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The action in Edwards/Strong was sound, but it was ludicrous over-booking of the worst kind.


The idea of a third fall being "to settle it" once you've established both are fairly evenly-matched by tying the first two - then having said fall be an Iron Man - creating the possibility of MORE "evenness" and necessitating overtime - just over egging the pudding from the outset, and if the concept of the match promised masturbatory booking, it delivered it in spades.

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Meh, when I saw a match with an Iron Man period for fall three, it went 7-6 in said period. Fifteen falls~!


I haven't seen the show, would Benjamin vs Elgin and Haas vs Bennett been better matchmaking (assuming Bennett had to be involved?)


Defy or Deny - Plymouth, MA - 18/3/11


We start our return to the Boston area with an in-ring talking segment. Needless to say, Monday Night Raw this isn't. The man who gets this opportunity is everyone's favourite, erm, Mike Bennett. The good news is he talks a bit better than he wrestles, but Bob Evans is an embarrassment. Steve Corino comes out to confront him. There's some hype for Bennett vs Daniels later in the show and Corino gets a shot on 'Brutal' Bob. And, erm, that's about it. There's then a quick backstage promo from the new Embassy which, continuing the Raw analogy, is about as much fun as an advert break. Thankfully we get some action after that...


Mark Briscoe vs Kyle O'Reilly - A hot opening match. Good stuff from both guys, though the status quo is never in danger - Briscoe wins after a superkick-powerbomb-frog elbow flurry at 11:11.


Steve Corino & Grizzly Redwood vs The All Night Express - On the one hand, this seems like scant reward for the ANX after their performance at the 9th Anniversary Show. On the other, this is an unimportant B-show, and a better than acceptable second match on the card. Unfortunately for the rehab of Corino, he accidentally blasts Grizzly with the Eternal Dream and the ANX then pin Grizzly with the One Night Stand at 13:42. Decent enough.


Tommaso Ciampa vs Adam Cole - Four people are at ringside for Ciampa. FOUR. The new Embassy is even more bloated than before, it's simply way too many non-wrestling bodies to be paying for an undercard act, hell any act in a financially challenged promotion. There's some decent wrestling tucked away in here at times, but all those people water down the heat Nana might get on his own, except for one spot where Princess Mia attacks Cole with a kick flurry. The obligatory bad finish sees Ciampa hit a low blow while the referee is distracted, then nail Cole with a powerbomb-lungblower for the pin at 14:05.


Before the next match, Cole and O'Reilly are lamenting their losses backstage and get mocked by the Bravado Brothers, then Shane Hagadorn cuts a promo for Chris Hero.


Chris Hero vs TJ Perkins - Good stuff here, though it's not quite the EVOLVE-style battle (or EVOLVE "Style Battle") you might expect. Hero has Shane Hagadorn and Sara Del Rey at ringside and they interject at one point, and Hero is more character-centric than he would be in EVOLVE. Still, there's a top notch strike exchange at the end, with Hero connecting with a fantastic spinning big boot for the pin at 15:28.


The Bravado Brothers vs Matt Taven and Guy Alexander - A bout so crucial, it didn't even make the listing on the DVD case. The Bravados get a bit of heat with their pre-match promo, then one of the brothers rolls through a springboard crossbody by Taven and grabs the tights for the pin at 3:47. Next...


Edddie Edwards vs Michael Elgin - An obvious but well executed story here - Elgin is a House of Truth roadblock ahead of Eddie Edwards' shot at Roderick Strong's World Title the next night in Manhattan. Edwards has home town crowd support here too which makes things more watchable. I know I've said it before, but Elgin has this role as the HOT enforcer down perfectly, he's good at keeping the crowd into the matches and he doesn't blow spots. Edwards does an STF in the early going, it must be a thing you learn in the Boston area or something. His efforts to take down Elgin take time, and Truth Martini breaks up the Achilles Lock which extends things further and sees Edwards apply the Achilles Lock to Elgin and Truth at once in a crowd pleasing moment. Eddie then gets the pin with the 2k1 bomb at 18:04. Solid.


ROH World TV Title: Christopher Daniels vs Mike Bennett - Credit to Daniels here, he makes as much as he can out of as little as he has available, and the match is quite watchable for ten minutes or so. Bennett has a very small but very vocal cheering section which results in a few ridiculous Cena-style dualling chants. Better than no heat at all, though. Then, Bennett more or less dumps Daniels on his head when trying a powerslam, and the match begins to wear out its welcome. In the end, there's shenanigans with Bob Evans and the TV title belt, and Steve Corino makes the save, leading to the BME and the pin at 16:46. Daniels and Corino then argue backstage as part of the Corino redemption angle.


Claudio Castagnoli vs Davey Richards - This one is certainly not what I expected from these two. The first two thirds of the bout are a nonsense, with Claudio's posturing and liberal interference from Hagadorn and Del Rey at ringside the main focus of things. I hate to say it, but it seems to have Jim Cornette's fingerprints on it. Then, Hagadorn gets taken out of the equation, and they fall to the floor instead of what could have been a superplex spot. Oh dear. The concluding part then sees them tear the house down, but it's not enough to make the match overall a must see. Davey wins with the shooting star press at 19:27.


Roderick Strong vs El Generico vs Homicide vs Jay Briscoe - The gimmick here is that Roderick is facing his three most recent challengers in an Elimination Match, where if they win they get another title shot, but if he wins none of them get another shot while he's champion. Defy or Deny, see. Yes. For some reason, Roderick and Homicide decide to form an alliance early on, so we get more than ten minutes of Strong/'Cide vs Briscoe/Generico to not much heat. Homicide then decides to go it alone, but fairly soon thereafter falls to Briscoe's Jay Driller at 18:27.


Things improve for some tag-free three way action in the next segment, as you'd expect when the blown up Homicide isn't in there. Generico blasts Jay with a Yakuza Kick, only to get dumped to the floor by Roderick, who then hits Jay with a brainbuster of his own for the second elimination at 24:04. The match peaks in both a heat and action sense for the final period as Roderick and Generico go one-on-one. The Truth, though, is that the dramatic peak is a couple of minutes before the end, with the conclusion coming as Generico sets up the top rope brainbuster, only for Michael Elgin to run in behind the ref's back and blast Generico with a powerbomb, which Roderick follows up with the Sick Kick for the win at 31:56. Not a great finish, but then, my crystal ball predicts this result won't mean much in the long run...


Overall - Defy or Deny is somewhat of an epic, weighing in at 3 hours, 28 minutes, but it's still a B show at heart. All the matches bar the Bravados squash got plenty of time, but that didn't necessarily equate to quality. If anything, the show might have been a lot more watchable if some of the matches had been a bit shorter and it had fit into 3 hours total. One of the weaker shows of 2011 so far...

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The idea of a third fall being "to settle it" once you've established both are fairly evenly-matched by tying the first two - then having said fall be an Iron Man - creating the possibility of MORE "evenness" and necessitating overtime - just over egging the pudding from the outset, and if the concept of the match promised masturbatory booking, it delivered it in spades.


To be fair, I thought the first two falls worked brilliantly outside of the fucking dreadful ending of the second fall.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler


The fans even struggled to get into the third fall. Which makes their "This is Awesome" chant half way through it utterly bizarre. I haven't heard a crowd go so mild for a match which they feel is awesome in my life. The overtime was terrific though. Worth getting to? Not really. That could easily have been the third fall and the match would have lived up to every bit of hype.



[close spoiler]

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I watched Revolution Canada the other day. I really enjoyed the show.


Claudio/O'Reilly was a good opener. Both guys are so over with the ROH fans. Claudio was probably the company's most charismatic guy, he's a huge loss for the group. I hope they move O'Reilly up the card, he should be above guys like Homicide and Bennett right now.


I enjoyed Corino/Bennett, decent match, Corino had the crowd in the palm of his hand. Great crowd work by Corino.


Double Danger Scramble was a lot of fun and Elgin is one of my favourite guys to watch right now, glad he won here. Another guy who should be further up the card. I hope he dumps the singlet for trunks soon because when he pulls down the straps he looks like a beast.


Davey Richards vs. Kenny King. They had the crowd with them, buying into every move and then some guy heckles Davey and Davey goes out to confront the guy, only to smile and shake his hand. It totally killed the fucking crowd. That was Davey's first mistake. His second is when he slips on the ropes attempting to german Kenny King off the top rope. Davey see's his arse and calls the finish, wins and storms out. What a cunt. Totally unprofessional.


Daniels/Generico was fun. Generico is one of my favourite guys to watch right now.


WGTT vs. Briscoes was fun too. But if i have bone to pick it's that Mark Briscoe has forgotten how to work. Was he drunk? He looked lost most of the time. And he's so out of shape too. Thank god for Jay Briscoe, he's carrying the team right now.


Hero/Edwards i need to rewatch because i ended up spending the match booking stuff for DGUK.

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DG : USA - Mercury Rising 2011

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Were you not at that show? I was watching Aries vs YAMATO and thinking "Blimey, Gadge saw a cracker here" :)

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New ROH site is up! Looks really good!


Ringside Membership gets you:


Access to Exclusive Video Library

Classic ROH Matches

Best of Compilations

Complete ROH DVDs


Exclusive Access to the TV Show

View ROH TV on Monday instead of Thursday

Without Ads

Full Access to previous shows

15% off All Merchandise (including sale items)

Exclusive discounts on iPPVs

Access to Exclusive Interviews/WebChats with Wrestlers

No Pre-Roll Ads on other video content

Buy tickets to most events before they go on sale to the public

Ability to Pre-Order New Titles and Receive them prior to release


Prices are $7.99 a month, $19.99 quarterly and $59.99 yearly. Ive purchased this not too many full dvds available yet but they have a ton of matches up!


Roster page looks great! Everyone looks professional on it. Chris Hero is gone from the roster page so must mean he has signed with WWE. To bad we didnt get a send off.


Also looks like there wont be a new ROH forum. Doesn't really bother me as it was hard to read sometimes!

Edited by Only_The_Strong_Survive
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As annoying as a lot of the posters are on the ROH forum is it wise to shut it down completely, its a good promotional tool isnt it?


I rarely ever posted on there but did visit the forum a lot, okay there was a lot of nonsense but it was a good place to keep up to date with goings on.


Im tempted to get membership just to get DVDs earlier and get the discount, the library doesnt interest me as I have most shows. A while ago Id have jumped on the yearly option, but I am a bit hesitant right now, as much as Im enjoying ROH I have a feeling its going to go in another direction as a company and not for the better, hopefully Im proved wrong there.


As of right now the site is down............already.

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It seems odd to shut down the forum as it is probably going to annoy a lot of their very loyal fans


However the site itself looks very good and certainly will help the company's image


Just a question to anyone with a membership but what are the dvd's in the video library

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I decided to watch this. I thought it was alright, nothing amazing but it's only the first week. McGuinness looks as rough as Kurt Angle these days, he had that far away look in his eyes.


Too much Kevin Kelly is my big criticism. I don't hate him but he was all over the show, to the point of overkill.

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