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You could have got a bus right out front of the Armory. Sure, unfamiliar country in the middle of the night and all that, but it's the type of thing that puts hairs on your chest...

There was a bus out the front of the Armory!? Motherfucker....To be fair we got a Sudan not a taxi for our buck so I'm not too bothered, the driver was a good laugh aswell.
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You could have got a bus right out front of the Armory. Sure, unfamiliar country in the middle of the night and all that, but it's the type of thing that puts hairs on your chest...

There was a bus out the front of the Armory!? Motherfucker....To be fair we got a Sudan not a taxi for our buck so I'm not too bothered, the driver was a good laugh aswell.
In all honesty, I don't blame you for opting for a cab, because when I did the trip back into Centre City after the show this time last year it wasn't the most comfortable thing. The 45 minute ride back to the Frankford Transporting Centre was on a packed bus the entire way (and I had to wait for it for nearly an hour in temperatures of well beneath zero), and I then had another half-an-hour wait for another bus which took about 45 minutes. All the while travelling through places which hardly looked that savoury. Had I not already been to Philly a few times by then, there's no way I would have done it, but stranded Englishmen can't be choosers...
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  • Paid Members

You could have got a bus right out front of the Armory. Sure, unfamiliar country in the middle of the night and all that, but it's the type of thing that puts hairs on your chest...

There was a bus out the front of the Armory!? Motherfucker....To be fair we got a Sudan not a taxi for our buck so I'm not too bothered, the driver was a good laugh aswell.
In all honesty, I don't blame you for opting for a cab, because when I did the trip back into Centre City after the show this time last year it wasn't the most comfortable thing. The 45 minute ride back to the Frankford Transporting Centre was on a packed bus the entire way (and I had to wait for it for nearly an hour in temperatures of well beneath zero), and I then had another half-an-hour wait for another bus which took about 45 minutes. All the while travelling through places which hardly looked that savoury. Had I not already been to Philly a few times by then, there's no way I would have done it, but stranded Englishmen can't be choosers...
I know what you mean we took the train to the FTC and during the day it was still pretty dodgy. I liked the venue though and the show itself is great. Im excited to see

BLK OUT in ROH and was surprised when Sabian & Mireno turned up aswell. Could be a good feud.

Edited by KJHenley
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You could have got a bus right out front of the Armory. Sure, unfamiliar country in the middle of the night and all that, but it's the type of thing that puts hairs on your chest...

There was a bus out the front of the Armory!? Motherfucker....To be fair we got a Sudan not a taxi for our buck so I'm not too bothered, the driver was a good laugh aswell.
In all honesty, I don't blame you for opting for a cab, because when I did the trip back into Centre City after the show this time last year it wasn't the most comfortable thing. The 45 minute ride back to the Frankford Transporting Centre was on a packed bus the entire way (and I had to wait for it for nearly an hour in temperatures of well beneath zero), and I then had another half-an-hour wait for another bus which took about 45 minutes. All the while travelling through places which hardly looked that savoury. Had I not already been to Philly a few times by then, there's no way I would have done it, but stranded Englishmen can't be choosers...
I know what you mean we took the train to the FTC and during the day it was still pretty dodgy. I liked the venue though and the show itself is great. Im excited to see

BLK OUT in ROH and was surprised when Sabian & Mireno turned up aswell. Could be a good feud.


Yeah, I thought the venue had a great vibe to it as well. No beer, which isn't a plus (I'm figuring that's a military thing), and they were only serving tomato pizza when I was there, but everything else was kinda cool. Too far outside of town for my liking (Murphy Rec Centre, for instance, is about a 15 minute bus ride from Market Street, while Viking Hall isn't much further), but it was all good once I actually got there. I just finished watching the show I went to, which was the Morishima title win over Homicide (Feb 17th, 2007). I don't think it came across as well on DVD as live, though I figure these things rarely do...
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Race To The Top Tournament Night 2 Review - 28/7/07



Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Mike Quackenbush vs Claudio Castagnoli - SUPERB stuff! I could eulogise for a thousand words about this match-up. Some great technical stuff at the start, then we get the Chikara arm drags! Ooooh girl. Claudio controls the body of the match, and then Quack busts out all sorts of crazy pin combinations to try and get the pin. But Claudio smacks him with a European Uppercut, and that

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ROH Death Before Dishonor


Time to go back to the ROH stuff, and to their biggest show to date at the time.


Deranged vs. Low Ki


This match is basically Deranged doing a bunch of stuff before getting utterly obliterated by Low Ki. As a beating, this was definately fun, as Low Ki went into overkill mode and murdered the poor kid.


Jimmy Rave vs. Matt Stryker


Stryker was never any good at the short matches, and this proves that, and it's probably this sort of match that got Stryker loads of stick. There's some good stuff between the two guys, but ultimately, nobody really gives a shit, and the match is utterly forgettable.


The Carnage Crew vs. TWA - Weapons Match


Another short match, but the stuff they packed into this one is definately worth a look. The TWA guys in particular give their bodies to the cause. Fast Eddie takes a bump that will have you cringing no matter how many times you see it. It's a fast paced, suicidal and mental brawl.


Tony Mamaluke and John Walters vs. The Outcast Killaz


Nobody cares really. The decent team break out some cool tag team stuff, which I guess is the point as this is really just a showcase for their skills. However, that's all this is.


Tom Carter vs. Doug Williams


The good thing about Williams is that he can REALLY get you involved just by his wrestling and selling, and that's essentially what he does here. Carter works the arm here, which gives you the story of the match, and the selling is what makes the match that one step better than some of the pure matches in ROH up to this point. Williams is a joy to watch here, as always, and it's interesting to note that most of the time he wrestles in ROH, he gets a great chance to shine compared to others in the promotion.


Dan Maff vs. BJ Whitmer vs. Colt Cabana vs. Homicide - #1 Contender's Trophy


This is the best of the early FCS matches. All four men were willing to go balls to the walls for 15 minutes and if this match had gone longer, it'd probably have been a match of the year candidate. However, because of the timing, the finishing sequence was tacked on as soon as the big dives happened. All of the action after the dive is top notch though. This is one of the matches where Whitmer really shined.


Special K vs. SAT and The Backseat Boys - Scramble Match


I shouldn't really have to explain anything here. Spots, spots and more spots, and this incarnation of the match isn't very good.


Joey Matthews vs. Krazy K vs. Jeff Hardy


Hehehe. Jeff Hardy in ROH. Remember this ? The fans SHIT on this. They also shit on Krazy K, which is a laugh. This means the heel in the match turns out to be the face. Jeff doesn't actually do much wrong here. K does do some stuff wrong, and that's what gets the fans against him. Not the botchfest that I was expecting going in, but the match isn't really very good. Might be worth watching for the ultra-rabid fans though.


CM Punk vs. Raven - Dog Collar Match


A fairly good match from the two men here. They don't focus on much outside of the dog collar and the hate, and they keep it to a brawl, rather than their last singles match which had a load of other stuff before it broke down. Punk is brilliant during the match, acting like a total dick the whole way through, and doing anything he can to get away from Raven who is basically baying for blood. However, the match isn't what's remembered ...


Tommy Dreamer appears from the crowd and helps Raven to force CM Punk to drink alcohol. That was the worst possible thing Raven could have done to CM Punk at this point, and Punk's reaction is priceless. Probably the best segment in ROH history right there.


The Briscoes vs. The Amazing Red and AJ Styles - ROH Tag Team Titles


Not as good as the previous match, which in turn wasn't as good as Night of Champions. You can tell Red isn't 100% here, but in a cool twist, The Briscoes work on the actual injured knee of Red. Well, that would be his excuse for not flying around anyways, so why not ? This is still very good tag action, as Red on a bad day still works with these three men extremely well, and the other three men in the match are pretty good.


Samoa Joe vs. Paul London - ROH Title


This match, considering it's value, really should have been a bit of an epic. Instead, there is absolutely nothing to seperate it from most of Joe's title defences, apart from the heat from the crowd. As usual, Joe was totally dominant, although the fans were still completely willing to buy London as a new champ, which makes the match a little bit better than it would have been without the heat. The match itself is still pretty good, but disappointing with all things considered.





An amazing show here, absolutely no doubt there. There are SIX matches that I really enjoyed on this show. One really bad match in the Scramble Match, and the famous Jeff Hardy appearance and the crowd reaction that follows, and of course, Paul London's final match in ROH. There's no reason not to buy this show.

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I didn't think much of DBD at the time as I recall. Carter vs Williams was a bit of a disappointment - no-where near as good as Carter vs Stryker believe it or not. And the announcement beforehand that London was going to WWE basically gave away the main event. The 4CS was very good though,as was Raven vs Punk, if slightly overbooked.

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