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The crowd was dying to pop for a Black win but it was not to be as Aries drilled him with the brainbuster and won the belt. Aries was announced as the first two time champion, which has been the direction ROH has been building to with him for several months. He won his first title from Samoa Joe with the same move.


Ummmmmm............ no.

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With the Flair thing, it's a case of hate to say I told you so.... I feel bad about ROH getting burnt by that prick, but it was infinatly forseeable.


Aries as champ again? Obviously I havn't seen the match, and certainly Aries is capable of carrying the belt...I'm just not sure what it achieves for ROH in the long term. The company's had a persistant problem in creating headline talent, and this isn't exactly a step towards doing that.

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Austin Aries made his way to the ring. He cut a promo talking about how tough New York City is supposed to be. He began cutting down NYC and at one point said, "You weren't so tough on a certain day in September a few years ago."


Wow, most shocking example of cheap heat I've heard since Orton was mentioning Eddie Guerrero in promos in 2006. :bored:

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It didn't even get much heat, which just shows how stupid it was really.


PWinsider have issued something of a correction, saying ROH president Cary Silkin did know Flair was leaving, but that Flair still screwed ROH over by not participating as had been agreed (and he'd been paid up front).

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Does anyone know who Orange Cassidy is? I heard on the Dr. Keith show it's someone fairly well known that usually wears a mask. Cassidy and Butterscotch are awesome by the way...



According to someone on the ROH board, he's one of the ants from CHIKARA, and Butterscotch = Hydra

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Does anyone know who Orange Cassidy is? I heard on the Dr. Keith show it's someone fairly well known that usually wears a mask. Cassidy and Butterscotch are awesome by the way...



According to someone on the ROH board, he's one of the ants from CHIKARA, and Butterscotch = Hydra


Thanks timekeeper man! I'm guessing Cassidy is Fire Ant then. I think Hydra's great but never twigged he was Butterscotch/Pineapple Andy.


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*watches as that goes way over his own head*


I watched Final Battle 2008 today. A full review will come soon, but for now just let me say it's the best ROH DVD I've watched in ages. Almost certainly the best of the year. So, in an attempt to generate some discussion, in date order...



10 ROH DVDs you should see from 2008


1. Sixth Anniversary Show

Dearly Devoted Dexter's review: http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=81813&...t&p=1771281

2. Take No Prisoners

Dearly Devoted Dexter's review: http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=81813&...t&p=1781088

3. Dragon Gate Challenge II

Dearly Devoted Dexter's review: http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=81813&...t&p=1793085

4. Supercard of Honor III

Dearly Devoted Dexter's review: http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=81813&...t&p=1793085

5. Northern Navigation

Dearly Devoted Dexter's review: http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=81813&...t&p=1847350

6. New Horizons

my review: http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=81813&...t&p=1819557

Dearly Devoted Dexter's review: http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=81813&...t&p=1849510

7. Death Before Dishonor VI

my review: http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=81813&...t&p=1838966

Dearly Devoted Dexter's review: http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=81813&...t&p=1861900

8. Bound By Hate

my review: http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=81813&...t&p=1912339

9. Rising Above 2008

my review: http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=81813&...t&p=1919865

10. Final Battle 2008

my review: http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=81813&...t&p=1945623

Edited by gadgetboy
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I was at 3 of those and can highly reccomend the 2 Orlando shows and Final Battle.


Just got back from NYC today as well. This weekends shows weren't in the league of the 3 above but they were fun live shows. Not sure how it'll translate to DVD though. SNAPMARE!!!

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I was at DGCII as well. A couple of months back, I was looking into doing last weekend's show in NYC but decided against. Gutted I missed a World title change.


What's Manassas like?

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Very small, quiet little place. Small setup but a packed house - I could barely see an empty seat. It was a fairly nice and clean venue with plenty of food and booze being served. The clincher was the crowd though. They were just there to have fun and fun was had by all. Rhett Titus singing his theme tune was hilarious


I just hope the "inside joke" doesn't make the DVD confusing. If they got a shot of the sign later in the show and slot it back in near the start it'll make a lot more sense. It wasn't a thing with the crowd just chanting crap, the wrestlers really played into it with Dragon, Tyler and Lynn having a lot of fun. Lynn actually closed the show by saying that his snapmares were his birthday present to us (he turned 46 on Friday)


Some interesting ROH news, the recent Canada doubleshot will be released as a single DVD with the best matches from both nights. The basic idea seems that one stacked DVD is more cost-effective than producing 2 lesser runs of shows which might not sell as well. There's an interesting debate about it going on right now in todays newswire thread on the ROH board. I know we only have a small ROH community here but what do you guys think?


Interesting idea for a test run I think. The number of die hard ROH fans who collect every show are dropping off one by one. I know I stopped at the end of FYF and some of the guys that were over there with me this week are slowly doing the same. I know if I did collect still it would be a lot more attractive buying one stacked show and losing a couple of nothing matches now that they use so many students and are testing quite a lot of random indy guys out


I really hope ROH can find a business model that works. I met with about 40-50 awesome ROH fans again that I met in Orlando and I'd hate to think that if ROH went out of business, we'd have no reason to do these things anymore

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I'm still on the every show bandwagon with DVDs, but the idea of Double Feature II doesn't offend me. The Markham show of that Canada weekend looked pretty good though, IIRC. I guess with many of the recent DVDs only running 2:20 they can probably fit the vast majority of the two shows on one DVD.

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Last night's TV taping results, courtesy of the ROH messageboard:


Third Show:

-Nigel McGuinness v Tyler Black: on a personal note, it truly feels good to type his name as part of match. Black wins with Gods Last Gift. Nigel looked rusty. Match started very slow paced but picked up by the end. The crowd was awful. Nigel didn't throw one Lariat or Eurapean Uppercut the entire match. "match was very disappointing"

-Sami Calahan v The Necro Butcher: Necro wins after a Tiger Driver. "Total Snoozefest". Postmatch, Cabana, Albright, and Grizzly come to the ring. They ask him to be the fourth member of their team. I'm assuming it's on a future episode, prolly the first taping tomorrow.

-Cheech and Cloudy v Sal Rinaro and Tony Kozina: after a couple of mins, the Dark City Fight Club comes out and destroyed everybody. No contest

-Eddie Edwards v Kevin Steen: Steen nails Edwards with a chair while Turner isn't looking. He hits the Swanton for the pin.

-Austin Aries comes out announced as a multi time world champ to Flairs music. The promo is "f*cking amazing". He talked about how awesome he is and ripped The Phillies for getting swept by Toronto this week. He started ripping on a kid in the crowd and tore him apart. He went around the arena an picked out people and started ripping on them one by one. "it's amazing"


A few notes: crowd is decent size, but definatly smaller than previous taping. A lot of kids in the crowd, a lot. "the Philly crowd is sh!t tonight. Trash being thrown in the ring at random times.". And here's the kicker, no Bobby Cruise tonight. It's some bald guy with a tounge ring. No Guiseppi De Lorente either. Bobby Cruise 2 is wearing a red, white, and black tie. The entrance themes are very low tonight, they are very hard to hear.


Second Show:

-Davey Richards v El Generico: Ends in a Double DQ after Steen and Edwards come to the ring and all four brawl through the crowd. During the brawl, Sara Del Ray Irish Whip Paul Tuner into the guardrail. An "ECW" chant broke out during the brawl.

-Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne v Mark Briscoe: Huge pop for Mark. Extended Squash. Mark wins with Powerbomb. Sugarfoot attempted to attack the knee during the match, that was his only offense.

-Silas Young v Delirious w/ Daizee Haze: Delirious wins with a Panic Attack/Shadows Over Hell combo. Post match, Durden comes out for an interview, Deli speaks his jibberish. "Match was exactly what you would expect from these two. If you thing that's awesome, your wrong"

-Colt Cabana and Brent Albright v Claudio Castagnoli and Jimmy Rave: Nana interferes, distracting Albright long enough for CC to hit the Ricola Bomb on him for the win. Post match, Embassy beatdown both Albright and Cabana until Necro and Grizzly make the save. "boring"


First Show:

-Jay Briscoe v Roderick Strong v Dlo Brown: Strong wins with a Bridging Sunset Flip on Dlo. "Match was awesome"

-Kenny King and Rhett Titus v Kenny Omega and Erick Stevens: King and Titus win after Omega goes for a German Suplex and King falls on top of him, Titus held Omegas legs down from the outside a la Bobby Heenan from WM5. "Real solid match"



-Bobby Dempsey beat Andy Ridge

-The Set beat John Moxley and Aaron Scott

-John Kermon beat Maverick

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I was there also. The results are correct but the show was a lot better than the person sending in the results negativity shows. Nigel/Tyler was pretty good. Not up to their Take No Prisoners '08 match, I was there for that one too. Mark Briscoe looked like a demon in the ring. He was on fire. The crowd were a lot better than I thought they were going to be, size wise and how vocal they were. There were a couple of people throwing random things in the ring which was a bit shitty but other than that a fine night was had by all around me. 'Tylers mom' was there too about 5 seats away from me so there was some nice vocal chanting by her at least.


The brawl in the Generico/Richards was off the charts. It was so intense and even made a kid cry. They were going crazy out in section D.


Plus Aries coming out to Flair's music was amazing because a lot of people thought it was going to be the silver wonder himself but I knew different.... bwahahahahaha!!! Aries on the mic was gold too!

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