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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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Jesse Neal would be a fine addition to the ROH roster. He's a talented worker with a standout look, and who has a great backstory to exploit. Even bring in someone like Harry Smith or John Morrison, just because they will get decent matches out of the current lot, but people will know who they are. You could build the company around MVP. Somebody people know of, who can fit with their style. Davey Richards shouldnt be the champion of any promotion who wants to stand out.


Thing is though, ROH is on a shoe string. They cant afford to hire a bloke who knows when to inform the commentators the show is on the air, let alone someone who can invest in an outfit that doesnt scream "short bloke desperate to come across as a real sportsman".

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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ROH issue seems to be whilst easily picking sombody who was the wrestling ability nailed down, who for the most part the ROH fans deem worthy enough to be the next champion, they always either rush it...... or completely cock it up.


Richards got picked as the next big thing, regardless of the fact he hadent really done anything big time in ROH, barring a decent tag team run, but nothing huge singles wise really. Regardless of this, they stuck him in matches with Tyler, in which he lost 2-3 times in a row to him. Richards then on paper looked Cack compared to ROH champ Tyler black. Tyler lost to Strong, who won as a sort of work around as Black was leaving. And again of course Richards lost to him, because of the timing/booking etc. This of course led to Edwards winning, then loosing to Richards, who now is beating everybody.


I'm a non hard-core ROH fan, i keep up with the product from results and the odd videowire on the website (i used to watch during 2005-06 via TWC etc), but to guys like me, on paper its Champion looks terrible, and i dont really understand why he was given the belt. In WWE, if a push tends to nose dive, they'll carry on with the story but with sombody else (See Orton/Batistas first title run).

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With Richards it seemed the fans really bought into him, his persona and whole "I train, I hunt, I win" vibe. He played a tough bastard (today's standards) during his American Wolves run but the way they book champions can be pretty harmful. Too many defenses and far too long reigns the attitude that every ROH champ should fight every challenger and hold the belt for ages is damaging, especially when the fans cry out for a long run then complain that they have gone stale.


The problem is also what makes ROH kinda cool is the fan interaction and involvement, naming teams, naming DVDs and influencing the title contenders. Yes that last part happens in all promotions if a guy is hot and drawing in decent crowds the belt really should be on him or he should be near it. But it got to the point before the SBG buyout and the forum shutting down where it was like certain fans were trying to take the booking and company hostage. Total fucking hissy fits along the lines of "If X,Y & Z happens, we riot!"


Also it won't help when your champ swans off to Japan to live out his Puro fighting sprit fetish. Fuck and I used to like old American Wolf style Richards, granted this has allowed Steen to run off some great material! Which probably has been due to them taking notice of how Richard's current gimmick/attitude aint going down so great.


Any shit spelling/grammar I apologise, typing on phone on my lunch.

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ROH News nicked from PWI Insider


Rhino will return to Ring of Honor at April 7th tapings in Baltimore.


- CHIKARA talents are scheduled to appear at the April 7th TV tapings.


- There will be a Lance Storm promo on ROH TV to build to his iPPV match against Mike Bennett.


- ROH returns to Richmond, VA on May 19th at the Greater Richond Convention Center.


- ROH returns to New York City on June 24th for the "Best in the World 2010" show, which is likely going to be an iPPV.


Here are the updated iPPV cards for the WrestleMania weekend shows, which can be ordered here

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In the mainstream promotions, he was a solid midcard hand with good technical ability. In other words, he was an ideal fit for the dream match with Danielson when ROH first used him, and as a fan favourite in Canada, I enjoyed his interactions with Chris Hero. I've no interest whatsoever in him trying to drag Mike Bennett to a decent in-ring performance, though.

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