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Chris Benoit dead


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So at Vengeance when the fans were chanting "We want Benoit" during the ECW match, he was at home hanging from his weight machine cable.His wife being found with her legs and wrists tied together doesn't back up beliefs that he may have accidentally killed her. I don't think WWE should ever mention his name on TV again.

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Right, so now that we know that Chris Benoit is a child killer, I presume those who refused to condemn him will do so now? I'm amazed and stunned at some of the levels of idiocy on here today. I've never seen such copious denial in the face of logic and evidence. I mean, I expected it from Philjax but it's been on every page today.Why was The Dude suspended? I was talking to him on MSN last night and he was fucking crushed about Benoit's death, so for him to come out with a post like he one he came out with day shows just how angry and upset he is over what happened, and in no way was he trolling. Think about it. Benoit not only tied up and killed a woman, but he killed a child. He murdered a seven year old with his bare hands. If you can still praise him and not condemn him after this, then seriously, get help.

I think you have to understand that some people are still trying to accept that Chris Benoit has died, nevermind the fact that he's also murdered his wife and son. I appreciate that you've grasped and accepted this pretty quickly but I still think people are having a difficult time coming to terms with this. If in two weeks people are still defending him as a person then they are clearly idiots, but give it time.
Whilst I would point to the fact that the police were still saying that this is what they think happened but aren't saying it's their final decision yet, I would say that based on the evidence that they have shared it is looking pretty damn convincing that he has. I still think that something has set him off to do this and I reckon that we will probably never know what it was, but the evidence suggests that he did it.But still, I am in a state of shock over this!
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So at Vengeance when the fans were chanting "We want Benoit" during the ECW match, he was at home hanging from his weight machine cable.His wife being found with her legs and wrists tied together doesn't back up beliefs that he may have accidentally killed her. I don't think WWE should ever mention his name on TV again.

i dont think they will... as i understand, ECW and SD! are going to be just all wresting matches, no storylines or anything.... best thing to do i supposei jsut dont know what to think
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respect his wrestling abiltiys no doubt but killing your wife and son notches down my respect for benoit an awful lot, was shocked that he used pillsif it is down to roids then wwe are gonna get a awful backlash

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respect his wrestling abiltiys no doubt but killing your wife and son notches down my respect for benoit an awful lot, was shocked that he used pillsif it is down to roids then wwe are gonna get a awful backlash

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Just caught this story on Fox News and Sky News and one word that keeps popping up is Steriods. I think there's going to be a potentially massive fallout from this and one has to be concerned that in the wake of this horrible incident that TV networks may want to distance themselves from professional wrestling which would be a huge disaster.

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Give it time??He bound his wife's hands and feet before strangling her to death.He murdered a seven year old with his bare hands.And then he hung himself and left no note behind to even try and explain his actions.I don't care how many five star matches he had, or how often he entertained you. The amount of people in this thread today saying shit like "He wouldn't do that!" is frightening. Newsflash. Would. Could. Did. Fuck you people for thinking you knew better, and fuck anybody who refuses to condemn him.

And FUCK YOU you prick for revelling in the fact
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So at Vengeance when the fans were chanting "We want Benoit" during the ECW match, he was at home hanging from his weight machine cable.His wife being found with her legs and wrists tied together doesn't back up beliefs that he may have accidentally killed her. I don't think WWE should ever mention his name on TV again.

i dont think they will... as i understand, ECW and SD! are going to be just all wresting matches, no storylines or anything.... best thing to do i supposei jsut dont know what to think
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What irritates me is how so many people act as though they actually KNEW the guy. I mean people are talking like him dying was the be all and end all and i think its stupid. This is seriously fucked up. To do something like that you have to have some seriously fucked up issues in your head. It wasnt a case of a domestic going wrong, the guy actually had to be a headcase as sad as it is to admit.

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I don't think WWE should ever mention his name on TV again.

i don't think they will ever take that risk and mentioning his name. i'm wondering what the wrestlers are thinking at the moment. how do you think they will cope?
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Well it sounds like FOX are going down the whole steroid angle... the ramifications on WWE could be huuuuuuge... they are now throwing the stats of all the wrestlers under 45 who have died. Benoits actions were obviously those of a mentally unstable, disturbed man. It's so sad to think that he mentally got to the point where he did what he did and it does raise serious questions about the not just physicial but mental strains of the road. It's a shame one moment of madness will mean a great carear will probably be forever forgotten. Although I'm not trying to make excuses for his totally sickening actions, Benoit was one of the greatest in ring performers of all time and I will always remember him as just that. RIP Nancy (who was a criminally underated manager) and Daniel neither of them deserved to get caught up in this and I really do hope that Chris can find some kind of peace.

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Holy holy holy FUCK!!!Jesus christ I'm speechless! I was condemning the guy before the press conference but being told innocent before guilty blah, blah, blah but now? Holy Fuck!!He tied up his wife? I'm sure you can come up with your depressed theorys all you like but, man, seriously fuck Benoit!! And I've made my status on his son perfectly clear from the outsetSo I'll say again without Bootcleaner et al getting on my back over it:RIP Nancy and Daniel Rot in hell Benoit you fucking horrible disgraceful cunt! I really hope he burns for this!

Edited by CurryAngel
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This is a tragedy. I am in a state of shock over how such a well respected man can do something so overwhemingly evil. Fox news are really hyping the roid rage angle, but can they really send soeone to do such heinous crimes? I dont know enough about roids to say. I feel really sorry for that innocent kid and Benoit's wife. Benoit's name is forever mud now.

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Ive neglected to post since the details of the murder and suicide came out and really I don't want to pass opinion yet. However, I assume they haven't found out whether Nancy's hands and legs were tied before or after death? A possible scenario is that Chris killed her then whilst panicking tied her up with the intention to move the body before deciding against it. Please understand I'm not trying to justify what Chris did in any way so don't flame me, I'm merely tyring to understand what happened better.

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