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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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Watched Die Hard 4 last night. Thankfully the Mrs got me the 2 disc edition, my mates who saw the theatrical version told me there was no swearing. McLaine wouldn't be the same without Yipee-kay-yay Motherfucker IMO. It was awesome btw, there can't be a finer action series.There's an outstanding song by a band called Guyz Nite in the extra's too. It's about the Die Hard series as a whole

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Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer


I've just finished watching this on Sky Premiere, after remembering a

for it in the cinema and being intrigued by what little was shown. You pretty much know what to expect after reading the title, with the addition of a unique story and some dark humour/odd twists. I'd definitely say it's worth watching and would probably watch it again, just curious as to what other people make of it.
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Perfume: The Story Of A MurdererI've just finished watching this on Sky Premiere, after remembering a

for it in the cinema and being intrigued by what little was shown. You pretty much know what to expect after reading the title, with the addition of a unique story and some dark humour/odd twists. I'd definitely say it's worth watching and would probably watch it again, just curious as to what other people make of it.
I saw this a while back, not a bad film but not as dark as it needed to be, although I did like it.Ben Whishaw is great in the lead, although apparently in the book he is meant to be really gross and disfigured, not an example of the FHM generation.Oh yeah, the execution scene at the end does tarnish the whole film.
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I can't be the only person in the history of the world who enjoyed '...At World's End?'Sure, Kiera Knightley and Orlando Bloom can't act; But i knew that already. I've heard people claim that it was too preposterous and convuluted, i knew that too...that's why I liked the series in the first place. It's a better film than the second (which I liked, too) but not as good as the first (which isn't an insult). Fine film all round, I thought. Bill Nighy?! Geoffrey Rush?! Johnny Depp?! ...Swashbuckling?!AWESOME.The year long action scene at the end was epic, too. Daft as a box of frogs, but fantastic nonetheless.

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Death Note - based on a popular manga, good little movie but the story suffered a bit from being only part of a storyline which carries over into the second film (which I hope to get watched sometime this week).


Bourne Ultimatum - end was a little weak but otherwise a good final part of the trilogy.


Boyz N The Hood - picked up the special edition DVD for a fiver, still as good as I remembered from seeing it when it first came out.


Severance - good old fashioned gory horror fun, got slagged off by plenty of reviewers but I enjoyed it.


NCIS Season 4 - can't get enough of this show, blitzes CSI but can't seem to get anyone else to convert.

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I can't be the only person in the history of the world who enjoyed '...At World's End?'Sure, Kiera Knightley and Orlando Bloom can't act; But i knew that already. I've heard people claim that it was too preposterous and convuluted, i knew that too...that's why I liked the series in the first place. It's a better film than the second (which I liked, too) but not as good as the first (which isn't an insult). Fine film all round, I thought. Bill Nighy?! Geoffrey Rush?! Johnny Depp?! ...Swashbuckling?!AWESOME.The year long action scene at the end was epic, too. Daft as a box of frogs, but fantastic nonetheless.

I enjoyed it, not as good as the first one, though way better than the 2nd one. Orlando has come on leaps and bounds since LOTR but is still not a great actor, but JD is awesome as usual, its a fun film to watch though.
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korean movie Bloody Reunion.Good movie which is a story about a group of young adults travelling back to their old school grounds to meet the teacher they grew up with but as they do, a series of old grudges and feelings come up when they all remember the abuse she gave to them as children and how cruel she was. One by one they get brutally slaughtered by a mysterious guy who in one horrible scene pins the eyes of one of the guys eye lids down, holds his mouth open with rusty pliers then poors down his mouth a ton of rusty nails, some pins then boiled water which is quite graphic..Very violent but has a really strong story behind it to, with a HUGE and shocking twist at the end i never saw coming!Hong Kong film Yu Huns Trainbeautiful film with Gong Li about a woman who is in love with a poet but ends up having an affair with a docter because of theway he acted and how he changed towards her, but she relised the mistake and wasent at all comfertable with the manshe was seeing and eventually was going to go back to the poet.Very nice movie, very passionate and a lot of incredibly scenerayis used in this which is really beautiful to watch.

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Got quite a few dvd's for xmas. Wont go into much detail about the ones i've watched.The Business- Nick Love's follow up to Football Factory. Usual suspects in this, such as Tammer Hassan and Danny Dyer. I know not everybody likes Nick Love's films but i really enjoyed this film. Shot beautifully, it makes full use of the setting in Spain. Good story about the rise and fall of "The Playboy" and Kid Frankie. Well acted by most of the cast and Danny Dyer does his usual. Special mention the guy who played Sammy who i enjoyed very much. Not a classic, but a decent enough lads movie with plety of dark humour. Was suprised to find out the budget was only 2 million, but their intent was to make it look like it cost more than it actually did, and i think they suceeded. 7/10Fight Club- We've all seen it, we all know it's a classic. Cant moan about anything too much with this film at all really! 9/10.Terminator 2- What a film!. Forgot how much i loved this film. Still chokes me up at the end 9/10

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I saw Zodiac the other night and was really blown away by it, really great film. Seeing Jake Gyllenhaal and Robert Downey Jnr just riff off each was excellent (what a year Downey had for great films in 2007). Also Mark Ruffalo as the detective was really great, this film wouldn't have worked without the brillant cast. The film is as much about the people hunting the Zodiac murderer and how the case changed them, than it is an actual dective story but it works beautifully. One of the best of 2007.

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Flags of Our FathersPrimarily a story about the picture that inspired the American War Memorial that was taken on Iwo Jima island during World War Two. The first part covers the invasion of the island and the incidents surrounding the lifting of the American flag, the second part of the film covers what happens when this is found, the soliders are taken off the island and made into 'heroes' to sell 'war bonds' to the american people. It's an interesting story I found to be quite critical of how the americans dealt with the war. It was almost as if they were trying every angle to screw more money out of the system and caring little about those they used to do it. Thought provoking movie, very bloody in places, the Japanese side of things wasn't covered at all which in a way was fair considering....Letters from Iwo JimaThis was the follow up to Flags of our Fathers. This film coveres the Japanese side of the war, and if the first wasn't quite as action packed as you expected, this film certainly is. From the Harsh captain beating his men to the benevolent General more worried about his men than they are about themselves. It covers the story from two primary characters, the General and one of the privates and you feel anchored to them as they go through hell trying to survive, along the way friends die, others surrender only to be treated badly by the enemy and you learn about their past as the story heads to it's conclusion. Entirely shot in Japanese by Clint Eastwood, I found this fascinating... I don't think a Japanese director would've got the recognition this film deserved, I don't even know if a Japanese director could've done it justice at all. Clint obviously is allowed to explore cowardice, bravery and empathy where it would've been looked over or made into a joke. Brilliant movie, Definately deserving it's Best Picture oscar.Letters was by far the better film to the two, watching them in the above order is really the only way to go though. Very well done movies and I recommend them.

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