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8. Johnny Gargano defeated Chuck Taylor. Dallas makes Reby Sky throw in the towel when Gargano has Taylor in a crossface. Gargano gets the win and is now 6-2 and the win leader in EVOLVE. Chuck leaves angry while the fans chant "You screwed Chuck." Gargano says "Chuck screwed Chuck" and praises himself.

Exactly the kind of shit you'd complain about if WWE did it.

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Is there really any need for the Dexter-baiting?


E7 looks good overall, happy that Zack's performance went down well, even though he lost again. I'll probably actually see this match sometime around December...

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At least people are reading the thread, even if the result is a glancing blow here and there! :thumbsup:

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So Jay Lethal's back on the job market. The way he left ROH in 2006 left a bit of a bad taste; but if he were bought back now he could a decent job in the middle of the card I think

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I've been very impressed with what I've seen so far from 2010. I'm up to Dio! as we speak. Started watching ROH SoCal Showdown 2 this afternoon, fans were booing Cabana before his match. Quite right too

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So Jay Lethal's back on the job market. The way he left ROH in 2006 left a bit of a bad taste; but if he were bought back now he could a decent job in the middle of the card I think


WHAT!? Why did he leave TNA? What happened with him in ROH? I'm sure he'd do well going back there, he is a pretty big name talent who's been a TNA Tag Champion and X Division Champion.

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Nicked from Wrestleview :


Mike Johnson of PWInsider.com has confirmed that former X-Division Champion Jay Lethal has parted ways with TNA. No other details are known at this time. Lethal's profile has already been removed from the company's website.
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Is there really any need for the Dexter-baiting?

What? EVOLVE is supposed to be presenting itself as nearer to MMA than to WWE. If they're already booking screwjobs and the like, it proves that the experiment with a more sports-based wrestling isn't working quite as well as Gabe anticipated.


What's the story there?

Near as I can tell is that Cabana has basically stopped wrestling and started just doing pure comedy. Even in his 'serious feud' matches, he still has to get his comedy spots in and I think it's pissing the fanbase off.

Edited by Dingbat
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Near as I can tell is that Cabana has basically stopped wrestling and started just doing pure comedy. Even in his 'serious feud' matches, he still has to get his comedy spots in and I think it's pissing the fanbase off.

How far up the card is he in ROH? Surely if he's doing pure comedy in the undercard to midcard bracket, he can be forgiven? Its something different in between the serious matches. I think Cabana is class personally. I cant see how anyone would be arsed enough to dig up the motivation to hate someone who seems to really enjoy performing? Maybe a heel turn should be on the cards. His Jack Offerson gimmick is priceless.

Edited by Ian_hitmanhart
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Near as I can tell is that Cabana has basically stopped wrestling and started just doing pure comedy. Even in his 'serious feud' matches, he still has to get his comedy spots in and I think it's pissing the fanbase off.


Nah. Surely they can't be sad enough to boo him for that. Can they?

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How far up the card is he in ROH? Surely if he's doing pure comedy in the undercard to midcard bracket, he can be forgiven? Its something different in between the serious matches. I think Cabana is class personally. I cant see how anyone would be arsed enough to dig up the motivation to hate someone who seems to really enjoy performing? Maybe a heel turn should be on the cards. His Jack Offerson gimmick is priceless.


The guy's been phoning it for a while now though. The really annoying thing about Cabana's performances for the last 12 months is you know he's capable of so much better: but he just seems content to do the same tired schtick night in night out. I watched the match he had in 2005 with James Gibson the other day - hard to believe its the same guy

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EDIT: 200 pages! Also, apologies to Dingbat if I saw something which wasn't there.


Allied Forces - Dayton, OH - 15/10/10


Mark Briscoe vs Mike Mondo - A solid opener, with some WWE-style punch/kick stuff in the beginning, but more ROH-style action as it develops. Mondo doesn't look out of place in ROH, I'd say. Mark wins sort of out of the blue with an Iconoclasm at 9:03.


Daizee Haze vs Lady JoJo - A pretty decent battle between the Haze and the former Sojournor Bolt. It took me ages (and the internet) to figure out who the latter was, though. Predictably, Haze wins with a German suplex (into a pretty messy bridge) at eight minutes even.


Andy "Right Leg" Ridge vs Colt Cabana - This was actually better than I expected, you can take or leave the Cabana comedy show but Ridge executes all his sequences and plays his role just fine. The crowd enjoyed this for what it was, and so did I. Cabana applies the Billy Goats Curse for the submission at 8:32.


Kevin Steen & Steve Corino vs Kyle O'Reilly & Adam Cole - For the most part, this was just fine. Corino and Steen don't take their opponents seriously to start, and Cole and O'Reilly have to push them to force them to take the match seriously. The youngsters get their opportunity to show some of their abilities in doing so, but without going at full pelt. Corino and Steen do the veteran gig pretty well. Probably the main fault is the final minute - Cole and O'Reilly seem to stop trying and just walk into a bunch of big moves, culminating in the Steenalizer to Adam Cole for the finish at 19:27.


Ricky Reyes vs The Metal Master - Bizarre is the only way to describe this. There's some technically alright but bland as heck wrestling going on when the mere prescence of Ricky Reyes in the ring somehow makes some fan decide to jump the rail and promptly get ejected by security. All of this is shown in full, too. Then, the match goes on, and on and ON for seemingly forever before Reyes gets a three count with a swinging neckbreaker at 12:05. Interminable.


Jay Briscoe vs Rhett Titus - This has to be the longest Rhett Titus singles match to date at 18:11, and Rhett shows off a bunch of moves and skills not seen before. The whole thing seems to be something of an experiment to see how Rhett would handle the longer match, and the answer is pretty well, though with Jay as an opponent the action never gets much above watchable. They should have gone the whole hog and have Rhett win with something that could be his singles finisher, but instead Jay goes from being on the defense for several minutes, including a crash through the ringside table, into a short superman comeback where Rhetts blows have no effect, hits a couple of kicks and the Jay Driller and gets the pin. In an interesting post-match, Jay shows Titus respect, and Titus gives Jay the finger in response...


Homicide vs Kenny King - Probably the best thing about this was the commentary of Dave Prazak and Kevin Kelly, who took a match full of punching and had an interesting kayfabe discussion about Homicide's quest to get back to the top of ROH vs King's attempts to break out of the pack. Homicide wins a match I'll probably never watch again with an Ace Crusher in 16:37. Jay Briscoe saves Homicide from King and Titus afterwards, but Jay seemingly can't win as now Homicide yells abuse at him.


ROH World Tag Team Titles: The Kings of Wrestling vs Davey Richards & Christopher Daniels - As a main event, this one is pretty much like the rest of the show. More on that in a minute. Predictably, given the six month build to the following evening's Daniels vs Richards match, miscommunication between the two costs them the match, with Daniels getting pinned after the KRS-One in 25:17. The best match on the show.


Overall - with ever increasing numbers of wrestling iPPVs, focus for ROH is usually on those or shows with a big live draw, like NYC, Chicago or Toronto. Dayton isn't one of those, but as the longest serving regular venue the talent always works to a respectable standard. This event is the definition of a house show - a good one, under those criteria, and the live crowd certainly seemed to stay interested.


As a DVD show, though, there's no major happenings and no must-see matches. It was interesting to contrast to the EVOLVE shows I've been watching recently - on those, there's lots of short matches, and the shows have felt like one or two matches could use more time. Here, there was plenty of wrestling content, but giving matches time doesn't automatically make them good - see Homicide vs King in particular, and Titus vs Briscoe seemed like an experiment.


The best matches here were the two tag matches, both of which got plenty of time, but neither of which were as good as they might have been. Happily for me, the live shows I saw in Atlanta were a good mixture - watchable but shortish undercard matches, with the best, marquee matches given the time they needed and delivering in spades. The first half of this show is actually comparable to the first half of Honor Takes Center Stage: Night One, but here there's absolutely nothing to shout about in the second half, and the show overall therefore has nothing to recommend it. One for completists only. DVD run time is 2 hours, 48 minutes.

Edited by gadge
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