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Guest DJM

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into the blue: pretty rubbish film. Paul Walker is boring and Jessica Alba has the acting range of a five year old at a nativity play.Match point: Supposedly, this is Woody Allen comeback film, but I'm not convinced. First of all, the plot is basically a rip off of Allen's earlier film crimes and misdemeanors, and the change in Johannson's character is baffling: she seems to change into some unstable, obsessive woman overnight. It doesn't make much sense. Also, without giving too much away, this film probably has the most incompetent police officers in movie history.

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Watched Pitch Black & The Chronicles of Riddick over the past two nights after getting them in the sales. I'd give PB 7/10 due to it being a decent action flick though it's a bit too much like Aliens. Riddick i'd give 8/10, this is my second viewing of it & now having seen PB before it alot of it now makes more sense.

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Taxi Driver


Vietnam vet Travis Bickle [Robert De Niro] is 26, a loner in the mean streets of New York City, slipping slowly into isolation and violent misanthropy. In solving his insomnia by driving a yellow cab on the night shift, he grows increasingly disgusted by the low-lifes that hang out at night: "Someday a real rain will come and wash all the scum off the streets." His touching attempts to woo Betsy, a Senator's campaign worker, turn sour when he takes her to a porn movie on their first date. He even fails in his attempt to persuade child prostitute Iris to desert her pimp and return to her parents and school. Driven to the edge by powerlessness, he buys four handguns and sets out to assassinate the Senator, heading for the infamy of a 'lone crazed gunman'...


This was Robert De Niro Martin Scorsese's first major picture, and in this single film they paved a film career for both of them. The film is gripping and effective in it's twisting of morals; constantly asking the question when does the hero become the villian and vice versa. De Niro holds the focus of the film at all time - taking in his stride and totally captivating the audience from the opening credits. New York city has never been shot so well, yet looking so terrible, the camera work is spot on and the direction is distinctive of the Sese's style.


This film is a masterpiece and is a very thoughtprovoking watch, defenitley recomended!




Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas


An adaptation of Hunter S. Thompson's novel of the same name. The film details a whacky search for the "American Dream", by Thompson and his crazed, Samoan lawyer. Fueled by the massive amount of drugs they purchased with an advance from a magazine to cover a sporting event in Vegas; they set out in the Red Shark. Encountering police, reporters, gamblers, racers, and hitchhikers; they search for some undefinable thing know only as the "American Dream" and find fear, loathing and hilarious adventures into the dementia of the modern American West.


This my least favourite Terry Gilliam film - but that doesn't mean its bad - its just not that great.


Sadly its another film which is trying to hard to be above it's station and doesn't deliever that poignant message that it is desperately digging for - instead we are left we an hour and a half of two Yank's taking drugs and hallucinating (with some great special effects).


Yes, Johnny Depp is very good in it and yes it is directed well by Gilliam but it feels static and unispaired - you get the impression some hollywood bigwig has read the novel (which is far far better) and not really got it.


Its not a terrible film at all - and it has lots of redeeming features - yet it can't drag itself out of medicore standards.


I would recomend you read Warren Ellis' Transmetropolitan graphic novels instead - a far better interpretation of Thompson's novels.



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Man, it's only January and I already have a spot in my top ten worst of 2007. This is beyond awful. I found myself laughing out loud during the finale, and for a film touted as one of the most violent ever, it's insanely tame. Slow, dull and amazingly pointless. Mel Gibson is absolutely mental though.

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Wow! Im shocked it turned out to be that bad. The trailer made it look awesome.. I guess they put all the best bits in the trailer itself then huh? Doubt I'll be catching this in the cinema anyway.. so what was so bad about it? (in spoilers of course..)

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It's incredibly pointless and has absolutely nothing to say. I didn't give a fuck about any of the characters, and why should I? They're very underdeveloped, and the lead guy has no personality. The only interesting thing about him is that he looks like Ronaldinho. The entire second half of the film is one big chase scene, and it's boring as fuck. There's little real action to speak of, just lots of procrastination and boredom. It's one thing if the non-action moments involve tension and character development, but they don't. There's a real sense of waiting for something big to happen, only it never comes. I felt like Milhouse in that episode of The Simpsons when they're watching Itchy & Scratchy and he bemoans, "When are they gonna get to the fireworks factory?!" . Spoileriffic ridiculousness:

Gibson can't resist giving his hero The Christ Wound (You know, stabbed in the side) and he completely no-sells this wound for about 90% of the time he has it. Sure he grimaces and moans in pain when he gets it, but he somehow manages to run for about two days with this deep wound in his side. And then when he gets a fucking arrow in the chest, he shakes that off too. In what has to be the most mental and hilarious moment of cinema in 2007, hero's wife (who is pregnant and stuck down a pit, whilst heavily pregnant) gives birth to her kid whilst submerged in water. She does this while standing, and Gibson actually shows the kid bursting out of her cunt, complete with umbilical cord, into the surrounding waters. It was at this point that I just couldn't contain myself anymore and broke down laughing. Mel is a mentalist.The "shocking violence" really isn't that bad at all. It's nothing you haven't seen before, and Gibson is so inept he actually manages to get laughs from what's supposed to be a big dramatic moment, when the hero avenges his father's murder by bludgeoning the main bad guy's head in. What could have been a real "yeah!" moment is turned into an aborted mess when Gibson randomly decides to have the guy's head spurt arterial blood in such comic fashion you have no choice but to laugh. Good job Mel.

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The Last King Of Scotland


Good, but not exactly enjoyable. Not as good as reviews and hype suggest. It's a bit overlong and drags accordingly. James McAvoy is fine as Garrigan, but the character is too much of a prick to really feel any sympathy. Forest Whitaker is excellent as the both charming and terrifying Idi Amin, and although his performance is highly acclaimed and quite brilliant, I just didn't get that "wow" feeling that I got from say, DiCaprio in The Departed. So yeah, it's a well-made film with some impressive moments, but a minor disappointment.


Smokin' Aces


Wow. From a minor disappointment to a major one, this is a film I've been dying to see for months and it just flat out sucked. The director's previous film is Narc, an excellently low-fi, downbeat cop thriller, but now he's gone all self-indulgent. This is the worst kind of Tarantino knock-off. I mean, it's even beneath the level of Guy Ritchie. The whole characters names appearing IN BIG LETTERS to introduce them style-over-substance shit is so five years ago and needs to just disappear for a while. There's no real point to the film, it makes no sense at all and believes it to be a lot more meaningful and interesting than it actually is. For a film that the previews made look frenetically paced, it's mind-numbingly slow. Also, character development is non-existant. Don't have 15 characters when you can only make one or two interesting, it dilutes the story in a major way. The dialogue is also sub-standard, and there's a strange amount of random wackiness (Jack from Lost in a pointless cameo as a security guard with a terrible wig, and a hyper karate-obsessed smack-talking kid are just two examples) and 'shocking just for the sake of it' moments, it all really amounts to nothing.


Really, with such a great cast (Ryan Reynolds is the only one here who really impresses, and that's mostly because he seems to think he's acting in a much more meaningful film, whilst Jeremy Piven, normally excellent, is shockingly poor in this) and some decent ideas, this could have been something really special, but instead it's just a massive failure.

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