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Pretty much. So far this year outside of iPPV and TV tapings they've only done three shows, two of which were included on the same DVD. The Philly show did look decent, but would probably have been seen as a strong Friday night or just acceptable Saturday show back in the Gabe days.

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Pretty much. So far this year outside of iPPV and TV tapings they've only done three shows, two of which were included on the same DVD. The Philly show did look decent, but would probably have been seen as a strong Friday night or just acceptable Saturday show back in the Gabe days.


Thanks, I'm so far behind on ROH, i was trying to watch ever show but it's hard to find the time. I'm going to watch all the A shows and weekly TV from the start of the Sinclair deal to get up to date.


When did the non A shows become not worth the effort? I'm trying to watch the old ROH shows and I'm just up to the show where Jerry Lynn loses the belt to Aries, and up to then all the shows seem pretty decent, but I obviously want to cut out the non essential viewing to save time. I'm desperate to get to the Generico and Steen split / feud, so was there a watershed that I should just stick to the main shows from that point onwards?

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Personally, I don't think Steen has quite got what it takes to carry the company; but I seem to be in a minority in that opinion - so maybe it would give ROH a kick up the arse if he won the belt?

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Personally, I don't think Steen has quite got what it takes to carry the company; but I seem to be in a minority in that opinion - so maybe it would give ROH a kick up the arse if he won the belt?


I think he has. Every time you see him, in every promotion, the fans are RABID. He's the guy on the indies with a huge aura about him. If he looked different, he'd be on WWE's radar. No question.


There are some chinks in what he does of course, but in his ROH work these days he seems to be getting rid of the main one. That being the goofyness when he's supposed to be livid.

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The heat for that should be immense. I don't think Steen should get the belt yet; I could see a double-turn in the match, fans have been slowly turning on Richards for a while, and Steen is white-hot at the moment. I'd like to see Richards win after some dirty tactics, maybe involving some-sort of Cornette influenced screw-job. This would advance the Steen/Cornette feud, and give Richards the potential for a great run as a hated heel before finally dropping the belt to Steen later in the year.

Edited by the flananator
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ROH have a history of not striking whilst the iron is hot, but the fans are demanding it and would be nice for a Title change outside of New York where the last 5 have happened.


Meltzer has given Richards/Elgin 5 Star, not seen it yet -is it as good as he suggests ? Deathvalleydriver board has literally exploded in anger right now!

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Meltzer has given Richards/Elgin 5 Star, not seen it yet -is it as good as he suggests ?


Without having seen the match, I can still say with some confidence that it isn't.


Deathvalleydriver board has literally exploded in anger right now!



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