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Posts posted by Mr_Danger

  1. 35 minutes ago, DJM said:

    A good psychological horror film with a strong lead performance from Sydney Sweeney, an interesting plot, a good setting and some good visuals. It's never as scary or as tense as you want it to be or as it needs to be and most of it feels very familiar, but it ends up being a solid 80-minute horror film. 

    The Voyeurs
    A good erotic thriller about a young couple who spy on and become obsessed by the lives of their neighbours across the street. Obvious hints of Rear Window, with a few interesting twists.


    Yeah, I see what’s going on here.

  2. 22 hours ago, buba3d said:

    I love how the heel stable react exactly the opposite to how you’d expect a bunch of lads to react when your mate is away from his bird. Valiant cock blocking bros trying to protect Dirty Dom from repeated sexual assault attempts.

  3. “Quad bikes for the homeless! They’ll kill themselves they say, well if they do, problem solved!”

    “Dirt bikes for the Rwandan bound immigrants, they’ll kill themselves they say,….” Etc.

  4. Not a car boot but when there was a Sunday market round here it used to get raided by the police nearly every week for a while and if you were there at the right time you could literally make out like a bandit with all the abandoned pirated games, films and music cd’s. Then they started leaving all the physical discs in sleeves in cases and just put display cases out and the gig was up.

  5. I don’t think it’s possible to recreate chippy chips at home but those chips look pretty close! My Nan was an elite level fat bastard cook and could do battered fish that was chippy level but her chips, best home cooked chips around, were never close to chippy chips.

  6. 46 minutes ago, The Gaffer said:

    Had a whack off this this morning, since it's on PS Plus now. 

    Horses for courses I suppose. Who doesn’t love a bargain?

  7. 2 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

    In a forum filled with absolute wronguns being absolute wronguns, wanking over Stephanie McMahon seems relatively normal. 

    I agree. Whom amongst us can honestly say they’ve never dressed up as Macho Man and knuckled their Slim Jim to an old archived file pulled from Robbs Celeb Oops of Stephanie’s up skirt and pokies. It’s normal.

  8. They used to show episodes of The Banana Splits on the early show’s didn’t they? That was the shittest thing imaginable to an 8 year old Danger. I definitely remember turning it over to watch the DJ Kat Show when that came on.

  9. 5 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    Definitely recommend Following if you haven't seen that. He was an interesting film maker once.

    Clearly he peaked with The Prestige but I still think he’s an interesting films maker. I might not find his films as ingenious as some but I always find value in them on some level. If nothing else he makes spectacular cinema. Apart from Tenet. No polishing that turd.

  10. 22 minutes ago, Weezenal said:

    He does the Radio X drive time show. I haven’t listened much but I think it’s still the basis of his act. 

    It’s basically the same act but aged up for dads. He’s more likely to veer off and talk about some historical tour he’s just been on than give it the old mad lad bantz. It’s definitely aged better than Chris Moyles act.

  11. 10 minutes ago, deathrey said:

    @Mr_Danger How? What are you basing this on because I've seen little to convince me he'll be different.

    It’s based 100% on sarcasm. That’s the point his supporters always make along with him being the lesser of two evils. 

  12. 15 minutes ago, Boycie said:

    Army probably. Though I may be a bit long in the tooth for it these days.

    Did you not do it as a point of principle off your own back when you were 18 years old? Surely any supporter of national service has already lead by example and done there’s?

  13. 7 hours ago, Just Some Guy said:

    Mentions of Big Daddy & Brian Glover have reminded me of another British Wrestler.

    He had his own wish fulfillment show on BBC1 did Top of the Pops and a series about safety in the home.

    Oh, what was his name?

    It’s Noel Edmunds isn’t it?


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