pegorino's boat, whereas I flew high and just focused on avoiding any rockets fired at me).


    Are the two DLC add-ons worth getting? I did enjoy GTA IV, but by the end I was bored of the lack of variety. The missions felt a lot more samey than in previous GTA games.

  9. Gave up with Doctor Who. I may pick it up again some point in the future, but I'm finding it incredibly boring bar 3 or 4 episodes. Who fans: I'm still in the Rose era, does the quality rise at all in the future?


    I also made my way through the entire run of Bottom again. Obviously, it's still great. I've watched all of the live shows back again too, and they don't hold up. I got really annoyed with their self-aware *pretend to corpse at this line for 5 minutes* routine. I don't think the 2nd live show made me laugh once actually. Still, the episodes are fantastic. Contest has always been my favourite episode and remains so. "I'm great on the phone."


    Also started watching Nip/Tuck from the beginning. Always thought it was an incredibly underrated show. Halfway through Season 1 and I'd forgotten just how well Christian and Sean had been written. I never watched past Season 3 before so I'm interested to see if it jumps the shark - it's easy to imagine a show like Nip/Tuck doing just that.

  10. For film podcasts I stick with Kermode and Mayo's 5Live podcast and the Empire podcast. The bloke hosting the Empire podcast is an annoying turd though. You've probably seen him popping up on Film 2012 talking about how excited he is for the Avengers film or something.


    For my comedy needs, as NEWM said the Russell Brand show was terrific. His best work ever is in those shows.The Ricky Gervais and Frank Skinner podcasts are pretty great too.


    For the literature types, This American Life is great. Selected Shorts is also very, very good. It's audio recordings of actors reading out works of literature - obviously it's hit and miss depending on the work and the actor, but most of the time it's a fine listen. The New Yorker: Fiction podcast is similarly good, but seems more dry and flat.

  11. Funnily enough, I also watched Die Hard for the first time a few days back. I thought it was terrific though. A lot of the good stuff I previously read about it focused on how awesome Hans Gruber is, but for me the strongest part of the film was the McClane and Powell friendship, which instantly became one of my favourite bromances in cinema, especially because it's done over radio and they don't see each other until the end.

  12. The backstage segments the past few weeks have been fucking abysmal. They mainly consist of Maxine walking around and talking about Matt Strikers disappearance in cryptic terms. I think the problem is that nobody on NXT has any idea what is actually going on in the storyline. They go on for about 5 minutes too.

  13. Iron Maiden for me, easily. Then probably Megadeth, although Dave Mustaine acting the cunt lately has turned me off them a little.


    Probably not heavy enough for this thread, but can anyone recommend any new punkish bands for me to check out? The Riot Before and The King Blues, two of my favourite bands, both split up in the past few months so I need some new music. Thanks!

  14. Anybody watched Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip? Opinions?


    I downloaded all of the first season earlier looking for some new American TV to get my teeth into, then after reading up on it I realised that was the only season. Is it still worth watching, knowing it will probably finish with loose ends, or is it good enough to justify watching just the one season?

  15. I've started watching Doctor Who from it's return in 2005. Just finished Season 1 and the first Christmas special, and so far, I'm thinking it's pretty overrated. I'm sticking with it because there have been some good-to-great episodes - the first Dalek episode, the WWII two-parter and the season-ending two-parter were all fine. For the most part though, I've been disappointed. I was tempted to turn off during the episode with the farting aliens and not bother watching again.

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