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Chris Benoit dead


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I'll appreciate Benoit's work the same way. I don't see how the end of his life, this tragedy, in any way affects what he did in the ring or who he was in the ring. If Mozart had murdered five hundred people he'd still be one of the greatest composers of all time. Though, like Chris is destined to be, I don't think he'd be remembered for that. American wrestling has lost one of its virtuosos, you might argue one of the last great American wrestlers.The world's lost three more people in tragic circumstances.And wrestling itself's picked up yet another bruise.

Mate, nobody will be 'allowed' to feel that way about Chris. Hell, even I feel somewhat dirty by mourning Chris after what's happened. I just feel so uncomfortable with it all at the minute.
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It is a shame that he won't be remembered for the mat veteran he was. Instead he'll be remembered as a murderer which is a shame.I am really saddened at this news, he has been my favourate wrestler for a long time. And the news was just as shocking as Eddie's death. But the circumstances are a lot more grim.Everyone says they are disgusted by his actions and they are ashamed to mourn him. I'm not. I'm going to leave his personal life out of this and mourn the loss of a great wrestler. We don't know the motives behind this and i doubt we'll find out the whole reason.

Edited by The Pegasus Kid 1990
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They're talking about this on CNN Headline News right now. Scott Ballard the D.A. on the case said Daniel had needle marks and they believe he had been on growth hormones for some time. The first text message sent said Nancy and Daniel were sick, and the last text message Chris sent said someone needs to check on his dogs and bank accounts.

Daniel was on growth hormone???? WTF?????
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After all we have heard it is difficult NOT to jump to conclusions when you discuss Benoit's son, needle marks, and growth hormone. I take it this was the stuff Benoit was taking himself???

Edited by Finlay
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After all we have heard it is difficult NOT to jump to conclusions when you discuss Benoit's son, needle marks, and growth hormone. I take it this was the stuff Benoit was taking himself???

As I understand it, growth hormones are entirely different to steroids. They may be given to youngsters who are not, well, growing properly. I'm pretty sure it's unusual to administer them to a seven-year-old though, you would normally wait until after puberty.
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"There's no holding me back,I'm not driven by fear, I'm just driven by anger.And you're under attack,I'm just climbing up slowly, I'm the one and only, I..."Chilling.

What is that from mate?? Is it Benoit's entrance music?
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"There's no holding me back,I'm not driven by fear, I'm just driven by anger.And you're under attack,I'm just climbing up slowly, I'm the one and only, I..."Chilling.

What is that from mate?? Is it Benoit's entrance music?
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I'll appreciate Benoit's work the same way. I don't see how the end of his life, this tragedy, in any way affects what he did in the ring or who he was in the ring. If Mozart had murdered five hundred people he'd still be one of the greatest composers of all time. Though, like Chris is destined to be, I don't think he'd be remembered for that. American wrestling has lost one of its virtuosos, you might argue one of the last great American wrestlers.The world's lost three more people in tragic circumstances.And wrestling itself's picked up yet another bruise.

Mate, nobody will be 'allowed' to feel that way about Chris. Hell, even I feel somewhat dirty by mourning Chris after what's happened. I just feel so uncomfortable with it all at the minute.
See, I think you're wrong there. Certainly there'll be some pressure to hate on Chris, we've seen evidence of that in this here thread. But I think Chris is going to be quietly ignored by the wrestling world from now on, ESPECIALLY if the report into his death opens up a massive can of worms. Lets not forget, if its decided by the media that WWE, its lifestyle, or the drugs or whatever is 'really' responsible for this, a lot of the focus of the anger is going to go away from Chris onto the big E. That's always what happens when some report or other decides something else is 'really' responsible. So in the end its down to each fan to come to terms with it their own way, either to look past the end and focus on the life, or to burn the idol and hate him to soften the blow of the deaths. You feel uncomfortable, and that's perfectly understandable, because this is one of the biggest shocks ever and there's a whole lot of issues to come to terms with. But eventually you will come to terms with it one way or the other. From what you've said, I think in the end you'll mourn Chris as much as his family. But I don't know you, and I'm just guessing.I'll fly a flag for him, no matter what anyone says.EDIT: I'm probably way too active in this thread, considering what it is, but I think getting my feelings out about this and talking with you lot is part of my own way of dealing with it. In a way I guess its led to some good, because I haven't posted on the UKFF in ages, and now I feel the need for a little digital company. I mean really, who the hell else is going to be able to share relevant feelings on the matter? Edited by edgecrusher
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After all we have heard it is difficult NOT to jump to conclusions when you discuss Benoit's son, needle marks, and growth hormone. I take it this was the stuff Benoit was taking himself???

As I understand it, growth hormones are entirely different to steroids. They may be given to youngsters who are not, well, growing properly. I'm pretty sure it's unusual to administer them to a seven-year-old though, you would normally wait until after puberty.
Wasn't it human growth hormone Brock Lesnar got caught with a few years back??
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