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ROH should man up and do a space ship theme if they are in Center Stage. If they don't have metallic doors that go WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH I'll well kick off.


Also, they should get Craig Pittman on a one shot seeing as it's Center Stage. He'd actually do pretty well in a mat wrestling style if they could find someone who could roll with him, and he was always well over in there.

Edited by ButchReedMark
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Fuck it, the Final Battle PPV was less than a tenner and there was more really exciting action than any WWE PPV I'd watched for ages. I just dont seem to care about most of their guys anymore, or who wins the matches. I'll get both ROH's PPVs probably.


I'll still get WrestleMania admittedly. C'mon, it's WrestleMania.


Oh and I didnt see these posted so here are the taping results from last night.


(1) El Generico & Colt Cabana beat The Bravado Brothers, Generico pinning Harlem after a brainbuster.

(2) Steve Corino pinned Devon Storm with an abdominal stretch pin.

(3) Marker Dillinger vs Mark Sterling went to a no-contest when Michael Elgin interfered.

(4) Homicide pinned Mark Briscoe after a top rope Ace Crusher.

(5) Kyle O'Reilly beat Jonathan Gresham with a triangle hold with elbow strikes.

(6) Michael Elgin pinned Bobby Dempsey after a powerbomb.

(7) World Television Champion Chris Daniels pinned Devon Storm after the Best Moonsault Ever.

(8) Andy Ridge pinned Grizzly Redwood after a superkick when Redwood jumped off the top rope.

(9) Mike Bennett pinned Adam Cole after a half nelson slam.

(10) Claudio Castagnoli pinned Rhett Titus after a big boot.

(11) Kenny King pinned Chris Hero with a jacknife pin.

Edited by air_raid_crash
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So while ROH have announced both of their Mania shows will be iPPV's well ahead of time, today DG USA's shows THIS Friday and Saturday have appeared on the site with ZERO advertisement from DG USA officially yet.


If the shows are iPPV's....... Why decide at the very last minute before you can even start letting your own fanbase know this????

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Todays results :


(1) The Bravado Brothers beat Bobby Dempsey & Grizzly Redwood.

(2) Kyle O'Reilly pinned Michael Elgin with a cradle.

(3) Mike Bennett pinned Andy Ridge after a half nelson slam.

(4) Davey Richards beat Tony Kozina by stoppage.

(5) Roderick Strong won a four-corners over Homicide, El Generico and Jay Briscoe, pinning Briscoe after a brainbuster from Generico.

(6) Rhett Titus pinned Adam Cole.

(7) Colt Cabana beat Caleb Konley with an inverted crab.

(8) World Television Champion Chris Daniels pinned Kenny King after Abgel's Wings.

(9) Tomasso Ciampa pinned Mike Sydal after a powerbomb onto the knees.

(10) Mike Bennett pinned Kyle O'Reilly after a half nelson slam.

(11) Davey Richards & The Briscoes beat Roderick Strong, Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli, Richards making Strong submit with a reverse figure four with ankle lock.


Last match was apparently 30 minutes-ish and quality.

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(11) Kenny King pinned Chris Hero with a jacknife pin.



11.) Special Challenge Match: Kenny King beats Chris Hero with a jackknife cradle...and gets a beatdown for his efforts at the hands of the Kings of Wrestling. Security came out but didn't end up being much help. El Generico and Colt Cabana made the save. Generico fistbumps Rhett and King!


ANX turning face, will be interesting, personally wouldn't do it as they are both natural heels. I can't see the fans cheering them over the KOW.


Who is Johnathan Gresham? he was the mystery entrant in the Top prospect tournament, Ive not heard of him, is he any good?

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He sounds like the hybrid of two WWE commentators, doesn't he?


Supercard of Honor V - Manhattan, NY - 8/5/10


Rhett Titus & Kenny King vs The Briscoes - Straight into the action here in a big way. The NYC crowd are particularly rabid. King and Titus look as good as ever in this one and on a level equal to the Briscoes for the most part. As has been the theme for them lately though, one bit of miscommunication is all it takes for a loss, as King takes out Titus with a misplaced kick and the Briscoes then nail King with the Doomsday Device for the pin at 12:54. A real good opener.


Grizzly Redwood vs Erick Stevens - as much as Redwood hits some cute spots here to send Stevens flying about a bit, and even took out the entire Embassy contingent at one point, this match has pretty much worn out its welcome by the time Stevens hit the Doctor Bomb for the pin at 6:47. In a bizarre retro moment, Redwood is saved from a post-match beatdown by Balls Mahoney. I have no problems with ROH using Balls, but it actually seemed like a waste here. Still, it got a nice pop.


Sara Del Rey vs Amazing Kong - This was not as good a match as I was expecting, and certainly didn't live up to the hype. Kong is clearly not at the level she used to be in the majority of her TNA run and her earlier SHIMMER appearances. I didn't like the finish either, as Death Rey used Hero's loaded elbow pad to score a pin by Knockout (get it?) at 7:15. I worry about the later matches in the feud which have all been labelled as inferior...


Eddie Edwards vs Christopher Daniels - Another huge crowd reaction for the NYC ROH return of Daniels. Neither his newly won Pick Six spot or Edwards' TV title are on the line in what I thought turned out to be a fine technical match. Loads of good counter wrestling and some fine efforts by Edwards to build to the Achilles lock. It's to be Daniels' night though as he wins more or less out of nowhere with the BME at 17:51. Really good stuff.


Austin Aries vs Delirious - What's billed as a Grudge Match is actually more of an angle, as Aries comes out dressed in a suit and tries to use his newly attained manager's licence to back out of wrestling. Delirious is having none of that, and attacks, but then gets DQed for choking Aries and not letting go at just 2:25. Titus and King come out and try to help Aries but eventually Delirious runs them off with the ring bell. OK as an angle, not good at all as a match.


34th Street Death Match: Kevin Steen vs Colt Cabana - Now this is more like it. In fact, this is basically a one-on-one continuation of the Streetfight at BFSE2, this time under Last Man Standing rules. Cabana not doing any shenanigans whatsoever and going straight into warfare mode is definitely a good thing. Both men batter each other with the guard rails, chairs, a ladder, tables, drawing pins and, after Generico's music hits and a masked Colby Corino distracts Cabana from polishing Steen off, Steve Corino introduces a barbed wire baseball bat. Cabana manages to take out Corino, but walks into a package piledriver for a nine count, then Steen locks him in the crossface and Corino adds the barbed wire bat to the mix, and Cabana fails to answer the count at 14:23. Apparently there was enough violence there that thumbtacks and the barbed wire bat were banned from New York for the Final Battle Steen vs Generico match. Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself - this was a cracking dose of violence and the angle with Colby was a good twist to the Steen vs Generico saga on an event that Generico wasn't even on...


ROH World Tag Team Titles: The Kings of Wrestling vs The Motor City Machine Guns - One of the problems of reviewing these DVDs several months after the actual show is that sometimes you remember things like screwy finishes and political situations affecting matches before you get to see the actual match. In this case, even if I didn't remember that TNA had decreed that the Machine Guns couldn't be pinned or submitted here, the commentary team telegraphed the outcome. They've been banging on so much on every show since the Big Bang match where the Kings of Wrestling defeated the Briscoes for the titles, about how the Briscoes were screwed by the Kings and how the Briscoes deserved to be part of this match, that the Briscoes run-in at the end it seemed simply inevitable. Anyway, there's 20 minutes plus of world class tag team action here, but it's all for naught when Sara Del Rey distracts the ref, Hero puts on the loaded elbow pad, and here come the Briscoes for the DQ at 22:07. Even after Del Rey takes a Jay Driller, we still get left with the Briscoes standing in the ring as the crowd booes. That ain't good folks. It's a shame something couldn't be worked out, as there was plenty of stuff in the match that could have led to great Hero vs Shelley and Claudio vs Sabin singles encounters, and the Guns don't react in any way to hint at MCMG vs Briscoes III. Great match, if you can overlook the finish.


In a bizarre segment that for me probably required a translator, Austin Aries gets advice (I think, anyway) backstage on being a manager from Julius Smokes. Since when were Aries and Smokes friends anyway?


ROH World Title: Tyler Black vs Roderick Strong - This has to go down as a disappointing World title match. The action is solid enough, but I think the blame has to go to Tyler for not having the act of a World champion here. Strong is clearly the big fan favourite, and when he gets a negative reaction at the outset Tyler just looks bemused. Unlike a Bryan Danielson or Nigel McGuinness, who gained a champions confidence on winning the belt, Tyler still wrestles like an underdog challenger, with Roderick bossing the match for large parts. That would be fine if the crowd had any interest in getting behind Tyler, but they don't. So, the first 23 minutes of this 27:10 encounter feature watchable enough wrestling, but the crowd (who were hot at the introductions) largely sit on their hands. It takes referee Todd Sinclair getting superkicked to bing drama into the match, and there's two more ref bumps in the next minute and a half before Sinclair revives enough to resume. Strong gets a very close nearfall with a combination ending in the Gibson Driver, but it's still clearly only two, and Tyler then wins more or less out of nowhere with a superplex into a cradle. The crowd understandably don't react much, as there's certainly been much hotter finishing sequences in previous, shorter encounters between these two. Strong slaps Tyler rather than uphold the post-match handshake, and there's a pull apart, and the DVD then finishes on a backstage Strong promo teasing his alignment with Truth Martini.


Overall, Supercard of Honor V is probably the best and most noteworthy of the four shows from that weekend, beating out the DGUSA show from the same day, but it has it's flaws in the main event and the two DQ finishes for certain. DVD run time is 2 hours, 51 minutes.

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Fuck it, the Final Battle PPV was less than a tenner and there was more really exciting action than any WWE PPV I'd watched for ages. I just dont seem to care about most of their guys anymore, or who wins the matches. I'll get both ROH's PPVs probably.


I'll still get WrestleMania admittedly. C'mon, it's WrestleMania.


Oh and I didnt see these posted so here are the taping results from last night.


(1) El Generico & Colt Cabana beat The Bravado Brothers, Generico pinning Harlem after a brainbuster.

(2) Steve Corino pinned Devon Storm with an abdominal stretch pin.

(3) Marker Dillinger vs Mark Sterling went to a no-contest when Michael Elgin interfered.

(4) Homicide pinned Mark Briscoe after a top rope Ace Crusher.

(5) Kyle O'Reilly beat Jonathan Gresham with a triangle hold with elbow strikes.

(6) Michael Elgin pinned Bobby Dempsey after a powerbomb.

(7) World Television Champion Chris Daniels pinned Devon Storm after the Best Moonsault Ever.

(8) Andy Ridge pinned Grizzly Redwood after a superkick when Redwood jumped off the top rope.

(9) Mike Bennett pinned Adam Cole after a half nelson slam.

(10) Claudio Castagnoli pinned Rhett Titus after a big boot.

(11) Kenny King pinned Chris Hero with a jacknife pin.



Todays results :


(1) The Bravado Brothers beat Bobby Dempsey & Grizzly Redwood.

(2) Kyle O'Reilly pinned Michael Elgin with a cradle.

(3) Mike Bennett pinned Andy Ridge after a half nelson slam.

(4) Davey Richards beat Tony Kozina by stoppage.

(5) Roderick Strong won a four-corners over Homicide, El Generico and Jay Briscoe, pinning Briscoe after a brainbuster from Generico.

(6) Rhett Titus pinned Adam Cole.

(7) Colt Cabana beat Caleb Konley with an inverted crab.

(8) World Television Champion Chris Daniels pinned Kenny King after Abgel's Wings.

(9) Tomasso Ciampa pinned Mike Sydal after a powerbomb onto the knees.

(10) Mike Bennett pinned Kyle O'Reilly after a half nelson slam.

(11) Davey Richards & The Briscoes beat Roderick Strong, Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli, Richards making Strong submit with a reverse figure four with ankle lock.


Last match was apparently 30 minutes-ish and quality.


These shows look very weak bar the second nights main...

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In fairness the tv was always loaded with squash matches.


The tapings also included Davey saying if he didnt win his next World title match, he would never challenge for it again. The announced Richards v Cabana for 9YAS. Prince Nana unveiled his new Embassy featuring Ciampa as the crown jewel.


The Top Prospect tournament is a decent way to introduce new faces even though it was bleeding obvious Bennett would win from his interactions with Daniels. Bennett had words with Steve Corino, who had been saying all along that O'Reilly would win, then attacked him.


Corino also put over Generico saying he was in for big things this year after what he went through the last year with Steen. Generico also gave "fist bumps" to King and Titus after helping them clear out the Kings, which the ROHbots have interpreted as officially marking the ANE face turn.

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In fairness the tv was always loaded with squash matches.


The tapings also included Davey saying if he didnt win his next World title match, he would never challenge for it again. The announced Richards v Cabana for 9YAS. Prince Nana unveiled his new Embassy featuring Ciampa as the crown jewel.


The Top Prospect tournament is a decent way to introduce new faces even though it was bleeding obvious Bennett would win from his interactions with Daniels. Bennett had words with Steve Corino, who had been saying all along that O'Reilly would win, then attacked him.


Corino also put over Generico saying he was in for big things this year after what he went through the last year with Steen. Generico also gave "fist bumps" to King and Titus after helping them clear out the Kings, which the ROHbots have interpreted as officially marking the ANE face turn.


It was a poor response to the results on my part, extremely hanging today. I believe these are the last set of taping so i dont know where they would go with any of it anyway. They havent got another network yet so i doubt these shows will be anything but hype for the Wrestlemania weekend iPPV shows when they air. With them coming of HDNet, i dont think its wise to give away any free decent matches in the run up to the iPPV, so its more reason to buy the iPPVs. From Daveys comments i fully expect him to take the title at WM weekend. With ANX turning maybe the Briscoes will finally turn heel and make them watchable again, as i feel they have become very stale in the last 2 years. Another Crown Jewel, yawn. I think your right about Bennett due to his interaction with Daniels.

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In fairness the tv was always loaded with squash matches.


The tapings also included Davey saying if he didnt win his next World title match, he would never challenge for it again. The announced Richards v Cabana for 9YAS. Prince Nana unveiled his new Embassy featuring Ciampa as the crown jewel.


The Top Prospect tournament is a decent way to introduce new faces even though it was bleeding obvious Bennett would win from his interactions with Daniels. Bennett had words with Steve Corino, who had been saying all along that O'Reilly would win, then attacked him.


Corino also put over Generico saying he was in for big things this year after what he went through the last year with Steen. Generico also gave "fist bumps" to King and Titus after helping them clear out the Kings, which the ROHbots have interpreted as officially marking the ANE face turn.


It was a poor response to the results on my part, extremely hanging today. I believe these are the last set of taping so i dont know where they would go with any of it anyway. They havent got another network yet so i doubt these shows will be anything but hype for the Wrestlemania weekend iPPV shows when they air. With them coming of HDNet, i dont think its wise to give away any free decent matches in the run up to the iPPV, so its more reason to buy the iPPVs. From Daveys comments i fully expect him to take the title at WM weekend. With ANX turning maybe the Briscoes will finally turn heel and make them watchable again, as i feel they have become very stale in the last 2 years. Another Crown Jewel, yawn. I think your right about Bennett due to his interaction with Daniels.


Haven't seen anything of Thomasso Ciampa, but if its booked anything like Embassy 04-05 then it could work. The 2009-10 version was terrible, god knows what they were trying to achieve with the faction then but it didnt do its members (Ryan, Stevens) any favours.


The Briscoes have been so much better to watch this past year or so, thats definately due to the KOW reforming and the emergence of ANX. Im looking forward to the Briscoes vs. Haas/Benjamin though. I dont think Pearce had any idea what to do with them though, much like the Embassy.


I hate the stip of if he doesnt win his next World title match, he will never challenge for it again. It pretty much guarantees he will win and that will be the second World title change in a row that we see coming.

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Solid review of SCOH5 Gadge. The finish to the MCMG/ Kings match was such a let down, and was probably one of the reasons Pearce got the boot. The original plan was for the Kings to go over, until TNA rang up on the Friday and said the Guns couldn't job. So you do a 30 minute draw, tease five more minutes, and THEN the Briscoes run in and clean house. Instead they did that stupid DQ and the Briscoes got booed out of the building.

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