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Chris Benoit dead


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Right, so now that we know that Chris Benoit is a child killer, I presume those who refused to condemn him will do so now? I'm amazed and stunned at some of the levels of idiocy on here today. I've never seen such copious denial in the face of logic and evidence. I mean, I expected it from Philjax but it's been on every page today.


Why was The Dude suspended? I was talking to him on MSN last night and he was fucking crushed about Benoit's death, so for him to come out with a post like he one he came out with day shows just how angry and upset he is over what happened, and in no way was he trolling.


Think about it. Benoit not only tied up and killed a woman, but he killed a child. He murdered a seven year old with his bare hands. If you can still praise him and not condemn him after this, then seriously, get help.

Edited by Mr. Seven
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When asked if a motive was known, it's something 'they can't go into at this time'. So maybe they know of a possible reason but it nees more confirmation.I couldn't stop shaking as I watched that, this has been one of the most bizarre days I can ever remember.

Gotta agree with you there, never saw this coming, their still looking for stuff in the house
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HOLD ON, how did benoit kill himselve on saturday, if he made the texts on sunday

I believe the guy slipped up when he said that, one of them also said sunday morning.Nancy was in a towel but clothed underneath. She was bound hand and foot.I'm completely stunned.
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The definite angle on Fox is roid rage, they've really hooked into that. I'm no expert, but the guy is claiming roid rage it goes on for days, causes psychotic hallucinations and voices that tell you to do things.Nancy bound at the hands and feet, bibles next to the bodies, it's a full on psychotic episode.Same guy now assuming the texts were bible passages brought on by steroids. I guess wrestling's free ride is over now, the frog is well and truly out of the box.

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It's confirmed he did it. I feel sick. Honestly sick. Part of me wants to keep coming up with theories as to why he did it. Depression etc. I've had depression and know it can be very very hard, but never would I have considered killing anyone, let alone the ones I love. The ability to do it must've been inside him anyway.I had a lot of respect for the man, but it's slipping away. I'm not the sort to say 'Rot in hell' but I retract my earlier 'Rest in Peace'.Nancy and Daniel, RIP.

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Right, so now that we know that Chris Benoit is a child killer, I presume those who refused to condemn him will do so now? I'm amazed and stunned at some of the levels of idiocy on here today. I've never seen such copious denial in the face of logic and evidence. I mean, I expected it from Philjax but it's been on every page today.Why was The Dude suspended? I was talking to him on MSN last night and he was fucking crushed about Benoit's death, so for him to come out with a post like he one he came out with day shows just how angry and upset he is over what happened, and in no way was he trolling. Think about it. Benoit not only tied up and killed a woman, but he killed a child. He murdered a seven year old with his bare hands. If you can still praise him and not condemn him after this, then seriously, get help.

I think you have to understand that some people are still trying to accept that Chris Benoit has died, nevermind the fact that he's also murdered his wife and son. I appreciate that you've grasped and accepted this pretty quickly but I still think people are having a difficult time coming to terms with this. If in two weeks people are still defending him as a person then they are clearly idiots, but give it time.
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Think about it. Benoit not only tied up and killed a woman, but he killed a child. He murdered a seven year old with his bare hands. If you can still praise him and not condemn him after this, then seriously, get help.

Its understandable not to want to accept that your hero seems to be a fucked up individual.I imagine he killed his son because he didnt want him to grow up without parents or to find their bodies. I am more concerned by the fact that Nancy was tied up.
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Think about it. Benoit not only tied up and killed a woman, but he killed a child. He murdered a seven year old with his bare hands. If you can still praise him and not condemn him after this, then seriously, get help.

That's the most horrible horrible bit of all of this :(Earlier I posted saying how Benoit was a great wrestler regardless of this situation, but I just want to make it clear that I completely condemn what he did, and there is no excuse whatsoever for doing what he did. There's always going to be a massive massive black cloud over his name and his memory, and his great wrestling ability can never, and should never, change that. I'm not saying go and burn all your posters, t-shirts and DVD's (although I honestly don't think I can ever wear my Benoit t-shirt ever again) and that you aren't allowed to enjoy his wrestling work because quite frankly he has produced a lot of great entertainment, but you simply can't escape from what he did.
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Give it time??He bound his wife's hands and feet before strangling her to death.He murdered a seven year old with his bare hands.And then he hung himself and left no note behind to even try and explain his actions.I don't care how many five star matches he had, or how often he entertained you. The amount of people in this thread today saying shit like "He wouldn't do that!" is frightening. Newsflash. Would. Could. Did. Fuck you people for thinking you knew better, and fuck anybody who refuses to condemn him.

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