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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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I'd love to see him wrestle Colt Cabana one last time - 60 minute Iron Man match to make up for the match that got fucked due to Danielson's shoulder injury. To be honest I've seen him and Aries wrestle so many times that I can't get particularly excited over that being his last match. Trouble is, who else can you book him against? McGuinness vs Dragon has been done to death, Samoa Joe's let himself go so much there's no point bringing him in...maybe Homicide wouldn't have been a bad idea as a one off, or KENTA.


I've read that Aries' title reign is supposed to be pretty good, but to me putting the belt on a former champs is a step backwards - it says "we havn't built up anyone else to carry belt" too much.


Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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I've read that Aries' title reign is supposed to be pretty good, but to me putting the belt on a former champs is a step backwards - it says "we havn't built up anyone else to carry belt" too much.


It was always inevitable though. "Who will be the first 2 time champion?" has always been a story underpinning all former world title holders in the company for years now. I asssume it would hvae been done under a more interesting story if Gabe was still booking, but it was always bound to happen

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I think some are, but just appreciate that Danielson went to europe and came back with more character skills. It's not like they have actual footage of ASW shows to dissect and understand exactly how that style works.


ROH on HDNet - Episode 12


I already typed thoughts on this once, and then lost it, so may cut this one short. I haven't been watching the TV show lately, as I've been trying to catch up on the DVDs, but having seen up to episode 11 I figured I could at least finish off the 2nd set of tapings, and see the first World Title match on HDNet.


This was aired on June 6th (which makes me 10 weeks behind on the YouTube lists... I should add, as I'm watching on the computer, this'll be more live thoughts than my usual post-DVD viewing reviews)


Colt 'Boom Boom' Cabana and Brent Albright vs Claudio Castagnoli and 'Dirty' Ernie Osiris - This is Colt's first match on HDNet. There's some funny interplay between Cabana and Brent 'Straight Man' Albright on the smacktalk segment. Cabana's music gets a nice pop. Osiris being involved in the match is a bad joke. Claudio doesn't want to lock up with Albright. I wish he'd never locked up with Albright. Colt shows his stuff against Claudio ever so briefly then makes Osiris tap to the Billy Goats Curse in just 4:40. Give Claudio a decent partner and the match ten minutes next time please.


The build up for the four way World Title match on previous episodes has been quite smart, and a batch of interviews are I think replayed as one segment here.


Bobby Dempsey vs Sal Rinauro - compared to the last DVD match I saw, with him and Steenerico vs Chris Hero and the American Wolves, which in real time I think was about 6 weeks earlier, Dempsey has more ring prescence though he's playing a different role. I can't comment on his repertoire, as Big Bad Bobby and his Death Valley Driver = a three count in just 46 seconds.


Ric Flair cuts an interview with Dave Prazak and Mike Hogewood 'via satellite' (ie two halves spliced together) that puts over the World Title match quite well for 2-3 minutes, then puts over Flair's ability near the end and Flair just seems to be dying to get back into the ring. I don't think that was quite the point...


Jerry Lynn vs Bryan Danielson vs Austin Aries vs Tyler Black - the World Title being on the line has quite rightly been built as the biggest match so far on HDNet. Lynn gets mostly boos on his entrance, which is extremely harsh based on his 2009 stuff I've seen. There's a split screen in the early going that puts a similar effect TNA use to shame in terms of the action being watchable on both screens.


Unfortunately, the first ten minutes or so are pretty crap. There's no flow or momentum, the match is Tornado rules and would have worked much better as a traditional ROH Four Corner Survival. They push the Danielson-Black draws and rivalry in the early going, but the Aries character steals the show. A Tyler flurry finally helps the pace pick up and things actually feel like a proper ROH match. They revisit the Danielson-Black dive to the floor - double countout spot from their second TV match, but with Aries in the ring encouraging the countout. Surely he couldn't win the title like that anyway? The count is broken by Lynn at 19, and he's booed harder. Then Danielson and Aries get simultaneous Cattle Mutilation and Last Chancery submissions on Lynn and Black, and the crowd chant "someone tap" to encourage a title change.


Things do become pretty good in the last few minutes with multi man spots and then finishers are hit for dramatic nearfalls, but there's still a feeling of something missing between spots. Finally, Danielson goes for Cattle Mutilation on Aries, but as he flips over, Lynn grabs his waist and hits the Cradle Pilediver for three just before Black can save at 21:39. The crowd really don't like that much.


The TV coverage continues as they then spend five minutes covering the aftermath of the match, with Danielson doing a tremendous sell job of the piledriver after effects, and Lynn looking frustrated at his lack of support being put over on commentary. This cements the value of the title and the effort put in by everyone involved pretty well. It's just a shame that the match was really not good for the first half, and felt like it was missing something almost all the way through.


Overall, by this point the TV show is starting to mature, but clearly has places to go yet. This episode is watchable, but not great.

Edited by gadgetboy
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Just watched episode 22 of the show on HD Net.



Fair opening match with Stenerico beating Tony Kozina and Samo Callihan. Kozina humorously (and I think deliberately) falls over while attempting to leap over the top rope for a ring entry. Nothing else to really report, the package piledriver/brainbuster combo in succession win it.


D-Lo Brown beat a jobber (John Kermin) which had me longing to see Alex Payne in the match. Kermin was abysmal. At one point he just back bumped for no reason and when taking the Sky High off the middle rope, had no facial expression to put the move or D-Lo Brown over with. Post match interview has Brown making disparaging remarks about Jerry Lynn and his age.


Jerry Lynn then interrupts Tyler Black during his mic time to announce his slowing down, or semi retirement.


Austin Aries and Roderick Strong was the main event which started out fair with but really picked up towards the end where the incredible transitions and counters peaked. I'm looking forward to seeing title defenses from A double, may even shell out on some DVD's for them.

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HeHe. It be interesting if the ROH crowd's did behave as though they were at a Russian barndance - it would make a change from chanting "this is awesome" every 20 minutes anyway

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I really can't remember the last ROH show I saw with the crowd chanting "This Is Awesome" every 20 minutes. Even TNA's TV show doesn't get the chant that often, mainly because the average 20 minutes of that show doesn't feature any in-ring action at all. Still, there's something of a point there I guess.


Anyway... trouble in Detroit possible/trouble in Canada averted...


September 2nd: Due to the possible closing of the Michigan State Fairgrounds related to budget issues in the state of Michigan, Ring of Honor has moved the event originally scheduled for December 4th to Friday, November 13th. The event will take place at our new home in the Detroit area, the Rock Financial Showplace, 46100 Grand River Avenue, Novi, MI 48374. This great building is easily accessible from I-96. All tickets for the December 4th date will be honored on November 13th. As a result of this development, we regret to announce that the November 13th event in Windsor, Ontario has been canceled. For those who purchased tickets please contact rohtickets@aol.com for refund information. We apologize to our great fans in Canada and will still be running our event in Mississauga on November 14th.


The "War for Windsor" was over before it even started as the scheduled 11/13 event there (with Scott D'Amore's BCW also running a show there the same night) has been canceled with the date instead moved to Detroit, Michigan at the Rock Financial Showplace. This show will replace a planned 12/4 date at the Michigan State Fairgrounds as that venue may be closed shortly due to local budget cuts, so the 12/4 tickets will be valid on 11/13. The venue has been looking to get a wrestling promotion in there for some time and the move is considered a positive move as its in a far better neighborhood than the State Fairgrounds were.


The Michigan State Fairgrounds may have been in a very dodgy area, but the atmosphere was really fun there back at All Star Extravaganza III which I attended in 2007, and they've usually done good crowds there, so it'll be interesting to see how they draw in the new venue.

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I really can't remember the last ROH show I saw with the crowd chanting "This Is Awesome" every 20 minutes. Even TNA's TV show doesn't get the chant that often, mainly because the average 20 minutes of that show doesn't feature any in-ring action at all. Still, there's something of a point there I guess.


It was somewhat of an exaggeration...

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As for McGuinness, seeing as how the thread devoted to his departure seems to be attracting a large amount of dickheads, I'll post my response here. It's kind of ironic - we were all braced for Dragon and Nigel to leave in May, and when it didn't happen it was a case of "phew". Happening as it has now, I think it's more of a blow than if it had happened then. It's not like ROH hasn't had time to build up new talent....I really think this is the end for ROH, unless they turn things around sharpish. For me personally, I guess it gives me more time to watch UFC - unless TNA gets it's act together.... End of an era.


How is that thread full of "dickheads" when most say the same as you, ROH are gonna struggle with the loss of yet more talent who were main event level there, but yet would like McGuinness to succeed and move on and make some good money with any luck but have some skepticism over it in WWE?



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