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I'd be more inclined to buy "The Rise and Stagnation of ROH" as a credible title.


I DID manage to finally watch the rematch of the MCMG/Briscoes battle, and I actually thought it was a better match than their first effort. Loads of cool double team stuff running through the match and was CONSTANTLY two sided which made the match feel a lot different to the first which was more formula.


I keep meaning to catch up on the ROH on HDNet. I've watched single matches but I haven't really watched anything since Tyler Black vs. Bryan Danielson III.

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I'd be more inclined to buy "The Rise and Stagnation of ROH" as a credible title


It's probably more accurate, but as a historian I like the allusion to Gibbon :laugh:


The last ROH HDNet I saw was the one with Aries and Strong, which was like May? I'm gonna try and download a few of the main events this weekend to have a butchers. Has Hero vs KENTA aired on TV yet?

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The lack of stuff going on in the ROH thread at moment tells you all you need to know about the state of ROH at present. I was hoping to write a piece entitled "The Decline and Fall of ROH", but I havn't had time.


I'd be more inclined to buy "The Rise and Stagnation of ROH" as a credible title.


How about "ROH Mans Down" or "ROH This might be the Final Battle for us" or even "ROH Ironically it is Suvival of The Fittest now" or "ROH Unified and then Divided"


Just a thought

Edited by Emperorseb
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I'd be more inclined to buy "The Rise and Stagnation of ROH" as a credible title


It's probably more accurate, but as a historian I like the allusion to Gibbon :laugh:


The last ROH HDNet I saw was the one with Aries and Strong, which was like May? I'm gonna try and download a few of the main events this weekend to have a butchers. Has Hero vs KENTA aired on TV yet?




It's apparently one of the better main events. There's been some good main events too so that might be worth a look.

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How about "ROH Mans Down" or "ROH This might be the Final Battle for us" or even "ROH Ironically it is Suvival of The Fittest now" or "ROH Unified and then Divided"


Just a thought


There's been some shocking attempts at humour on here recently...

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7th Anniversary Show, 21/3/09


The 7th Anniversary show takes place about a month after the actual 7th anniversary, on the grounds that having cancelled the Florida shows once, no way could they have done it again without some sort of fan revolt (you would hope anyway).


Kenny King & Rhett Titus vs. Roderick Strong & Erik Stevens aka two wrestlers in search of an angle. This is the first match Ive seen King and Titus in where they actually look like a team, as opposed to two random guys tagging, which is essentially what they were. A fair opener ends with Stevens hitting the Doctor Bomb on King for the pin.


Brent Albright vs. Claudio Castagnoli a big man feud with not a lot going for it. The match picks up as it goes along, with some good near falls at the end, but when the bell rings for a 20 minute draw, the heart sinks as you realise that youll have to watch these two go at it again somewhere down the line. They get five more minutes, but Claudio gets himself disqualified fairly quickly. Ho-Hum.


Adam Pearce vs. Bobby Dempsey who booked this shit?


Jerry Lynn vs. Mike Quackenbush another excellent wrestling performance from Quack. Some say this match had an exhibition feel, but it was still very enjoyable, and I liked the way they played on Quacks history of concussions. Crowd wasnt best pleased when Lynn won after around 9 minutes with the Cradle Piledriver.


Jimmy Jacobs, Austin Aries & Brodie Lee vs. Delirious, Tyler Black & Necro Butcher the stipulation of this match was such a clusterfuck that if someone revealed Russo had come up with it, you wouldnt have batted an eyelid. Basically its an elimination tag match, but one a fall is scored, the next fall cannot be obtained by the same method as its predecessor. So there you go. Given the amount of talent in the match, it should have been a lot better than it was. Delirious is first to go with the brainbuster at 7.16. Then at 11.40 Necro & Brodie brawled to the back, and Todd Sinclair rules theyve both been eliminated. The crowd farted on that, quite rightly too. This sets up a 2-on-1 against Tyler Black, but predictably Aries and Jacobs start squabbling, and Black makes Aries tap to the End Time at 17.55. So Jacobs cant make Tyler tap to the End Time for the next fall...but he can make him pass out and then pin him. Of course, this screws them finish wise, so Jacobs has to overlook this rather obvious route to victory. He attempts to put the choke on Black for a second time, but this gets countered into the Small Package Driver at 20.53. The stipulations pretty much killed the match.


Jimmy Rave & Bison Smith vs. Colt Cabana & Brian Danielson there are many people ROH could do with returning to the company to give it a boost. Jimmy Rave is not one of them, simple as that. But, regardless of whether anyone wants him or not, it looks like were getting him. Far more uplifting is the return of COLT CABANA!!! Not much in ROH has bought a smile to my face in the past 9 months, but it was good to see Colt back where he belongs. There was also a brilliant moment prior to Cabanas return when Grizzly Redwood runs out to be Danielsons partner, only to get quickly squashed by Mark Smith. Then Cabana makes his entrance and the place erupts. And why wouldnt it? An entertaining tag match sees Cabana get a flash pin on Rave. At the very least Cabana should provide some fresh match-ups in ROH, something that the lack of has been one of the main reasons for the overall decline in the past year.


Jay Briscoe vs. DLo Brown DLo is carrying far too much weight at the moment, and looks knackered after the first few minutes. He then turns heel and slows things down considerably with punch and kick offence. Jay makes a comeback, but DLo wins with a poorly executed handful of tights. I think DLo as a heel has potential, but he needs to get in shape, he looked awful here.


Kevin Steen & El Generico vs. Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards No DQ I thought this was slightly disappointing it was a good match, but given the hype I expected more. It seemed very disjointed at times, and you were just waiting for the next spot. You couldnt fault the effort of all four guys though. Generico as usual takes the most insane bumps, a front flip onto the ladder and also a double springboard dive. After battering Richards knees with a chair Steen slaps on the Sharpshooter for the win. After the match the Wolves bust Steen open with a chair and put Generico through a table. A strong as the post match angle was I cant help thinking they would have been better off doing the title change here, as opposed to in front of 500 people in Philly just so they could put it on TV.


Nigel McGuinness vs. KENTA whatever you might think of the aesthetics of McGuinness title reign, you cant do anything but take your hat off to him after watching this match. Going into it with two torn biceps, and then letting KENTA kick the shit out of them. It was hard to watch at times, particularly in the early going, when McGuinness was hyperventilating with pain. Given McGuinness injuries, the fact that he went 25 minutes is just amazing. Forget rating this in terms of a match all you can say after watching it is that McGuinness is one of the toughest guys in the business today.


Overall easily the best ROH show of 2009 so far. At least the big cards still deliver, even if the other 85% of shows dont.

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Hmmm, maybe. How does that song go - "if you're gonna be dumb you gotta be tough"? Thing is terms of logic KENTA had to go after the arm - if you were wrestling a guy a guy with two torn biceps you'd be a bit stupid not to. I guess it depends on your point of view whether it was really valient or really stupid, but I know I wouldn't have done it!!!

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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I can't really defend it. Bryan Danielson did something similar with the same opponent, did he not ?


For my money, the Danielson (with injured arm) vs KENTA match, at Glory By Honor V Night 2, is still possibly the best ROH match ever. Danielson defending the World title against then-undefeated in ROH KENTA with a severe shoulder injury (but how severe no-one really seemed to know) had incredible heat, top notch action and Danielson was still able to go at full pelt and made the drama with his selling.


In the case of the Nigel match, it wasn't the same at all, he was clearly in very real agony from the get go, and the art of selling wasn't required. In addition, the fans didn't have the same connection with the reign of McGuinness and interest in ROH in general wasn't the same. I rate it as a good match and I would never question Nigel's toughness, but it's not a great match.


Thoughts on EVOLVE?

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The following ROH/HDNet Pick 6 Contenders Standings have been updated following the 11/7/09 live event in Edison, New Jersey.



1. Roderick Strong

2. Tyler Black

3. Kenny Omega

4. Colt Cabana

5. Delirious

6. Claudio Castagnoli



Considering this update, the Pick 6 Series matches scheduled for Novi, MI on November 13 are as follows:


(3) Kenny Omega versus Katsuhiko Nakajima

(2) Tyler Black versus (6) Claudio Castagnoli

(1) Roderick Strong versus Chris Hero


Check back for updated standings following the 11/13 Novi event with the Pick 6 schedule for 11/14 in Mississauga, Ontario.




ROH/HDNet Pick 6 Contenders Series Rules

- Only wrestlers ranked in the

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