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This new show that started last night, what's the story with it? Is it just highlights of matches from their DVD shows? Or is it more like WWE where it builds towards their internet PPV's and such?


It is meant to be like ROH on HDNET Version 2 as far as i have read

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Too much Kevin Kelly is my big criticism. I don't hate him but he was all over the show, to the point of overkill.

HEY! I just said that as well. Didnt think anyone else would have had the motivation to care about the sheer amount of screen time Hermie got. I take it Kevin Kelly has a lot of say then?

Edited by Ian_hitmanhart
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It seems odd to shut down the forum as it is probably going to annoy a lot of their very loyal fans


However the site itself looks very good and certainly will help the company's image


Just a question to anyone with a membership but what are the dvd's in the video library


They only have Driven 2007 disc 1 and 2, Supercard of Honor 2 and Man Up disc 1 and 2


But has a ton of matches with "Classic Matches" "Best Of Japan in ROH" "Best Of Women Of Honor" "Cages and More" they have also upped the Allied Forces event with the second disc with the Joe vs Punk Trilogy and also Champions vs All Stars with the Best Of American Wolves.


The forum shut down seems to be a work to further the Kevin Steen storyline.


If you saw the message you get when you try and connect to it you would understand why it's down.


I knew this already but there isn't a link or anything to say there will be a new forum. Maybe the Kevin Steen thing was a way to shut it down completely.


This new show that started last night, what's the story with it? Is it just highlights of matches from their DVD shows? Or is it more like WWE where it builds towards their internet PPV's and such?


It builds to there iPPVs


New ROH Store:

At this time we expect the ROH Online Store to be down from Wednesday-Friday as we prepare to integrate a new and improved shopping experience. Our goal at this point isa to have the new Store online on October 1st. Those with accounts in the current ROH store will need to create a new account to make a purchase in the new Store. Those who have registered as a Ringside or GA member will be able to use that account information once the new Store is running next weekend.


The new one they showed on what i saw of the TV show looked better.

Edited by Only_The_Strong_Survive
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I shall probably sign up for GA membership to start. The minute I need to do a merchandise order, I can see myself signing up for 1 month premium, though. We'll see where it goes from there. As for the TV, I probably won't have time for it until next week. Until then...


Manhattan Mayhem IV - Manhattan, NY - 19/3/11


Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly vs Michael Elgin & Mike Mondo - After a somewhat rambling promo by Truth Martini that I tuned out of, the show hits the ground running with a hot sprint opener. Mondo is supposedly on his final tryout for the House of Truth here, but predictably gets "Spirit Squad" chants from the New York faithful, and it's Elgin who does the bulk of the work for the team and comes across as an absolute beast for most of the match. There's a heat segment on O'Reilly, then Cole makes the tag and the crowd come unglued for the youngsters. Good stuff from all three of the regulars, and one noteworthy botch from Mondo, who gets pinned by Cole after a superkick and a German suplex at 12:22. Truth gives Mondo the thumbs down afterwards, and Elgin lays him out. An enjoyable way to start the show.


Tomasso Ciampa vs Grizzly Redwood - Before this one, Redwood points out in a backstage promo that he can never get rid of the Embassy having been facing them for TWO YEARS. This new version isn't any better than the one that came before it, and Ciampa here looks a bit like a deer in the headlights, with nothing from him but the absolute basics. It comes to something when Grizzly Redwood is wrestling and performing rings round you. Even with shortcuts, this has overstayed its welcome by the time Project Ciampa leads to Redwood being pinned at 7:53. Extremely dull. Steve Corino saves Redwood from the obligatory post-match beating, leading into...


Steve Corino vs Mike Bennett - One thing Bennett does have going for him is that he looks comfortable in his own skin out there. The promo exchange between Corino and Bennett before the opening bell is really good, and with a pro-Corino crowd that are into the psychology of his recovery storyline, they actually have a (whisper it) decent match. The in-match storytelling is really good too, as Bennett takes everything Corino has to dish out early on, kicks out of the Colby Shock and Eternal Dream, then has Corino reeling in the second half. In the end, Corino kicks out of a loaded punch from 'Brutal' Bob Evans and two Side Effects, but a third Side Effect keeps him down for three at 9:36. To add insult to Corino, Bennett and Evans lay a further beating down afterwards, culminating in a piledriver, as no-one at all makes the save...


Jay and Mark Briscoe vs The All Night Express - I thought I knew a bit of what to expect here, having seen a rematch of this live in Atlanta a couple of weeks later, but with the time elapsed since then there was scope for this to surprise me, and so it proved. It's not so much a double turn that happens in the match itself, as much as the crowd gradually turns the All Night Express into full-on favourites in the face of unrelenting attack from the Briscoes, with a bloody Rhett Titus scoring a massive upset win with a victory roll on Jay at 14:03. The Briscoes do then turn heel in the aftermath, with the brawl around ringside and attempted seperation of the two teams by seemingly a hundred people as the crowd go mental being very compelling indeed. Excellent.


El Generico vs TJ Perkins - It's a funny thing about TJP - he always wrestles the top, most athletic guys and has exciting matches, but he never has any kind of storyline going on and never wins. The same is true here, and as the match is shorter than usual the pace is really fast (though TJ looks like he's not even close to winded). Generico catches him on a dive and hits a BRAINBUSTER ON THE APRON then scores the pin at 7:31. A mental finish. TJ gets a "Please Come Back" chant on the way out...


The Kings of Wrestling vs Homicide & Hernandez - No titles on the line in this match due to the KOW already having WGTT lined up in Atlanta, but as a special attraction match they do a great job here and almost make up for the Motor City Machine Guns calamity in 2010. Hernandez looks great here, while Homicide doesn't drag things down as he has in most of his matches of late. In fact, there's a great little section where Homicide and Hero collide, which is reminiscent of their past feud. As the first KOW match I've watched since learning of Claudio's move to FCW, all his work was well worth savouring too. Claudio pins Homicide with a running European Uppercut at 17:12.


Christopher Daniels vs Davey Richards - This is under Pure rules, which is a nice novelty, and the match is pretty engrossing, but you remember why they did away with the Pure title, as despite the quality of the wrestling there's no real heat for nearfalls until the ropebreaks are out of the way. That's not to say the crowd aren't into the action, because they are. Both men put on fine technical performances, with just the odd hint of heelishness from Daniels here and there. Once they get to the section where the ropes are in play they exchange a bunch of rope-assisted submissions, and things are going great guns until Davey seemingly blows the finish in spectacular fashion, as he goes for the same double stomp-SSP combo that won his match the previous night, only to get literally no distance at all on the shooting star and land midsection first on the top rope. I was speechless when I first saw that one. They then improvise a different finish immediately, as Daniels goes for Angels Wings and Richards counters with a jacknife pin for three at 21:47. The aftermatch is interesting, as Daniels seems frustrated at going through all that ropebreak palaver just to get pinned by a rollup.


ROH World Title: Roderick Strong vs Eddie Edwards - Well, I enjoyed this, even though the majority of the bout didn't exactly set the world on fire. The crowd is much more pro-Edwards than it is anti-Roderick, as apart from being gross with spitting and that a couple of times, he doesn't do much to get heat but go on with his clubbering ways. Edwards, however, actually out-clubs Roderick, busting his chest open with chops and later busting Roderick's head as well. I did get a bit annoyed with him shouring "Roddy" or "Roderick" when doing kicks or stomps, it just seems like a really weird thing to do. In some ways, this reminded me of the Joe to Aries title change, with a lot of the match being in front of fairly quiet crowd, until they get much, much louder at the end. The crowd really begin to come alive for a dualling submissions sequence with the Boston Crab of Strong vs Achilles Lock of Edwards, Edwards gets to kick out of the gutbuster-Sick Kick combo and All The Landslides, Truth Martini does a comedy run-in, then they go back to the submissions and Edwards gets a rollup counter to the Boston Crab for the pin and title change at 25:36. Eddie Edwards is the 15th ROH World Champion, and the crowd go absolutely bananas. It's certainly a tremendous moment. Credit also to Davey Richards for some tremendous facials in a brief post-match staredown which ends in a hug of approval - he looks so proud watching on as Eddie soaks up his victory.


Overall - A cracking show, my favourite ROH effort in some time (not including the live experience in Atlanta, of course, that'll get some fresh analysis soon enough). The only match I didn't like was the Ciampa one, as the Embassy is beyond help. In another positive note, there's good developments for future storylines as well. I'm really looking forward to revisiting Honor Takes Center Stage then working through to Best in the World, which is some 6 DVDs away for me at the moment. Bring it on. DVD run time is 2 hours, 50 minutes.

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I did get a bit annoyed with him shouring "Roddy" or "Roderick" when doing kicks or stomps, it just seems like a really weird thing to do.


Indeed. Strong should have got on the mike after a while and said "That's my name, don't wear it out."


To say The Embassy is past its sell-by date in 2011 would be a mild understatement. Nana's been a good servant, but really needs to be put out to pasture.

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Just watched the 1st TV show on the ROH website. Hopefully the quality will improve as it isn't very good atm, Not unwatchable just not very good for something that has been taped for TV. The Bravados are improving so much, Enjoyed them vs Future Shock. Was a good way to get the fast paced action over. KOW vs WGTT was very good, Not there best work but good. Going to miss the Kings, Just hope they had them do a promo for next weeks show so they could say they were leaving due to not winning the belts or something. Hopefully they line Hagadorn up with the Bravados. And hopefully they find something for Del Rey. Can't wait for El Generico vs Jay Lethal next week!

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I was chatting to gadge earlier about a few things ROH related and here' a few of my thoughts that emerged from said chinwag :


2011 has been an odd year due to the SBS thing. The first half of 2011 was ok, but after Best In The World things basically shut down, and they'll end up running 24 shows this year, the lowest number since 2004. Granted, that's still more than DG:USA / PWG have managed, but still.


Looking at the upcoming cards, the departure of Claudio and presumably Hero has left a massive hole. Claudio deserved a proper send-off - another consequence of focusing on the TV show to the detriment of everything else. ROH desperately needs some new main event talent - I think everyone's fed up of seeing combos of Richards/ Strong/ Edwards.


El Generico's probably been the most consistent guy in the company since he debuted. He certainly deserved better than to drop the TV belt after just one match to the hapless Jay Lethal.


Undoubtedly the disappointment of 2011 has been Haas and Benjamin. It's wouldn't be fair to say their tag title reign has bombed; but they haven't set the world on fire either. I'd like to see King and Titus - who finally got over as team in 2011 - to take the belts from them. Then King and Titus could work a program with a heel Young Bucks. While all this is going on, Cole and O'Reilly should work a program with the Briscoes in order to get them ready for a tag title reign in 2012.


Gadge mentioned that Lo-Ki vs Richards at the 10th Anni would be a suitable event to mark the show. Indeed - but old Brandon is the Carlos Tevez of wrestling, and unless his spell up North has made him less averse to doing jobs, I can't see it happening. In a similar vein, it would be nice to see Joe back, but after the MGMC fiasco of 2010, I can't see that happening either.

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Gadge mentioned that Lo-Ki vs Richards at the 10th Anni would be a suitable event to mark the show. Indeed - but old Brandon is the Carlos Tevez of wrestling, and unless his spell up North has made him less averse to doing jobs, I can't see it happening. In a similar vein, it would be nice to see Joe back, but after the MGMC fiasco of 2010, I can't see that happening either.


I wouldn't mind if we seen that or not. We got an utter screamer from them in PWG and I'd be more than happy for it to be left at that to be honest. I can't see them topping it.


I'd have Samoa Joe come back and beat Kevin Steen, with the help of Corino. Corino and Joe being old mates, so the continuity would be there with the match making, Joe can go over and Steen can look decent.


El Generico's probably been the most consistent guy in the company since he debuted. He certainly deserved better than to drop the TV belt after just one match to the hapless Jay Lethal.


I'd say it's Roddy Strong. It's close though. Jay Lethal is a terrific wrestler though and WAY under-rated by yourself. He also carried Bennett to his best ever match. Kudos need to be given.


Looking at the upcoming cards, the departure of Claudio and presumably Hero has left a massive hole. Claudio deserved a proper send-off - another consequence of focusing on the TV show to the detriment of everything else. ROH desperately needs some new main event talent - I think everyone's fed up of seeing combos of Richards/ Strong/ Edwards.


Sadly, I can see Bennett making the step up. Corino is a magnificent character, if not a wrestler, so I'd like to see him step up. Jimmy Jacobs possibly? I can see Corino/Jacobs vs. Generico/Steen being the main fued of 2012 so possibly that'd see a couple of new main eventers formed. Kenny King has both the charisma and ability to make it too I reckon. Exciting times ahead.


Undoubtedly the disappointment of 2011 has been Haas and Benjamin. It's wouldn't be fair to say their tag title reign has bombed; but they haven't set the world on fire either. I'd like to see King and Titus - who finally got over as team in 2011 - to take the belts from them. Then King and Titus could work a program with a heel Young Bucks. While all this is going on, Cole and O'Reilly should work a program with the Briscoes in order to get them ready for a tag title reign in 2012.


Agree entirely. ANX have been fantastic. Cole and O'Reilly still have some major chinks in the armor. In saying that, they ARE over, and could easily be ready for a reign right now. The Briscoes shouldn't just be used as jobbers to the contenders again.

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Jay Lethal is a terrific wrestler though and WAY under-rated by yourself

Probably. I guess everyone has a wrestler who they find it hard to be objective about for one reason or another. I'll have a look at his TV title match next week.

The Briscoes shouldn't just be used as jobbers to the contenders again.

But then what do you do with them? As 6 time former champs you can't really justify putting the belts back on them, unless it be in some sort of caretaker capacity. I'd still like to see a proper Briscoe vs Briscoe feud at some point.
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But then what do you do with them? As 6 time former champs you can't really justify putting the belts back on them, unless it be in some sort of caretaker capacity.


I'd have them bemoan their lack of luck in title matches and attack the champions and force them into an uneasy alliance. Would make a brilliant TV fued while the singles titles get defended on PPV.


EDIT: I mean have them fued with the world and TV champs on TV btw.

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Im gonna sound like a dick but Jay lethal bores and annoys me - his look is awful the shit tribal on his trunks and his shit hair he looks wank- he seemed mega dull in that interview. He was more fun pretending to be macho man as sad as that sounds.. hopefully he can channel they more outlandish shit and be a bit more of a flamboyant champion.

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