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just seen DD9 and gateway to honor and i must say the product is flat as a pancake.


the old roh even under the guide ants of old Adam had 1or2 top class bouts. but now the plan seems to be the longer the better i think 45 minute match's are OK when done spareingly. but all time


the storyline development is not there at all the steen thing is very good but apart from that every things just bland and dull. when compared to chikara theres only 1 winner.

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What's Joe V Punk II like?


Recently bought ROH Take No Prisoners 2008. Look's like a decent card. Please don't add any spoilers to any 2 events on here, cheers.

Joe vs Punk II is a massive match in ROH history, I also really like the Shelley vs Jacobs I Quit match underneath.


Take No Prisoners 2008 was one of Gabe's last highlights as booker, but perhaps started his downfall.

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People talk about about people in WWE looking generic and cookie cutter, well in ROH the main event scene looks exactly the same.




Richards has the belt, so I know which one that is., But the other two are fucking identical. Mike Bennett should bleach his hair and take his rightful place above those three.

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Richards has the belt, so I know which one that is., But the other two are fucking identical. Mike Bennett should bleach his hair and take his rightful place above those three.


I'm not sure what to make of Bennett right now. I don't think he's as bad as people say, but he's still fairly boring. That said, he has a cracking look and has charisma to spare. MIGHT be a bit soon for him as a top guy, but if it's ahead of Davey Richards I wouldn't complain too much.


I'd love to see Eddie Edwards with the belt back even if he IS bland as a character. I love watching the guy wrestle. Never been too hot on Roderick Strong though. I reckon the next champ will be Steen though, so don't give either guy a chance.

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Richards has the belt, so I know which one that is., But the other two are fucking identical. Mike Bennett should bleach his hair and take his rightful place above those three.


I'm not sure what to make of Bennett right now. I don't think he's as bad as people say, but he's still fairly boring. That said, he has a cracking look and has charisma to spare. MIGHT be a bit soon for him as a top guy, but if it's ahead of Davey Richards I wouldn't complain too much.


I'd love to see Eddie Edwards with the belt back even if he IS bland as a character. I love watching the guy wrestle. Never been too hot on Roderick Strong though. I reckon the next champ will be Steen though, so don't give either guy a chance.

I'm only just about to start working my way through (the most significant entries in) ROH's 2011 output, but I like what I've seen from Mike Bennett so far. He offers something completely different to the rest of the roster and stands out from the rest who all try to wrestle the same style.


The main event scene in ROH comes over as so very stale. I mean, it's been limited to various combinations of Strong-Edwards-Richards now since late 2010, and they are about to headline yet again on the next iPPV in March 2012. Sounds obvious, but they need to find new faces that click with the audience and can be considered credible headliners pretty damn fast.

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People talk about about people in WWE looking generic and cookie cutter, well in ROH the main event scene looks exactly the same.




Richards has the belt, so I know which one that is., But the other two are fucking identical. Mike Bennett should bleach his hair and take his rightful place above those three.

But Bennett can't work the ROH style~!


You're well and truly on the mark with Bennett, Red trunks, blonde hair and white boots. He would look absolute money! I like the way him and Maria co-ordinate their gear, looks nice and professional.

I have noticed pretty much every bloke in ROH is a white lad with short brown/black hair, they need a bit more variety.

Edited by jackhennessey
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I'm still not sure on Bennett. Character wise he has it but his matches are just generally 'meh'. Even when in the ring with somebody like TJP who makes everybody look good, he fails to shine. I'm not one of the 'omg he sucks' brigade but I think he has a lot of improving to do before he gets anywhere near the main event.


In terms of the main event, it does need freshening up, but who's out there? There's nobody in the US who could come in full-time and fit right into the top of the card, or at least I can't think of any. On a positive note, they are pushing the likes of Elgin and Cole who IMO will be consistently near the top of the card by the end of the year.

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Surely that's just Roderick Strong photoshopped in twice.


Roderick Strong can't actually be photographed. It just comes up as a beige-ish blur.


I'm digging the use of Elgin and Cole.. see both these lads stand out a bit aswell, got the mini tank Elgin and his ace mullet and Coles got those ace trunks (and white boots!) I could definitely seeing them fellas holding titles in the next 2 years.

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In terms of the main event, it does need freshening up, but who's out there? There's nobody in the US who could come in full-time and fit right into the top of the card, or at least I can't think of any.


Chris Masters could if he was on his 2011 form with ease. Luke Gallows has been pulling up trees with his work over the past year as well, apparently. No rules saying it has to be a Faux-epic bore like they have at the top currently. They'd be different, they'#re solid, and they know how wrestling matches work and wouldn't go fucking long all the time. 19 times out of 20 if a match is longer than 20 minutes then it is longer than it needs to be, you should be able to fit your story in that amount of time. The ROH upper card need to learn that.

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