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ROH World Title Match- There WILL Be A Winner

Austin Aries defends vs. Tyler Black

*There will be three judges at ringside who will determine the winner if the match ends in a draw. The judges will be Roderick Strong, Kenny King, & Jim Cornette


World Tag Team Title Match

Jay & Mark Briscoe defend vs. The Dark City Fight Club


First Time In


Roderick Strong vs. Brian Kendrick

Special Challenge Match

El Generico vs. Davey Richards with Shane Hagadorn


Grudge Tag Team Match- NO RULES

Necro Butcher & Eddie Kingston vs. Erick Stevens & Joey Ryan with Prince Nana


Four Corner Survival- Pick 6 Series Match

(3) Chris Hero vs. Rasche Brown vs. Delirious (4) Kenny King


Colt Cabana Will Confront Kevin Steen!!!



how would people rate the card and roh as a hole at the moment

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ROH World Title Match- There WILL Be A Winner

Austin Aries defends vs. Tyler Black

*There will be three judges at ringside who will determine the winner if the match ends in a draw. The judges will be Roderick Strong, Kenny King, & Jim Cornette


World Tag Team Title Match

Jay & Mark Briscoe defend vs. The Dark City Fight Club


First Time In


Roderick Strong vs. Brian Kendrick

Special Challenge Match

El Generico vs. Davey Richards with Shane Hagadorn


Grudge Tag Team Match- NO RULES

Necro Butcher & Eddie Kingston vs. Erick Stevens & Joey Ryan with Prince Nana


Four Corner Survival- Pick 6 Series Match

(3) Chris Hero vs. Rasche Brown vs. Delirious (4) Kenny King


Colt Cabana Will Confront Kevin Steen!!!



how would people rate the card and roh as a hole at the moment


I'm more interested in Strong/Kendrick and Generico/Richards than the top 2 matches.


ROH today announced Roderick Strong has joined Davey Richards in signing a new contract.

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ROH on HDNet - Episode 19-24 tapings - 19/06/09 & 20/06/09


Episode 19 - Airdate 01/08/09


We begin with extensive recap of the Danielson vs Black series, and Black's decisive win last week in their third match. That was a very good match indeed. Then it's segment time, as Tyler comes out for an interview but ROH World Champion Austin Aries cuts him off before he even starts. Nigel McGuinness interrupts that, lecturing Tyler for taking his eye off the ball when it really matters, and of course Aries capitalises by blasting Tyler with the World Title. Good to have Aries actually able to come out as champion, as this is the first episode taped after he won the belt. Tyler was made to look like an idiot, however.


Rhett Titus and Kenny King vs Erick Stevens and Kenny Omega - A cracking opener to this set of tapings. The two Kennys have been feuding for ages and have good chemistry, and Stevens and Titus also have some good exchanges. Omega gets isolated for awhile after that, which sets up a good hot tag to Stevens. They really turn the pace up towards the end, at which point Titus and King make a mild botch apiece, albeit without really breaking the flow. Omega ends up getting pinned at 12:24 when Titus trips him when he goes for Croyt's Wrath and then holds the foot down. A good showing from all four guys, even with the botches.


Eddie Kingston vs Orange Cassidy - "Slap the porpoise!" in 1:45. Not much dynamic to this Kingston squash. He calls out Hero afterwards. I wonder when this was taped, as it has Bobby Cruise ring announcing when the other two matches have some other guy...


Roderick Strong vs D'Lo Brown vs Jay Briscoe - All three guys get pre-taped packages in the show building to this, where they talk about three way matches and their two opponents. It's nicely done stuff. After the first five minutes of the match, where Strong and Briscoe attempt to double team D'Lo, we go into some decent three way action. The last couple of minutes are especially good, Roderick gets the win with a rollup on D'Lo at 13:02. Good to see D'Lo in another good multi man bout after the Four Corner Survival at MM3, while Roderick and Jay carry over the chemistry from their singles encounters.


A good episode with two worthy matches, and the way they built this main event from previous TV matches and hyped the issues with the videos during the show was cool.


Episode 20 - Airdate 08/08/09


Straight into the wrestling this week...


Claudio Castagnoli and Jimmy Rave vs Colt Cabana and Brent Albright - A much more generic tag team opener than last week. Cabana and Albright do actually show some chemistry as a team, but the Embassy is boring as ever here. A Prince Nana low blow and a Ricola Bomb sees Claudio pin Albright at 8:20 or so, then Claudio stomps a chair into his head for good measure. Is this feud starting again? Necro and Grizzly run out for a late, late save.


Onwards and upwards, as we get a promo from the American Wolves, and an announcement for Black vs McGuinness next week as a result of the segment that started last week's show. This sort of logical booking is becoming a strength of the show.


Silas Young vs Delirious - There was some good wrestling here, but Delirious did comparatively little in the way of shenanigans, and Silas' heel turn and general booking isn't designed to make anyone care, so the match overall was just kind of there. Delirious wins with Shadows Over Hell in 6:45.


A pre-taped Bryan Danielson interview foreshadows either EVOLVE or his departure for WWE. I'm not sure anyone can say which.


Mark Briscoe vs Alex Payne - This is Mark's grand return from injury. Mark has a light workout for about 3 minutes, then Sugarfoot targets the knee for about 30 seconds. That's a mistake, as Mark gets annoyed and ups the tempo, polishing Payne off with a middle rope ace crusher followed by a stiff powerbomb at 4:14. Next...


Davey Richards vs El Generico - A good match for the most part, as you'd expect, but the prescence of Steen, Edwards, Hagadorn and Sara Del Rey at ringside overshadows the beginning, then the inevitable happens at 9:45 when Steen and Edwards get involved and the match is a double DQ. Everyone then brawls, first around ringside then across the building, including a half assed locker room emptying that doesn't do much to stop the two teams battling. We'll see you next week folks...


Episode 21 - Airdate 17/08/09

"Pro wrestling returns to Monday nights!"


A cute little shot at WWE there, but it was as ROH announced their move to Mondays, suddenly WWE signed up Danielson and supposedly McGuinness, though he ended up in TNA instead. Let's see if a main event of McGuinness vs Black delivers the pro wrestling promised...


Eddie Edwards vs Kevin Steen - This follows on from the end of last week, and this time partners are banned from ringside. Hagadorn is still out there, however his attempt to interfere sees Steen able to nail Edwards with a stiff chairshot followed by the Swanton for the pin at 10:16. It would have been better if this ended in the mass brawl and Richards vs Generico had a finish, the problem with that being Steen vs Edwards is no main event match. A surprisingly lethargic affair with lots of punchkick.


To showcase the ROH tag division, we get clips of The Young Bucks and a promo from The Dark City Fight Club. To further spotlight the tag division, we then get...


Cheech & Cloudy vs Sal Rinauro & Tony Kozina - Riiiight then. Sal is the worst wrestler to ever hold the ROH tag titles. He and Kozina do some basic miscommunication comedy, Up in Smoke hit some spots, then the DCFC run in at 2:30 for some distruction. A no-contest to cover for Jon Davis of the DCFC being injured is all this was.


Necro Butcher vs Sami Callihan - Despite working over Necro's ankle for a bit, Sami can't avoid the Tiger Driver and falls to defeat at 4:43. Colt Cabana, Brent Albright and Grizzly Redwood then come out and enlist Necro for a 4-on-4 elimination match with the Embassy. Necro accepts by using a staple gun on Sami Callihan's head...


Austin Aries then cuts Kyle Durden's attempt to interview him to shreds in a killer promo. Try again next time, Kyle.


In a natural segue, they announce Austin Aries vs Roderick Strong for next week, as well as a message from Jerry Lynn. Presumably Jerry was only booked for one of the two TV tapings here.


Nigel McGuinness vs Tyler Black - Well, this isn't as impactful as their earlier encounters on DVD, but Nigel's just back from his arm injuries and doesn't hit any lariats, with two half-speed jawbreaker attempts easily countered by Black. Instead, there's a lot of mat wrestling - i guess that's one kind of wrestling you don't get on Raw. This is still a solid match but not much more. Black wins with God's Last Gift at 16:50. That's singles wins over Danielson and McGuinness in succession on HDNet for Tyler. The show ends as they shake hands...


Interesting to note that the parts of the show featuring McGuinness vs Black average 2/3 more views on YouTube than the rest of the show. Certainly the main events are becoming the main reason to watch this stuff...


Episode 22 - Airdate 24/08/09


We open with recap of Jerry Lynn getting booed on TV then losing the title at Manhattan Mayhem III. New champion Austin Aries faces Roderick Strong tonight and Jerry Lynn speaks about his future.


Kevin Steen and El Generico vs Tony Kozina and Sami Callihan - Kozina gets himself a much better partner, but still manages to fall (on purpose) into the ring. Not much going on here, as Generico gets beat down for a bit before he and Steen polish Kozina off with the package piledriver/brainbuster combo at 5:49. I'm really beginning to need something decent on an undercard somewhere, as there's been nothing of note since the episode 19 opener.


Roderick Strong cuts a promo, including the very accurate "I do my talking in the ring". Yes indeed.


D'Lo Brown vs John Kermin - "Slap the porpoise!", courtesy of a middle rope Sky High in 3:00. Apparently D'Lo wants Jerry Lynn to shrivel up and die.


Our 4-on-4 elimination match featuring The Embassy is next week, so they cut a crappy promo to promote it. More promos follow, first Nigel McGuinness backstage, though that is cut short by Tyler Black coming out for an in-ring promo. Jerry Lynn interrupts to say he's not retiring, even though semi-retirement has crossed his mind. I think the idea is that being eliminated by Tyler from the World Title match in Manhattan means a match with Black is what Lynn is now targetting.


Austin Aries vs Roderick Strong - This is non-title. The number of previous ROH matches between these two is way up there, and considering their chemistry as a team back in Generation Next, their previous encounters include some big disappointments, especially back in the doomed NRC vs Resilience feud. However, the flow of their matches works much better now Aries is the heel and Strong the blue-eye, and this one is a cracker. They actually unveil some great counters to each others stuff here that I've not seen from them before. Aries wins in spite of the non-title stip, rolling up Strong when he tries for the Stronghold and using the ropes to get the three count just shy of the 17 minute mark.


Lynn vs Black is confirmed for two weeks time, and that's our show.


While the main event of this episode was the best match of the tapings so far, the rest was completely skippable.


Episode 23 - Airdate 31/08/09


Sonjay Dutt vs Delirious - Finally something more substantial on the undercard. Not a great match, but solid - Sonjay's had better DVD matches already since his ROH return, and his pinching of TNA wrestlers signature spots to get a reaction is cheap. Delirious wins with a roll-up reversal at 11:44.


Once again we get some hype for the tag division, with clips of the Young Bucks and the Briscoes preceding the next match. They also announce the Briscoes will be in action next week.


American Wolves vs Cheech & Cloudy - Not much for Cheech & Cloudy here, as the Wolves avoid most of their offense and secure a crushing victory in under 2 minutes. The DCFC run in to further add to the misery of Cheech.


Team Cabana appear to be preparing for their grudge elimination match with the Embassy by cutting comedy promos. Hmmm. Brent Albright going "Hoorah!" is too weird for me. The Jerry Lynn needs your sympathy tour then continues. He needs to beat Tyler Black next week, see.


Erick Stevens vs Silas Young - A fairly competitive match with some reasonable action but a dead crowd. Can't blame them really, Stevens has been booked to oblivion. The Doctor Bomb earns him the victory at 5:44.


Eddie Kingston talks about Chris Hero some more. Wrestling next week you say? We'll see...


Team Cabana (Colt Cabana, Brent Albright, Necro Butcher and Grizzley Redwood) vs The Embassy (Jimmy Rave, Claudio Castagnoli, Ernie Osiris and Prince Nana) - Nice to see some variation in the show in the form of an 8-man elimination match. Which team will strive to survive? I absolutely love the abdominal stretch spot in the early going. As you'd expect, Prince Nana keeps himself well away from the action, while Grizzly Redwood is first eliminated to give the Embassy the advantage. After a few mnutes all hell breaks loose, and Albright and Castagnoli are counted out while brawling through the crowd. The Embassy then take out Necro's ankle, and Rave submits him with the heel hook, leaving Cabana 3-on-1 with Nana, Osiris and Rave.


It was at this point I was suddenly hit by the number of kids in the crowd encouraging Cabana to overcome the odds, and even chanting USA. This isn't what you'd expect when watching ROH, but it was an entertaining vibe. Osiris was taken out with the Colt 45. Rave then beat Cabana down for awhile, and Nana allowed himself to be tagged in to get a little extra heat.

Of course he tags out again quickly, and is then posing for the crowd when Cabana eliminates Rave with a roll-up reversal. Nana then gets beaten up a bit in comedy fashion before Cabana makes him tap to the Billy Goats Cutrse in 18:29.


Fun, All Star Wrestling style main event that nicely caps off a more wrestling heavy show than the previous week.


Episode 24 - Airdate 07/09/09


The Briscoes vs Rhett Titus and Kenny King - The crowd are hot to start for the reunion of the Briscoes after Mark's knee injury. It doesn't last, however, and understandably so - there's a distinct lack of sizzle to this one overall. The Briscoes win with a standard doomsday device on Titus at 12:03. The Wolves come out and promise to cripple Mark again sooner rather than later, only for Steen and Generico to jump them from behind. The Briscoes and Steen and Generico face off, so presumably we have a #1 contenders match coming up soon.


Eddie Kingston vs Sal Rinauro - So much for Chris Hero, as Shane Hagadorn introduces Sal Rinauro instead. Sal doesn't seem convinced, and walks into a lame spinning backfist which ends it at 0:11. That's right, eleven seconds.


Nigel McGuinness vs Aaron Scott - A mat wrestling squash. Weird. Nigel only teases the lariat once, Scott ducks, then Nigel hits a DDT for the pin at 4:00. Next...


Jerry Lynn vs Tyler Black - This ons is a half step slower and more deliberate than their DVD matches to this point, but still good. Nigel comes out to ringside early on, warning Tyler to keep his eye on the ball. In other words, he's going to screw with him - and when Tyler hits the Buckle Bomb/superkick combo, Nigel puts Lynn's foot on the ropes before the three. Tyler gets distracted, and when he turns his attention back to Lynn and tries for God's Last Gift, Lynn reverses into a small package of his own for the pin at 16:27. So, Tyler's winning momentum is broken, and Jerry Lynn is back in the game. Where does Tyler go from here? Who knows. It's telling that there are no matches announced for next week, as that's the next set of tapings...


Overall, this wasn't as good a set of tapings as the last one from an in-ring standpoint, and two of the six main events had screwy finishes this time around. As a wrestling TV show, though, ROH on HDNet has definitely found it's feet, and settled into a nice rhythm. It could use some more star power on the undercard, but moe regular use of guys like Sonjay Dutt will help. I look forward to returning to this stuff after the DVDs of Death Before Dishonor weekend...

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All of the ROH TV is on Youtube (search by airdate or match). If you havn't seen any, here's ten matches to get you started from the first 8 tapings


American Wolves vs Kevin Steen & El Generico - Tables Match (30/5/09)

Brian Danielson vs Tyler Black (9/5/09)

Jerry Lynn vs Chris Hero (13/6/09)

Jerry Lynn vs Tyler Black vs Austin Aries vs Brian Danielson (6/6/09)

American Wolves vs Brian Danielson & Tyler Black (27/6/09)

KENTA, Kevin Steen & El Generico vs. Chris Hero, Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards (18/7/09)

Jay Briscoe vs. D Lo Brown vs Roderick Strong (1/8/09)

Chris Hero vs Kenny Omega (2/5/09)

Kevin Steen & El Generico vs The Briscoe Brothers ( 14/9/09)

Roderick Strong vs KENTA (20/6/09)

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Ok, so this isn't strictly ROH, but still....

Dragon Gate USA : Open The Historic Gate

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Triple D, totally agree with pretty much everything you say. That card was immense and definitely warrants repeat viewing. Only thing I'd disagree with is that I wasn't blown away by the Chikara match like most people. It was spectacular, had some excellent action and was near impossible to fault from a technical perspective (how do they not botch, going at that speed?!) but it just didn't quite click with me. I enjoyed it, thought it was good - very good in places - but I was left feeling slightly cold. Perhaps I went in with *too* high expectations. Also, I think I have a man crush on SHINGO. He's amazing. :blush:


Still, not a bad match on the card. Even Doane vs Scorpio was a surprise. Particularly liked Doane's German Suplex, shame he didn't get to showcase some of his more technical ability in the WWE.


Honestly, watching the tag team action on these events makes you realise how poor the WWE's tag division is. We're meant to want to see the generic, bland WWE formula tag match when DG:USA and ROH are putting on exciting, fast-paced (dare I say revolutionary) tag matches and blow every 'E tag match in the past decade out of the water?

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Honestly, watching the tag team action on these events makes you realise how poor the WWE's tag division is. We're meant to want to see the generic, bland WWE formula tag match when DG:USA and ROH are putting on exciting, fast-paced (dare I say revolutionary) tag matches and blow every 'E tag match in the past decade out of the water?


Indeed. Any discussion of WWE in the noughties has to address the appalling state of their tag division. It always amazes me when I watch those 20 man Survivor Series matches from 87/88 - the strength of that tag division!! Even the semi-jobber teams had more to offer than a lot of today's tandems.

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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ROH Violent Tendencies - Detroit, MI - 26.6.09


A ten bell salute to Mitsuharu Misawa opens the DVD complete with KENTA holding up a framed pic of the man himself. There was a similar tribute at the Manhattan Mayhem III show that was curiously in the DVD extras. RIP Misawa.


Grizzly Redwood vs Silas Young - Poor old Silas. A heel turn that no-one noticed, and now you've gone from competitive losses with Austin Aries to jobbing to Grizzly in just 3:45.


Brent Albright and Erick Stevens vs Kenny King and Rhett Titus - Seeing Stevens in Detroit reminded me of his squash win ROH debut there, which I saw live on Wrestlemania 23 weekend. Albright has had a hair cut and a shave, which combined with his blue trunks makes him look like a bigger, mildly retarded Roderick Strong. He should certainly be kept away from sharp edges, as he manages to accidentally bust open the back of his head behind the left ear, which seems to make him even more uncoordinated than usual. It's poor old Erick Stevens who goes down though, as Kenny King rolls through the Doctor Bomb and grabs a handful of tights for the win at 12:42. Alright match.


Ric Flair comes out for his usual spiel. I can only imagine him in a limo being driven down 8 Mile Road... This time, Flair actually makes them put the camera on Cary at ringside. Oh. dear.


Nigel McGuinness vs Claudio Castagnoli - Finally, something worth focusing on. Nigel charges to the ring with a chair, but Claudio manages to avoid him until the ref can calm him down and start the match. I'm not sure I'd have booked this match in this venue, the same place they fought over the World Title at New Horizons in 2008, as this naturally couldn't compare. Until Nigel charged out to the ring, I thought they might go down the smooth, technical route, reminiscent of their first ROH match waaay back at Fate of an Angel in 2005, but instead we get a match that, with Nigel not even trying for his lariats due to his arms, soon loses it's intensity and becomes both guys working over the arm of the other to not much heat. As soon as they do multiple countout spots, it was obvious what was coming, and in the end there's a double countout at around 13:00 when Nigel has Claudio in the London Dungeon on the rampway. Nigel gets on the mic and cuts a shouty promo, and Claudio just backs away. I guess the feud will continue (if we have time).


Kevin Steen and El Generico vs Josh Raymond and Christian Able - Another new tag team for the division surely means the likes of the Phoenix Twins and Irish Airborne are done for good. Yay. I recognised the Josh Raymond name as the former Josh Abercrombie, but I don't remember seeing him wrestle so the House of Truth were new to me here. The match is pretty good, but Raymond and Able didn't leave much of an impression first time out, this could have been Steen and Generico vs more or less anyone. Raymond does a couple of flippy things near the end, but eats the package piledriver-brainbuster combo for the Steenerico win at 13:19. Steen and Generico seem to be on a roll, in match quality terms at least.


Austin Aries vs Rasche Brown vs Sami Callahan vs Delirious vs Joey Ryan vs Petey Williams - Six man mayhem action for the first time in seemingly forever. There's a story thread running through this one courtesy of our new World Champion: In his obligatory pre-match promo, Aries announces he paid for the services of Joey Ryan to make sure he doesn't got pinned. One assumes Ryan and Prince Nana saw what happened to D'Lo Brown back in Manassas. Weirdly, Aries and Ryan actually start the match, with an exchange that has to be as (purposefully) low impact as you've ever seen in ROH.


Rasche Brown is announced under the new moniker of 'HD Ready', but the commentary duo refer to him as 'Skullcrusher' anyway. Brown being difficult to take down is another sub-story of the match, as all the smaller guys bump off him. Petey Williams doesn't seem to have the same star factor as Sonjay Dutt did in his recent return to ROH, but the crowd do want to see the Canadian Destroyer. Aries is one of those stupid enough to take that move, but when Petey hits it, Ryan does his job and breaks it up. Finally, Aries also takes the Panic Attack into Shadows Over Hell from Delirious, Ryan again makes the save, then Delirious hits the same combo on Ryan but Aries has enough savvy to pin Delirious with an Oklahoma Roll at 13:30. Good action here, with a fun but not totally frantic pace.


D'Lo Brown vs Colt Cabana - Ugh. Methodical, no, make that lethargic sports entertainment wrestling here. Slow stuff, a ref bump, then Cabana channels Los Guerreros and confuses the ref with the ring bell, then nails D'Lo with it when the ref isn't looking for the pin at 8:58. Very disappointing after both guys involvement in a very fun FCS back in Manhattan. Cabana has his win back now, can this feud please end?


On a technical note, as Cabana is making his way out, the volume on my DVD suddenly increases significantly. Weird.


American Wolves vs KENTA and Roderick Strong - A killer tag team title match here, which is all action from the very beginning. The team of Strong and KENTA gel spectacularly, making Bryan Danielson's abscence as KENTA's scheduled partner due to a staph infection seem irrelevent. Way too much going on to try and recount, so lets just say the Wolves retain when Edwards makes Strong submit to the half Boston crab (with added knee in the back) at 21:07. You need to see this.


Steel Cage Match: Jimmy Jacobs vs Tyler Black - A good, bloody, intense Cage match here with a good helping of athleticism mixed in. It probably doesn't compare favourably with Jacobs vs Whitmer in a Cage in the same venue from 2007, but then that's a very high bar to try and reach. Jacobs comes to the ring in his blood-soaked white coat from the angle at the Man Up PPV where Age of the Fall debuted. Can you imagine keeping that around the house?


Black's goal of polishing Jacobs off once and for all seems just about complete when he scores the winning pin at 22:01, following a Buckle Bomb-superkick-God's Last Gift combo with a huge splash 2/3 of the way across the ring, from the top of the cage through a table. That's quite a sequence. However, it appears Jacobs has one last trick up his sleeve, as the Age of the Fall scream blares out, and at least a couple of dozen guys dressed in black storm the ringside area, destroy Black then carry Jacobs aloft from the building chanting 'Age of the Fall". A visually impressive angle to finish the show off.


Overall, the top two matches make this a DVD you need to see, but I was a tad disappointed by the undercard. Main show running time is 2 hours, 45 minutes.


There's a bonus match that was cut from 'The Hunt Begins' in Montreal, as Chris Hero defeats Frankie The Mobster in 9:43 with the loaded elbow pad. This was better than I expected, but far from essential. FTM has some crowd support from the Montreal fans who were pretty dead for most of that show, which definitely helps. I think the match is on YouTube anyway, if anyone wants to watch it...

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End of an Age - Chicago Ridge, IL - 27/06/09


The ROH staff once again pay tribute to Mitsuharu Misawa before the show. The Chicago area fans pay their respects.


Rhett Titus vs Delirious vs Sami Callihan vs Silas Young vs Egotistico Fantastico vs Alex Payne - Indy show cliche #1: Start the show off with a multi man match full of flippy stuff to get the crowd going. It works well here, with everyone getting to show off their stuff in this six man mayhem. There's a batch of comedy exchanges in the early going which leads to everyone seeing Rhett Titus' rear end for the second show in a row. Delirious has some student/teacher stuff going on with Alex Payne, first against each other then teaming up. Silas Young gets to express his newfound heelishness on Payne, who he turned on last time in Chicago. I guess being the lesser pushed bad guy in the opener isn't the spot on the card you want to be in, as that makes poor Silas the designated jobber once again. Shadows Over Hell wins it for Delirious in 11:34. Yeah, I'm ready for the rest of the show now.


Erick Stevens vs Rasche Brown - A surprise in more than one respect here. Firstly, this was actually a decent power vs power battle. Secondly, it turned out to be a showcase for Erick Stevens, who gets the win with the Doctor Bomb in 9:11. Good stuff from both guys here, though.


Ric Flair talks. I tuned out completely this time round.


Petey Williams vs Kenny King - I was bemused as to why Petey was still doing 'The Definition of Definition' gimmick on the last show, but here he shows no character at all, with the crowd only being drawn in by him repeatedly teasing the Canadian Destroyer. The action seems to struggle to get into gear for the most part, though the last couple of minutes are pretty decent. Rhett Titus distracts the ref when Petey has King tapping to the Sharpshooter, and King capitalises with the Coronation at 14:39. King and Titus attempt a beatdown afterwards, but Petey makes his own comeback and finally nails the Canadian Destroyer. For me that exposed Petey as a one trick pony, though the crowd liked it. Just an OK match, this one.


KENTA vs Tyler Black - This is an interesting one. It's a cracking match, but at the same time it exposes some of Tyler's shortcomings. In the early going, Tyler takes a kicking from KENTA in explosive fashion. What he doesn't have is something like the chops of a Roderick Strong or the kicks of a Davey Richards to respond with - Tyler's clotheslines just seem a bit weak whenever he takes control. Things improve for him as the match goes on, as he's good at the highflying stuff when they hit dives and the like, and his finishing stuff certainly is explosive.


The commentary plays up to Tyler's inability to win the big one, and puts this match as important as his World title shots, as even though it's non-title, KENTA is GHC Jr Champion and Tyler hasn't broken into Japan (except on ROH's own shows). That only telegraphs a similar finish to his title shots, but Tyler at least gets to kick out of Go 2 Sleep the first time around, before succumbing the second time at 17:51. Really good stuff here overall.


After the match, KENTA leaves and Age of the Fall once again attack Tyler. They are way down in numbers from the previous night's angle in Detroit, though, and Steen and Generico easily take out the seven or eight of them to make the save. Jimmy Jacobs is then hung upside down from the ceiling, revisiting the closing image of the Man Up PPV, courtesy of Delirious taking control of the hanging cable. Tyler Black proclaims the Age of the Fall dead, and when Jacobs and his crew revive, they abandon him and he walks out alone through the front door. Not nearly as gripping an angle as the night before, but a fitting end to Age of the Fall as the Chicago crowd once again serenade Jacobs with chants of "Disappointment".


Chicago Street Fight: Colt Cabana and Brent Albright vs Joey Ryan and Claudio Castagnoli - I enjoyed this, but it certainly could have been better. The crowd are up for it, what with Cabana being the home town boy and all, and Albright enters an above average performance alongside him. There's an unusual amount of comedy for a Streetfight, and a brawl through the crowd that ridiculously sees Prazak and Leonard break away from commentary (because "They're Coming This Way!!") even though nothing much really happens. At this point it hit me that I'm still waiting for Joey Ryan to produce a performance to justify his ROH spot - his VideoWire promos before he came in were good, but he's not been in a position to shine yet. Back in the ring, there's some dodgy spots on a pile of chairs where Claudio can't keep his footing on the chairs. Ryan then takes the fall when Cabana blasts him through a table with the butt butt at 15:41. I don't understand how this feud is really still going, as The Embassy is a joke.


D'Lo Brown vs Roderick Strong - Another below par effort from D'Lo, despite some home town support for him and plenty of effort from Roderick. It just doesn't seem to work out in straight one-on-one matches. D'Lo grabs a handful of ropes to get the pin at 9:15. Not really bad, just kinda there.


The American Wolves vs Kevin Steen and El Generico - This one is pretty much doomed from the outset. It's non-title, but with the stip that if Steen and Generico win, they can pick a stipulation match of their choice for a title shot, and if the Wolves win, Steen and Generico get no more title shots while the Wolves are champions. The result of all that is the crowd heat isn't there like it should be. The action, while solid, never quite reaches top gear. It's as if everyone knows the blow off match is still to come, and that's where the emotional investment is worth putting in. Generico pins Richards with the turnbuckle brainbuster, which is an unnecessary but kinda nice flourish, at 14:06. While it's not announced here, now we await their Ladder War...


ROH World Title Match: Austin Aries vs Nigel McGuinness - Within realistic expectations, I would say this was pretty good. Nigel and his bad arms and Aries and his new slimy heel persona don't even try and go down the route of their absolute blinder from Rising Above 2007 (I don't really remember their Supercard of Honor 3 rematch all that well). Instead, after a pre-match exchange of insults, they go down the psychological warfare route. Nigel tries to work without his lariats, but ends up hitting a couple anyway and feeling the effects. Nigel does work in a dive much better than I expected. Ultimately, the match's downfall is that absolutely no-one believes in the chance of a title change. Aries retains after a second brainbuster at 20:18.


Overall, I was really, really enjoying this show for the most part, but sadly the various things lacking in the final three matches let the side down somewhat. One really good match in the final three would have made this a must buy DVD, but it just isn't there this time around. DVD run time is 2 hours, 55 minutes.

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  • Paid Members

Can't argue with much in the End of an Age review :


This one is pretty much doomed from the outset

- agreed, as soon as you heard the words "non title" you knew who was going over. They should have made it some sort of gimmick match - 2/3 falls maybe?


I'm still not quite sure why they did the angle at the of the cage match if they were going to junk Jacobs the next night - logically it didn't make much sense.


In a similar vein why is Petey Williams cheered as a face? Everything about him screams heel, particularly his Tank Toland-esque "roided to the max" look.

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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