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Chris Benoit dead


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First post in just an incredible thread. Not for quality, but the instances talked about. More than anything, the reporting of Benoit's death in the media has been an absolute disgrace. In a regional paper, they as good as said WWE murdered Chris Benoit. At the end of the day, Chris Benoit murdered his wife and child. Had he been perfectly sane, controlled & happy before taking a steroid, jacking up WOULD NOT make him murder his family. That is absolute bollocks. It is a horrible profession - a profession where you spend months and months apart from your family, your whole life travelling, being in pain for five or six days of the week. But him taking a steroid would not switch a button in his head.If anything, as mentioned earlier in the thread, this is one of the least drug-influenced deaths of recent times. But I'm in two minds. If WWE was to completely outlaw drugs of any kind, it would be a healthy thing. Not as an outcome of the Benoit investigation, but just in general, it would be. I doubt it will happen.

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This is like saying if you so much as own a car then you're not allowed to be concerned about global warming. I'm sorry, but the world doesn't work in such absolutes.

It is the epitomy of hypocrisy to declare 'something must happen' with the underscore 'but I can't be fucked to get involved myself'. Sorry if you don't like that, but that's just the truth of it. You'll find that the world does work in absolutes. Plenty of them, and you can't pick and choose which ones are or aren't real. Hypocrisy isn't an absolute, though, so what on earth you're talking about I don't know. Hypocrisy is an incredibly gray and gradiated thing which only has any importance at all because its considered 'immoral' by our society. If being called a hypocrit and being hypocritical upsets you, try not to be a hypocrit.If you don't care, that's fine. But don't waste your breath trying to argue a definition.
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How can anyone hate Nash? Sexual chemistry there - she wanted a piece of Big Sexy. :)

Agreed - he was brilliant in that interview. Definitely the most balanced argument from anyone so far!
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To be honest, I think this little lad sums up this whole torturous industry-shattering personal tragedy better than any media outlet or industry insider ever could. Succinct but devastating. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Ilgppvr-p2Q&NR=1

Man, that was a hard hitting commentary on the state of professional wrestling. My eyes have been opened. :laugh:
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How can anyone hate Nash? Sexual chemistry there - she wanted a piece of Big Sexy. :)

Agreed - he was brilliant in that interview. Definitely the most balanced argument from anyone so far!
Definitely worth a watch as Nash comes across as the most articulate wrestler yet (that was really being cross-examined anyway). Also look out for interviews involving Marc Mero as he is really against all drugs in pro wrestling (and currently requires a replacement heart valve apparently).
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Nothing major but I see the Title History section of wwe.com has been changed. All Benoit's Title reigns are still listed but all photos and text in relation to them have been removed.

I wouldn't bet against him being retropectively stripped of those titles you know.....................
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That bitch that interviewed Nash really pissed me off!!


She was not informed and had no knowledge of the subject (pro wrestling and steroids)right!? So they invited Nash on who does have knowledge of both. Yet when he answered her question of "Have you experienced roid rage yourself or seen it" with a "No" she pretty much stated that she didn't believe him!


What's the fucking point of getting people on these shows who are in a position to actually know things (and not just speculate) and may be able to educate people on the facts if you are just going to call them liars and talk over them???


Excuse me, but die you annoying cunt-rag!

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This is like saying if you so much as own a car then you're not allowed to be concerned about global warming. I'm sorry, but the world doesn't work in such absolutes.

It is the epitomy of hypocrisy to declare 'something must happen' with the underscore 'but I can't be fucked to get involved myself'. Sorry if you don't like that, but that's just the truth of it. You'll find that the world does work in absolutes. Plenty of them, and you can't pick and choose which ones are or aren't real. Hypocrisy isn't an absolute, though, so what on earth you're talking about I don't know. Hypocrisy is an incredibly gray and gradiated thing which only has any importance at all because its considered 'immoral' by our society. If being called a hypocrit and being hypocritical upsets you, try not to be a hypocrit.If you don't care, that's fine. But don't waste your breath trying to argue a definition.
I fear you've taken a detour down Tangent Boulevard, there. When did I ever declare that "something must happen"? I've already said that I'll continue watching wrestling regardless of whether they clean up or not. Would you rather I be an ardent and ignorant fan? The fact is, as you point out, hypocrisy is considered an immoral trait in our society, and I'm afraid I just can't stomach some high-and-mighty ex-fan equating my merely watching something I enjoy with an act of immorality, because I'm in the unfortunate position to have been made aware of the problems within the system and have an opinion on them.My only argument here is that it's not unreasonable for someone to watch wrestling whilst acknowledging that it would be better for all involved if some changes were made. I just don't buy the argument that the audience 'must take responsibility' for their part in all this. The blame lies in one place and we all know where it is. I do take issue with someone telling me that I'm partly responsible for Eddie Guerrero's death just by being a fan. Sorry, but that's just trolling bullshit.My whole involvement in this thread was in protest against the ridiculous idea of the "solution" to this problem - that the wrestlers themselves could quash the system of steroid/painkiller abuse tomorrow if they wanted to - which simply isn't true. There is too much fear of being fired, demoted or blackballed for wrestlers to ever unionise or make any mass powerplays under their own steam
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hitman89762000 your either a joker or a disgrace.I haven't posted on here for a very long time.Not because of not wanting to but because reading the ukff was good enough.This Benoit deal is nuts. I still don't know how to handle it. When I say handle I mean with my self.I scroll through 'facts' and figures but we all know its all bullshit. Or do we? How do I know what then Sun newspaper is telling me is the real deal when I have Fox news giving me the worst fucking insight to wrestling since that sly granny in the 'documentary'.Man at the end of the day a man we loved fucked up. I'll never want to watch a Benoit match again.15 years of watching a guy in the ring just down the drain.

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Nash is a fucking liar. It's that simple. It's amazing how easily suckered some people are. Also, let's not forget how much we all hated him for his "vanilla midgets" bullshit and then wonder where Benoit got the paranoia about his size from. Fuck Kevin Nash.And Parkamarka, you're right. The wrestlers AREN'T in a position to do anything much. Of course, if they all stood together, things would change overnight, but the difference between an undercard guy's money and a top guy's money is too great to make that a realistic prospect. So the only people who DO have any power are the fans. If everyone stops watching and tells WWE and its sponsors WHY they've stopped watching, EVERYTHING will change. If you're too gutless to turn off your TV for a couple of months and send half a dozen emails to help prevent the deaths of your favourite wrestlers then you're a fucking piece of shit coward and you ARE complicit in any future deaths. It's that simple. If you believe the industry is fucked up and you want it to change, YOU as a consumer have the power to make difference. But as long as you keep watching the TV and buying the PPVs, you're as guilty as Vince.

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