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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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eh yeah, I'll be offline too tomorrow during the day so as to avoid WM spoilers and then watching it in the evening.

Similar reasons to me, and I'll be playing WWE All Stars to get me in the mood, if it finally turns up, and then watching with a mate at like 3, so hence I may be around for a bit tomorrow night :)

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eh yeah, I'll be offline too tomorrow during the day so as to avoid WM spoilers and then watching it in the evening.

Similar reasons to me, and I'll be playing WWE All Stars to get me in the mood, if it finally turns up, and then watching with a mate at like 3, so hence I may be around for a bit tomorrow night :)


Hopefully I can get finished work at a decent time, the wife is on maternity leave too so I don't have to wait til 6 for her to come home from work before watching it as I usually have to. With any luck I'll be on around 8ish.


All Stars is good fun too, I got it last week.

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Here's part of the reason we should consider the mass roleclaims.


There's the potential that there are a very small amount of roles that the mafia don't know. Because we got a mass vanilla claim fairly early, you can potentially add in four more mafia to the number known. I reckon that there are potentially as few as two roles which the mafia don't already have set in stone.


Now the problem with that is that we have NO useful information right now, whereas a roleclaim could put scum in a position where they have to lie. And that's going to be slightly trickier for them, since they can't talk during the day.


I'm keeping my vote on Ron for all the reasons that have been discussed recently. I think Ron and Tom either tried to take out Nexus or bus him. Alternatively, Ron is buddying up to Tom. The argument against Nexus appears to be primarily that he sucks at paying attention. That doesn't necessarily make him scum - Nexus is a bit of an odd player sometimes.


Swift is still on my radar, and unfitfinlay definitely is. However, I think Ron is the most likely, and the most likely to be trying to push things. I think he'd be a strong player to take out. If I'm wrong, then scum are playing a strong game, and I need to start looking more seriously at swift and bristep.

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I still don't think mass claim is the way to go.


It has to be a group concensus though, and if the majority want it then I'll join in.


If it does though, it has to go from bottom to top though, Carbomb, Nexus(although has claimed vanilla hasn't specified what role he went for), Finlay, Swift, Spotlight, then finally SMS reveals my role and I'll confirm or call him a liar.

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Bristep has already said I can reveal his role, but won't unless he insists I do so or we all have a mass reveal, but looking at how he has played the game and knowing his role I do believe he is town and he is the only player who I feel I can trust at the moment.


Can you show by quote where I said that you can reveal my role? If the mass claim is gone ahead with then I want you to reveal my role, but failing that no, no I don't really want you telling people what my role is.

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Here's part of the reason we should consider the mass roleclaims.


There's the potential that there are a very small amount of roles that the mafia don't know. Because we got a mass vanilla claim fairly early, you can potentially add in four more mafia to the number known. I reckon that there are potentially as few as two roles which the mafia don't already have set in stone.


Now the problem with that is that we have NO useful information right now, whereas a roleclaim could put scum in a position where they have to lie. And that's going to be slightly trickier for them, since they can't talk during the day.


I'm keeping my vote on Ron for all the reasons that have been discussed recently. I think Ron and Tom either tried to take out Nexus or bus him. Alternatively, Ron is buddying up to Tom. The argument against Nexus appears to be primarily that he sucks at paying attention. That doesn't necessarily make him scum - Nexus is a bit of an odd player sometimes.


Swift is still on my radar, and unfitfinlay definitely is. However, I think Ron is the most likely, and the most likely to be trying to push things. I think he'd be a strong player to take out. If I'm wrong, then scum are playing a strong game, and I need to start looking more seriously at swift and bristep.


I have already given the reasons for a mass reveal but nobody other than yourself seems bothered.


Too late in the day to do that now, plus if we do get another day, scum can prepare their answers to give which means that would be totally pointless.


Unless we have very strong reasons not to do so, can the vigilante not target anyone and can the weak doctor protect somebody they already have previously, otherwise we may lose extra townies and I would prefer it if we at least try and go out fighting during the day phase and not the night one.


I am afraid to say that I already feel we have lost the game already though.


I am now V/LA till after the deadline.


Having read through most of the topic again, I can't see enough evidence to vote for anyone, so I will go with my gut feeling and keep my vote on Ron.


Good luck guys!

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Bristep has already said I can reveal his role, but won't unless he insists I do so or we all have a mass reveal, but looking at how he has played the game and knowing his role I do believe he is town and he is the only player who I feel I can trust at the moment.


Can you show by quote where I said that you can reveal my role? If the mass claim is gone ahead with then I want you to reveal my role, but failing that no, no I don't really want you telling people what my role is.


I will go find the quote then I am V/LA till the end of the day phase.


I won't be able to answer any other questions or post anything other than this quote.

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I'm keeping my vote on Ron for all the reasons that have been discussed recently. I think Ron and Tom either tried to take out Nexus or bus him. Alternatively, Ron is buddying up to Tom. The argument against Nexus appears to be primarily that he sucks at paying attention. That doesn't necessarily make him scum - Nexus is a bit of an odd player sometimes.


It isn't really.


I simply do not believe that he forgot SMS was a rolecop, not after specifically mentioning it in the same post, and his whole defense for his vote on Snake hinging on it. If he didn't forget then he is lying and why would town lie?


I'm still suspicious of Ron and Tom but another possibility that has occured to me is that Nexus' "mind not really being active" led to him to forget he wasn't on the scum quicktopic and couldn't just ask SMS a question like that. It's just a theory but, looking back through the thread, SMS' had some really bizarre responses to questions this phase and it's definitely something town should look at if we make it to the next phase.


I'm still not convinced about the mass claim either. I can see the arguments towards it but, realistically, some of the roles won't really give us a clue about alignment anyway, and it would basically give the scum complete knowledge of our power roles. Nothing to stop scum merely claiming Vanilla either.

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Page 70 Post 1043.


I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am town.


God this line just screams scum. SMS please don't say things like this because otherwise the scum will find it very easy to push.


Right, viable wagons people, top suspects.


SMS isn't going to be proved either way, certainly not to the point of certainty which is what we really need this time out. While the Snake thing points to him being town but he has said and done a lot of really suspect things over the course of the game. If push comes to shove, he can reveal my role and that will settle any doubt over his role. Alignment maybe not but role yes.


Ron is really suspicous, I've said it before and I think as time goes on I get more and more of a feeling about him. Darting around the wagon both days, being uncertain, eventually getting on the lynch wagon while making sure people know he's not happy about voting while pushing a Lion lynch. Jumping on little false slips and having to backtrack really quickly. One occurance is curious, two occurences is suspicious. The wagon behaviour has happened twice now, and the slip-jumping has happened twice as well (tom yesterday (actual yesterday not phase yesterday) and me on day 1) so there's now form.


Add to this, Ron was behind a Lion lynch, but moved to Snake once SMS started going gung-ho. I think he was trying to put the seeds in place for the day 3 lynch and Lion's vig death last night threw the spanner in. Now Lion is dead and flipped as town. Ron was one of the main (if not the main) spokespersons for Lions death, so with him gone overnight that puts him in an awkward position. So, we get this little passage.


What?! Lion's town?! That's shocking - but in a way a blessing in disguise. I know I, along with a good number of others, would have focussed on him today given the result of the Snake lynch, wasting even more time. So at least we have a distraction eliminated.


Then, constant reminders to everyone that he was wrong about pushing Lion but hey, remember when he did that to Family Guy in a previous game and was town? It all really really points to him being scum.


And sorry, Lion :( I did the same thing a few games ago when I became convinced Family Guy was town, and my narrow focus probably cost the town that game. As I've said I'm actually glad he's dead now otherwise I'd have wasted much of everyone's time bleating on about why you were all daft not to be lynching him.


Bugger, I'm pretty sure a certain player is town but I've noticed something about one of his posts, I'm not sure if I should point it out or not because it potentially creates a risk for another player in the game. But the thing is, this post MAY be a day message to scum - though on instinct, I don't think it is. I'm in a quandry here and would appreciate advice from others as to whether I should reveal my spot or not. Does the reward outweight the risk, basically.


That looks pretty suspect to me personally. But again, Lion did over the past two phases. Any time I present a case on anyone from now on I think I'll have my Lion and Family Guy cases/obsessions thrown back at me :( *sigh*


And bloody hell, I'm even throwing it back at myself.


I also "REALLY" jumped on Lion beforehand and was wrong - I've pointed that out. So if you think I'm focussing too hard on just the one person, just say I guess. I've done it before with Family Guy a few games back, and I did it with Lion. I don't want to end up doing it a third time, because I'm probably allowing the scum to sit back and let me do all the work when I do that.


And to clarify, I have not posted whole posts, just passages from the posts which are relevant. I haven't changed any contexts as far as I can see, please feel free to check back.


We're here again.. VOTE Ron Simmons

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Ah ok. That wasn't a carte blanche to reveal my role, it was more something you could do if facing a lynch to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt (to me at least) that you aren't lying. I can see how it read that way though.


On the topic of mass claim. Once again we are getting distracted by an elephant in the room (lynching lurkers D1, bulletproof role effectiveness D2, mass claim D3). This needs to get out of the way so that we can move forward otherwise it'll just keep bogging down the game which is what the scum want.


So, right now. Group vote.


Mass claim. Yes or No. 6 votes to get the majority. If yes, everyone reveals. If no, we drop the idea and focus on who to focus on today.


I'm a no. SMS if you're gone V/LA I'll assume you're a yes.

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I have to concur with unfitfinley, the slip did seem silly to me to put rolecop in the post and then forget what SMS was. I'm still not completely sold on power role claims but this does seem more telling to me.


I'm close to a vote but I won't until I've gone through this thread in a better head

What are you reading that the slip means though? If it is a slip what has the slip revealed to us?


I thought the slip read like he was giving an impression of info collecting and scum hunting. That to me says he isn't quite as active in this game and that could be cause he is a scum member. That's what I thought anyway.

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Ah ok. That wasn't a carte blanche to reveal my role, it was more something you could do if facing a lynch to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt (to me at least) that you aren't lying. I can see how it read that way though.


On the topic of mass claim. Once again we are getting distracted by an elephant in the room (lynching lurkers D1, bulletproof role effectiveness D2, mass claim D3). This needs to get out of the way so that we can move forward otherwise it'll just keep bogging down the game which is what the scum want.


So, right now. Group vote.


Mass claim. Yes or No. 6 votes to get the majority. If yes, everyone reveals. If no, we drop the idea and focus on who to focus on today.


I'm a no. SMS if you're gone V/LA I'll assume you're a yes.


I am still online as I was just finishing off some emails so I would like to reply to this before I have no net access till after the Chelsea / Man Utd game on Weds.


I was a yes, but am a no, because with me not being around to confirm your role as well as not being able to discuss the results we have it is pointless.


I wanted the results with time for us all to examine everybodys answers and so we could ask other questions relating to the info revealed.


We have 48 hours to do that and that is not enough time.


I feel scum have got lucky by getting away with this one. :(


Emails all finished now so I won't be back until after the deadline for definite now.



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I vote "no" to the mass claim. I really think it won't help at this stage, because we've lynched no Scum yet, and we can only get rid of, if we're right, one Scum per Day Phase. Giving away this kind of info only makes it easier for them to target their attacks more efficiently.


If we'd lynched or offed two or three Scum by now, I'd say it was an OK idea, but I think it's insane while they're still at full strength.

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I'm gonna vote "yes" to the mass claim. Having re-read a lot of the thread, it's already possible to work out the roles of almost everybody. Most roles are out in the open. We desperately need to hit scum tonight, and despite earlier reservations I think a mass claim won't do a great deal of harm. The scum have the advantage of already knowing four roles PLUS what's been claimed in the thread. So we might as well wind up on equal footing to them. It's such a desperate situation for the town right now I think this might help. I certainly don't think it's going to help the scum as much as it will us.

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