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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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I *believe* ROH intended the "Best in the World" tagline to allude to the settling of the argument as to who is the best wrestler in the world (in their minds and their minds only, it should be stressed) between Eddie Edwards and DAVEY RICHARDS!1


Someone has to be best in the world, don't they? Branielson "gave it" to Richards during the Final Countdown tour. I expect a shock win for Eddie that sends Davey schizoid because it means little wolf, not he, is TEH BEST IN TEH WORLD.


I like an awful lot of what ROH does, but the self-aggrandisizing of both company and especially fanbase can be awful nauseating at times.

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  • Paid Members

It would cut Edwards off at the knees to have him drop the belt now; but Richards can't do another job in a world title match without losing some credibility. 60 minute draw?

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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That's not the greatest booking argument I've ever heard - "ROH fans are such marks for Richards that we can throw logic out of the window".

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That's not the greatest booking argument I've ever heard - "ROH fans are such marks for Richards that we can throw logic out of the window".


It's not the greatest, but it's spot on. Davey Richards in ROH will always be over and always have enough credibility to be a challenger. Plus, a loss to Eddie Edwards means he can go back on the "I'll go if I can't win" and become the clear heel in a long fued between the two, probably ending in him becoming the champ.


Davey Richards winning would be a stupid idea. I do like the idea of Edwards/Richards for an hour, but the only people that would help are bookers that are too lazy to think of anything else.

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Honor Takes Center Stage - Chapter One

April 1, 2011, Atlanta, Georgia


El Generico vs. Michael Elgin


Dave Prazak and Kevin Kelly are on commentary. The House of Truth are banned from ringside for this one. The Atlanta crowd is strongly behind the Generic Luchador. Power moves early on by Elgin, Generico responds with some chops. Kevin Kelly mentions that the All Night Express and The Briscoes were involved in a brawl earlier in the day and as a result King and Titus were ejected from the building and will not be competing tonight. Generico looks for the corner tornado DDT but Elgin catches him and counters into a nice tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. The crowd tries to get the masked man back into it with an

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  • Paid Members

Nice review! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


I read something somewhere today (might have been 411) something interesting - is it a coincidence that ROH bought Rhyno in shortly after the SBS take-over? After, he's not really someone the ROH fanbase were interested in seeing - but was a fairly big name in terms of having appeared in WWE?

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  • Paid Members
Nice review! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


I read something somewhere today (might have been 411) something interesting - is it a coincidence that ROH bought Rhyno in shortly after the SBS take-over? After, he's not really someone the ROH fanbase were interested in seeing - but was a fairly big name in terms of having appeared in WWE?


Maybe, or maybe since hes been based in the area for other indies he made inquiries with ROH and they found a role for him? He's a good signing, brings something different to the table. I want to see him and Michael Elgin beat the piss out of each other.

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Although Lethal and Rhyno wouldn't sell me on this PPV i think they are welcome additions as both Lethal and Rhyno seem to want to get rid of the TNA stigma attached to them and i can see them both putting on a good performance unlike other ex WWE or TNA talent.

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The Young Bucks have been added to the Best in the World card, but their match with Cole & O'Reilly won't be on the iPPV, for obvious reasons

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  • Paid Members
It would cut Edwards off at the knees to have him drop the belt now; but Richards can't do another job in a world title match without losing some credibility. 60 minute draw?


An hour draw won't go down well in New York, though they could push the time limit close, there is a 4pm bell time (which means the iPPV is 9pm start here - hmmm)

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That's not the greatest booking argument I've ever heard - "ROH fans are such marks for Richards that we can throw logic out of the window".

Didn't Roderick Strong lose thirteen title matches before he got his short reign? And was he not still fairly over despite all of that? Richards is twice as over as Strong has ever been. When a loss won't hurt you, it's okay to take it. People are always citing win-loss records as being important, but I point to The Rock as being someone that lost all the time and yet was over as hell. Now Richards isn't anywhere near The Rock, but in the small scheme of ROH things, he'd be quite alright losing. Take a look at Danielson who would quite often lose to people yet was never far away from the main event.

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  • Paid Members
Didn't Roderick Strong lose thirteen title matches before he got his short reign? And was he not still fairly over despite all of that?


In the end though, the only reason Roderick got the belt was because Davey Richards was in Japan for GBH9, he wasn't exactly ridiculously over with fans clamouring for him to get the belt.

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Whereas Davey is, so the fans will follow him regardless until he does win. Same as Bryan before he finally won it, or Homicide. As for Roddy, he was at one point though and that's also a similar situation. Point is, Richards isn't going to go away any time soon, will always be over and the idea that a loss will 'harm' him is the stuff of nonsense. In fact, it could quite easily boost him by motivating a heel turn.

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