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Hvaing just finished 'A New Level', the lack of hype for Danielson vs Marufuji from that show is unbelievable. For me, this blew away their match from Final Battle 2005 and is right up with Danielson vs KENTA from last year (not the 2006 title match, the Driven DVD only match in Chicago).

Edited by gadgetboy
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Hvaing just finished 'A New Level', the lack of hype for Danielson vs Marufuji from that show is unbelievable. For me, this blew away their match from Final Battle 2005 and is right up with Danielson vs KENTA from last year (not the 2006 title match, the Driven DVD only match in Chicago).

OK then, downloading it now on your recomendation. Best be worth it, Dan :angry:
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Sixth Anniversary Show - 23/2/08


Delirious & Human Tornado vs Tyler Black & Jimmy Jacobs - disappointing tag opener to kick things off. AOTF win with Jacobs making Tornado tap to the End Time.


Nigel McGuinness comes out, and very subtly turns heel with an excellent promo. Fair play to who ever came up with it. Basically McGuinness shits on the whole ROH ethos of killing yourself for the sake of the fans, lobs down the belt and states he may not defend the belt tonight. Dragon comes out and cuts a big babyface promo, and the match is back on.


El Generico vs Brent Albright - pretty good to be honest, for an Albright match anyway. Obviously Generico carries it, bumping himself silly in a good back and forth match. It

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As a bit of a postscript to that review, and also to address the storylines thing generally, I throughly enjoyed the Danielson/ McGuinness match from 6AS. What I had in mind when I remarked about Gabes' ability to book storylines was in terms of long term, 4/5/6 month programs. I've always tried to argue against the idea that ROH was a match-based company - until I came to the end of 2007's shows, and realised I was having a hard time thinking of a great ROH program post Corino/ Homicide or Punk/Raven from 2003. After having a think I did come up with a couple - Cabana vs Homicide and Cabana vs Jacobs. But apart from that? ROH vs CZW I guess, but even that could have been booked better. The whole thing ran out of steam after Castagnolis' turn, and for some unfathomable reason Gabe didn't bother to book Joe vs Hero, a match that would have drawn more than all those attempts to push B.J. Whitmer combined. And in any case, from what I can gather the ROH/ CZW program sprung not from long term planning, but was thrown together after Hell Freezes Over. Perhaps I should define "program" as something 3 Dimensional, as opposed to a series of matches. In 2007 Steen & Generico/ Briscoes and Danielson vs Morishima had a great series of matches, but I wouldn't describe either of those rivalries as a program, in the sense that they were fairly basic "two guys/ two teams don't like each other" feuds. Now of course, it could be argued that this is in fact the essence of all the top drawing wrestling programs. But compared to the programs I just described, these were both fairly 2 dimensional, with nothing extra for the mainspring. In the Punk vs Raven program you had the young rookie vs aging veteran, combined with their diametrically opposed philosophies. Homicide vs Corino was spiced up by the fact the two generally didn't like each other, plus the whole website thing. With Cabana vs Homicide you had the fact that Cabana was playing a serious role for the first time in his career, driven to insanity. And with Cabana and Jacobs you had somewhat of the same thing with the roles reversed. Of course sometimes you have the opposite problem - well thought out programs given to people who can't carry them out. Pearce set up the whole Hangm3n gimmick with some excellent promos, but a stable consisting of B.J. Whitmer, Brent Albright and Adam Pearce in ring was never going to amount to much. Similarly The NRC vs Resilience should have been superb, but Romero, Strong and Richards took 9 months to gel as a unit, while Aries enforced absence left the green Stevens and charisma-less Cross to carry the Resilience. It just never took off. Hopefully that expanded on my original comments a bit.

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I've just been watching a bit of the "Best In The World" KOCH dvd. During the Austin Aries vs KENTA match (which I thought was excellent) the commentator mentioned later on that night would be a World Title match between Bryan Danielson and Colt Cabana.That made me realise I have never seen a Danielson vs Cabana match, but would imagine they would have good chemistry together.As they have been in ROH at the same time for a few years I would think they would have wrestled more than once, so I ask - was/were their match(es) any good?

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From lordsofpain.net Rebecca Treston (a.k.a. Becky Bayless) - a well known women's wrestler on the independent circuit - was arrested on Thursday, August 21 at 2:43 a.m. for Driving under the influence with a 0.21 blood alcohol level (significantly above the 0.08 legal limit).Treston was booked into a Tampa jail at 4:04 a.m. She was released on $500 bond later in the day.

Re the Cabana/Danielson question, they had a five minute match at the 100th show, a decent match at.... was it Chi Town Struggle? And of course, the infamous match were Danielson tore tendons in his shoulder after 11 minutes of a 60 minute draw. From what I remember, that match would have been outstanding if the injury hadn't happened.
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They had a few matches... their series in 2006 spanned both ROH and FIP, so much of it went under the radar. The ones I've seen were solid, but I wouldn't describe any of them as great. The match being referred to on the KOCH DVD was at 'Chi-Town Struggle' and is perhaps the easiest to watch. Cabana had faced Danielson earlier in the year at the 100th show (April 22 2006), but going into a technical wrestling match for the World title so soon after the conclusion of his feud with Homicide saw Cabana unprepared, and he was pinned part of the way into a roll-up sequence just six minutes into the match. Cabana then challenged Danielson for the belt again at FIP Impact of Honor (June 10 2006) and actually scored a three count after a lariat in that match, only for the referee to spot Danielson had reached the ropes and reverse the decision. Danielson then capitalised with a rollup - with his feet on the ropes - and the referee missed it this time. That led to the Chi-Town Struggle match two weeks later (June 24 2006) which in turn led to a 2 out of 3 falls match, again in Chicago, at Gut Check. In that match, Cabana got revenge for the 100th show loss by pinning Danielson with a Colt 45 in just six minutes. Danielson then suffered his severe shoulder injury that would later lead to a four and a half month abscence from ROH - but wrestled on and barely escaped with his title after a low blow and an inside cradle with less than thirty seconds left of the one hour time limit. This was also the third 60 minute draw that Danielson wrestled in ROH that month...EDIT: just found this review I did of the FIP match, probably posted much earlier in this very thread. I never did see their later FIP match...

ROH World Title Match: Bryan Danielson vs Colt CabanaDo not go into this one expecting an ROH style match. However, as an interesting aside to the ROH matches, this is pretty fun. It's very old school British style, with a lot of the first half of the match being World of Sport comedy stuff, and Danielson and Cabana are very good at it. Danielson in particular does some bumbling fool spots he'd never do in ROH. In the end, Danielson finally gets a control segment and does some of his ROH routine, with Prazak willing him on in the commentary which adds something. Prazak even gets in a line about "a paying crowd in Orlando" which made me chuckle.The finish comes when Cabana hits a lariat for a three count, but the referee sees a split second afterwards that Danielson got to the ropes at 2 and three quarters and decides the match must continue. Danielson then gets a three count of his own from a roaring elbow, and while Cabana had his foot on the ropes, Danielson removes it after the three count and the decision stands. The crowd doesn't like that, and while a second referee comes from backstage it's only a tease. Cabana throws a post-match "can't believe i lost like that" fit reminiscent of the 100th show, which ties everything together nicely. Do I want to see their FIP Heavyweight Title match at the next FIP show now...?

Edited by gadgetboy
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DDD - just noticed your sig. I'd say that this year, Steen and Generico and even Richards and Romero have been having better matches in ROH. ROH's inability to keep the latter team together makes me sad, as they gelled much better as a team than either Richards or Romero with Roderick Strong.

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Well, bear in mind I'm only up to Double Feature at the moment. The list will evolve as I watch more shows

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